10,976 research outputs found

    ¿Pueden los MOOC cerrar la brecha de oportunidades?: La contribución del diseño pedagógico social inclusivo

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    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are open courses made available online at no cost to the user and designed to scale up, allowing for a large number of participants. As such, they are a disruptive new development which has the potential to widen access to higher education since they contribute to social inclusion, the dissemination of knowledge and pedagogical innovation. However, assuring quality learning opportunities to all cannot be simply reduced to allowing free access to higher education. On the contrary, it implies assuring equitable opportunities for every participant to succeed in their learning experience. This goal depends on the quality of the learning design. To be successful, a massive open online learning experience has to empower learners and to facilitate a networked learning environment. In fact, MOOCs are designed to serve a high heterogeneity of profiles, with many differences regarding learning needs and preferences, prior knowledge, contexts of participation and diversity of online platforms. Personalization can play a key role in this process. In this article, the authors describe the iMOOC pedagogical model and its later derivative, the sMOOC model, and explain how they contributed to the introduction of the principles of diversity and learner equity to MOOC design, allowing for a clear differentiation of learning paths and also of virtual environments, while empowering participants to succeed in their learning experiences. Using a design-based research approach, a comparative analysis of two course iterations each representing each model is also presented and discussed.Los cursos en línea abiertos y masivos (MOOC) son cursos abiertos disponibles en línea sin costo para el usuario y diseñados para ampliarse, permitiendo un gran número de participantes. Como tales, son un nuevo desarrollo disruptivo que tiene el potencial de ampliar el acceso a la educación superior, ya que contribuyen a la inclusión social, la difusión del conocimiento y la innovación pedagógica. Sin embargo, garantizar oportunidades de aprendizaje de calidad para todos no puede reducirse simplemente a permitir el acceso gratuito a la educación superior. Por el contrario, implica asegurar oportunidades equitativas para que cada participante tenga éxito en su experiencia de aprendizaje. Este objetivo depende de la calidad del diseño de aprendizaje. Para tener éxito, una experiencia de aprendizaje en línea abierta y masiva debe empoderar a los alumnos y facilitar un entorno de aprendizaje en red. De hecho, los MOOC están diseñados para servir a una gran heterogeneidad de perfiles, con muchas diferencias con respecto a las necesidades y preferencias de aprendizaje, conocimiento previo, contextos de participación y diversidad de plataformas en línea. La personalización puede jugar un papel clave en este proceso. En este artículo, los autores describen el modelo pedagógico iMOOC y su derivada posterior, el modelo sMOOC, y explican cómo contribuyeron a la introducción de los principios de diversidad y equidad en el diseño MOOC, lo que permite una clara diferenciación de las rutas de aprendizaje y también de entornos virtuales, al tiempo que permite a los participantes tener éxito en sus experiencias de aprendizaje. Usando un enfoque de design-based research, también se presenta y discute un análisis comparativo de dos iteraciones del curso, cada una representando cada modelo

    Assessing the influence of R&D institutions by mapping international scientific networks: the case of INESC Porto

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    Although scientometric and bibliometric studies embrace a much wider perspective of the linkages/networks of R&D institutions than standard economic studies, to the best of our knowledge, these studies have not yet made use of scientometric tools to analyse the influence and impact of R&D institutions. Moreover, the international perspective has so far been neglected both in standard and bibliometric studies. Based on networks of 1239 foreign co-authorships and 13035 foreign citation linkages, we demonstrate that INESC Porto international influence has considerably expanded since 2003, a year that coincided with the implementation of an internal policy of granting monetary prizes to publications in scientific international journals. In terms of co-authorship, the network of INESC Porto more than duplicated (13 countries in the initial period to 27 in 2004-07). In terms of citations, INESC Porto’s network encompassed almost 40 countries during the whole period (1996-2007). Its more prolific units (optoelectronics, energy and multimedia) presented a rather distinct pattern both in terms of size and evolution of the corresponding network boundaries. The network size of foreign co-authorships was not much different between the three units by the beginning of the 2000s (around 10 countries) but it evolved quite distinctly. The most remarkable pattern was registered by the multimedia (UTM) unit, whose network size rose exponentially to 21 countries in 2004-07. This contrasted with the decline (down to 8 countries) of the energy (USE) unit. The citation network of the optoelectronic unit (UOSE) was by far the largest, until 2003, involving 34 distinct countries, which contrasted with the size of USE (12 countries) and UTM (1 country). But again, after 2003, the size of the citation network of USE and UTM converged spectacularly to that of UOSE’s, reaching in the last period 21 and 16, respectively. The influence of INESC Porto reaches all five continents, especially when we consider citation networks. Indeed, excluding the citations from authors affiliated in Portuguese institutions, those that most cite INESC Porto’s (and UOSE’s) works are affiliated in institutions located in China, the UK and the US. The scientific works produced by USE influences mostly authors affiliated in institutions located in India, China and Spain, whereas for UTM the corresponding countries are the US, Germany and Italy. We infer from the evidence analysed that not only did the boundaries of INESC Porto’s scientific network substantially enlarge in the period of analysis (1996-2007) but its ‘quality’ also evidenced a positive evolution, with authors affiliated in institutions located in the scientific frontier countries citing works of INESC Porto (and its units). Length: 64 pagesBibliometrics, Knowledge networks; R&D Institutions

