54 research outputs found

    A sequential model for older workers’ labor transitions after a health shock

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    In this work we study older workers’ (50—64) labor force transitions after a health/disability shock. We find that the probability of keeping working decreases with both age and severity of the shock. Moreover, we find strong interactions between age and severity in the 50—64 age range and none in the 30–49 age range. Regarding demographics we find that being female and married reduce the probability of keeping work. On the contrary, being main breadwinner, education and skill levels increase it. Interestingly, the effect of some demographics changes its sign when we look at transitions from inactivity to work. This is the case of being married or having a working spouse. Undoubtedly, leisure complementarities should play a role in the latter case. Since the data we use contains a very detailed information on disabilities, we are able to evaluate the marginal effect of each type of disability either in the probability of keeping working or in returning back to work. Some of these results may have strong policy implications.Health shocks, disability, labor force transitions, older workers, Spain

    Award errors and permanent disability benefits in Spain

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    There is a controversial debate about the effects of permanent disability benefits on labor market behavior. In this paper we estimate equations for deserving and receiving disability benefits to evaluate the award error as the difference in the probability of receiving and deserving using survey data from Spain. Our results indicate that individuals aged between 55 and 59, self-employers or working in an agricultural sector have a probability of receiving a benefit without deserving it significantly higher than the rest of individuals. We also find evidence of gender discrimination since male have a significantly higher probability of receiving a benefit without deserving it. This seems to confirm that disability benefits are being used as an instrument for exiting the labor market for some individuals approaching the early retirement or those who do not have right to retire early. Taking into account that awarding process depends on Social Security Provincial Department, this means that some departments are applying loosely the disability requirements for granting disability benefits.Disability benefits, Award error, Early retirement, Social security

    Glutamate adsorption on the Au(111) surface at different pH values

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    Adsorbed amino acids can modulate the behavior of metal nanoparticles in advanced applications. Using a combination of electrochemical experiments, FTIR spectroscopy, and DFT calculations, glutamate species interacting with the Au(111) surface in solution are here investigated. Electrochemical results indicate that the adsorption behavior depends on the solution pH (which controls the glutamate ionization) and on the charge of the surface. Glutamate adsorption starts at potentials slightly negative to the potential of zero charge. The thermodynamic analysis of these results indicates that two electrons are exchanged per molecule, implying that both carboxylic groups become deprotonated upon adsorption. The FTIR spectra reveal that carboxylate groups are bonded to the surface in the bidentate configuration (with both oxygen atoms attached to the surface). Plausible adsorbed configurations, consistent with the whole of these insights, were found using DFT. -Additionally, it was observed that glutamate oxidation only takes place when the surface is oxidized, which suggests that this oxidation process involves the transfer of an oxygen group to the molecule, though, according to the FTIR spectra, the main chain remains intact.Financial support from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Project PID2019-105653GB-100) and Generalitat Valenciana (Project PROMETEO/2020/063) is acknowledged

    Influence of the calibration on experimental UV index at a midlatitude site, Granada (Spain)

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    The ultraviolet index (UVI) is the most commonly used variable to inform about the level and potential harmful effect of ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching the Earth's surface. This variable is derived from the output signal of UV radiometers applying conversion factors from calibration methods. This paper focused on the influence of the use of two of these methods (called one-step and two-steps methods) on the experimental UVI measured by a YES UVB-1 radiometer located in a midlatitude station, Granada (Spain) for the period 2006–2009. In addition, it also analyzes the deviation from the UVI values obtained when the manufacturer's calibration factors are applied. For this goal, a detailed characterization of the UVB-1 radiometer from the first Spanish calibration campaign of broadband UV radiometers at the "El Arenosillo" INTA station in 2007 was used. In addition, modeled UVI data derived from the LibRadtran/UVSPEC radiative transfer code are compared with the experimental values recorded at Granada for cloud-free conditions. Absolute mean differences between measured and modeled UVI data at Granada were around 5% using the one-step and two-steps calibration methods, indicating an excellent performance of these two techniques for obtaining UVI data from the UVB-1 radiometer. Conversely, the application of the manufacture's calibration factor produced a large overestimation (~14%) of the UVI values, generating unreliable alarming high UVI data in summer. Thus, the number of days with an extreme erythemal risk (UVI higher than 10) increased up to 46% between May and September at Granada. This percentage reduced to a more reliable value of 3% when the conversion factors obtained with the two-steps calibration method are used. These results evidence the need for a sound calibration of the broadband UV instruments in order to obtain reliable measurements.This work was partially supported by the Andalusian Regional Government through projects P08-RNM-3568 and P10-RNM-6299, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through projects CGL2010-18782 and CSD2007-00067

