214 research outputs found

    Histological differences in the adherence of connective tissue to laser-treated abutments and standard abutments for dental implants. An experimental pilot study in humans

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    The goal of the current study is to assess the difference in connective tissue adherence to laser microtextured versus machined titanium abutments. Six patients were selected and each of them received 2 implants, one combined with a laser treated abutment and one with a machined abutment. After three months, the abutments were retrieved together with their surrounding gingival tissue for histological analysis. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of microscopical images was performed to assess the presence or absence of adherence between the soft tissues and the abutment, and the percentage of soft tissue adhered to the two different surfaces. Intimate adherence between connective tissue and the laser treated abutments, while on machined abutments no adherence was detected. A significant difference was found in the percentage of surface in contact with soft tissue between both implant abutments p=0.03. Within the limitation of the current study, it can be concluded that connective tissues show enhanced adherence to microtextured abutments compared to machined abutments

    Reflexiones sobre el diseño de una asignatura de educación en el grado de ingeniería informática

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    La informática es una de las áreas de conocimiento que más rápido están cambiando. Estos cambios requieren una formación continua, especializada y adaptativa. Más allá de las salidas profesionales como docente en enseñanza reglada, que requieren de formación especializada, existe la necesidad de formación y actualización de profesionales de diversos ámbitos en nuevas herramientas, procedimientos y conocimientos por parte de personas que conozcan la parte técnica y que a su vez sean capaces de realizar una formación de alta calidad. La educación es una salida profesional con cada vez más peso y que no se suele tratar en los estudios de Grado en Ingeniería Informática. Este póster presenta a la comunidad unas reflexiones sobre cómo debería ser una asignatura de educación de la informática que formara parte del plan de estudios del grado.Informatics is one of the fastest changing areas of knowledge. These changes require continuous, specialized and adaptive training. Beyond the professional opportunities as a teacher in formal education, which require specialized training, there is a need for training and updating of professionals in different fields into new tools, procedures and knowledge by people who know the technical side but who also are capable of providing high quality training. Education is, therefore, an increasingly in-demand professional opportunity for graduates in the Degree of Informatics Engineering, but it is not usually addressed into the curriculum. This poster aims to share with the community some reflections on how it should be a subject of informatics education as part of the curriculum of the undergraduate degree.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de QualitatPostprint (published version

    "¡Eu tamén son vella e recordo!". La fuente oral en la recuperación del pasado: reflexiones metodológicas para una historia sociocultural

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    Este trabajo pretende reflexionar sobre las limitaciones y posibilidades de intercambio interdisciplinar de métodos e tiipótesis de trabajo entre las diversas ciencias sociales a partir de la experiencia empírica de recopilación, elaboración y análisis de documentos personales de naturaleza cualitativa, que nos permitan construir una Historia cultural de la vida cotidiana de la gente corriente. Para ello hemos aplicado esta metodología a las líneas de investigación que estamos desarrollando sobre la Galicia rural de fines del siglo xix y de la primera mitad del siglo XX, comprobando que la reelaboración racional que hacen los entrevistados de su experiencia individual refleja su percepción subjetiva de la realidad vivida en redes y espacios microsociales concretos y que precisamente por ello, esos recuerdos reflejan una identidad colectiva que trasciende a la sociedad rural gallega de la época.This paper intends to reflect about the limitations and posibilities of interdisciplinary exchange of methods and hipothetical research among the different social scíences. This has been done from the empirical experience of compilation, elaboration and the analysis of cualitative-natured personal documents that allow as tho buíld a cultural background of ordínary people's everyday Ufe. In order to achieve it, this methodology has been aplied to the research Unes that are being developed on the rural Galicia in the late XIX century and first half of the XX c. Whe noticed that the rational reelaboration dore by the interviewees on their own experience reflects their subjective view of the reality lived in particular nets and microsocial spaces. This is the reason why those memories reflect a colective identity reaching the rural Galician of that time

