116 research outputs found

    Achromobacter xylosoxidans and Enteromorpha intestinalis Extract Improve Tomato Growth under Salt Stress

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    The effect of seed coating salt-stressed tomato with the bacterium Achromobacter xylosoxidans BOA4 and/or irrigation with an extract of the marine algae Enteromorpha intestinalis (EI) is herein evaluated. The plant shoots and roots were harvested separately on day 50, following extensive saline stress. The addition of BOA4 and/or EI extract resulted in an average increase of 33% in plant shoot DW, but an averaged decrease of 44% in the root to shoot biomass ratio. Anthocyanin content increased by over 34% and 44% with EI and BOA4 plus EI treatments, respectively. Since enhanced protein tyrosine nitration (PTN) is a known plant response to salt stress, the PTN level was inspected through 3-nitrotyrosine content determination. This was drastically increased by salt stress; however, BOA4, EI or both caused an averaged PTN decrease of 30% in stressed roots or shoots. This PTN response could be associated with tomato phenotypic characteristics and is postulated to be inversely correlated to cytokinin contents in stressed plants, namely cis-zeatin-type-cis-zeatin (cZ) plus cis-zeatin riboside (cZR), and isopentenyladenine (iP). The latter showed a drastic average increase by 3.6-fold following BOA4 and/or EI treatments of salinized tomato. This increment could be related to cytokinin biosynthesis induced by the applied bio-stimulants; IP and derivatives are the main cytokinins in seaweeds, and Achromobacter xylosoxidans BOA4 was shown to produce up to 17.5 pmol mL−1 of isopentenyladenine. This work is the first report on the influence of bio-stimulants, used to improve salt stress tolerance, on plant PTN levels; BOA4 and/or EI treatments decreased PTN, while increasing cis-zeatin-type and iP cytokinins in tomato, the latter showed an enhanced tolerance to salt stress.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Quality and Quantity of Organic Fractions as Affected by Soil Depth in an Argiudoll under Till and No-till Systems

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    Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term effect of tillage systems on the quantity and quality of organic carbon fractions at different soil layers. Study Design: The experimental design was a split plot with three blocks. The long-term effects (25 years) of conventional- (CT) and no-tillage (NT) systems on a Tipic Argiudoll was sampled at 0-5, 5-10, 10-15 and 15-20 cm soil depth. Place and Duration of Study: The field experiment was carried out at Tornquist (38° 07’ 06” S - 62°02’ 17” O) and soil sampling was performed during wheat seeding (June 2011). Methodology: Total soil organic carbon (SOC) content and the following fractions were determined: Coarse particulate (POCc, 105-2000 ”m), fine particulate (POCf, 53-105 ”m) and mineral-associated (MOC, 0-53 ”m) carbon fractions; humic (HA) and fulvic (FA) acids; and total (CHt) and soluble (CHs) carbohydrates. The main physico-chemical properties of HA and FA were analyzed using both FT-IR and fluorescence spectroscopies. Results: After 25 years, total SOC at the 0-20 cm depth was 9% higher in no-tilled than in tilled soils. The POCf was the SOM fraction that turned out to be the most sensitive to tillage effects. The POCc:POCf:MOC ratio at 0-20 cm was similar for NT (3:14:82) and CT (5:10:84); however, differences were found across soil depths. Tilled soils showed higher aromaticity, starting by CH-degradation, in more superficial soil layers. Conclusion: The no-tillage system presented a different pattern which can be related to distribution of crop residues and conditions for humification along the soil depth.Fil: Galantini, Juan Alberto. Provincia de Buenos Aires. GobernaciĂłn. ComisiĂłn de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - BahĂ­a Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona SemiĂĄrida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona SemiĂĄrida; ArgentinaFil: Duval, Matias Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - BahĂ­a Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona SemiĂĄrida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona SemiĂĄrida; ArgentinaFil: Martinez, Juan Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - BahĂ­a Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona SemiĂĄrida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona SemiĂĄrida; ArgentinaFil: Mora, Maria Veronica. Universidad Nacional de RĂ­o Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas FisicoquĂ­micas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Baigorri, Roberto. Centre d Investigation en Production Animale et VĂ©gĂ©tale; EspañaFil: GarcĂ­a Mina, JosĂ© M.. Universidad de Navarra; Españ

    MgO-mediated activation of active carbon as an affordable strategy to “in situ” degradation of lindane in contaminated soils