    Operational considerations to improve total ozone measurements with a Microtops II ozone monitor

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    A Microtops II 'ozone monitor' with UV channels centered at 305.5, 312.5, and 320 nm has been used routinely in six experimental campaigns carried out in several geographic locations and seasons, covering latitudes from 35 to 68° N during the last ten years (2001-2011). The total ozone content is retrieved by Microtops II by using different combinations (Channel I, 305.5/312.5 nm; Channel II, 312.5/320 nm; and Channel III, 305.5/312.5/320 nm) of the signals at the three ultraviolet wavelengths. The long-term performance of the total ozone content determination has been studied taking into account the sensitivities to the calibration, airmass, temperature and aerosols. When a calibration was used and the airmass limit was fixed to 3, the root mean square deviations of the relative differences produced by Microtops II with respect to several Brewers are 0.9, 2, and 2% respectively for the Channel I, Channel II, and Channel III retrieval. The performance of the Microtops retrieval has been stable during the last ten years. Channel I represents the best option to determine the instantaneous total ozone content. Channels II and III values appear weakly sensitive to temperature, ozone content, and aerosols. Channel II is more stable than Channel I for airmasses larger than 2.6. The conclusions do not show any dependence on latitude and season

    Total ozone column derived from GOME and SCIAMACHY using KNMI retrieval algorithms: Validation against Brewer measurements at the Iberian Peninsula

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    This article focuses on the validation of the total ozone column (TOC) data set acquired by the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) and the Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography (SCIAMACHY) satellite remote sensing instruments using the Total Ozone Retrieval Scheme for the GOME Instrument Based on the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (TOGOMI) and Total Ozone Retrieval Scheme for the SCIAMACHY Instrument Based on the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (TOSOMI) retrieval algorithms developed by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute. In this analysis, spatially colocated, daily averaged ground-based observations performed by five well-calibrated Brewer spectrophotometers at the Iberian Peninsula are used. The period of study runs from January 2004 to December 2009. The agreement between satellite and ground-based TOC data is excellent (R2 higher than 0.94). Nevertheless, the TOC data derived from both satellite instruments underestimate the ground-based data. On average, this underestimation is 1.1% for GOME and 1.3% for SCIAMACHY. The SCIAMACHY-Brewer TOC differences show a significant solar zenith angle (SZA) dependence which causes a systematic seasonal dependence. By contrast, GOME-Brewer TOC differences show no significant SZA dependence and hence no seasonality although processed with exactly the same algorithm. The satellite-Brewer TOC differences for the two satellite instruments show a clear and similar dependence on the viewing zenith angle under cloudy conditions. In addition, both the GOME-Brewer and SCIAMACHY-Brewer TOC differences reveal a very similar behavior with respect to the satellite cloud properties, being cloud fraction and cloud top pressure, which originate from the same cloud algorithm (Fast Retrieval Scheme for Clouds from the Oxygen A-Band (FRESCO+)) in both the TOSOMI and TOGOMI retrieval algorithms.This work was partially supported by the Andalusian Regional Government through projects P08‐RNM ‐3568 andP10‐RNM‐6299, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology throughprojects CGL2010–18782 and CSD2007–00067, and the European Unionthrough ACTRIS project (EU INFRA‐2010‐1.1.16‐262254)

