2,614 research outputs found

    Subsequent reproductive outcome in women who have experienced a potentially life-threatening condition or a maternal near-miss during pregnancy

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the long-term reproductive consequences that affect women who have experienced potentially life-threatening or life-threatening (near-miss) maternal complications. INTRODUCTION: Although advances have been made in reducing maternal death, few studies have investigated the long-term repercussions of significant events such as severe maternal morbidity and maternal near-misses. These repercussions may be long-lasting and negatively affect quality of life. METHODS: A total of 382 women who had experienced a potentially life-threatening pregnancy-related condition within the last five years were analyzed in this retrospective cohort study. A control group of 188 women who gave birth without complications was also included. Trained interviewers contacted the subjects by telephone and completed a pre-coded, structured questionnaire on reproductive health. Data were analyzed using odds ratios adjusted for age. The main outcome measures were occurrence and outcome of subsequent pregnancies. RESULTS: The estimated risk of becoming infertile as a result of tubal ligation or hysterectomy was 3.5 times higher in women who experienced a maternal near-miss or severe maternal morbidity during the index pregnancy as compared to controls. Likewise, the risk of complications in subsequent pregnancies was five times greater in women who had experienced severe maternal morbidity. However, no differences were found in the occurrence or number of subsequent pregnancies or perinatal outcome. CONCLUSION: The occurrence of a life-threatening or potentially life-threatening maternal condition reduces future reproductive potential and increases the risk of complications in subsequent pregnancies

    Confiabilidade e validade da palidez palmar e de conjuntivas como triagem de anemia

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the reliability and the validity of the use of simple clinical signs as a method of anemia detection. METHODS: The study was carried out in a São Paulo, Brazil, day-care center, and included 135 children from ages 3 months-6 years. Hemoglobin level results and palmar and conjunctival pallor assessment were used. Children with Hb under 11g/dl were considered as anemic; subjective criteria were used for the assessment of palmar and conjunctival pallor. Kappa statistics were used in order to verify agreement, and, in order to evaluate the technique's validity, sensitivity and specificity levels were calculated. RESULTS: The results show low levels of agreement. There was a greater level of sensitivity to conjunctival pallor than to palmar pallor. Specificity results may be considered as good. CONCLUSIONS: It is still early to recommend the routine use of this technique. However, it could promote substantial savings if perfected.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a confiabilidade e a validade do uso de sinais clínicos simples de palidez palmar e de conjuntivas, como método para triagem de anemia. MÉTODOS: Estudo realizado em uma creche municipal de São Paulo, SP, com 135 crianças >;3 meses

    Computer-assisted Telephone Interviewing (cati): Using The Telephone For Obtaining Information On Reproductive Health.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of using computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) as a method for obtaining information on reproductive health in Brazil. A total of 998 eligible women for the study were selected to answer a questionnaire through computer- assisted telephone interviewing undertaken by trained interviewers. The outcomes of each telephone contact attempt were described. Differences between groups were assessed using the χ(2) test. Phone contact was made in 60.3% of the attempts and 57.5% of the interviews were completed. The success rate improved with the decrease in time from hospitalization to interview and with the higher numbers of telephones available. A total of 2,170 calls were made, comprising of one to sixteen attempts per woman. The majority of situations where extra calls were necessary were due to the number being busy or to the fact that the woman was not available at the time of the call. CATI can prove be a valuable procedure for obtaining information on reproductive health among Brazilian women, particularly for relatively recent events and when more than one alternative telephone number is available.271801-

    The microbial culture collections of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) and the new consortium towards the establishment of BRC-UFPE

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    The UFPE from Recife in Brazil hosts a bacterial (UFPEDA) and a fungal (URM) collections since 1951 and 1954, respectively. The UFPEDA was established by Prof. Oswaldo Gonçalves de Lima and is register in WDCM as 114. It is hosted at Antibiotic Department (DA) of UFPE and started out with 200 species mainly of the genus Streptomyces. Nowadays this collection holds 4000 strains of actinomycetes isolated from all the Brazilian places and from the International Streptomyces Project (ISP). The URM – University of Recife Mycology was established by Prof. Augusto Chaves Batista and is register in WDCM as 604. Actual it holds 9000 identified species including 1400 yeasts and 7600 filamentous fungi. All major fungal taxonomic groups are cover by this collection. The collections preserve each strain at least by two different techniques. Water and mineral oil storage were used for long operation time while freeze-drying and freezing at -80 ºC become the main techniques used at this stage. Special care is taken to test whether cultures recovered from preserved material conform to the original deposit. These collections have a range of services which are acceptance of free and confidential deposits, supply strains for academia, industry and services, support research and education (graduate and post-graduate students, as well as advanced training courses), identification services and confidential contracts (e.g. fungal medical diagnosis, starters for agro-industry companies, etc.). The OECD initiative related to guidance for the operation of Biological Resource Centres (BRC) is now a key reference for these collections. The right management of biological resources and their associate information including quality control are perused by these collections. The recent national projects, with reasonable budgets to support their activities, either on networking activities or requalification and management create a new breath and responsibilities to these collections. Taking advantage of good and well equipped premises of LIKA these collections are now open new avenues working in consortium to improve the quality control of their holdings using new tools from molecular biology and spectral analysis (MALDI-TOF) to achieve in the future a certified BRC for the UFPE microbial culture collections

    Reference ranges of the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0) score and diagnostic validity of its 12-item version in identifying altered functioning in healthy postpartum women.