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    The accumulation in soil landfills of toxic and persistent lindane, widely used as an insecticide, triggers the risk of leaching with the concomitant contamination of surrounding rivers. Thus, viable remediation to eliminate in situ high concentrations of lindane in soil and water becomes an urgent demand. In this line, a simple and costeffective composite is proposed, including the use of industrial wastes. It includes reductive and non-reductive base-catalyzed strategies to remove lindane in the media. A mixture of magnesium oxide (MgO) and activated carbon (AC) was selected for that purpose. The use of MgO provides a basic pH. In addition, the specific selected MgO forms double-layered hydroxides in water which permits the total adsorption of the main heavy metals in contaminated soils. AC provides adsorption microsites to hold the lindane and a reductive atmosphere that was increased when combined with the MgO. These properties trigger highly efficient remediation of the composite. It permits a complete elimination of lindane in the solution. In soils doped with lindane and heavy metals, it produces a rapid, complete, and stable elimination of lindane and immobilization of the metals. Finally, the composite tested in lindane-highly contaminated soils permits the “in situ” degradation of nearly 70% of the initial lindane. The proposed strategy opens a promising way to face this environmental issue with a simple, costeffective composite to degrade lindane and fix heavy metals in contaminated soils

    Local root ABA/cytokinin status and aquaporins regulate poplar responses to mild drought stress independently of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor

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    The relatively better performance of mycorrhizal plants subjected to drought stress has commonly been linked to improved root water uptake through the fungal regulation of plant aquaporins and hormones. In this study, we examined the role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in plant water relations and plant hormonal balance under mild drought using split-root seedlings of Populus trichocarpa x deltoides either with or without inoculation with Laccaria bicolor. The root compartments where the drought treatment was applied had higher ABA and lower cytokinin tZR contents, and greater expression of the plant aquaporins PtPIP1;1, PtPIP1;2, PtPIP2;5, and PtPIP2;7. On the other hand, the presence of L. bicolor within the roots down-regulated PtPIP1;4, PtPIP2;3, and PtPIP2;10, and reduced the abundance of PIP2 proteins. In addition, expression of the fungal aquaporins JQ585595 and JQ585596 were positively correlated with root ABA content, while tZR content was positively correlated with PtPIP1;4 and negatively correlated with PtPIP2;7. The results demonstrate a coordinated plant-fungal system that regulates the different mechanisms involved in water uptake in ectomycorrhizal poplar plants

    Ethylene and Phloem Signals Are Involved in the Regulation of Responses to Fe and P Deficiencies in Roots of Strategy I Plants

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    © Copyright © 2019 Lucena, Porras, García, Alcåntara, Pérez-Vicente, Zamarreño, Bacaicoa, García-Mina, Smith and Romera. Iron (Fe) and phosphorus (P) are two essential mineral nutrients whose acquisition by plants presents important environmental and economic implications. Both elements are abundant in most soils but scarcely available to plants. To prevent Fe or P deficiency dicot plants initiate morphological and physiological responses in their roots aimed to specifically acquire these elements. The existence of common signals in Fe and P deficiency pathways suggests the signaling factors must act in conjunction with distinct nutrient-specific signals in order to confer tolerance to each deficiency. Previous works have shown the existence of cross talk between responses to Fe and P deficiency, but details of the associated signaling pathways remain unclear. Herein, the impact of foliar application of either P or Fe on P and Fe responses was studied in P- or Fe-deficient plants of Arabidopsis thaliana, including mutants exhibiting altered Fe or P homeostasis. Ferric reductase and acid phosphatase activities in roots were determined as well as the expression of genes related to P and Fe acquisition. The results obtained showed that Fe deficiency induces the expression of P acquisition genes and phosphatase activity, whereas P deficiency induces the expression of Fe acquisition genes and ferric reductase activity, although only transitorily. Importantly, these responses were reversed upon foliar application of either Fe or P on nutrient-starved plants. Taken together, the results reveal interactions between P- and Fe-related phloem signals originating in the shoots that likely interact with hormones in the roots to initiate adaptive mechanisms to tolerate deficiency of each nutrient

    Improvement of nutritional quality of greenhouse-grown lettuce by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi is conditioned by the source of phosphorus nutrition

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    The improvement of the nutritional quality of lettuce by its association with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) has been recently reported in a previous study. The aim of this research was to evaluate if the fertilization with three P sources differing in water solubility affects the effectiveness of AMF for improving lettuce growth and nutritional quality. The application of either water-soluble P sources (Hewitt's solution and single superphosphate) or the water-insoluble (WI) fraction of a “rhizosphere-controlled fertilizer” did not exert negative effects on the establishment of the mycorrhizal symbiosis. AMF improved lettuce growth and nutritional quality. Nevertheless, the effect was dependent on the source of P and cultivar. Batavia Rubia Munguía (green cultivar) benefited more than Maravilla de Verano (red cultivar) in terms of mineral nutrients, total soluble sugars, and ascorbate contents. The association of lettuce with AMF resulted in greater quantities of anthocyanins in plants fertilized with WI, carotenoids when plants received either Hewitt's solution or WI, and phenolics regardless of the P fertilizer applied

    CUL3BPM E3 ubiquitin ligases regulate MYC2, MYC3, and MYC4 stability and JA responses

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    The jasmonate (JA)-pathway regulators MYC2, MYC3, and MYC4 are central nodes in plant signaling networks integrating environmental and developmental signals to fine-tune JA defenses and plant growth. Continuous activation of MYC activity is potentially lethal. Hence, MYCs need to be tightly regulated in order to optimize plant fitness. Among the increasing number of mechanisms regulating MYC activity, protein stability is arising as a major player. However, how the levels of MYC proteins are modulated is still poorly understood. Here, we report that MYC2, MYC3, and MYC4 are targets of BPM (BTB/POZ-MATH) proteins, which act as substrate adaptors of CUL3-based E3 ubiquitin ligases. Reduction of function of CUL3BPM in amiR-bpm lines, bpm235 triple mutants, and cul3ab double mutants enhances MYC2 and MYC3 stability and accumulation and potentiates plant responses to JA such as root-growth inhibition and MYC-regulated gene expression. Moreover, MYC3 polyubiquitination levels are reduced in amiR-bpm lines. BPM3 protein is stabilized by JA, suggesting a negative feedback regulatory mechanism to control MYC activity, avoiding harmful runaway responses. Our results uncover a layer for JA-pathway regulation by CUL3BPM-mediated degradation of MYC transcription factors.This work was funded by Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation Grants BIO2016-77216-R (Ministerio de Economia [MINECO]/Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional [FEDER]) (to R.S.) and BIO2016-80551-R (MINECO/FEDER) (to V.R.). E.C. was the recipient of a Formación de Personal Investigador grant from MINECO (Reference BES-2017-081147). The mass spectrometry instrumentation was funded by the University of Strasbourg (IdEx “Equipement mi-Lourd” 2015) and by “Laboratoires d’Excellence” Grant ANR-10-LABX-0036 (NETRNA)

    Discriminating the short-term action of root and foliar application of humic acids on plant growth: emerging role of jasmonic acid

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    Humic substances (HS, fulvic and humic acids) are widely used as fertilizers or plant growth stimulants, although their mechanism of action still remains partially unknown. Humic substances may be applied either directly to the soil or as foliar sprays. Despite both kind of application are commonly used in agricultural practices, most of the studies regarding the elicited response in plants induced by HS are based on the root-application of these substances. The present work aimed at discriminating between the mechanisms of action of foliar application versus root application of a sedimentary humic acid (SHA) on plant development. For this purpose, six markers related to plant phenotype, plant morphology, hormonal balance and root-plasma membrane H+-ATPase were selected. Both application strategies improved the shoot and root growth. Foliar applied- and root applied-SHA shared the capacity to increase the concentration of indole-3-acetic acid in roots and cytokinins in shoots. However, foliar application did not lead to short-term increases in either abscisic acid root-concentration or root-plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity which are, however, two crucial effects triggered by SHA root-application. Both application modes increased the root concentrations of jasmonic acid and jasmonoyl-isoleucine. These hormonal changes caused by foliar application could be a stress-related symptom and connected to the loss of leaves trichomes and the diminution of chloroplasts size seen by scanning electron microscopy. These results support the hypothesis that the beneficial effects of SHA applied to roots or leaves may result from plant adaptation to a mild transient stress caused by SHA application

    Complementary evaluation of iron deficiency root responses to assess the effectiveness of different iron foliar applications for chlorosis remediation

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    Iron deficiency in plants is caused by a low availability of iron in the soil, and its main visual symptom is leaf yellowing due to a decrease in chlorophyll content, along with a reduction in plant growth and fruit quality. Foliar sprays with Fe compounds are an economic alternative to the treatment with expensive synthetic Fe-chelates applied to the soil, although the efficacy of foliar treatments is rather limited. Generally, plant response to Fe-foliar treatments is monitored by measuring chlorophyll content (or related parameters as SPAD index). However, different studies have shown that foliar Fe sprays cause a local regreening and that translocation of the applied Fe within the plant is quite low. In this context, the aim of this study was to assess the effects of foliar applications of different Fe compounds [FeSO4, Fe(III)-EDTA, and Fe(III)-heptagluconate] on Fe-deficient cucumber plants, by studying the main physiological plant root responses to Fe deficiency [root Fe(III) chelate reductase (FCR) activity; acidification of the nutrient solution; and expression of the Fe deficiency responsive genes encoding FCR, CsFRO1, Fe(II) root transporter CsIRT1, and two plasma membrane H+-ATPases, CsHA1 and CsHA2], along with SPAD index, plant growth and Fe content. The results showed that the overall assessment of Fe-deficiency root responses improved the evaluation of the efficacy of the Fe-foliar treatments compared to just monitoring SPAD indexes. Thus, FCR activity and expression of Fe-deficiency response genes, especially CsFRO1 and CsHA1, preceded the trend of SPAD index and acted as indicators of whether the plant was sensing or not metabolically active Fe due to the treatments. Principal component analysis of the data also provided a graphical tool to evaluate the evolution of plant responses to foliar Fe treatments with time
