2,469 research outputs found

    La tutela ejecutiva de los anticipos a cuenta en el proceso laboral: Análisis de sus problemas y propuestas de solución

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    The advance payments, in spite of their lengthy trajectory in labour trial, keep on causing serious doubts regarding their interpretation that neither the Case-law nor the Law 36/2011 (enacted on 11th of November) have been able to solve properly. The peculiar characteristic of these advance payments consisting of being an authentic social benefit brings up an atypical assumption of provisional enforcement that due to its emerging «ope legis» doesn't let the court question any aspect concerning their advisability unlike other assumptions of enforcement in the context of labour trial. Generally the advance payments lack the necessary budgetary coverage to let the Government carry out them for workers. This anomaly frustrates the welfare aim that defines the complete advance payments system. In addition, the revocation of the sentence stated by the court of first instance turns the enforcement protection of this welfare benefits into a very problematic and risky task having in mind that their main aim consist of trying to reduce the primary inequality that affects the different parts involved in the labor relationship.Los anticipos a cuenta, pese a contar con una dilatada trayectoria en el ámbito laboral de la jurisdicción, continúan generando importantes dudas interpretativas a las que ni la jurisprudencia ni la Ley 36/2011, de 10 de noviembre, reguladora de la jurisdicción social, han sabido dar una respuesta apropiada. La peculiar naturaleza de los anticipos (auténtico derecho prestacional) da lugar a un curioso supuesto de «ejecución provisional» que al surgir ope legis impide al órgano judicial cuestionar aspecto alguno sobre su conveniencia, a diferencia de lo que ocurre con otros casos de ejecución del proceso laboral. Dado que en los anticipos a cuenta no se necesita acudir a las clásicas actividades de embargo y realización de bienes, muchas veces este tipo de ejecución consiste en operaciones de cargo y abono que sin embargo con excesiva frecuencia no disponen de la suficiente cobertura presupuestaria para que el Estado abone al trabajador el anticipo, para el supuesto de no ser preceptiva la consignación. Esta anomalía frustra el fin asistencial que preside todo el sistema de los anticipos, que inclusive se ve incrementado ante el retraso en los pagos de que viene haciendo gala la Administración. Por si fuese poco, la revocación de la sentencia dictada en la instancia junto a la doctrina del Tribunal Constitucional favorable a la sustitución de la consignación por el aval bancario (seguida por el art. 290 LRJS) convierte en problemática la tutela ejecutiva de estas prestaciones asistenciales cuyo fin último es tratar de mitigar la desigualdad originaria de la parte trabajadora en la relación laboral

    Rockets and feathers behaviour in the Spanish gasoline and diesel market: New evidence

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    In this paper we analyse the potential asymmetric response of retail prices for gasoline and diesel-fuel to changes in oil prices for the Spanish economy and its relation with the so-called ‘rockets and feathers’ behaviour. We show that the assumption made by previous studies, which use as the key explanatory variable the sign –positive or negativeof the change in international oil prices, is inadequate for the Spanish case and the magnitude of the change in international oil prices is also relevant. For small changes in international oil prices there is neither price asymmetry nor rockets and feathers behavior in the retail markets. However, price asymmetries in line with rockets and feathers behavior in retail gasoline and gasoil markets are present when these changes exceed a certain threshold. Following Martín-Moreno et al. (2018) we first apply an Auto-regressive Error Correction Model and endogenously estimate the threshold triggering the rockets and feathers behaviour. A time-varying nature for the dynamic response of retail prices to oil price shocks is revealed when we estimate the TAR-ECM model using rolling windows. Hence, in a second stage, we use a Markov-switching estimation of the model to test the robustness of the results given its suitability to changing environments. This study could have relevant policy implications for the Spanish gasoline and gasoil retail markets due to the ongoing debate on the existence of a rockets and feathers behavior in gasoline and gasoil retail markets between the Spanish regulatory body and the oil companies.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. ECO2015-67305-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. ECO2015-68367-RXunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC2014/02

    Boundary conditions and normal state for a vibrated granular fluid

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    The steady state of a fluidized granular system confined between a vibrating wall and a reflecting one is analyzed in detail. The relationship between the velocity of the wall and the hydrodynamic profiles is established. In the limit of a large system, a peculiar normal state, independent of the details of the boundaries, is reached in the bulk. This state has a uniform pressure and a constant temperature gradient. Both quantities are not independent, but verify a closed constitutive relationship. The generality of this state and the relevant role it is expected to play in the description of vibrated granular systems is discussed.España Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica Grant No. PB98–112

    Hydrodynamics of an open vibrated granular system

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    Using the hydrodynamic description and molecular dynamics simulations, the steady state of a fluidized granular system in the presence of gravity is studied. For an open system, the density profile exhibits a maximum, while the temperature profile goes through a minimum at high altitude, beyond that the temperature increases with the height. The existence of the minimum is explained by the hydrodynamic equations if the presence of a collisionless boundary layer is taken into account. The energy dissipated by interparticle collisions is also computed. A good agreement is found between theory and simulation. The relationship with previous works is discussed