    Determinants of the international influence of a R&D organisation: a bibliometric approach

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    Traditionally, studies on the influence and impact of knowledge-producing organisations have been addressed by means of strict economic analysis, stressing their economic impact to a local, regional or national extent. In the present study, an alternative methodology is put forward in order to evaluate the international scientific impact and influence of a knowledge-producing and -diffusing institution. We introduce a new methodology, based on scientometric and bibliometric tools, which complement traditional assessments by considering the influence of a R&D institution when looking at the scientific production undertaken and the recognition of its relevance by its international peer community. Focusing on the most prolific scientific areas of INESC Porto, and resorting to published scientific work recorded in the Science Citation Index (SCI), we show that INESC Porto has enlarged its international scientific network. The logit estimations demonstrate that the wide geographical influence of INESC Porto scientific research is a result not of its international positioning in terms of co-authorships, but rather a result of the quality of its scientific output.Impact and influence assessment methods; R&D Institutions; Bibliometrics, Scientometrics; knowledge network; INESC Porto

    Assessing the influence of R&D institutions by mapping international scientific networks: the case of INESC Porto

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    Although scientometric and bibliometric studies embrace a much wider perspective of the linkages/networks of R&D institutions than standard economic studies, to the best of our knowledge, these studies have not yet made use of scientometric tools to analyse the influence and impact of R&D institutions. Moreover, the international perspective has so far been neglected both in standard and bibliometric studies. Based on networks of 1239 foreign co-authorships and 13035 foreign citation linkages, we demonstrate that INESC Porto international influence has considerably expanded since 2003, a year that coincided with the implementation of an internal policy of granting monetary prizes to publications in scientific international journals. In terms of co-authorship, the network of INESC Porto more than duplicated (13 countries in the initial period to 27 in 2004-07). In terms of citations, INESC Porto’s network encompassed almost 40 countries during the whole period (1996-2007). Its more prolific units (optoelectronics, energy and multimedia) presented a rather distinct pattern both in terms of size and evolution of the corresponding network boundaries. The network size of foreign co-authorships was not much different between the three units by the beginning of the 2000s (around 10 countries) but it evolved quite distinctly. The most remarkable pattern was registered by the multimedia (UTM) unit, whose network size rose exponentially to 21 countries in 2004-07. This contrasted with the decline (down to 8 countries) of the energy (USE) unit. The citation network of the optoelectronic unit (UOSE) was by far the largest, until 2003, involving 34 distinct countries, which contrasted with the size of USE (12 countries) and UTM (1 country). But again, after 2003, the size of the citation network of USE and UTM converged spectacularly to that of UOSE’s, reaching in the last period 21 and 16, respectively. The influence of INESC Porto reaches all five continents, especially when we consider citation networks. Indeed, excluding the citations from authors affiliated in Portuguese institutions, those that most cite INESC Porto’s (and UOSE’s) works are affiliated in institutions located in China, the UK and the US. The scientific works produced by USE influences mostly authors affiliated in institutions located in India, China and Spain, whereas for UTM the corresponding countries are the US, Germany and Italy. We infer from the evidence analysed that not only did the boundaries of INESC Porto’s scientific network substantially enlarge in the period of analysis (1996-2007) but its ‘quality’ also evidenced a positive evolution, with authors affiliated in institutions located in the scientific frontier countries citing works of INESC Porto (and its units).Bibliometrics, Knowledge networks; R&D Institutions

    Determinants of the international influence of a R&D organisation: a bibliometric approach

