641 research outputs found

    Application of a GOY model to atmospheric boundary layer data

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    This article analyzes the possibility of applying a GOY theoretical model to atmospheric boundary layer data. Bearing this in mind, relative scaling exponents of velocity structure functions are used to compare the model with the data under study. In the model, these exponents are set based on two parameters (q and δ), which are appropriate to define the model that better features a certain atmospheric state.This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects CGL 2006-12474- C03-03 and CGL2009-12797-C03-03). GR58/08 program (supported by BSCH and UCM) has also partially financed this work through the Research Group “Micrometeorology and Climate Variability” (no 910437)

    Evaluation of a soft skills serious game educational methodology in an industrial branches technical training program

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    The technical training of the industrial branches sometimes shows important shortcomings of new graduates in training and practice in analytical skills, high-level critical thinking, communication skills, teamwork and understanding of engineering in business practice. Gamification, understood as the application of design elements and game principles in the context of achieving learning outcomes, acquires a remarkable dimension and relevance. In this context, this job is focused on designing, developing, and measuring the results of a training module including gamification. This module is taught in an experimental training course aimed at a group with a heterogeneous educational level whose all its members play the role of team leader in manufacturing industries. The course is promoted by the Aragon (Spain) Government, and the Aragon Automotive Cluster Association, Caar. This work carries out a methodology and results evaluation project for soft skills problem solving and conflict resolution module, through gamification. For this evaluation, a discussion is carried out on the evaluation methods of gamified training. The work allows to obtain significant results on the methodology used in relation to the heterogeneity of the group. The study draws conclusions about the design of the methodology, the validity and efficacy of the educational method, the evaluation model and the relationship between training, experience and educational results

    Adults'Education and Agricultural Innovation: A Social Learning Approach

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    Social learning processes can be the basis of a method of agricultural innovation that involves expert and empirical knowledge. In this sense, the objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness and sustainability of an innovation process, understood as social learning, in a group of small farmers in the southern highlands of Peru. Innovative proposals and its permanence three years after the process finished were evaluated. It was observed that innovation processes generated are maintained over time; however, new innovations are not subsequently generated. We conclude that adult learning processes and innovation based on social learning are more effective and sustainable; however, the farmers internalization in innovation processes is given longer term

    Proyectos innovadores de formación universitaria para adultos con experiencia. Algunos casos en América latina

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    La educación en alternancia, muy difundida en niveles no universitarios, tiene sólo unas décadas de vida en las universidades de Europa y Norteamérica. Desde 2001, varias instituciones que demandaban una educación superior para sus profesores rurales de secundaria, promueven proyectos de formación universitaria en diversos países latinoamericanos. Los resultados son muy satisfactorios. Por un lado, la Universidad trabaja en partenariado con otros actores en una colaboración poco frecuente en el ámbito académico. Por otro, se realizan innovaciones educativas que permiten a los estudiantes–adultos con experiencia– transformar problemas de acción en proyectos de investigación. Esta ponencia se centra sólo en algunos aspectos de las experiencias: la cooperativa de producción de saber entre estudiantes y profesores; el estudiante, que pasa de ser “actor” a “investigador-autor”, como centro del sistema; y la ruptura transdisciplinar de los rígidos paradigmas clásicos universitarios mediante la puesta en marcha de una verdadera formación-accióninvestigación. Estos logros requieren un cambio cultural y competencial del profesor universitario, así como una ingeniería pedagógica compleja. Algunos cambios observados en las actitudes personales y profesionales de estudiantes y profesores, permiten proponer la alternancia como una alternativa sistémica de formacióndesarrollo cercana a los postulados de Bolonia, frente a los enfoques universitarios tipo transmisivo

    Características del emplazamiento, Petrología y Geoquímica de Espessartitas en el Plutón de la Maladeta: estudio preliminar

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    [Resumen] Los diques de lamprófidos espessartíticos son frecuentes en el plutón circunscrito de La Maladeta (Pirineos Centrales, Huesca-Lérida). Su emplazamiento, se produjo bajo unas condiciones confinadas y con un control estructural, afectando a todos los litotipos plutónicos (Cuarzo-Gabros, Granodioritas, Tonalitas y Sienogranitos) y, también a las etapas filonianas ácidas (Aplita y Pegmatitas). La composición mineral (con destacado contenido en anfíboles de composición hornblenda pargasítica) y la Geoquímica, definen una afinidad calco-alcalina cuya signatura en elementos mayores y trazas, es bastante análoga a la óbtenida en lamprófidos similares, emplazados en macizos granodioríticos. Esta afinidad presenta una relación genética con la granodiorita, como término volumétricamente más representativo del Macizo.[Abstract] Lamprophyric dykes (Spessartites) are frequent in the Maladeta circumscribe plutonic massif (Central Pyrenees, Huesca-Lérida). The setting of these dykes, under confinant strains and with a structural control, affected to á1l the plutonic rocktypes (Quanz-Gabbros, Granodiorites, Tonalites and Syenogranites) and to the acid dykes (Aplites and Pegmatites) too. The mineral (with high contents in Pargasitic-Hornblende amphiboles) and geochemical compositions, define a calc-alkaline affinity, very similar (Major and trace elements) to that of analogue lan prophyres, set in Granodioritic massifs. This affinity shows a genetic relation with the Granodiorite, as volumetrically most representative rock-type in the massif