    Anthropometric Profile Assessed by Bioimpedance and Anthropometry Measures of Male and Female Rugby Players Competing in the Spanish National League

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    Different rugby positions make different demands on players. It therefore follows that optimum body composition may vary according to the position played. Using anthropometry and bioimpedance analysis (BIA) to assess body composition, the present study aimed to compare the effect of sex and position on body composition variables using anthropometry and BIA methods. A total of 100 competitive rugby players (35 women and 65 men) competing in the First Spanish National League were recruited voluntarily and for convenience for this study. In the laboratory, body composition was assessed by anthropometry, following the recommendations established by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK), and by direct segmental multi-frequency BIA, following the guidelines established by the Spanish Group of Kinanthropometry (GREC) of the Spanish Federation of Sports Medicine (FEMEDE). We found sex-related differences in height, weight, body mass index and body fat (%) by anthropometry and in body lean mass (%) by DSM-BIA, in 4 of the 6 skinfolds assessed (p < 0.05). We also observed position-related differences in all the variables assessed (p < 0.05) except for lean body mass, as measured by both methods of determining body composition, and front thigh skinfold. Body composition and ∑6skinfolds differs according to sex and playing position, backs (16.6 ± 3.8% and 92.3 ± 33.9 mm,) vs. forwards (20.0 ± 6.7 and 115.3 ± 37.6 mm), and the muscle-adipose (meso-endomorphic somatotype) development predominated in both sexes. Thus, forwards of both sexes are taller, heavier and fatter, possibly due to the specific demands of this position. In addition, body composition measurements vary according to the method used (DSM-BIA vs. anthropometry), indicating that anthropometry is probably the best body composition assessment method

    Fracturas de las espinas tibiales en el niño y en el adulto

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    Presentamos una serie de 29 fracturas de las espinas tibiales en 27 pacientes, 11 niños y 16 adultos. Para su estudio hemos seguido la clasificación de Meyers y McKeever, siendo las fracturas tipo II las más frecuentes. Se registraron las lesiones asociadas de la rodilla, y la más frecuente fue la del ligamento lateral interno; encontramos 2 fracturas de Segond en niños. El tratamiento fue conservador en 7 casos y quirúrgico en los 22 restantes. Para evaluar el resultado final estudiamos el desplazamiento de la fractura, movilidad y laxitudes residuales de la rodilla y fuerza muscular. Usamos las escalas de Lysholm y de Tegner para la valoración funcional. Un estudio radiológico con 3 proyecciones se llevó a cabo en todos los pacientes. El tiempo medio de seguimiento fue de 9,7 años para el grupo de niños y de 8,2 para los adultos. Los resultados globales, de acuerdo con la escala de Lysholm, fueron excelentes, pero se registraron 11 laxitudes anteroposteriores y 4 laterales, aunque 11 de estos 15 pacientes permanecen asintomáticos. Muchas de estas laxitudes aparecen en fracturas anatómicamente reducidas. Sugerimos que debe realizarse estudio artroscópico en estos pacientes para detectar lesiones asociadas que empeoran el resultado.A series of 29 fractures of the tibial spine in 27 patients, 11 children and 16 adults. We followed Meyers and McKeever to classify the fractures, tipe II being the most frecuent. Associated injuries of the knee were registered, being medial collateal ligament the most frecuent. We found 2 Segond fractures in young patients. The treatment was conservative in 7 cases and surgical in the remaining 22. To evaluate the final result we studied the displacement of the fracture, mobility of the knee, anteroposterior and lateral inestabilities, muscle strength. We used the Lysholm and the Tegner rating systems to evaluate the functional result. A complete radiological evaluation (three views) was made in all the patients. The average follow-up times was 9.7 years for the children group, and 8.2 years for the adult group. The overall results according to the Lysholm rating scale were excellent, but 11 anteroposterior and 4 lateral laxities were registered, though 11 of the 15 cases remains asymptomatic. Many of theese laxities appeared in anatomically reduced fractures. We suggest that an arthroscopic study of the patients must be done to detect associated injuries that produces a worse final result

