497 research outputs found

    Using shared-data localization to reduce the cost of inspector-execution in unified-parallel-C programs

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    Programs written in the Unified Parallel C (UPC) language can access any location of the entire local and remote address space via read/write operations. However, UPC programs that contain fine-grained shared accesses can exhibit performance degradation. One solution is to use the inspector-executor technique to coalesce fine-grained shared accesses to larger remote access operations. A straightforward implementation of the inspector executor transformation results in excessive instrumentation that hinders performance.; This paper addresses this issue and introduces various techniques that aim at reducing the generated instrumentation code: a shared-data localization transformation based on Constant-Stride Linear Memory Descriptors (CSLMADs) [S. Aarseth, Gravitational N-Body Simulations: Tools and Algorithms, Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics, Cambridge University Press, 2003.], the inlining of data locality checks and the usage of an index vector to aggregate the data. Finally, the paper introduces a lightweight loop code motion transformation to privatize shared scalars that were propagated through the loop body.; A performance evaluation, using up to 2048 cores of a POWER 775, explores the impact of each optimization and characterizes the overheads of UPC programs. It also shows that the presented optimizations increase performance of UPC programs up to 1.8 x their UPC hand-optimized counterpart for applications with regular accesses and up to 6.3 x for applications with irregular accesses.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Using the Cowichan problems to investigate the programmability of X10 programming system

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    ABSTRACT In today's era of multicores and clustered architectures, high performance and high productivity are central concerns in the design of parallel programming languages that aim to solve large computational problems. X10 is a language based on state-of-the-art object-oriented programming ideas and claims to take advantage of their proven flexibility and easeof-use to solve a wide spectrum of programming problems. The Cowichan problems are a set of computational problems that were designed to stress parallel programming environments and to assess their programmability. This paper uses Cowichan problems to assess the flexibility of X10

    Pesquisa de agentes entomopatogénicos na Ilha Terceira (Açores).

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    IX Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia - Terceira 1994.Durante a "Expedição Científica Terceira 1994" fez-se a recolha de amostras de solo para pesquisa de nemátodos e fungos entomopatogénicos no âmbito do projecto de colecção e caracterização da variabilidade genética de agentes entomopatogénicos nos Açores. Com o designado "Galleria trap method" isolaram-se 4 nemátodos do género Heterorhabditis, todos morfologicamente próximos de Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, e 1 fungo, identificado como Beauveria bassiana

    Fast Matrix Multiplication via Compiler-only Layered Data Reorganization and Intrinsic Lowering

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    The resurgence of machine learning has increased the demand for high-performance basic linear algebra subroutines (BLAS), which have long depended on libraries to achieve peak performance on commodity hardware. High-performance BLAS implementations rely on a layered approach that consists of tiling and packing layers, for data (re)organization, and micro kernels that perform the actual computations. The creation of high-performance micro kernels requires significant development effort to write tailored assembly code for each architecture. This hand optimization task is complicated by the recent introduction of matrix engines by IBM's POWER10 MMA, Intel AMX, and Arm ME to deliver high-performance matrix operations. This paper presents a compiler-only alternative to the use of high-performance libraries by incorporating, to the best of our knowledge and for the first time, the automatic generation of the layered approach into LLVM, a production compiler. Modular design of the algorithm, such as the use of LLVM's matrix-multiply intrinsic for a clear interface between the tiling and packing layers and the micro kernel, makes it easy to retarget the code generation to multiple accelerators. The use of intrinsics enables a comprehensive performance study. In processors without hardware matrix engines, the tiling and packing delivers performance up to 22x (Intel), for small matrices, and more than 6x (POWER9), for large matrices, faster than PLuTo, a widely used polyhedral optimizer. The performance also approaches high-performance libraries and is only 34% slower than OpenBLAS and on-par with Eigen for large matrices. With MMA in POWER10 this solution is, for large matrices, over 2.6x faster than the vector-extension solution, matches Eigen performance, and achieves up to 96% of BLAS peak performance

    Outpatient percutaneous treatment of deep venous malformations using pure ethanol at low doses under local anesthesia

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    INTRODUCTION: Venous malformations are the most frequent vascular malformation. Deep venous malformations are located in subcutaneous tissue or in the muscles. Percutaneous sclerotherapy is the treatment of choice, and the use of ethanol at low doses has not yet been described. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the results of treating Deep venous malformations patients with low doses of ethanol. METHODS: Thirty-nine patients treated between July 1995 and June 2007 were followed up prospectively over a median period of 18 months. Twenty-nine were female (74.4%) and 10 were male (25.6%), with ages ranging from 11 to 59 years (median of 24 years). All of the lesions affected limbs, and the main symptom reported was pain (97.4%). Each patient underwent fortnightly alcohol application sessions under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. The lesions were classified into three groups according to size using nuclear magnetic resonance imaging: small, up to 3 cm (4 patients); medium, between 3 and 15 cm (27 patients); and large, greater than 15 cm (8 patients). RESULTS: The symptoms completely disappeared in 14 patients (35.9%) and improved in 24 (61.5%). The lesion size reduced to zero in 6 patients (15.4%) and decreased in 32 (82%). The median number of sessions was 7. There were no complications in 32 patients (82%), while 3 presented local paresthesia (7.7%), 2 superficial trombophlebites (5.1%), 1 skin ulcer (2.6%), and 1 case of hyperpigmentation (2.6%). CONCLUSION: Outpatient treatment for Deep venous malformations patients using ethanol at low doses was effective, with a low complication rate

