34 research outputs found
Medullary Conus Topography in White-Tufted-Ear-Marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)
Background: The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) belongs to the family Cebidae and Subfamily Callitrichinae, a group formed by the smallest anthropoid primates. It is a very common species and adapts easily to captivity, an aspect that encourages the clandestine capture of these animals and makes them susceptible to wounds resulting from clandestine rearing and inadequate management, so that studies to understand the species are extremely important. With the objective of supplying anatomic bases for the practice of epidural anesthetic, data were studied regarding the topography of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus).Materials, Methods & Results: The study was carried out at the Laboratory of Veterinary Anatomy at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), PA, Brazil. Ten adult common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) were used, 5 males and 5 females, with different causes of death. A round workbench magnifying lamp was used to better visualize the dissecation field. Number 15 scalpel blades, surgical pincers and scissors were used to dissect. After fixing in 10% formaldehyde aqueous solution, dissecation was made along the mid dorsal line, from the cranial thoracic region to the tail base to expose the vertebral arches and measure the intervertebral spaces. The vertebral arches were removed, and consequently the spinal dura mater was exposed, that was sectioned longitudinally to expose the spinal chord and identify the lumbar intumescence, the conus medullaris and the cauda equina. The length of the conus medullaris was measured and its skeletopy was established. The body and tail length data were submitted to analysis of variance and the means were compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability. The mean value of the conus medullaris length was 1.4 cm, while the anatomic location of the conus medullaris varied slightly among the animals, but did not pass the limit between L3 for the base and L6 for the apex. On average, the lumbosacral space measured 3.03 mm, that is sufficient to introduce a needle similar to that used in syringes for insulin injection. The results of this study suggest the lumbarsacral space as location for epidural anesthetic application in Callithrix jacchus, at a safe point situated in the center of an isosceles triangle, the base of which is found when a line is drawn from one side of the pelvis to the other, and the apex corresponds the spinal process of the first sacral vertebra.Discussion: The anatomic location of the conus medullaris is different compared to two other primate species, the red handed tamarin (Saguinus midas), in which the cone base was registered at L4 and the apex at S2, and the common squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) where the conus medullaris base occurs at L7-8 and the apex at S3 or Cc1. However, some similarities with other mammal groups were observed in the conus medullaris topography, such as the black-striped capuchin (Sapajus libidinosus). The mean conus medullaris length of the species Callithrix jacchus of 1.4 cm was close to that observed in the coypu, capuchin monkey and sloth, and significantly smaller than the means obtained for the red handed tamarin and common squirrel monkey and other non-primate mammals reported in the literature. The lumbosacral space is the location indicated for epidural anesthesia in Callithrix jacchus, that has also been indicated for other wild mammals such as the black-striped capuchin monkey (Sapajus libidinosus), the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus), the tayra (Eira barbara), the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis), the crab-eating racoon (Procyon cancrivorus) and the coypu (Myocastor coypus)
Condrossarcoma uretral primário em cão / Primary urethral chondrosarcoma in a dog
O Condrossarcoma (CSA) é um tumor mesenquimal, normalmente de crescimento lento, bem diferenciados e com baixa taxa de metástase. Sua sintomatologia varia de acordo com o tamanho do tumor e a área afetada, podendo haver aspectos como massa palpável assintomática. O diagnóstico é embasado na anamnese, exames fÃsicos, exames laboratoriais, radiografia tradicional, tomografia computadorizada (TC), ressonância magnética (RM), citologia e exames histopatológicos. A cirurgia é a principal forma de tratamento, sendo o princÃpio básico a ressecção com amplas margens de segurança, pois a recidiva é um dos fatores de mau prognóstico. A prevalência é maior em cães de raças de médio e grande porte, sendo raro em cães de raça pequena e gigantes. Na Medicina Veterinária, o condrossarcoma extraesquelético é um tumor raro de tecido mole. Esse relato descreve o caso de cão da raça Shih-tzu que foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário Harmony Vet, Natal/RN, no qual o paciente apresentava sinais recorrentes de obstrução urinária e após realização de ultrassonografia e tomografia computadorizada foi constatada a presença de um nódulo na transição entre uretra perineal e uretra peniana. O tratamento foi realizado com a cirurgia de penectomia total e uretrostomia. A histopatologia do nódulo revelou condrossarcoma pouco diferenciado. No perÃodo de 6 meses após a cirurgia, o animal teve uma piora por causa do nódulo pulmonar e foi realizada a eutanásia do paciente