    HISTOFLASH: una eina per al reconeixement de teixits que millora l'aprenentatge

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524Els estudiants de Fisiologia i Fisiopatologia III del Grau de Farmàcia realitzen pràctiques de laboratori entre d’altres activitats complementàries. El curs 2011-12, l’Equip Docent de l’assignatura va posar a punt una pràctica d'histologia que té com a objectiu que els estudiants, per mitjà de l'observació al microscopi òptic, identifiquin estructures en diferents sistemes orgànics. El temps dedicat a aquesta pràctica depenia, en gran mesura, de les habilitats de l’estudiant i de la presència del professor, que havia de confirmar o corregir la identificació que feia l'alumne i donar les pautes per a una correcte interpretació de les preparacions. En una enquesta realitzada durant el curs 2012-2013, un 84% dels estudiants van opinar que seria útil disposar de les imatges de les preparacions, tant per preparar la pràctica com per repassar els continguts posteriorment. En aquest context, l’Equip Docent de l’assignatura ha creat un programa interactiu, l’Histoflash, que permet a l’alumne estudiar els teixits a l’ordinador a través de la simulació de l’observació al microscopi. El desenvolupament i l’aplicació del programa pretén facilitar l’aprenentatge autònom dels estudiants per a millorar de forma no presencial les habilitats d’observació al microscopi, prèviament i posteriorment a les que adquireixen al laboratori de pràctiques. Durant el curs 2013-2014, per mitjà d’una enquesta, es va observar que els estudiants valoren molt positivament aquesta eina ja que poden dedicar a cada preparació el temps necessari segons les seves necessitats. A més a més, en les activitats d’avaluació del curs 2013-14, el nombre d’estudiants que supera aquesta pràctica ha augmentat significativament després de la implementació d’aquesta eina. Es pot concloure que l’Histoflash és un bon complement a l’activitat presencial i facilita el procés de ensenyament-aprenentatge

    Reproducibility of skin temperature response after cold stress test using the Game Ready system: preliminary study

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    The objective of this preliminary study was to determine the reproducibility of lower limbs skin temperature after cold stress test using the Game Ready system. Skin temperature of fourteen participants was measured before and after cold stress test using the Game Ready system and it was repeated the protocol in four times: at 9:00, at 11:00, at 19:00, and at 9:00 h of the posterior day. To assess skin temperature recovery after cold stress test, a logarithmic equation for each region was calculated, and constant (β0) and slope (β1) coefficients were obtained. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), standard error (SE), and within-subject coefficient of variation (CV) were determined. No differences were observed between measurement times in any of the regions for the logarithmic coefficients (p > 0.38). Anterior thigh (β0 ICC 0.33-0.47; β1 ICC 0.31-0.43) and posterior knee (β0 ICC 0.42-0.58; β1 ICC 0.28-0.57) were the regions with the lower ICCs, and the other regions presented values with a fair and good reproducibility (ICC > 0.41). Posterior leg was the region with the better reproducibility (β0 ICC 0.68-0.78; β1 ICC 0.59-0.74; SE 3-4%; within-subject CV 7-12%). In conclusion, cold stress test using Game Ready system showed a fair and good reproducibility, especially when the posterior leg was the region assessed

    Creació i aplicació del programa HISTOFLASH a les classes pràctiques d'histologia de l'assignatura Fisiologia i Fisiopatologia III del Grau de Farmàcia de la Universitat de Barcelona. Programa interactiu com a eina d'aprenentatge

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    Els estudiants de Fisiologia i Fisiopatologia III del Grau de Farmàcia realitzen pràctiques de laboratori entre d'altres activitats complementàries. Una de les pràctiques es basa en l'observació i identificació de teixits humans sans i patològics de diferents sistemes orgànics. L'equip docent de l'assignatura ha creat un programa interactiu, l'Histoflash, que permet a l'alumne estudiar els teixits a l'ordinador a través de la simulació de l'observació al microscopi