83 research outputs found

    Convergent and Discriminant Validities of SCBE-30 Questionnaire Using Correlated Trait–Correlated Method Minus One

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    Correlated trait-correlated method minus one was used to evaluate convergent and discriminant validity of Social Competence Behavior Evaluation questionnaire (Social Competence, Anger-Aggression, Anxiety-Withdrawal) between multiple raters. A total of 369 children (173 boys and 196 girls; M age = 55.85, SD age = 11.54) were rated by their mothers, fathers, and teachers. Results showed more convergence between parents than parent-teacher ratings. Mother-teacher share a common view of child behavior that is not shared with father. Parents had more difficulty distinguishing internalizing and externalizing behaviors (especially fathers). Measurement invariance across child sex was explored, results imply that differences between boys and girls were not due to measure. Girls (compare to boys) were described as more social competent by their fathers and teachers, while boys as more aggressive by mothers and teachers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chagas disease in the Brazilian Amazon: IV. a new cross-sectional study

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    A new conglomerate family sample of 194 dwellings with 996 resident persons were studied in the town of Barcelos, State of Amazonas, in order to re-evaluate the risk of Chagas disease. During the survey the persons were interviewed and in this occasion we showed to them a collection of Panstrongylus, Rhodnius and Triatoma, asking if they recognized and eventually have been bitten by this kind of bugs. At this time we collected 500 ul of blood in microtainer® tubes from 886 interviewed persons who gave permission after informed consent. A screening test for T. cruzi antibodies based on agglutination of colored polymer particles, sensitized with three different synthetic peptides of T. cruzi (ID-PaGIA Chagas Test)®, showed 13.2% of sera positivity, but only 6.8% were confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence, and ELISA with purified T. cruzi antigens. Two hundred and six interviewed persons (20.7%) recognized the triatomines, as "piaçavas' lice" and 62 (30%) confirmed that have been bitten by the bugs, 25.8% of them had a positive serology for T. cruzi infection. Electrocardiographic alterations were shown in 9.3% of the seropositives and in 11.9% of the seronegative cases. This was considered not statistically significant

    Escala de Sentimento de Competência Parental: Análise confirmatória do modelo de medida numa amostra de pais portugueses

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    A Competência Parental é uma das auto-percepções parentais mais estudadas no âmbito do estudo das cognições parentais com implicações no comportamento parental, nas interacções pais-crianças e no desenvolvimento e comportamento dos filhos. Neste domínio, a Escala de Sentimento de Competência Parental é amplamente utilizada no estudo da eficácia parental e na avaliação de consequências de intervenções na parentalidade. Contudo, diversos estudos têm reportado soluções factoriais distintas, levantando um debate sobre a natureza conceptual e as propriedades psicométricas da medida. Neste estudo, avalia-se através de Análise Factorial Confirmatória (MEE) o ajustamento do modelo de medida da ESCP numa amostra de pais portugueses (n=236). Os resultados mostram que a solução de 3 factores Satisfação, Eficácia e Interesse, revelou melhor ajustamento global e melhor fiabilidade compósita, validade convergente e divergente. Na globalidade, os resultados sustentam a validade discriminatória entre os construtos Satisfação, Eficácia e Interesse e a ideia de que as percepções de competência parental abrangem múltiplos componentes cognitivos modulares e interligados, mas com fontes de variação independentes e origens distintas.ABSTRACT: Within the field of parenting cognitions, sense competence is one of the parental self-perceptions most studied and associations as been found with parental behavior, parent-child interactions and child behavior and development. Parental Sense of Competence – PSOC is a measure frequently used for the study of parental self-efficacy and one of the most reported outcomes in parental intervention evaluations. Nevertheless, a debate about the nature and psychometric proprieties as emerge from different factor solutions reported in literature. In the present study we use Confirmatory Factor Analysis (SEM) to evaluate the measure model quality and adjustment in a sample or Portuguese parents (n=236). Results show that the tri factor solution model, Parental Satisfaction, Efficacy and Interest, has better indices of global adjustment, composite, convergent and divergent validity. Taken together results support evidence for discriminate construct validity between Parental Satisfaction, Efficacy and Interest and the idea that parental competence self-perceptions evolve multiple modular and related components, although shaped independently and with different origins

    A new formaldehyde optical sensor: detecting milk adulteration

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    A sensor consisting of an optical fibre with the exposed tip coated with the polyoxometalate salt [(C4H9)4N]4H[PMo10V2O40], specially designed to be insoluble in water, which UV-Vis spectrum changed in contact with formaldehyde, is presented. The sensor limit of detection for formaldehyde was 0.2 mg L-1, and the limit of quantification was 0.6 mg L-1, which were close to the conventional spectrophotometric method values of 0.2 mg L-1 and 0.5 mg L-1, respectively, and lower than the tolerable limit for ingested food. The sensor was tested for formaldehyde quantification in milk, as its deliberate addition is a matter of concern. The results obtained analysing formaldehyde in milk samples by the optical sensor and by the conventional method were not statistically different (α = 0.05).publishe

