19 research outputs found

    Influence of the chirality of short peptide supramolecular hydrogels in protein crystallogenesis

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    For the first time the influence of the chirality of the gel fibers in protein crystallogenesis has been studied. Enantiomeric hydrogels 1 and 2 were tested with model proteins lysozyme and glucose isomerase and a formamidase from B. cereus. Crystallization behaviour and crystal quality of these proteins in both hydrogels are presented and compared.MICINN (Spain) projects BIO2010-16800 (JAG), CTQ-2011.22455 (LAC & JMC), CTQ2012-34778 (JJDM & ALG), “Factoría Española de Cristalización” Consolider-Ingenio 2010 (JAG & MCM) and EDRF Funds (JAG, LAC & JMC), P12-FQM-2721 (LAC) Junta de Andalucía.MINECO,Project No. FIS2013-41821-R

    FREEDOM D3.3 - Cooperative schemes in the femto-based networks

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    We investigate cooperative transmission schemes that can be applied to joint deployments of femto-access points (FAPs) and macro base stations (MBS) by exploiting backhaul communication links between nodes at the data-plane level. First, we study the effects of some hardware impairments, such as time misalignment and carrier offset compensation, on cooperation performance. Additionally, we look into the MIMO X channel as a general framework that subsumes all possible types of cooperative communication between two sources and two destinations (broadcast, interference or multiple access channels), assuming full channel state information at the transmitters. Since FAPs have a delay constrained backhaul the cooperation of multiple FAPs becomes sensitive to random delays at the sources. In this regard we have provided two solutions: a) appropriate delay-tolerant cooperative space-time coding and decoding schemes and b) specific cooperative schemes for critical delay applications.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Resultados del diagnóstico de la patología nodular tiroidea

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    Se realizó un estudio prospectivo que incluyó a 204 pacientes afectados por enfermedad nodular tiroidea, diagnosticada en el Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico "Hermanos Ameijeiras", en el periodo de mayo de 1997 a mayo de 2000 y donde se evaluó el resultado de los medios diagnósticos. El mayor número de pacientes se encontraba en la 5ta. y 4ta. década de la vida, 53 y 49 % respectivamente; el sexo femenino fue el más frecuente, para el 90,7%. A todos los pacientes se les realizó para su evaluación la biopsia aspirativa con aguja fina y el ultrasonido. El bocio multinodular (46,1 %) y el adenoma folicular (21,1 %) constituyeron las afecciones benignas más frecuentes y entre las malignas el carcinoma papilar (5,9 %). Al 66,7 % de los casos se les detectó tumoración sólida, y fue el lóbulo derecho el lugar más afectado para el 41,6 %. La biopsia espirativa con aguja fina mostró 90,9 % de sensibilidad, 99,1 % de especificidad y una eficacia de 98,4 %<br>A prospective study that included 204 patients affected by thyroid nodular disease diagnosed at "Hermanos Ameijeiras" Clinical and Surgical Hospital from May, 1977, to May, 2000, was conducted. Most of the patients were in the 4th or 5th decade of life, 53 and 49 %, respectively. Females prevailed with 90.7 %. All the patients underwent fine needle aspiration biopsy and ultrasound for their evaluation. The multinodular goiter (41,6 %) and the follicular adenoma (21.1 %) were the most frequent bening affections; whereas the papillary carcinoma was the commonest among the malignant. Solid tumors were detected in 66.7 % of the cases. The right lobule was the most affected place, accounting for 41.6 %. Fine needle aspiration biopsy showed 90.9 % of sensitivity, 99.1 % of specificity and an efficiency of 98.4

    Protocolo de diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer tiroideo Protocol of diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer

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    En este trabajo se plasma el manejo de los pacientes con de cáncer del tiroides, teniendo en cuenta, el uso de los medios diagnósticos, en particular la importancia del uso de la biopsia aspirativa con aguja fina para el diagnóstico precoz. Se sabe que en las últimas décadas han existido criterios más conservadores en lo referido a la suficiencia en la extensión de la operación, en los cánceres bien diferenciados, motivado esto por el mayor conocimiento de la biología del tumor, el desarrollo de pruebas de inmunohistoquímica, tratamiento adyuvante y un seguimiento más estrecho. Por lo que esto ha motivado ciertos criterios controvertidos. Se expone un protocolo de diagnóstico y tratamiento, teniendo en cuenta un adecuado estadiamiento, y definición de los grupos de riesgo, parámetro importante y novedoso en esta entidad<br>In this paper, the management of patients with thyroid cancer is dealt with taking into account the use of the diagnostic tools and, in particular, the importance of the use of fine-needle aspiration biopsy for the early diagnosis. In the last decades, there have been more conservative criteria regarding the sufficiency in the extension of surgery in the well differentiated cancers, motivated by the greater knowledge of tumor biology, the development of immunohistochemical tests, adjuvant treatment and a closer follow-up. This has led to the appearance of certain controversial criteria. A protocol of diagnosis and treatmemt is exposed taking into consideration an adequate staging and definition of the risk groups, an important and novel parameter in this entit