    NOVO MARCO LEGAL À GERAÇÃO DISTRIBUÍDA DE ENERGIA ELÉTRICA NO BRASIL: UMA ABORDAGEM DAS PRINCIPAIS MUDANÇAS / New legal framework for the distributed generation of electric energy in Brazil: an approach to the main changes

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    This article presents the main changes in the distributed generation of electricity in Brazil, contemplating the approval of the new legal framework (Law 14.300/2022) for the area, which took its effect in January 2022.To answer the research in the field of energy generation, the research relies on bibliographic, documentary, exploratory-descriptive and qualitative studies. It starts from the understanding of the new legislation, which in a way provides greater legal certainty to the area, and ensures economic sustainability to the different agents of the Brazilian electricity sector. This way, despite the change in legislation being quite recent, with ongoing developments, and having impacts to be even better measured, it was concluded that the new legal framework balances the incentive for distributed generation and gives technical-economic feasibility in the medium and long term over Brazilian electric system, especially to electric energy distributors.El presente estudio presenta los principales cambios en la generación distribuida de energía eléctrica en Brasil, contemplando la aprobación del nuevo marco legal (Ley 14.300/2022) para el sector, que entró en vigor en enero de 2022. Para dar respuestas a la investigación acerca de generación de energía, esta pesquisa cuenta con estudios bibliográficos documentales y descriptivos, siendo en su mayoría un estudio exploratorio y cualitativo.  El punto inicial es la comprensión de la nueva legislación, que de alguna manera otorga mayor seguridad jurídica al sector y asegura sostenibilidad económica a los diferentes agentes del sector eléctrico brasileño. Así, a pesar de que el cambio de legislación es bastante reciente, con desarrollos continuos, con impactos aún mejor medidos, se concluyó que el nuevo marco legal equilibra el incentivo a la generación distribuida y la viabilidad técnico-económica en el mediano y largo plazo al sistema eléctrico brasileño, de manera especial a las distribuidoras de energía eléctrica.O presente artigo apresenta as principais mudanças na geração distribuída de energia elétrica no Brasil, contemplando a aprovação do novo marco legal (Lei 14.300/2022) do setor, que entrou em vigor em janeiro de 2022. Para responder à investigação no campo da geração de energia, a pesquisa conta com estudos bibliográficos, documentais, exploratório-descritiva e de natureza qualitativa. Parte-se da compreensão da nova legislação, que de certa forma apresenta maior segurança jurídica ao setor, assegura sustentabilidade econômica aos diferentes agentes do setor elétrico brasileiro. Desta forma, apesar de a mudança na legislação ser bastante recente, com desdobramentos em curso, com impactos a serem ainda melhor mensurados, concluiu-se que o novo marco legal equilibra o incentivo à geração distribuída e viabilidade técnico-econômica no médio e longo prazo ao sistema elétrico brasileiro, em especial às distribuidoras de energia elétrica. Abstract: This article presents the main changes in the distributed generation of electricity in Brazil, contemplating the approval of the new legal framework (Law 14.300/2022) for the area, which took its effect in January 2022.To answer the research in the field of energy generation, the research relies on bibliographic, documentary, exploratory-descriptive and qualitative studies. It starts from the understanding of the new legislation, which in a way provides greater legal certainty to the area, and ensures economic sustainability to the different agents of the Brazilian electricity sector. This way, despite the change in legislation being quite recent, with ongoing developments, and having impacts to be even better measured, it was concluded that the new legal framework balances the incentive for distributed generation and gives technical-economic feasibility in the medium and long term over Brazilian electric system, especially to electric energy distributors

    NOVO MARCO LEGAL À GERAÇÃO DISTRIBUÍDA DE ENERGIA ELÉTRICA NO BRASIL: UMA ABORDAGEM DAS PRINCIPAIS MUDANÇAS / New legal framework for the distributed generation of electric energy in Brazil: an approach to the main changes