    Análise do fenómeno de base segura em contexto familiar: As relações criança/mãe e criança/pai

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    O estudo analisa, no contexto da teoria de Bowlby e Ainsworth, o modo como a criança utiliza as figuras parentais como base segura, explorando a especificidade da organização destes comportamentos nas duas relações. Analisa, ainda, a existência de semelhanças ou diferenças nas classificações da criança em relação à mãe e ao pai. Os participantes são 56 díades mãe/criança e pai/criança, tendo as crianças idades compreendidas entre os 29 e os 38 meses. Observadores independentes realizaram visitas domiciliárias com a criança/mãe e com a criança/pai, utilizando o AQS (Waters, 1995). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os valores de segurança para a mãe e para o pai. Com base nas escalas do AQS, obtiveram- se diferenças significativas na Proximidade e no Contacto Físico. Assim, a criança utiliza ambos os pais como base segura, embora os estilos de interacção possam apresentar características específicas. Verificou-se, ainda, a existência de uma correlação significativa entre os valores de segurança da criança em relação à mãe e ao pai, o que vai ao encontro dos resultados obtidos por Veríssimo et al. (2006). Esta correlação poderá ser explicada pela semelhança nos cuidados parentais. ------ ABSTRACT ------- This paper high lights the importance of a family system approach to the study of attachment, in a naturalistic environment, by analysing the way the child uses both mother and father as a secure base, as well as, the concurrence or independence of this attachment relationships. 56 mother/child and father/child díades participated in the study. Children’s ages range between 29 and 38 months. Independent observers, made home observations of the child with the mother and the child with the father, using the AQS (Waters, 1995). No differences were found between mean averages for security scores for mothers and fathers, showing that the child is able to use both parents as secure-bases. Significant differences were found in the Proximity and Physical Contact scales between both parents, suggesting that mothers and fathers probably have different communicative styles. A significant correlation was found between security scores for mother and father, a result comparable to the one obtained by Veríssimo et al. (2006). This could be explained by the similarity on parental caregiving behaviour

    The organization of children's secure base behaviour in two-parent portuguese families and father's participation in child-related activities

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    The organization of children’s secure base behaviour was studied in twoparent Portuguese families, with 44 father–child and mother–child dyads, children’s age was on average 31.91 months. An analysis of Attachment Q-sort (AQS; Waters, 1995) data revealed no significant differences in security scores for mothers and fathers. Both parents independently responded to a questionnaire about their participation in child-related activities, relative to their spouse’s participation in these activities. A traditional division in the Care/Organization tasks and a shared participation in the Play/Leisure activities emerged. Fathers with higher scores for both types of activities tended to have children with higher security scores. Fathers’ participation in Play/Leisure activities was associated with children’s AQS scores with their mothers. In this sample father’s participation is positively associated with the quality of secure base relationships within the family context

    A relação entre a qualidade de vinculação à mãe e o desenvolvimento da competência social em crianças de idade pré-escolar

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    O presente estudo de natureza longitudinal tem como objectivo estudar a relação entre a qualidade da vinculação da criança à mãe (em média aos 32 meses) e a sua competência social em idade pré-escolar, avaliada dois anos mais tarde. No total participaram 48 díades mãe-criança de nacionalidade portuguesa e americana. Em ambos os contextos sócio culturais constatou-se que a qualidade da vinculação está positiva e significativamente correlacionada com a competência social. Estes resultados sugerem que as relações de vinculação mãe-criança são facilitadoras da adaptação da criança ao grupo pré-escolar, na medida em que promovem o envolvimento positivo com os pares, potenciado uma variedade de competências que contribuem para a aceitação no grupo de pares. ------ ABSTRACT ------ In this study, we attempted to map early attachment security to the development of social competence in preschool years. Participants were 48 mother dyads from two different countries (Portugal and the United States of America). Positive and significant correlations were found between the AQS security score and the social competence. The results suggest that the parent-child attachment relationships contribute to children’s adaptation in the preschool peer group by promoting positive engagement with peers and by supporting a range of skills that underlie peer acceptance

    Brazilian isolates of Trypanosoma cruzi from humans and triatomines classified into two lineages using mini-exon and ribosomal RNA sequences

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    Traditional molecular and biochemical methods, such as schizodeme analysis, karyotyping, DNA fingerprinting, and enzyme electrophoretic profiles, have shown a large variability among Trypanosoma cruzi isolates. In contrast to those results, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of sequences from the 24Sα ribosomal RNA gene and from the mini-exon gene nontranscribed spacer indicated a dimorphism among T. cruzi isolates, which enabled the definition of two major parasite lineages. In the present study, 86 T. cruzi field stocks (68 isolated from humans with defined presentations of Chagas' disease and 18 from triatomines) derived from four Brazilian geographic areas were typed by the PCR assay based on the DNA sequences of the mini-exon and 24Sα rRNA genes. These stocks were ordered into the two major T. cruzi lineages. Lineage I was associated mainly with human isolates and lineage 2 with the sylvatic cycle of the parasite