Morphometry and Cardiac Anatomicalsurgical Segmentation in Goats
Background: Although surgeries that remove of part of the heart wall are not yet part of veterinary and human surgical routine, experimental studies can indicate this practice in cases where alterations are identified in the heart morphology, with the determination of the heart segments that are part of the organ with independent vascularization and irrigation. In this context, the objective of the present study was to describe the anatomic surgical segmentation of the goat heart and supply biometric data on the heart to enrich data on the heart morphology of this species.Materials, Methods &Results: Twenty-six hearts were used from crossbred goats, ten to assess the topographical relations of the heart and morphological description of the organ; ten hearts were weighed on 0.01 g precision semi-analytical scales, measured with a pachymeter and later Agar-Agar was injected in the cavities which were sectioned crosswise to establish the volumetric proportion of the heart components, applying a point counting grid to the base surfaces; in three hearts natural latex was injected in the coronary arteries, that were later dissected, and red-stained vinyl acetate was injected in three, corroded in acid to make vascular molds and these two groups were used to define the irrigation territories of the coronary arteries, identifying the anatomic surgical units among the animals studied. The goat heart presented average weight of 126.6 g, 8.36 ± 0.62 cm length and 5.89 ± 0.57 cm width at the base. The study of the volumetric proportion showed that the proportion of muscle was 75.87% and the cavity proportion was 24.12%; the arterial volume (13.94% ±3.01) was greater than the ventricular volume (6.32% ± 1.43). An average of 13 ventricular segments were identified from the vascular study, coming from the right and left coronary arteries that were characterized as SAIP - Interventricular Paraconal Arterial Segment; SAVE1- Left Ventricular Ventral Arterial Segment; SAVE2- Left Ventricular Ventral Arterial Segment; SAME- Left Ventricular Margin Arterial Segment; SAVD1- Right Ventricular Ventral Arterial Segment, SAVD2 - Right Ventricular Ventral Arterial Segment, SAIS- Subsinuosus Interventricular Arterial Segment, SAA- Adipose Artery Arterial Segment, SADE1- Left Ventricular Dorsal Arterial Segment, SADE2- Left Ventricular Dorsal Arterial Segment 2- SAMD: Right Ventricular Margin Arterial Segment, SADD1- Right Ventricular Dorsal Arterial Segment, SADD2- Right Ventricular Dorsal Arterial Segment.Discussion: The goat hearts presented anatomy and topography according to that described in the literature for the species. Regarding the heart morphology and segmentation, the goat is similar to the dog, and the goat can be used as an experimental model in cardiology research. As the segments identified presented few variations among the animals, observing that some of them were not found in 100% of the sample, but understanding that the goat arterial segments are well defined in the heart wall, the data was considered reliable for future research of partial ventriculectomies
Anatomic Bases for Brachial Plexus Block of Capuching (Sapajus libidinosus)
Background: In captivity, capuchin monkeys compete for space and rank. Fights can result in traumas, especially to the limbs, requiring interventions that are often outpatient. Local anesthesia as a tool in these procedures, as an aid to chemical restraint, is very relevant for small outpatient surgeries, or even for pain relief. Knowledge of peripheral nerve anatomy is essential to perform local anesthesia. Thus the objective of the present study was to determine, by anatomical studies of the brachial plexus region, the best access pathways for anesthetic blocking of the nerve.Materials, Methods & Results: Seven adult capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus) were used, weighing 2-3 kg, fixed and preserved in formaldehyde aqueous solution at 10%. In five of these animals the supraclavicular, infraclavicular and axillar regions were dissected to visualize the muscles, clavicle and bracchial plexus nerves. An analogical pachymeter was used to measure the depth of the plexus in relation to the cranial and caudal clavicle face and axillary fossa, comparing the length of two hypodermic needles (13x4.5 mm and 15x5 mm). Simulation of the anesthetic block was