    A Survey on Dietary Supplement Consumption in Amateur and Professional Rugby Players

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    Purpose: the aim of the present study was to analyse the pattern of dietary supplements (DS) consumption on federated rugby players, including the analysis of differences based on the sex and competitive level (professional vs. amateurs). Material and methods: 144 rugby players (83 male and 61 female), of whom 69 were professionals and 75 amateurs, were recruited for the study. All the participants filled out a specific questionnaire about DS consumption including questions related to the consumption of DS and their effects on sport performance and health status. Results: 65.3% of participants declared consuming at least one DS, with a higher prevalence in males than females (77.1% vs. 49.2%) and in professionals thanin amateur players (79.7% vs. 52.0%). The main reason for consumption was to enhance sport performance (62.3%) with differences only based on sex (74.3% males vs. 43.2% females). The most common purchase sites were the Internet (45.6%) and specialised stores (39.8%). As to the moment of ingestion, professionals did this most frequently during competition and training (56.4% vs. 28.2%), whereas amateur players did so only during competition (20.5% vs. 3.6%). Moreover, professional player intake most frequently in post-exercise (65.5% vs. 35.9%), whereas amateur during pre-exercise (30.8% vs. 5.5%). The DS most consumed included whey protein (44%), caffeine (42%), sports drinks (38%), energy bars (34%) and creatine monohydrate (31%), with a higher prevalence in male and professional players of whey protein and creatine monohydrate. Conclusions: The main reason for DS consumption is for enhancing sports performance). Professional players more frequently purchase them on the Internet and consume DS during training and competition period and in the post-exercise, whereas amateur players consume during competition and pre-exercise. Related to the main form of DS consumption, it is observed that a moderate consumption of DS could be considered ergogenic, such as whey protein, sport bar and creatine, while an absence of other DS could be considered ergogenic

    Reconstrucción ósea acetabular con cotilos no cementados y aporte de aloinjerto en la artroplastia total de cadera : estudio de 35 casos

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    Se han revisado 35 arlroplastias realizadas en 29 pacientes portadores de algún tipo de defecto óseo en el cotilo por fallo de prótesis total de cadera. En el presente estudio incluimos sólo las reconstrucciones acetabulares efectuadas con implantes no cementados. La edad media fue de 60 años (29/79), siendo 19 mujeres y 10 varones. Clasificamos los defectos óseos siguiendo a D'Antonio en segmentarios, cavitarios y mixtos, y para la reparación de dichos defectos utilizamos aloinjerto criopreservado en todos los casos excepto uno, tratado con injerto liofilizado. Valoramos los resultados desde un punto de vista clínico, subjetivo y objetivo (escala de Harris). Desde un punto de vista radiológico se analizaron las migraciones del implante acetabular, la existencia de zonas de radiolucencia, las osificaciones periarticulares y la incorporación o no del injerto óseo utilizado. Desde el punto de vista clínico obtuvimos un 60% de resultados excelentes y buenos, frente a un 40% de regulares y malos. Desde cualquier punto de vista el índice de aflojamiento del componente acetabular fue mucho mayor que el que puede obtenerse con cotilos no defectuososThirty five revision hip arthroplasties performed in 29 patients with acetabular bone defects were reviewed. In this series we only include the acetabular reconstruction performed using non cemented acetabular implants. The mean age of the patients was 60 years (29-79), 19 were female and 10 male. We classified the acetabular bone defects according to D'Antonio, in segmentary, cavitary and combined. To repair these defects, we used criopreserved allograft, except one case in which a liofilized allograft was used. The results were evaluated clinically (modified Harris hip score) and radiographically, looking for acetabular migrations, radiolucent lines, periarticular ossifications and bone graft incorporation. We obtained 60% of excellent and good results. There was 40% of poor and fair results. The acetabular loosening rate was higher than in revision hip arthroplasty without acetabular bone defects