    Conhecimentos, atitudes e prática do exame de Papanicolaou por mulheres, Nordeste do Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of women related to the Pap test and the association between these behaviors and sociodemographic characteristics. METHODS: A household survey with quantitative approach was conducted. A total of 267 women aged 15 to 69 years, randomly selected in a stratified manner, living in the city of São José de Mipibu, Northeastern Brazil, were interviewed in 2007. A questionnaire consisting of pre-coded open questions was administered and answers were described and analyzed, as for adequacy of knowledge, attitudes, and practices of women regarding the Pap test. Tests of association were carried out between sociodemographic characteristics and behaviors studied at a 5% significance level. RESULTS: Although 46.1% of the women interviewed showed adequate knowledge about the Pap test, a significantly higher proportion of adequacy was seen regarding attitudes and practices, 63.3% and 64.4%, respectively. Higher schooling was associated with adequacy of knowledge, attitudes, and practices. The main barriers to the Pap test were negligence, non-requesting by their physicians, and shame. CONCLUSIONS: The physician is the main source of information about the Pap test. However, women who more often attend medical visits, despite their good practice, show low adequacy of knowledge and attitudes related to the Pap test, which indicates that they are not receiving appropriate information on the test's purpose, advantages and benefits to women's health.OBJETIVO: Analisar conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas das mulheres em relação ao exame citológico de Papanicolaou e a associação entre esses comportamentos e características sociodemográficas MÉTODOS: Inquérito domiciliar com abordagem quantitativa. Foram entrevistadas 267 mulheres com idade de 15 a 69 anos, selecionadas de forma estratificada aleatória, residentes no município de São José do Mipibu, RN, em 2007. Utilizou-se questionário com perguntas pré-codificadas e abertas, cujas respostas foram descritas e analisadas quanto à adequação dos conhecimentos, atitudes e prática das mulheres em relação ao exame preventivo de Papanicolaou. Foram realizados testes de associação entre as características sociodemográficas e os comportamentos estudados, com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Apesar de 46,1% das mulheres entrevistadas terem mostrado conhecimento adequado, proporções de adequação significativamente maiores foram observadas em relação às atitudes e prática quanto ao exame: 63,3% e 64,4%, respectivamente. O maior grau de escolaridade apresentou associação com adequação dos conhecimentos, atitudes e prática, enquanto as principais barreiras para a realização do exame relatadas foram descuido, falta de solicitação do exame pelo médico e vergonha. CONCLUSÕES: O médico é a principal fonte de informação sobre o exame de Papanicolau. Entretanto, mulheres que vão a consultas com maior freqüência, embora apresentem prática mais adequada do exame, possuem baixa adequação de conhecimento e atitude frente ao procedimento, sugerindo que não estejam recebendo as informações adequadas sobre o objetivo do exame, suas vantagens e benefícios para sua saúde.OBJETIVO: Analizar conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de las mujeres con relación al examen citológico de Papanicolaou y su asociación entre comportamientos y características sociodemográficas. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa domiciliar con abordaje cuantitativo. Fueron entrevistadas 267 mujeres con edad de 15 a 69 años, seleccionadas de forma estratificada aleatoria, residentes en el municipio de São José do Mipibu, Noreste de Brasil, en 2007. Se utilizó cuestionario con preguntas pre-codificadas y abiertas, cuyas respuestas fueron descritas y analizadas con relación a la adecuación de los conocimientos, actitudes y práctica de las mujeres con relación al examen preventivo de Papanicolaou. Fueron realizadas exámenes de asociación entre las características sociodemográficas y los comportamientos estudiados, con nivel de significancia de 5%. RESULTADOS: A pesar de 46,1% de las mujeres entrevistadas haber mostrado conocimiento adecuado, proporciones de adecuación significativamente mayores fueron observadas con relación a las actitudes y práctica con respecto al examen: 63,3% y 64,4%, respectivamente. El mayor grado de escolaridad presentó asociación con adecuación de los conocimientos, actitudes y práctica, con relación a las principales barreras para la realización del examen relatadas fueron descuido, falta de solicitud del examen por el médico y vergüenza. CONCLUSIONES: El médico es la principal fuente de información sobre el examen de Papanicolaou. Mientras tanto, mujeres que van a consultas con mayor frecuencia, a pesar de presentar práctica más adecuada del examen, poseen baja adecuación del conocimiento y actitud frente al procedimiento, sugiriendo que no están recibiendo las informaciones adecuadas sobre el objetivo del examen, sus ventajas y beneficios para su salud
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