519 research outputs found

    Modelado y simulación dinámica del robot industrial Fanuc M-410iB/700

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    This Final Degree Project is part of the line undertaken three years ago to carry out a series of works on dynamic models of industrial robots, working in conjunction with the ADAMS / View dynamic simulation environment and a numerical calculation program such as Mathcad. The robot Fanuc M-410iB / 700 is a palletizing robot with four degrees of freedom and is characterized by having kinematic subchains formed by four-bar mechanisms that allow to keep the palletizing tool parallel to the ground at all times. The project will begin with the compilation of the information necessary for the realization of the model, through consultation in technical literature and contact with the manufacturer and sellers of the robot. The next step will be to build the model with the ADAMS/View and Mathcad programs. In ADAMS / View the three-dimensional model will be built and the movements of the robot that will allow to solve the kinematic and dynamic problems, both direct and inverse in both cases, will be programmed. In Mathcad, the analytical model will be constructed based on the information gathered in the previous phase and will result in a set of equations that will allow to solve the same problems as with the model obtained with the ADAMS/View program. The last phase will be the comparison of both models, obtaining the same results in both cases, which will validate the models made.Este Trabajo Fin de Grado se enmarca dentro de la línea emprendida hace tres cursos para la realización de una serie de trabajos sobre modelos dinámicos de robots industriales, trabajando conjuntamente con el entorno de simulación dinámica ADAMS/View y un programa de cálculo numérico como Mathcad. El robot Fanuc M-410iB/700 es un robot de paletizado con cuatro grados de libertad y que se caracteriza por tener subcadenas cinemáticas formadas por cuadriláteros articulados y que permiten mantener la herramienta de paletizado paralela al suelo en todo momento. El proyecto comenzará con la recopilación de la información necesaria para la realización del modelo, mediante consulta en bibliografía técnica y contacto con fabricante y distribuidores del robot. El siguiente paso será la construcción del modelo con los programas ADAMS/View y Mathcad. En ADAMS/View se construirá el modelo tridimensional y en él se programarán los movimientos del robot que permitirán resolver los problemas cinemáticos y dinámicos, tanto directo e inverso en ambos casos. En Mathcad se construirá el modelo analítico a partir de la información recopilada en la fase anterior y que dará como resultado un conjunto de ecuaciones que permitirán resolver los mismos problemas que con el modelo obtenido con el programa ADAMS/View. La última fase será la comparación de ambos modelos, debiendo obtenerse los mismos resultados en ambos casos, lo que dará validez a los modelos realizados.Campos García, JM. (2017). Modelado y simulación dinámica del robot industrial Fanuc M-410iB/700. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/86963TFG

    Experiencias exitosas de e- learning en la universidad gallega

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    Este artículo resume la información obtenida en el marco de un proyecto de investigación, denominado "Observatorio gallego de e-learning". Dicha investigación fue dirigida por el Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia, con la participación activa de las tres universidades gallegas. Su principal objetivo fue realizar un análisis en profundidad sobre el estado del e-learning tanto en la universidad como en la empresa gallegas. Entre los elementos analizados, se encuentran algunas experiencias que se están desarrollando en la Universidad en Galicia en el campo del e-learning .This article summarizes some of the information obtained in a research conducted by the Supercomputing Center of Galicia (Spain) and the three public universities of Galicia, under the name of "Galician Elearning Observatory". Its main objective was to analyze the state of e-learning in companies and universities from Galicia. Among the elements taken into account, some successful experiences from elearning at Galician Universities were described. In addition to this, it seemed to us interesting to announce some experience that is developing nowadays in Galicia in the field of the e-learning in the university

    An intelligent strategy for tactical movements of UAVs in disaster scenarios

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are envisioned as flexible and fast-deploying communication network for disaster scenarios, where the typical communication infrastructure is likely to be malfunctioning. A few works propose UAVs for building communication links autonomously between rescue team’s members in disaster scenarios. The techniques used are usually based on navigation, positioning, and signal strength processing. However, these techniques may not be enough if the objective is to provide communication services to the maximum number of victims and rescuers and not only to a few rescuers. In this situation, dissimilarity metrics, like the Jaccard distance, can provide information about whether the communication service provided to victims is efficient or not (e.g., providing a better distribution of the victims assigned to each UAV acting as service provider). We propose an intelligent strategy that allows UAVs to perform tactical movements in a disaster scenario, combining the Jaccard distance and artificial intelligence algorithms like hill climbing and simulated annealing. Our strategy maximizes the number of victims that are serviced by the UAVs while avoiding network disconnections. Also, a mobility model specifically developed for modelling the victims’ movements within the incident site of a disaster scenario is propose

    On-siteDriverID: A secure authentication scheme based on Spanish eID cards for vehicular ad hoc networks

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    Security in Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) has been a topic of interest since the origins of vehicular communications. Different approaches have been followed as new security threats have emerged in the last few years. The approach of conditional privacy has been widely used as it guarantees authentication among vehicles but not revealing their real identities. Although the real identity of the vehicle can be traced by the authorities, the process to do that is time consuming and typically involves several entities (for instance road authorities that request the identification, license plate records bodies, a judge to allow revealing the identity associated to a license plate…). Moreover, this process is always subsequent to the detection of a road situation that requires knowing the real vehicle identities. However, in vehicular scenarios, authorities would beneficiate from knowing the real drivers’ identity in advance. We propose in this paper On-SiteDriverID, a secure protocol and its application which allows authorities’ vehicles to obtain drivers’ real identities rapidly and on demand on VANET scenarios. Thus, authorities would be able to gather information about drivers and vehicles, allowing them to act in a safer and better manner in situations such as traffic control duties or emergencies. The obtained simulation results in real VANET scenarios based on real maps guarantee that in the 60–70% of cases the proposed On-SiteDriverID successfully obtains the identity of the driver

    An evaluation methodology for reliable simulation based studies of routing protocols in VANETs

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    Vehicular Ad hoc networks (VANETs) have attracted much attention in the last decade. Many routing protocols have been proposed for VANETs and their performance is usually evaluated and compared using simulation-based studies. However, conducting reliable simulation studies is not a trivial task since many simulation parameters must be configured correctly. The selected parameters configuration can considerably affect the simulation results. This paper presents a methodology for conducting reliable simulations of routing protocols in VANETs urban scenarios. The proposed methodology includes relevant simulation aspects such as measurement period, selection of source-destination pairs for the communication traffic flows, number of simulations, mobility models based on road city maps, performance metrics and different analyses to evaluate routing protocols under different conditions. The proposed methodology is validated by comparing the simulation results obtained for Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol with and without using the proposed methodology. The obtained results confirm that by using the proposed methodology, we can achieve more reliable simulations of VANETs routing protocols.Universidad de Sevilla. V Plan Propio de InvestigaciónMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2013-44278-


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    El documento tiene por objetivo abordar el estudio del uso eficiente de los recursos socioeconómicos en la dimensión salud del desarrollo humano, incorporando factores no controlables, en los 113 municipios de Michoacán, durante el período 1990-2010. Por lo que el establecimiento de mecanismos que mejoren la dinámica de las dimensiones del desarrollo humano le permitirá a la entidad aspirar a mayores niveles de bienestar social. Para establecer que tan eficientes fueron los municipios de Michoacán se utilizó el Análisis de la Envolvente de Datos, considerando variables no controlables, y para conocer su evolución en el tiempo se calculó el índice Malmquist. Los resultados del modelo muestran que sólo 6 de las 113 unidades estudiadas fueron eficientes en la generación de bienestar en salud mientras que el resto deberá aumentar la esperanza de vida al nacer con los recursos socioeconómicos que poseen

    Geometrie analysis and scaling properties of calcite e-twins in the Cameros Basin (NW Iberian Chain, Spain)

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    One dimensional geometric analysis has been carried out in several scan lines from 885 measures of twins in calcite grains to determine grain width (in microns) and twin density (number of twins.mm-1 ) distributions. Grain width and twin density have a good fit to the log-normal frequency distribution. Twinning in calcite implies intracrystaline deformation mechanism with low shear stress. When the process begins low grain width and calcite twins are developed with a probably random distribution what could be supported by a negative exponential distribution tendency. The twinning process continues until a "critical" value of grain width and density which is going to influence in the scaling process, and becoming the distribution to log-normal type. But some data also conform to a power-law (fractal) frequency distribution from determined range or sizes (300 to WOO mm) and density (2 to W twins.mm-1) with some superimposed random (negative-exponential) elements, possible due to the irregularities at grain scale, but also because this systems show multifractal behavior

    Capability of mechanical alloying and SPS technique to develop nanostructured high Cr, Al alloyed ODS steels

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    This paper is part of a special issue on High strength ODS steels: fundamentals and propertiesOxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) Fe alloys were produced by mechanical alloying (MA) with the aim of developing a nanostructured powder. The milled powders were consolidated by spark plasma sintering (SPS). Two prealloyed high chromium stainless steels (Fe-14Cr-5Al-3W) and (Fe-20Cr-5Alz3W) with additions of Y2O3 and Ti powders are densified to evaluate the influence of the powder composition on mechanical properties. The microstructure was characterised by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) was used to analyse grain orientation, grain boundary geometries and distribution grain size. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX) were used to observe the nanostructure of ODS alloys and especially to observe and analyse the nanoprecipitates. Vickers microhardness and tensile tests (in situ and ex situ) have been performed on the ODS alloys developed in this work.This investigation has been supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España through the Project ENE2009-13766-C04-03. The authors would like tothank the Dr Fabrice Gaslain for its contribution duringthe of EBSD analysis

    Actividades informáticas para la Telerehabilitación cognitiva : proyecto discognitios

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    El progresivo envejecimiento de la población, parejo al desarrollo de las TICs, ha incrementado el interés por la gerontología y la investigación referida a este campo, naciendo muchas iniciativas que de una manera u otra se tratan de implementar a fin de mejorar la calidad de vida de este colectivo. Desde el Grupo de Investigación en Gerontología (UDC) y el CESGA, se está desarrollando un proyecto, que denominado "discognitios" trata de identificar software de teelerehabilitación cognitiva. Para ello, en primer lugar se ha procedido a una búsqueda selectiva de aplicaciones, que una vez categorizada en una base de datos online, han sido contrastadas con la población diana. En el presente artículo exponemos los resultados obtenidos tras el estudio. A partir del cual obtendremos datos para desarrollar una herramienta de estimulación cognitiva a domicilio, abriendo paso a un innovador recurso asistencial denominado "teleestimulación cognitiva"

    Sistema web de facturación y control de mercancía para la librería “María Auxiliadora”, Jinotepe-Carazo, en el periodo del año 2022

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    A partir de “la necesidad de un sistema web transaccional”, se ha llevado a cabo el desarrollo de este proyecto, tomando como objeto de estudio la librería “María Auxiliadora”, con el fin de dar respuesta a dicha necesidad, a través de un Sistema web de facturación y control de mercancía. En primera instancia en este trabajo de investigación se identifican los procesos que actualmente lleva el negocio, así como la problemática del mismo, con el fin de determinar las necesidades del sistema; para ello se utilizaron diferentes métodos para la recopilación de datos, como la entrevista realizada al trabajador de la librería, con el fin de obtener los requerimientos funcionales y no funcionales, de igual manera para la definición de los alcances y limitantes del sistema. También en el presente documento se detallan conceptos generales sobre los sistemas de información, sobre el Lenguaje Unificado UML, Bases de datos, entre otros. Con la intención de fundamentar cada proceso del desarrollo del sistema. Del mismo modo se presentan los diagramas que representa las transacciones del negocio a través de la metodología de lenguaje unificado UML, también se implementó una base de datos que permite registrar, almacenar y procesar la información del negocio, y se diseñó la estructura del sistema, por medio de las herramientas de desarrollo web como SQL SERVER, VISUAL STUDIO y VISUAL STUDIO CODE. Finalmente se integraron todas las herramientas a nivel de análisis, diseño y de programación, para el desarrollo del sistema de facturación y control de mercancía. Tras haber culminado con el desarrollo del sistema, se concluyó que un sistema web transaccional es fundamental para agilizar y automatizar los procesos de un negocio, como se planteaba al inicio, y que del mismo modo contribuye a la integridad de la información