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    OBJECTIVES: To compare scores on the 36-item WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 tool (WHODAS-36) for postpartum women across a continuum of morbidity and to validate the 12-item version (WHODAS-12). METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of the Brazilian retrospective cohort study on long-term repercussions of severe maternal morbidity. We determined mean, median, and percentile values for WHODAS-36 total score and for each domain, and percentile values for WHODAS-12 total score in postpartum women divided into three groups: "no," "nonsevere," and "severe" morbidities. RESULTS: The WHODAS-36 mean total scores were 11.58, 18.31, and 19.19, respectively for no, nonsevere, and severe morbidity. There was a dose-dependent effect on scores for each domain of WHODAS-36 according to the presence and severity of morbidity. The diagnostic validity of WHODAS-12 was determined by comparing it with WHODAS-36 as a "gold standard." The best cut-off point for diagnosing dysfunctionality was the 95th percentile. CONCLUSION: The upward trend of WHODAS-36 total mean value scores of women with no morbidity compared with those with morbidity along a severity continuum may reflect the impact of morbidity on postpartum functioning

    Validation of the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0) 12-item tool against the 36-item version for measuring functioning and disability associated with pregnancy and history of severe maternal morbidity.

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    OBJECTIVE: To validate the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) 12-item tool against the 36-item version for measuring functioning and disability associated with pregnancy and the occurrence of maternal morbidity. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of the Brazilian retrospective cohort study on long-term repercussions of severe maternal morbidity (SMM) among women who delivered at a tertiary facility (COMMAG study). We compared WHODAS-12 and WHODAS-36 scores of women with and without SMM using measures of central tendency and variability, tests for instruments' agreement (Bland-Altman plot), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and Cronbach alpha coefficient for internal consistency. RESULTS: The COMMAG study enrolled 638 women up to 5 years postpartum. Although the median WHODAS-36 and -12 scores for all women were statistically different (13.04 and 11.76, respectively; P<0.001), there was a strong linear correlation between them. Furthermore, the mean difference and the differences in variance analyses demonstrated agreement of total scores between the two versions. CFA demonstrated how the WHODAS-12 questions are divided into six previously defined factors and Cronbach alpha showed good internal consistency. CONCLUSION: WHODAS-12 demonstrated agreement with WHODAS-36 for total score and was a good instrument for screening functioning and disability among postpartum women, with and without SMM

    The impact of hypertension, hemorrhage, and other maternal morbidities on functioning in the postpartum period as assessed by the WHODAS 2.0 36-item tool.

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the scores of postpartum women using the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 36-item tool (WHODAS-36), considering different morbidities. METHODS: Secondary analysis of a retrospective cohort of women who delivered at a referral maternity in Brazil and were classified with and without severe maternal morbidity (SMM). WHODAS-36 was used to assess functioning in postpartum women. Percentile distribution of total WHODAS score was compared across three groups: Percentile (P)90. Cases of SMM were categorized and WHODAS-36 score was assessed according to hypertension, hemorrhage, or other conditions. RESULTS: A total of 638 women were enrolled: 64 had mean scores below P90 (41.3). Of women scoring above P>90, those with morbidity had a higher mean score than those without (44.6% vs 36.8%, P=0.879). Women with higher WHODAS-36 scores presented more complications during pregnancy, especially hypertension (47.0% vs 37.5%, P=0.09). Mean scores among women with any complication were higher than those with no morbidity (19.0 vs 14.2, P=0.01). WHODAS-36 scores were higher among women with hypertensive complications (19.9 vs 16.0, P=0.004), but lower among those with hemorrhagic complications (13.8 vs 17.7, P=0.09). CONCLUSIONS: Complications during pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium increase long-term WHODAS-36 scores, demonstrating a persistent impact on functioning among women, up to 5 years postpartum

    Clarified Açaí ( Euterpe oleracea

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    Seizures affect about 50 million people around the world. Approximately 30% of seizures are refractory to the current pharmacological arsenal, so, the pursuit of new therapeutic alternatives is essential. Clarified Euterpe oleracea (EO) juice showed anticonvulsant properties similar to diazepam in an in vivo model with pentylenetetrazol, a GABAA receptor blocker. This study investigated the effects of EO on the main GABAergic targets for anticonvulsant drugs, analyzing the effect on the GABA receptor’s benzodiazepine and picrotoxinin binding sites and the GABA uptake. Primary cultures of cortical neurons and astrocytes were treated with EO (0–25%) for up to 90 min. [3H]Flunitrazepam and [3H]TBOB binding, [3H]GABA uptake, cell viability, and morphology were assayed. Nonlethal concentrations of EO increased agonist binding and decreased antagonist binding in cortical neurons. Low concentrations significantly inhibited GABA uptake, especially in astrocytes, suggesting an accumulation of endogenous GABA in the synaptic cleft. The results demonstrate, for the first time, that EO can improve GABAergic neurotransmission via interactions with GABAA receptor and modulation of GABA uptake. Understanding these molecular mechanisms will help in the treatment of seizures and epilepsy, especially in developing countries where geographic isolation and low purchasing power are the main barriers to access to adequate treatment