tested in two animals: before dissecting an acrylic varnish solution was injected using a syringe and 13x4.5 mm needle in the supraclavicular, infraclavicular regions and axillary fossa. To assess the positioning points of the syringe, dissection was performed and the varnish perfusion in the plexus was observed. For the anesthetic block in the supraclavicular region the dorsal median of the clavicle with a 95º deltoclavicular angle with the needle perpendicular to the skin was taken as point of reference. In the infraclavicular the reference point was the caudal face of the median clavicle with an 80º deltoclavicular angle. In the axillar region, with the limb at 90º, the syringe was positioned perpendicular to the axillar at the height of the mid portion of the thorax. The mean and standard deviation of the skin-brachial plexus distance for the supraclavicular, infraclavicular and axillar techniques were, respectively, 1.76 ± 0.1387 cm, 1.12 ± 0.239 cm and 1.59 ± 0.365 cm. These data showed the viability of executing the anesthesia technique by three access pathways. However, in the supraclavicular access pathway in the anesthetic simulation with the 13x4.5 mm hypodermic needle, the stain diffused to the plexus, showing, when compared with the 1.76 cm mean skin- plexus distance a safe distance to prevent the needle from perforating the nerve.Discussion: The techniques reported in the human literature for brachial plexus block presented a series of complications, with incomplete blocks and hemorrhages when the axillar access pathway was used and presented risk of pneumothorax in the supraclavicular. In the capuchin monkey the supraclavicular access pathway in anesthetic simulation with 13x4.5mm hypodermic needle showed a safe distance for the needle not to perforate the nerve, so that the use of this needle could be indicated in 2-3 kg animals. However, hypodermic needles are not recommended for use in this area because of the risk of perforating the subclavicular artery close to the plexus. As an alternative some anesthesiologists use the infraclavicular access pathway with atraumatic needles recommended for brachial plexus block, with relative success and fewer complications. Although the supraclavicular region showed the best depth in relation to the technique used here, anesthetic tests should be made to confirm the efficaciousness of executing the brachial plexus anesthetic technique in capuchin monkeys using atraumatic needles for nerve block
Exercise training prior to myocardial infarction attenuates cardiac deterioration and cardiomyocyte dysfunction in rats
OBJECTIVES: The present study was performed to investigate 1) whether aerobic exercise training prior to myocardial infarction would prevent cardiac dysfunction and structural deterioration and 2) whether the potential cardiac benefits of aerobic exercise training would be associated with preserved morphological and contractile properties of cardiomyocytes in post-infarct remodeled myocardium. METHODS: Male Wistar rats underwent an aerobic exercise training protocol for eight weeks. The rats were then assigned to sham surgery (SHAM), sedentary lifestyle and myocardial infarction or exercise training and myocardial infarction groups and were evaluated 15 days after the surgery. Left ventricular tissue was analyzed histologically, and the contractile function of isolated myocytes was measured. Student's t-test was used to analyze infarct size and ventricular wall thickness, and the other parameters were analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn's test or a one-way analysis of variance followed by Tukey's test (
Carcinoma tubulopapilar em gata: Relato de caso
Tumores de mama em gatas correspondem ao terceiro lugar na casuÃstica dos tumores diagnosticados nesta espécie. Cerca de metade dos tumores mamários de cães são malignos, já em felinos, as chances chegam a 90%, o que torna imprescindÃvel um exame detalhado da cadeia mamária, principalmente em casos de animais submetidos a mastectomia simples, com histórico pretérito de tumoração. O estudo terá como objetivo analisar os aspectos clÃnicos e anatomopatológicos em um caso de carcinoma tubulopapilar em uma gata, sem raça definida, 9 anos de idade, de pelagem cor branca, castrada. O animal deu entrada no Hospital Veterinário, no municÃpio de Bayeux, ParaÃba, com histórico de nodulação em mama abdominal esquerda e aumento de volume circunscrito de aspecto cÃstico no subcutâneo em região vizinha. A punção do cisto subcutâneo revelou grande volume de lÃquido com aspecto viscoso, de coloração amarelo-claro, o qual foi centrifugado e preparado em lâminas coradas com panótico rápido para a análise citológica. O estudo anatomopatológico propõe construir informações da histogênese desse tumor assim como a sua morfologia e desse modo contribuir para a clÃnica oncológica de felinos no que se refere ao estadiamento dos tumores e o aumento da sobrevida do paciente