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    In this study we analyse the effect of stock splits on stocks¿ trading activity using intraday data from a sample of 46 stock splits from the Spanish stock market. In particular, we study changes to trading activity, trading composition, the information asymmetry of stocks, the distribution of the order flow, in order to test two versions of the liquidity hypotheses: the optimal relative tick size and the price preferences hypotheses. The results obtained suggest that stock splits do not uniformly improve liquidity of shares. Following stock splits there is a drop in trading volume and depth and a significant increase in the relative bid-ask spread. We detect a change in trading composition, with a statistically significant increase in the smallest transactions, fundamentally on the buyer side of the lowest priced shares. The level of information asymmetry does not diminish, given that the adverse selection component of the effective spread reduces only insignificantly for the full sample, although it falls significantly in small transactions. Finally there are significant changes in the percentage of orders that provide liquidity to the market. As a whole, the findings are consistent with the idea that splits, despite higher transaction costs, encourage the entry of new individual investors attracted by the lower stock prices. En este trabajo se analiza el efecto de los splits en la negociación de las acciones, utilizando datos intradiarios de una muestra de 46 activos del mercado de capitales español. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que los splits no mejoran la liquidez, dado que se reduce el volumen de negociación y la profundidad, y se incrementa paralelamente el spread relativo. Se detecta un cambio en la composición de la negociación, con un incremento estadísticamente significativo de las transacciones pequeñas, fundamentalmente del lado comprador, en las acciones de precio relativamente más bajo. La asimetría informativa no disminuye, dado que el componente de selección adversa del spread efectivo se reduce de forma insignificante para el conjunto de la muestra, aunque cae significativamente en las transacciones pequeñas. Finalmente, no cambia significativamente el porcentaje de órdenes que suponen provisión de liquidez. En conjunto, la evidencia obtenida resulta consistente con la idea de que los splits, pese a los mayores costes de transacción, fomentan la entrada de nuevos inversores individuales atraídos por los menores precios de los títulos.Splits. Actividad negociadora. Liquidez. Microestructura. Splits. Trading activity. Liquidity. Microstructure.

    Multi-agent system for selecting images based on the gender and age

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    This paper presents a multi-agent system that is able to search people on a database of images recognizing patterns of facial features on each person, based on the main features of the face (eyes, nose and mouth). Using that multi-agent architecture, the system can do the work faster applying Fisherfaces algorithm for the face recognition and classification. This technology can be used for several purposes like specific ads in each user group to suit better their interests or search for the age and gender of people that usually go to different places like malls or shops

    Traceability of Intra- and Interpersonal Skills: From Education to Labor Market

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    Both educators and employers agree there is a growing gap between competences that labor market expects from its new employees and skills they own. Literature review holds that a set of nontechnical, professional abilities and intra- and interpersonal attitudes are required to close this gap and indicates that more training of soft skills is needed to access employment and success in work life. Although these skills are theoretically included in educational stages, project management approach can be incorporated to improve students and new employees’ practical curricula. The methodology consists of the critical review of the competency frameworks established by the DeSeCo and Tuning projects, confronting them against the requirements currently demanded by labor market, based on the reports of Deloitte, PwC, EY, and KPMG, to detect inconsistencies between educational and professional stages and check if project management standards, by PMI and IPMA, cover them. Compiling these weaknesses, actions can be established aimed at solving them, based on project management proposals. The incorporation of project management concepts into educational stages, especially the vision by competences, contributes to improve the employability by highlighting those transverse but essential skills that lead to versatile and successful professionals. To achieve this, it is necessary to care for human competences

    Models to evaluate the performance of high-mix low-volume manual or semi-automatic assembly lines

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    To address mass customisation demand trends, assembly line flexibility and productivity are critical. Industry 4.0 technologies could support assembly operations to this end. However, clear implementation methodologies are still lacking. This article presents two models for evaluating the most relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of manual or semi-automatic assembly lines, allowing to maximise the return of investment of any digital technology addition. MATLAB® was used to implement a parametric model, and FlexSim® was employed to build a discrete event simulation model. The models were validated using data of two industrial study cases from a global white goods manufacturer

    Prison populations as an educative community: musical expression as socializing intervention

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    El pasado 8 de noviembre de 2010 la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, gracias a la mediación de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Ciudad Real, suscribió un convenio de colaboración con la Secretaría General de Instituciones Penitenciarias para la realización de prácticas de alumnos y colaboración en materia penitenciaria. Este marco ofrece la posibilidad de complementar la formación teórica en los estudios jurídicos, educacionales y vinculados a la salud con una formación práctica esencial para el desarrollo de actividades profesionales en los Centros Penitenciarios y Inserción Social de la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha. Uno de los logros del citado convenio es el hecho de que entre sus fines prevé “facilitar la colaboración de la Universidad con personal cualificado, en el diseño y desarrollo de programas de tratamiento a los internos penitenciarios y de jornadas o cursos para personal penitenciario”. Nuestra comunicación definirá las bases de este proyecto y su desarrollo