80 research outputs found

    Long term behavior of the stirred vacuum on a Dirac chain: geometry blur and the random Slater ensemble

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    We characterize the long-term state of the 1D Dirac vacuum stirred by an impenetrable object, modeled as the ground state of a finite free-fermionic chain dynamically perturbed by a moving classical obstacle which suppresses the local hopping amplitudes. We find two different regimes, depending on the velocity of the obstacle. For a slow motion, the effective Floquet Hamiltonian presents features which are typical of the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble, and the occupation of the Floquet modes becomes roughly homogeneous. Moreover, the long term entanglement entropy of a contiguous block follows a Gaussian analogue of Page's law, i.e. a volumetric behavior. Indeed, the statistical properties of the reduced density matrices correspond to those of a random Slater determinant, which can be described using the Jacobi ensemble from random matrix theory. On the other hand, if the obstacle moves fast enough, the effective Floquet Hamiltonian presents a Poissonian behavior. The nature of the transition is clarified by the entanglement links, which determine the effective geometry underlying the entanglement structure, showing that the one-dimensionality of the physical Hamiltonian dissolves into a random adjacency matrix as we slow down the obstacle motion

    Análisis de la relación entre el Yo-Yo Test y el consumo máximo de oxígeno en jóvenes jugadores de fútbol. [Analysis of the relationship between Yo-Yo Test and maximum oxygen uptake in young football players].

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    This work aimed to examine the validity of the Yo-Yo Endurance Test Level 1 to estimate the maximum oxygen uptake in football players. Participants were 15 male football players, ranging in age from 17 to 19 years old (M = 17,9; DT = 0,67), who developed a laboratory test until exhaustion and Yo-Yo Test Level 1. Results showed significant differences in the values directly and indirectly obtained, being the values lower in the oxygen uptake estimated with Yo-Yo Test. Furthermore, Yo-Yo Test performance was not related with maximum oxygen uptake relative to weight on laboratory, showing that Yo-Yo Endurance Test Level 1, through the equation described by Bangsbo, Iaia, and Krustrup (2008) is not a valid test to estimate maximum oxygen uptake in young football players

    Spread between the euro short-term rate (€STR) and the deposit facility rate

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    Rationale This article analyses the factors that are contributing to the widening of the spread between the euro short-term rate (€STR) and the deposit facility rate, with a view to assessing monetary policy transmission in the Eurosystem. Takeaways •The key factors that explain the behaviour of this spread are the expansion of the Eurosystem’s balance sheet and the change in the monetary policy stance. •The pass-through of the recent interest rate hikes to money market rates has been effective and cannot explain the widening of the spread. •Once the rate hiking cycle comes to an end, the contraction in the Eurosystem’s balance sheet can be expected to curb or even reverse the trend observed in the spread

    Ergotropy and entanglement in critical spin chains

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    A subsystem of an entangled ground state is in a mixed state. Thus, if we isolate this subsystem from its surroundings we may be able to extract work applying unitary transformations, up to a maximal amount which is called ergotropy. Once this work has been extracted, the subsystem will still contain some bound energy above its local ground state, which can provide valuable information about the entanglement structure. We show that the bound energy for half a free fermionic chain decays as the square of the entanglement entropy divided by the chain length, thus approaching zero for large system sizes, and we conjecture that this relation holds for all 1D critical states

    How does curve sprint evolve across different age categories in soccer players?

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    : Research has shown that soccer players regularly execute curved sprints during matches. The purpose of this study was to determine the age-related effects on curve sprint (CS) performance to both sides, asymmetry, and association with linear sprint (LS). Eighty-four soccer players (aged 16.1 ± 1.6 categorized in U15, U17, and U20) were recruited, who performed CS and LS tests. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and effect size (ES) were used to compare CS performance between age categories, and relationships between physical performance measures were calculated using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The main findings of this study were that: 1) there were significant differences in the “good” side CS among age groups (p < 0.001; ES from moderate to large), but not in the “weak” side CS, 2) curve asymmetry was significantly higher in U20 than U15 (p < 0.05; ES large) and U17 players (p < 0.05; ES moderate), and 3) relationships between CS and LS times decreased with age (from significant and very large [p 0.05]). This study highlights the importance of assessing and training CS in different age categories, an action that becomes less correlated with LS as age increases, with the aim of mitigating the increase in asymmetries as a result of the specialization process, focusing interventions mainly on improving the CS “weak” sideThanks to all the participants in this study, to Football Science Institute, and to the soccer clu

    Nonuniversality of front fluctuations for compact colonies of nonmotile bacteria

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    The front of a compact bacterial colony growing on a Petri dish is a paradigmatic instance of non-equilibrium f luctuations in the celebrated Eden, or Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ), universality class. While in many experiments the scaling exponents crucially differ from the expected KPZ values, the source of this disagreement has remained poorly understood. We have performed growth experiments with B. subtilis 168 and E. coli ATCC 25922 under conditions leading to compact colonies in the classically alleged Eden regime, where individual motility is suppressed. Non-KPZ scaling is indeed observed for all accessible times, KPZ asymptotics being ruled out for our experiments due to the monotonic increase of front branching with time. Simulations of an effective model suggest the occurrence of transient nonuniversal scaling due to diffusive morphological instabilities, agreeing with expectations from detailed models of the relevant biological reaction-diffusion processe

    Diferencial entre el €STR y el tipo de interés de la facilidad de depósito

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    Motivación Este artículo analiza los factores que estarían contribuyendo al incremento del diferencial existente entre el Euro short-term rate y el tipo de interés de la facilidad de depósito, con el objetivo de valorar la transmisión de la política monetaria en el Eurosistema. Ideas principales •Los principales factores que explican la evolución del diferencial son el aumento en el balance del Eurosistema y el cambio en la orientación de la política monetaria. •La transmisión de las recientes subidas de tipos de interés oficiales a los tipos de interés del mercado monetario fue efectiva, por lo que no es un factor explicativo del incremento del diferencial. •Cabría esperar que, una vez concluido el ciclo alcista de tipos, la reducción del balance del Eurosistema frenase o incluso revirtiese la tendencia observada en el diferencial

    Study and Evolution of the Dune Field of La Banya Spit in Ebro Delta (Spain) Using LiDAR Data and GPR

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    La Banya spit, located at the south of the River Ebro Delta, is a sandy formation, developed by annexation of bars forming successive beach ridges, which are oriented and modeled by the eastern and southern waves. The initial ridges run parallel to the coastline, and above them small dunes developed, the crests of which are oriented by dominant winds, forming foredune ridges and barchans. This study attempted to test a number of techniques in order to understand the dune dynamic on this coastal spit between 2004 and 2012: LiDAR data were used to reconstruct changes to the surface and volume of the barchan dunes and foredunes; ground-penetrating radar was applied to obtain an image of their internal structure, which would help to understand their recent evolution. GPS data taken on the field, together with application of GIS techniques, made possible the combination of results and their comparison. The results showed a different trend between the barchan dunes and the foredunes. While the barchan dunes increased in area and volume between 2004 and 2012, the foredunes lost thickness. This was also reflected in the radargrams: the barchan dunes showed reflectors related to the growth of the foresets while those associated with foredunes presented truncations associated with storm events. However, the global balance of dune occupation for the period 2004-2012 was positive