    Steady uniform shear flow in a low density granular gas

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    The steady uniform shear flow of a low density granular sytem is studied by means of a kinetic model equation and also by direct Monte Carlo simulation of the Boltzmann equation. The former can be exactly solved for arbitrary shear rate and dissipation. Explicit expressions for the one-particle distribution function and the pressure tensor are obtained. Comparison of the results with those of previous theories is presented in the appropriate limits. The simulation shows that the model reproduces fairly well the values of the stresses and, in particular, the phenomenon of normal stress differences. The agreement is also very good for the velocity distribution function in the thermal velocity region, although significant discrepancies appear for large velocities.España, Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica Grant No. PB96- 053

    Steady-state representation of the homogeneous cooling state of a granular gas

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    The properties of a dilute granular gas in the homogeneous cooling state are mapped to those of a stationary state by means of a change in the time scale that does not involve any internal property of the system. The new representation is closely related with a general property of the granular temperature in the long time limit. The physical and practical implications of the mapping are discussed. In particular, simulation results obtained by the direct simulation Monte Carlo method applied to the scaled dynamics are reported. This includes ensemble averages and also the velocity autocorrelation function, as well as the self-diffusion coefficient obtained from the latter by means of the Green-Kubo representation. In all cases, the obtained results are compared with theoretical predictions

    Evidence about asymmetric price transmission in the main European fuel markets: from TAR-ECM to Markov-switching approach

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    This paper presents new evidence on the existence of asymmetries in the transmission of shocks in oil prices in the main European fuel markets and their relation to the so-called rockets and feathers effect. Our approach differs from the existing literature in two ways: (1) the data used: we use forward prices rather than spot prices because fuel leaders use forward contracts to buy crude oil. (2) The methodological approach is different. We adopt a more sophisticated econometric model, the Markov-switching model, and use it to contrast the robustness of the results obtained with the TAR-ECM methodology with an endogenous threshold (nonzero threshold). In general, the results show evidence of an asymmetric response of gasoline and diesel prices to changes in the price of crude oil, both in the short-run and with respect to the adjustment towards long-run equilibrium. These price asymmetries fall in line with the “rockets and feathers” hypothesis.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. ECO2015-67305-PBanco de España | Ref. PR71/15-20229Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. ECO2015-68367-RXunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC2014/02

    Ranibizumab in monotherapy and combined with photodynamic therapy for retinal angiomatous proliferation

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    Purpose: to compare the effects of intravitreal ranibizumab in monotherapy (group A) and combined with photodynamic therapy (PDT) with verteporfin (group B) in retinal angiomatous proliferation (RAP) treatment. Methods: this was a multicentric, prospective, randomized clinical study conducted with parallel groups. The study eye in both groups received ranibizumab on days 1, 30, and 60 (loading dose); group B received PDT additionally on day 1. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) visual acuity (VA) testing and optical coherence tomography were performed monthly, and fluorescein angiography and indocyanine green angiography were performed quarterly. Retreatment criteria were leakage in fluorescein angiography or indocyanine green angiography, mean foveal thickness increase ≥100 µm, or VA decrease ≥5 letters. Results: twenty patients were recruited (ten patients in each group). Six eyes had previous treatment (three eyes in group A and three eyes in group B), so only 14 eyes were naïve. At 12-month follow-up, mean VA improved +1.5 letters in group A and +5.6 letters in group B (analysis of variance test; P>0.05). Two patients (20%) in both groups gained ≥15 letters (chi-square test; P>0.05). Mean changes in greatest linear dimension and in foveal thickness were not statistically significant between groups of treatment (analysis of variance test; P>0.05). Mean retreatments per patient were 1.8 (group A) and 0.9 (group B) (Mann-Whitney U-test; P>0.05). One patient died due to underlying disease not related to study medication. Conclusion: intravitreal ranibizumab administered in monotherapy or combined with PDT was efficacious in terms of VA stabilization in patients with RAP

    Nuevos avances en el conocimiento sobre el urbanismo de Colonia Patricia Corduba en el sector ocupado por el templo romano

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    We present the results of an excavation undertaked in 1995 in the plot located of tlie María Cristina's street, behind the roman temple of the Claudio Marcelo's street. This archaeological research has confirmed the existence of a kar-do of the roman city in agreement with the María Cristina's street and also has provided the remains of a sewer with the same type as recently recognized with the kardo ntaxirnus.Presentamos los resultados de la excavación arqueológica realizada en 1995 en el solar de la calle María Cristina, situado a espaldas del templo romano de la calle Claudio Marcelo. Esta intervención ha confirmado la existencia de un kardo de la ciudad romana coincidente con la actual calle María Cristina y ha propiciado el descubrimiento de una cloaca de similares características a la recientemente identificada con el kardo rna,uinzus