715 research outputs found

    The Future of the Asylum Institute in the World

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    What is the future of the Asylum Institute? In our opinion it is of the utmost importance to urgently proceed to universalize and to uniform the rights and obligations of asylum seekers and sheltered, the qualified entities who evaluate the asylum requests, the essential and necessary criteria and requirements for the concession of asylum, and to trigger the necessary processes and procedures which will enable to successfully achieve the so yearned for international protection.N/

    Anais de direito de asilo

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    Nos anais da história podemos encontrar várias referências à problemática do asilo e à migração como um fenómeno transversal da História da Humanidade. Recordar e compreender estes factos sócio-jurídicos é cimentar a alavanca imprescindível para que, sustentadamente, possamos desenvolver no século XXI, uma Convenção Internacional sobre os Asilados à semelhança da Convenção de Genebra sobre o Estatuto dos Refugiados, de 1951 e/ou um Direito Único de Asilo para a União Europeia.ABSTRACT: In the annals of history we can find several references to the problems of asylum and migration as a phenomenon across the history of mankind. To remember and understand these socio-legal facts is essential for cementing the lever, and in a sustainable way, to develop in the twenty-first century an International Convention of Asylum as the Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees of 1951 and / or a single Asylum law for the European Union.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Política Única de Asilo para a União Europeia: proposta de regulamento (UE) nº..../2015 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho de ..../2015, que estabelece uma Política Única de Asilo na União Europeia - PARTE II

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    O Instituto de Asilo na União Europeia que futuro? Consideramos que se impõe, urgentemente, universalizar e uniformizar os direitos e deveres dos requerentes de asilo e dos asilados; os órgãos competentes para apreciar os pedidos de asilo; os critérios e os requisitos essenciais e necessários para a concessão do estatuto de asilado, bem como o tipo de processo ou de procedimentos que é necessários desencadear para com êxito alcançar a almejada proteção internacional.ABSTRACT: What is the future of the Asylum Institute in the European Union? In our opinion it is of the utmost importance to urgently proceed to universalize and to uniform the rights and obligations of asylum seekers and sheltered, the qualified entities who evaluate the asylum requests, the essential and necessary criteria and requirements for the concession of asylum, and to trigger the necessary processes and procedures which will enable to successfully achieve the so yearned for international protection.N/

    Las lenguas y los derechos lingüísticos en la Unión Europea

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    [Resumen] La multiplicidad cultural y del lingüística de la unión europea es un elemento de la identidad europea. En esta medida, los multilinguismos se convirtió en arma privada de los Estado-miembros de la unión europea que hacían posible una comunicación más eficiente y un acuerdo mutuo mejor, entre la gente europea. La lengua alcanza en el siglo XXI en el seio de la unión europea su clímax.[Abstract] A multiplicidade cultural e linguística da União Europeia é um elemento da identidade europeia. Nesta medida, o multilinguismo tornou-se a arma secreta dos Estados membros da União Europeia possibilitando uma comunicação mais eficaz e um melhor entendimento mútuo, entre os povos europeus. A língua atinge, no século XXI, no seio da União Europeia, o seu clímax

    A História do Direito de Asilo no Direito Internacional

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    Após os acontecimentos fatídicos ocorridos a 11 de Setembro de 2001, nos Estados Unidos, a 11 de Março de 2005, em Espanha e a 21 de Julho de 2005, em Londres, temos obrigatoriamente, que analisar o sistema internacional de protecção dos refugiados. Principalmente, porque, os estrangeiros em geral, independentemente, da nacionalidade passaram a ser vistos como alvos a abater. Estará então, em crise o sistema internacional de protecção dos refugiados? Julgamos que não. Desde que, não confundamos os refugiados, os requerentes de asilo, os deslocados, e os imigrantes em geral com os terroristas.ABSTRACT: After the tragic incidents occurred on September 11th 2001, in the United States, on March 11th 2005, in Spain and on July 21ST 2005, in London, we must necessarily analyze the international system of refugees’ protection. Mainly, because foreigners, in general, despite of nationality, are now seen as targets to kill. Is it, then, the international system of refugees’ protection in crisis? We don’t think so. As long as we don’t mistake the refugees, the asylum seekers, the displaced and the immigrants in general with terrorists

    Políticas de asilo e de direito de asilo na União Europeia

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    A ideia de asilo pode-se dizer que é tão antiga como os primórdios da humanidade, talvez, por isso, existe uma panóplia de literatura e de legislação (Internacional e/ou Europeia) que, de forma directa e/ou indirecta, caracterizam, essa problemática. Todavia, somos da opinião de que “ (…) não existe, efectivamente, um verdadeiro Direito de Asilo na União Europeia, pelo menos, no sentido em que, tradicionalmente, ele é considerado, como um conjunto de normas jurídicas harmónicas e correlacionadas entre si. Existem, sim, várias políticas de asilo, díspares entre os diversos Estados-Membros (…)”ABSTRACT: It can be said that the idea of asylum is as old as the dawn of humanity. Perhaps, this is why there is a panoply of legislation and literature (international and/or european) which directly and/or indirectly characterises this phenomenon. However, in our opinion, "...a true Asylum Law does not effectively exist in the European Union, at least, in the sense that it is traditionally considered, as a set of harmonious and correlated rules. What we have are several asylum policies, which vary among the different Member States...


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    The twenty first century will be remembered in the history of mankind as the century of change, constant danger, “clash of civilisations”, collective insecurity, mistrust towards “the other”, injustices caused by the Iraq war and by the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, in the United States, March 11th 2004, in Spain, and July 7th 2005, in London, respectively. We should not, however, neglect all the other terrorist attacks to the most elementary human rights perpetrated every day around the world. Indeed, the “insecurity” epidemic proliferates around the globe. Therefore, it is urgent for the European Union (EU) to adopt and implement a reinforced Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)

    Relation between some socio economic indicators and the security factor – the case of Algarve

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    The paper discusses the implications of the security factor in the regional development in Algarve region. Considering the goal of sustainable development and growth, some variables related to criminality at regional level have been observed and compared to the national values. The obtained data bases was applied in a methodological essay to search for significant statistical correlations between criminal registers and a set of so-cial and economic indicators, namely: unemployment, internal regional product at mp and cp, regional added value, population density, entered legalised citizens and visiting foreign citizens. This study, developed at regional level, reports an observation period from 1995 and is based on the bibliographic support kindly supplied by the Cabinet of Legislative Politics and Planning in Ministry of Justice. The results show an inexistence of statistical correlation’s between the regional unem-ployment rates and the criminal registers. Positive correlations were found for follow-ing indicators: internal regional internal product, regional added value (in what con-cerns crimes against the State and the crimes foreseen in Sundry Legislation). Also the population density reacted positively to the tests of correlation with the group of crimes against the State. The same occurrence was found in the registers of foreign legalized citizens. When the association between the registers of visitors was considered, the cor-relation appeared on the crimes against the State and the crimes foreseen in Sundry Legislation. Despite the Algarve region being classified, for its visitors, as “safe tourist destina-tion”, these associations disclosed some concern about the impact of this type of crime in the regional development logic’s to Algarve region, essentially for its tourist pre-ponderance and localisation as peripheral region in the UE. Keywords: Regional Development, Internal Security, Criminal Records GPLP-MJ, Correlations; Social and economic pointers;