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    Traditionally, studies on the influence and impact of knowledge-producing organisations have been addressed by means of strict economic analysis, stressing their economic impact to a local, regional or national extent. In the present study, an alternative methodology is put forward in order to evaluate the international scientific impact and influence of a knowledge-producing and -diffusing institution. We introduce a new methodology, based on scientometric and bibliometric tools, which complement traditional assessments by considering the influence of a R&D institution when looking at the scientific production undertaken and the recognition of its relevance by its international peer community. Focusing on the most prolific scientific areas of INESC Porto, and resorting to published scientific work recorded in the Science Citation Index (SCI), we show that INESC Porto has enlarged its international scientific network. The logit estimations demonstrate that the wide geographical influence of INESC Porto scientific research is a result not of its international positioning in terms of co-authorships, but rather a result of the quality of its scientific output.Impact and influence assessment methods; R&D Institutions; Bibliometrics, Scientometrics; knowledge network; INESC Porto

    Formation of unilamellar dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles promoted by Ca2+ ions: A small-angle neutron scattering study

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    Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) was hydrated in 0.2-60 mM solution of CaCl 2 in heavy water and thoroughly homogenized by freezing-thawing process. Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) shows formation of unilamellar vesicles in the range 1-60 mM of CaCl 2. From the Kratky-Porod plot ln[I(Q)Q 2] vs. Q 2 of SANS intensity I(Q) in the range of scattering vectors Q corresponding to the interval 0.001 Å -2≤Q 2≤0.006 Å -2, the vesicle bilayer radius of gyration R g and the bilayer thickness parameter d g were obtained. The structure of the bilayer displays different behavior for the gel phase and the liquid-crystalline phase: In the gel phase (at 20°C), the values of d g indicate nonlinear changes in the lipid bilayer thickness, with a maximum at ∼5 mM CaCl 2. In the liquid-crystalline phase (at 60°C), the parameter of the lipid bilayer thickness d g=43.2±0.3 Å is constant within the concentration range 1≤c Ca≤40 mM. Vesicles prepared at 60 mM CaCl 2 show within experimental error, the same values of d g as pure DPPC unilamellar vesicles prepared by extrusion using polycarbonate filter with pores of diameter 500 Å

    Relações linguísticas de antonímia : o insucesso da lógica e o valor da cognição humana

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    How far can we say that father is the antonym of daughter, or that blue is the antonym of yellow? Are the linguistic units discrete or can they oppose by relations in a scale basis? Do the words, in use, function independently of their linguistic value? Before this kind of questions, with a positive answer in structuralism, inspired in theories of a logical fundamentation, Cognitive Linguistics proposes an alternative answer. Differently from the analyses intending to view, in the relations of the linguistic system, logical relations, we try to show that a cognitive proposal for the phenomena of antonymy reveals itself more adequate in their explanation.Até que ponto se pode dizer que pai é o antónimo de filha, ou que azul é antónimo de amarelo? As unidades linguísticas são discretas ou podem opor-se por relações de grandeza em escala? As palavras, em uso, funcionam “independentemente” do seu valor linguístico? Perante questões como estas, de resposta positiva em visões de cariz generativista, inspiradas numa perspectiva de funcionamento lógico das relações das unidades componentes das línguas, a Linguística Cognitiva propõe resposta alternativa. Diferentemente das análises que pretendiam ver nas relações do sistema linguístico relações definíveis em moldes lógicos, procurar-se-á mostrar com uma proposta cognitiva (experiencialista) para os fenómenos da antonímia se revela mais adequada na explicação dos mesmos.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (FCG)

    Reorganizaçâo concetual e variaçâo linguística no Português Europeu: o caso do verbo 'meter'

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    [Resumo] Este artigo procurará descrever a forma como, a nível semântico e tomando o caso do verbo meter no Português Europeu, a variação linguística surge a partir da reorganização de uma estrutura concetual. Pretendemos mostrar como a estrutura semântica mais clássica do verbo que implicava a noção de [+interioridade] e Local Contentor se está a reorganizar fazendo desaparecer esta vertente que constituía um dos pilares nucleares do significado. Para a referida demonstração utilizaremos os dados resultantes de inquéritos envolvendo falantes entre os 10 e os 21 anos. Propor-se-á, igualmente, uma análise linguístico-cognitiva que explique a alteração da estrutura interna da semântica de meter.[Abstract] This paper claims to describe the way how, at the semantic level and taking the European Portuguese verb meter case, the linguistic variation arises from the reorganization of conceptual structures. One intends to demonstrate how the verb semantic classic structure that implied the notion of Local Container is being reorganized providing the withdrawal of this feature which was one of the most important features of the verb (meter) main meaning core. For this purpose, one will provide with some data from a large amount of inquiries taken by speakers between the ages of 10 and 21. Finally, one will explain, by using the Cognitive-linguistic approach, the changes in the internal semantic structure of the verb (meter)