3 research outputs found


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    Surgical Engineering Society conducted a research, the First Review as the pioneers in LATAM, since year 2015, which develops the topic of the latest Medical Robotics technologies created in North Am茅rica, Europe and Asia, which are imported to apply in the Healthcare System of Peru and Latin America. The robotic systems for surgery, rehabilitation and assistance are presented covering the description of control design and technical specifications. Besides, the patient management using robots is analyzed with diagnosis, prognosis and treatment tools. The process to evaluate the new inventions of robotic devices and bring to the market is introduced where three stages are shown as the following: innovation, regulatory affairs and biomedical application. Moreover, there is a high percentage of population with disability in Latin America, therefore, it is necessary that more biomedical scientists be specialized in robotics to start developing new ideas to improve the patient management. Finally, the new technologies created in Latin America must be affordable, simply and efficient in order to support the healthcare economic situation in the continent and give the best quality standards to improve treatment outcomes on patients.Surgical Engineering Society realiz贸 una investigaci贸n, la primera revisi贸n como pioneros en LATAM, desde el a帽o 2015, que desarrolla el tema de las 煤ltimas tecnolog铆as de rob贸tica m茅dica creadas en Am茅rica del Norte, Europa y Asia, que se importan para aplicarlas en el sistema de salud de Per煤 y Am茅rica Latina Los sistemas rob贸ticos para cirug铆a, rehabilitaci贸n y asistencia se presentan cubriendo la descripci贸n del dise帽o del control y las especificaciones t茅cnicas. Adem谩s, el manejo del paciente mediante robots se analiza con herramientas de diagn贸stico, pron贸stico y tratamiento. El proceso para evaluar los nuevos inventos de los dispositivos rob贸ticos y llevarlo al mercado se introduce donde en las tres etapas que se muestran a continuaci贸n: innovaci贸n, asuntos regulatorios y aplicaci贸n biom茅dica. Adem谩s, hay un alto porcentaje de poblaci贸n con discapacidad en Am茅rica Latina, por lo tanto, es necesario que m谩s cient铆ficos biom茅dicos se especialicen en rob贸tica para comenzar a desarrollar nuevas ideas y mejorar el manejo del paciente. Finalmente, las nuevas tecnolog铆as creadas en Am茅rica Latina deben ser asequibles, simples y eficientes para apoyar la situaci贸n econ贸mica de la atenci贸n m茅dica en el continente y brindar los mejores est谩ndares de calidad para mejorar los resultados del tratamiento en los pacientes

    The Responses of Tissues from the Brain, Heart, Kidney, and Liver to Resuscitation following Prolonged Cardiac Arrest by Examining Mitochondrial Respiration in Rats

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    Cardiac arrest induces whole-body ischemia, which causes damage to multiple organs. Understanding how each organ responds to ischemia/reperfusion is important to develop better resuscitation strategies. Because direct measurement of organ function is not practicable in most animal models, we attempt to use mitochondrial respiration to test efficacy of resuscitation on the brain, heart, kidney, and liver following prolonged cardiac arrest. Male Sprague-Dawley rats are subjected to asphyxia-induced cardiac arrest for 30鈥塵in or 45鈥塵in, or 30鈥塵in cardiac arrest followed by 60鈥塵in cardiopulmonary bypass resuscitation. Mitochondria are isolated from brain, heart, kidney, and liver tissues and examined for respiration activity. Following cardiac arrest, a time-dependent decrease in state-3 respiration is observed in mitochondria from all four tissues. Following 60鈥塵in resuscitation, the respiration activity of brain mitochondria varies greatly in different animals. The activity after resuscitation remains the same in heart mitochondria and significantly increases in kidney and liver mitochondria. The result shows that inhibition of state-3 respiration is a good marker to evaluate the efficacy of resuscitation for each organ. The resulting state-3 respiration of brain and heart mitochondria following resuscitation reenforces the need for developing better strategies to resuscitate these critical organs following prolonged cardiac arrest