    FREEDOM D3.3 - Cooperative schemes in the femto-based networks

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    We investigate cooperative transmission schemes that can be applied to joint deployments of femto-access points (FAPs) and macro base stations (MBS) by exploiting backhaul communication links between nodes at the data-plane level. First, we study the effects of some hardware impairments, such as time misalignment and carrier offset compensation, on cooperation performance. Additionally, we look into the MIMO X channel as a general framework that subsumes all possible types of cooperative communication between two sources and two destinations (broadcast, interference or multiple access channels), assuming full channel state information at the transmitters. Since FAPs have a delay constrained backhaul the cooperation of multiple FAPs becomes sensitive to random delays at the sources. In this regard we have provided two solutions: a) appropriate delay-tolerant cooperative space-time coding and decoding schemes and b) specific cooperative schemes for critical delay applications.Peer Reviewe

    FREEDOM D4.2 Design and evaluation of effective procedures for MAC layer

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    The implementation of femtocells introduces many technical challenges that must be solved in order to fully exploit their potentials. This deliverable primarily focuses on control procedures for radio resource management addressing the most critical issues. issues.The implementation of femtocells introduces many technical challenges that must be solved in order to fully exploit their potentials. This deliverable primarily focuses on control procedures for radio resource management addressing the most critical issues.Preprin

    FREEDOM - D42 Design and evaluation of effective procedures for MAC layer

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    The implementation of femtocells introduces many technical challenges that must be solved in order to fully exploit their potentials. This deliverable primarily focuses on control procedures for radio resource management addressing the most critical issues. To utilize radio resources of femtocell efficiently, a novel routing of data among user s served by the same femtocell is proposed. Furthermore, spectrum-efficient technique for power control, scheduling (both at radio side and backhaul side and multicast/broadcast services transmissions are designed. Additionally, novel authorization approaches and femtocells’ identification technique are proposed while taking in consideration the scalability of the system. This document designs and specifies the control plane procedures to ensure effective coordination among femtocells and macrocell designed in WP3. Finally, cross-layer optimization issues are addressed here by means of optimal femtocells’ power allocation derivation using the Game Theory framework.Peer Reviewe

    Anales de Edafología y Fisiología Vegetal Tomo 8 Número 6

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    Albareda, J. M.; Aleixandre, V. y Sánchez Calvo, Mª del C. / Contribución al estudio de las pizarras españolas del silúrico.-- Hoyos, A. y Delgado, M. / Génesis del yacimiento de caolín de Carataunas (Granada).-- Burriel, F. y Rodríguez, A. / Sobre un análisis espectroquímico de rocas silúricas.-- Dios, R. y Vieitez, M. G. / Contribución al estudio de los aceites vegetales en dependencia con el clima y suelo I: Aceite de Camellia Japónica L.INFORMACIÓN: XXII Congreso Internacional de Química Industrial.-- VII Congreso Internacional de Botánica.-- Notas: Coloquios en el Instituto.-- Sociedad Española de Ciencia del SueloBIBLIOGRAFÍA A. Nicolás Isasa: Formación y destrución del suelo (primera parte) (821).-- F. Gallego Y Quero: Compendio de Microbiologia del suelo. Segunda parte: Bacterias del suelo (822).-- E. Schiemann: Weizen, Roggen, Gerste (823).Peer reviewe

    FREEDOM Project. Scenario, requirements and first business model analysis

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    This deliverable is the first of FREEDOM project. It provides an outlook of the scenarios and assumptions widely shared in the wireless community when addressing femtocell deployment. It starts by providing scenarios as seen from the business perspective, and then they are further described with a more technical perspective. Both interference and mobility are addressed although from the review of foras and standardization bodies, the interference issues are more extensively considered. From these scenarios we derived a list of requirement that should be met by femto-cell systems. These requirements must drive the technical work in the other work-pacakges of FREEDOM. The report then captures the main assumptions for simulation in order to align the work from various WPs and partners around similar set of assumptions. A final section presents true business model from operator standpoint, highlighting the potential of massive femto-cell deployment.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    FREEDOM Project. Interference coordination protocols in femto-based networks

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    This document looks into coordinated radio resource allocation algorithms in deployments of huge number of femto-access points (FAP) by exploiting the message exchange at control-plane level through the wired ISP backhaul link. The algorithms present in this document are based on decentralized cooperative strategies supported by Game Theory. Decentralized resource allocation algorithms based on price exchange have been derived under different criteria: guaranteeing a minimum rate with the minimum power, maximizing the weighted sum-rate of the system, maximizing the opportunistic throughput when there are different source of randomness like random link failures and noise quantization or when the activity of macro-users is not known by FAPs (coordinated channel sensing or modelling the activity). Additionally, a genetic-based resource allocation is investigated, providing centralized and decentralized algorithms, to which the Game Theory solutions are challenged. In all cases, the techniques derived require modifications of the current LTE-A standard which are identified. Finally, some of those algorithms have been evaluated in a Realistic corporate scenario elucidating the advantages of coordinated resource allocation techniques proposed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft