19,288 research outputs found

    Stretchable electronics for artificial skin

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    A Framework for Evaluating Land Use and Land Cover Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Analyzing land use and land cover (LULC) using remote sensing (RS) imagery is essential for many environmental and social applications. The increase in availability of RS data has led to the development of new techniques for digital pattern classification. Very recently, deep learning (DL) models have emerged as a powerful solution to approach many machine learning (ML) problems. In particular, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are currently the state of the art for many image classification tasks. While there exist several promising proposals on the application of CNNs to LULC classification, the validation framework proposed for the comparison of different methods could be improved with the use of a standard validation procedure for ML based on cross-validation and its subsequent statistical analysis. In this paper, we propose a general CNN, with a fixed architecture and parametrization, to achieve high accuracy on LULC classification over RS data from different sources such as radar and hyperspectral. We also present a methodology to perform a rigorous experimental comparison between our proposed DL method and other ML algorithms such as support vector machines, random forests, and k-nearest-neighbors. The analysis carried out demonstrates that the CNN outperforms the rest of techniques, achieving a high level of performance for all the datasets studied, regardless of their different characteristics.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2014-55894-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2017-88209-C2-2-

    Comparison of theoretical heat transfer model with results from experimental monitoring installed in a refurbishment with ventilated facade

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    One of the main points to consider when a building is renovated is the improvement of its energy efficiency, minimizing the heat loss through the enclosures and its heating consumption. Under this scope idea a ventilated facade was designed and incorporated in an educational building located in the city of Burgos (Spain). The main objective of this document is a comparison between the theoretical model of heat transfer across the building envelope separating the environment and the interior space, and the heat intake through a linear regression model with installed experimental monitoring. For this it has been necessary to carry out an exhaustive study of the thermal transmission of each one of the materials that make up the thermal envelope of the building, as well as the linear thermal bridges that can be produced before and after the renovation. In addition, thanks to the monitoring installed in the demonstrator building, the interior and exterior temperatures and the heat consumption of each of the radiators is known. In this way expected and real energy savings have been compared

    Hand corer versus van Veen grab in harbour sediments: Efficiency estimation in the study of macrobenthic communities

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    Se compararon los resultados obtenidos con una draga van Veen de 0,05 m 2 de superficie operativa con los de un core manual de sección rectangular (10 x 17 x 35 cm) en muestreos de macrofauna de sedimentos del puerto de Ceuta. El número de especies obtenido por ambos procedimientos de muestreo fue similar. Sin embargo, las densidades de las especies numéricamente impor- tantes fueron significativamente superiores en las muestras extraídas con core, sobre todo en el caso de los poliquetos, lo que se tradujo en un descenso en los valores de diversidad y equitatividad. Al considerar los valores medios de las tres estaciones estudiadas, las densidades del molusco Paphia aurea y de los poliquetos Cirratulus cirratus , Exogone verugera y Platynereis dumerilii fueron significativamente superiores en las muestras tomadas con core manual. Los crustáceos tienen una clara preferencia por los estratos superficiales de la columna de sedimento, mientras que algunos moluscos y muchos poliquetos son capaces de penetrar alcanzando niveles más profundos. De ahí que sus abundancias queden subestimadas con la draga van Veen, que extrae un semici- lindro de sedimento en lugar de un prisma y tiene un grado de profundización dependiente del tipo de sedimento.A comparison of benthic macrofauna from sediments of the harbour of Ceuta collected with a van Veen grab (0.05 m 2 ) and a hand corer (10 x 17 x 35 cm) was conducted. The number of species collected with the two devices was similar. However, densities of numerically important species were higher with the hand core, especially for the polychaetes, resulting in a decrease of diversity and evenness indexes. Considering the mean values for the three stations selected, densities of the mollusc Paphia aurea and the polychaetes Cirratulus cirratus , Exogone verugera and Platynereis dumerilii were significantly higher with the core. The crustaceans show preference for superficial levels in the sediment column whereas some molluscs and many polychaetes are able to reach deeper levels. Therefore, densities of molluscs and polychaetes are underestimated with the van Veen grab, which takes out a semicylinder of sediment instead of a prism, and the degree of penetration into the sediment depends on the type of substrate

    Polychaete assemblages and sediment pollution in a harbour with two opposing entrances

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    The harbour at Ceuta is one of the most important harbours in the Strait of Gibraltar. The sediments are moderately polluted with organic matter and heavy metals but the harbour has two opposing entrances and a connecting channel which increases water renewal and dissolved oxygen across the harbour. For these special conditions, the value of the soft bottom polychaete community as a bioindicator, and possible advantages of the presence of two harbour entrances on biotic assemblages, were studied. Twenty-one stations were selected, and 27 variables were measured in the sediment of each station. The polychaete species richness and Shannon diversity values were similar inside and outside the harbour. Nevertheless, the Pielou evenness index was significantly higher in the external stations due to high densities of some species of polychaetes such as Pseudomalacoceros tridentata and Capitella capitata inside the harbour. The multivariate approach based on polychaete species composition was much more sensitive than univariate analyses at discriminating between internal and external stations. The pollution gradient and granulometric parameters were the main factors affecting polychaete distribution. Polychaete species richness and diversity in sediments inside Ceuta harbour were higher than in conventional harbours due to the positive effects of increased water renewal. These results should be taken into consideration in design, construction and remodelling of future harbours.Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España. FPU AP98/2861706

    Making more flexible ATISMART+ model for traffic simulations using a CAS

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    Traffic simulations usually require the search of a path to join two different points. Dijkstra’s algorithm [1] is one of the most commonly used for this task due to its easiness and quickness. In [2, 3] we developed an accelerated time simulation of car traffic in a smart city using Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute the paths. Dijkstra’s algorithm provides a shortest path between two different points but this is not a realistic situation for simulations. For example, in a car traffic situa- tion, the driver may not know the shortest path to follow. This ignorance can be produced, among others, because one of the following two facts: the driver may not know the exact length of the lanes, or, even knowing the exact length, the driver may not know how to find the shortest path. Even more, in many cases, a mixture of both facts occurs. A more realistic simulation should therefore consider these kind of facts. The algorithm used to compute the path from one point to another in a traffic simulation might consider the possibility of not using the shortest path. In this talk, we use a new probabilistic extension of Dijkstra’s algorithm which covers the above two situations. For this matter, two different modifications in Di- jkstra’s algorithm have been introduced: using non-exact length in lanes, and the choice of a non-shortest path between two different points. Both modifications are used in a non-deterministic way by means of using probability distributions (classi- cal distributions such as Normal or Poisson distributions or even "ad hoc" ones). A precise, fast, natural and elegant way of working with such probability distributions is the use of a CAS in order to deal with exact and explicit computations. As an example of use of this extension of Dijkstra’s algorithm, we will show the ATISMART+ model. This model provides more realistic accelerated time sim- ulations of car traffics in a smart city and was first introduced in [4] and extended in [5]. This model was developed combining J AVA for the GUI and M AXIMA for the mathematical core of the algorithm. The studies developed in the above mentioned works, dealt with Poisson, Ex- ponential, Uniform and Normal distributions. In this talk we will introduce, as a novelty, the possibility of using other continuous probability distributions such as: Lognormal, Weibul, Gamma, Beta, Chi-Square, Student’s t, Z, Pareto, Lo- gistic, Cauchy or Irwin-Hall, and other discrete distributions such as: Bernouille, Rademacher, Binomial, Geometric, Negative Binomial or Hypergeometric. Even 1 more, this new version allows to deal with any “ad-hoc” continuous, discrete or mixed user’s distributions. This fact improves the flexibility of ATISMART+ model.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech