112 research outputs found

    Sweet orange trees grafted on selected rootstocks fertilized with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

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    A maioria dos citros produzidos no Brasil são enxertados em limão 'Cravo' (Citrus limonia Osb.). Apesar das boas características agronômicas desse porta-enxerto, a procura por variedades tolerantes a doenças, para aumentar a produtividade e longevidade dos pomares cítricos, tem aumentado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de produção de frutos de laranjas-doce sobre diferentes porta-enxertos e adubadas com N, P e potássio. O crescimento das árvores foi afetado pelas variedades de porta-enxertos estudadas; plantas sobre citrumelo 'Swingle' [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. × C. paradisi Macf.] apresentaram o menor volume de copa (13,3 m3 no quinto ano após plantio) quando comparadas àquelas em limão 'Cravo' e tangerina 'Cleópatra' [C. reshni (Hayata) hort. ex Tanaka] no mesmo pomar. Embora tenha sido observada uma relação positiva entre volume de copa e produção de frutos (R2 = 0,95**), a eficiência de produção de frutos (kg m-3) foi afetada pelos porta-enxertos, o que demonstrou a superioridade do limão 'Cravo' em relação à 'Cleópatra'. O crescimento de árvores em formação, com menos que cinco anos de idade, pode apresentar resposta à adubação com K em doses superiores às recomendadas atualmente no Brasil, em solos com baixa reserva de K trocável e condições para perdas deste nutriente por lixiviação.The majority of citrus trees in Brazil are grafted on 'Rangpur lime' (Citrus limonia Osb.) rootstock. Despite its good horticultural performance, search for disease tolerant rootstock varieties to improve yield and longevity of citrus groves has increased. The objective of this work was to evaluate yield efficiency of sweet oranges on different rootstocks fertilized with N, P, and potassium. Tree growth was affected by rootstock varieties; trees on 'Swingle' citrumelo [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. × C. paradisi Macf.] presented the smallest canopy (13.3 m3 in the fifth year after tree planting) compared to those on 'Rangpur lime' and 'Cleopatra' mandarin [C. reshni (Hayata) hort. ex Tanaka] grown on the same grove. Although it was observed an overall positive relationship between canopy volume and fruit yield (R2 = 0.95**), yield efficiency (kg m-3) was affected by rootstocks, which demonstrated 'Rangpur lime' superiority in relation to Cleopatra. Growth of citrus trees younger than 5-yr-old might be improved by K fertilization rates greater than currently recommended in Brazil, in soils with low K and subjected to nutrient leaching losses

    Indeterminate cell histiocytosis successfully treated with phototherapy

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    First described in 1985, intermediate cell histiocytosis is a rare disorder of the cutaneous dendritic cell group with a varied clinical presentation and evolution. The pathologic substrate is constituted by the proliferation of indeterminate cells (ICs) that are immunophenotypically characterized by the positivity of CD1a, CD68, and faint/focal S100, plus the negativity for CD207 (langerin). The authors present the case of a healthy elderly woman who presented generalized dome-shaped reddish cutaneous nodules over her trunk, neck, face, and extremities over a period of 18 months. A laboratory and imaging work-up ruled out internal involvement. The skin biopsy was consistent with IC histiocytosis. The patient was treated with narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy, which resulted in an excellent short-term outcom

    a mixed-method analysis

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    Background: Among the processes to be experienced by any organization during its establishment is the formation of an organizational identity. This process can be understood as the activity and event through which an organization becomes unique in the mind of its members. An organizational identity leads to an identification and both are directly associated with the success of an institution. This study is about a public higher education institution in health in its early years, with distinctive characteristics in the country where it is situated. In spite of having been successful in the graduation of its students it has fragile institutional bases, lack of autonomy and internal problems common to other institutions of this type. Thus, this study was conducted to understand how this institution defined itself among its own members, the elements of its identity and what justified its relative success despite its weaknesses. Methods: A mixed-method approach was used to evaluate how a representative portion of this organization identifies with it. For the qualitative study two focus groups were conducted with transcripts submitted to content analysis proposed by Bardin, culminating in results from which a Likert scale-based questionnaire was elaborated and applied to 297 subjects. Results: There were six central elements of the organizational identity made evident by the focus groups: political / ideological conflict; active teaching and learning methodologies; location / separation of campuses; time of existence; teaching career; political-administrative transformations. The quantitative analysis revealed in more detail the general impressions raised in the focus groups. Most results were able to demonstrate distinct identifications of the same identity with its exposed weaknesses. Conclusions: Lack of autonomy, administrative and structural shortcomings and ideological or political conflicts presented themselves as problems capable of destabilizing the identity of a public higher education institution. On the other hand, one way to combat such problems is through the development of the institution itself, particularly by becoming more active and useful to the community and seeking in a common interest to the higher administration agencies.publishersversionpublishe

    Space-temporal evaluation of changes in temperature and soil use and cover in the metropolitan region of baixada santista

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    The Metropolitan Region of Baixada Santista (MRBS) harbors one of the main port areas of Brazil: the Port of Santos. Due to the accelerated urban development in this region, the monitoring of biophysical parameters is fundamental. Therefore, this paper aims to i) estimate the soil surface temperature (Ts) and identify the Urban Heat Islands (UHI) formation; and ii) compare the Ts and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for MRBS from 1986 to 2016 using Landsat 5 and 8 images. Remote sensing tools are essential to meet the objectives of this work for providing both the spatial and temporal evaluation of a region. The spatial analysis was based on the NDVI to evaluate the vegetation density and size from five previously established classes (i.e., water bodies, urban grid, exposed soil and road corridors, shrub, and dense vegetation). The NDVI mapping showed a significant reduction in the cover area referred to the dense vegetation class (91.7%), while the urban grid category increased by 29.4%, resulting from the urban expansion and green cover reduction over the region during this period. Surface temperature thematic maps showed high-temperature values related to increased urbanization and decreased rainfall. Moreover, an 8°C rise in surface temperature over the last 30 years was registered due to the regional development, which has replaced natural soils by anthropic materials and reduced dense vegetation. This phenomenon has resulted in the formation and intensification of UHI, especially after the 2000s