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    O presente artigo apresenta as principais mudanças na geração distribuída de energia elétrica no Brasil, contemplando a aprovação do novo marco legal (Lei 14.300/2022) do setor, que entrou em vigor em janeiro de 2022. Para responder à investigação no campo da geração de energia, a pesquisa conta com estudos bibliográficos, documentais, exploratório-descritiva e de natureza qualitativa. Parte-se da compreensão da nova legislação, que de certa forma apresenta maior segurança jurídica ao setor, assegura sustentabilidade econômica aos diferentes agentes do setor elétrico brasileiro. Desta forma, apesar de a mudança na legislação ser bastante recente, com desdobramentos em curso, com impactos a serem ainda melhor mensurados, concluiu-se que o novo marco legal equilibra o incentivo à geração distribuída e viabilidade técnico-econômica no médio e longo prazo ao sistema elétrico brasileiro, em especial às distribuidoras de energia elétrica. Abstract: This article presents the main changes in the distributed generation of electricity in Brazil, contemplating the approval of the new legal framework (Law 14.300/2022) for the area, which took its effect in January 2022.To answer the research in the field of energy generation, the research relies on bibliographic, documentary, exploratory-descriptive and qualitative studies. It starts from the understanding of the new legislation, which in a way provides greater legal certainty to the area, and ensures economic sustainability to the different agents of the Brazilian electricity sector. This way, despite the change in legislation being quite recent, with ongoing developments, and having impacts to be even better measured, it was concluded that the new legal framework balances the incentive for distributed generation and gives technical-economic feasibility in the medium and long term over Brazilian electric system, especially to electric energy distributors

    Comportamento da Cordia africana Lam. cultivada em solo contaminado por metais pesados e tratado com materiais amenizantes

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509810544This study aimed to evaluate the remediation of two soils contaminated with heavy metals from soil excavations, located near the port of Itaguaí, through the techniques of chemical immobilization and phytostabilization using the species Cordia africana. The data were collected in the ore courtyard from ‘Companhia Siderúgica Nacional’ (CSN), in the port of Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro state. In order to reduce the solubility of heavy metals present in these substrates, two industrial waste products produced by CSN were used as ameliorating products, the steelmaking slag and the mill scale, in different concentrations. The plant species was considered with potential to be used in programs of phytostabilization, due to its heavy metal tolerance studied and to high accumulation of such elements in roots and stem. In the substrate of low combination, the lowest accumulation of Zinc and Cadmium in stems and leaves occurred with the use of 4% of soothing. In the substrate of high accumaltion it was 6%. http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509810544Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a remediação de dois solos contaminados com metais pesados, provenientes de escavações de solo localizado próximo ao porto de Itaguaí, mediante as técnicas de imobilização química e da fitoestabilização utilizando da espécie Cordia africana. Os dados foram coletados no pátio de minério da Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN), no Porto de Itaguaí–RJ. Visando reduzir a solubilidade de metais pesados presentes nestes substratos, foram utilizados como amenizantes dois resíduos industriais produzidos pela CSN, a Escória de Aciaria e a Carepa de Laminação, em diferentes concentrações. A espécie vegetal foi considerada com potencial para ser utilizada em programas de fitoestabilização, devido à sua tolerância aos metais pesados estudados e ao maior acúmulo desses elementos nas raízes e no caule. No substrato com baixa contaminação o menor acúmulo de Zinco e Cádmio no caule e folhas ocorreu com o emprego de 4% de amenizante, e no de alta com 6%

    Comparative insight upon chitosan solution and chitosan nanoparticles application on the phenolic content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of individual grape components of Sousão variety

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    Chitosan, a natural polysaccharide, has been previously proposed as an elicitor in plants to prevent pathogen infections. The present study aimed to analyze the e ect of chitosan solution and chitosan nanoparticles treatment applied on the grapevine variety Sousão with respect to the phenolic composition, antioxidant potential and antibacterial activity of its individual grape components. Grapevine plants of selected lines were sprayed with chitosan solution and chitosan nanoparticles, and ethanolic extracts of stems, seeds and skins were prepared from grapevines treated and not treated with chitosan. Total phenolic, anthocyanin and tannin contents were studied, and the identification of the individual phenolic compounds was performed by HPLC-DAD. The antimicrobial susceptibility method was performed using the Kirby-Bauer disc di usion method against multidrug-resistant bacteria. Overall, there was small increase in the concentration of phenolic compounds, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities in grape components treated with chitosan solution. Seed extracts showed the highest antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. The studied individual components obtained from chitosan-treated grapevines could represent an added value due to the increased antioxidant and antibacterial potentials. The phenolic compounds found in components may be used in food and pharmaceutical industries as natural food preservers and antibiotic adjuvants.This research was founded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain, Project RTI2018-098267-R-C33) and the Junta de Castilla y León (Consejería de Educación, Spain, Project LE164G18). This work was supported by the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry-LAQV which is financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UID/QUI/50006/2019). Vanessa Silva is grateful to FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) for her PhD grant SFRH/BD/137947/2018.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio