2,062 research outputs found

    Employment, Pay and Discrimination in the Tourism Industry

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    Using a large administrative matched employer-employee dataset we analyse the gender wage gap in the Portuguese tourism labour market. As background, employment and pay in the tourism industry is thoroughly characterized. Using the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition of the gender wage gap, we find that 45 percent of the gap is due to differences in attributes of male and female workers in tourism. Our estimate of the coefficient of discrimination in the tourism industry (8.4 percent) puts it well below the non-tourism average (15.8).tourism, labour market, gender discrimination

    Preference for Skew in Lotteries: Evidence from the Laboratory

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    Using a laboratory experiment we investigate how skew in uences choices under risk. We find that subjects make significantly riskier choices when the distribution of payoffs is positively skewed, these choices being driven in part by the shape of the utility function but also by subjective distortion of probabilities. A utility model with probability distortion calibrated on laboratory data is able to explain why most gamblers in public lotteries buy only a small number of tickets.Risk; Skew; Gambling; Lab Experiment

    Electronic publishing of ADB editions

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    Arquivo Distrital de Braga (ADB), the second largest Portuguese Archive, owns thousands of important master pieces, published according to merely typographic techniques. For the great majority, their existence in electronic support is still a mirage. However, some years ago, ADB and the Department of Computer Science at the University of Minho have created a synergy aiming at modernizing, through computing processes, the unique cultural value the Archive owns. The goal of this document is to provide a technological overview on the work developed at ADB along the years in the arena of electronic publishing. It includes the presentation of a practical case

    Web platform usability: from basic repository to a collaborative learning environment

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    Este artigo descreve um estudo de avaliação da usa­bilidade no desenvolvimento uma proposta de es­tru­­turação das secções de uma plataforma web cen­tra­da no aluno, com vista à sua utilização no suporte a trabalho de projeto e práticas colaborativas com alu­nos do ensino secundário. Os dados foram reco­lhi­dos usando os métodos de avaliação heurís­tica, obser­vação e inquérito, e em três testes diferentes: um teste-piloto, um teste heurístico e uma avaliação com utilizadores semelhantes ao público­‑alvo. Os re­sul­ta­dos obtidos nos testes permitiram validar a pro­pos­ta e a identificação de melhorias que são descritas.This article describes a usability study regarding a proposal’s development for sections structuring within a student-centred web platform. This platform is intended to be used with K12 students, supporting Project Work Methodology and collaborative practices. Data were collected using heuristic assessment, observation and survey methods, and in three different tests: a pilot test, a heuristic test and an assessment with similar users. The results obtained, and described, identify some improvements and allowed the proposal’s validation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Trial to Study Possible Effect of Acorns Source (Green Oaks vs Cork Oaks) on Traditional Pork Products

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    One farm with green oaks and another with cork oaks were chosen. Aiming to minimize weather effects and to provide swine equivalent pastures, under oak canopy, density of trees was similar and geographic area limited within Ourique County. Alentejano hogs, born and raised inside the region and recorded in the breed herd book, were fattened exclusively under oaks. Chemical composition of acorns from green oaks (AG) and from cork oaks (AC) were analysed including the fatty acids profile. Pigs were weighted 3 times during fattening period and ecographies were performed to evaluate back fat thickness (BF) and loin depth (LD). After slaughter samples of back fat were taken and analysed on chemical crude composition and fatty acids. Weight losses of hams were recorded along ripening period. Chemical composition of AG and AC were different. Considering percent of DM, we got for AG vs AC: NDF 24.9 vs 29.8 (p<0.001); CP 3.67 vs 5.57 (p<0.05); Lipids 8.00 vs 6.20 (p<0.05). Fatty acids profile have shown higher percentage of saturated on AG (p< 0.001) and exhibit higher percentage of unsaturated on AC (p<0.001). Acorns type, AG vs AC, didn’t affect significantly ADG neither the BF, but LD was deeper in hogs fattened with AC. Fatty acids of pigs fattened with AG vs pigs fattened with AC reflected the feed influence (C16:0, AG 19.53 vs AC 18.62 p<0.001; C18:0, AG 8.91 vs AC 8.43 p<0.05; C18:1, AG 56.09 vs AC 55.17 p<0.001; C18:2 AG 8.23 vs AC 10.42 p<0.001). Total hams losses during ripening period were not significant affected by feed intake

    A Natividade Nunes da Silva : carpetes, colchas, tapetes e linhos de Belver : de manufatura a unidade de memória

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Património, Museologia e Desenvolvimento, 12 de Novembro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.Esta dissertação resulta de uma abordagem multidisciplinar, reunindo metodologias emprestadas de diversas ciências socias, de modo a obter uma visão global da história da antiga manufatura têxtil, bem como da vila de Belver, no contexto histórico e social de semelhantes produções portuguesas. Para tal procedeu-se a um levantamento que se procurou exaustivo de publicações especializadas nas áreas da história, etnografia, sociologia, história das artes decorativas e engenharia. Tal levantamento, que serviu para providenciar o quadro tipológico e tecnológico, bem como o enquadramento económico e social, revelou-se lacunar no que a Belver diz respeito. Nesse sentido, para além do edifício semiarruinado da manufatura, nada mais existia. Para refazer a história da vila, procedeu-se ao levantamento de fontes primárias. Foram compulsados e trabalhados os registos paroquiais de batismo, casamento e óbitos de Belver que oferecem informações desde o terceiro terço do Século XVIII até ao início do Século XX. A escolha deste tipo de documentação resulta como lógica, se atendermos a que se trata de fontes diretas, nos quais os agentes geradores da informação, os párocos, conheciam pessoalmente os registados. E os registados eram todos os que nasciam, viviam e morriam no termo de Belver ao longo deste período. Com estas fontes pudemos registar tecedeiras e saboeiros, já esquecidos, bem como fazer uma incursão breve sobre algumas características da comunidade, de modo a compreender a realidade económica e social. […]. [da Metodologia

    Literacia(s) digital(ais): definições, perspetivas e desafios

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    Este artigo centra-se na discussão dos vários conceitos que são utilizados paradesignar os conhecimentos, aptidões e atitudes necessários para lidar com as mudanças trazidas pelos meios digitais. O poder integrador que o conceito de literacia digital pode assumir e sugerir leva a que neste texto seja dado especial enfoque à sua análise, abordando-se a sua evolução e as principais perspetivas sobre o seu significado. Pelo facto de a noção de competência digital estar fortemente relacionada com a de literacia digital, esse conceito é também abordado. O artigo conclui com a apresentação de um conjunto de iniciativas existentes para o desenvolvimento de novas formas de literacias relacionadas com o ambiente digital que carateriza a Sociedade da Informação atual, reforçando a pertinência destes temas no contexto atual.This article focuses on the discussion of the various concepts used to describe the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are needed to deal with the changes brou‑ ght by the digital media environment. Due to the integrative power that the concept of digital literacy can take on and indicate, the authors give special emphasis to its analysis, approaching its evolution and the main perspectives concerning its mea‑ ning. Since the concept of digital competence is strongly related to digital literacy, this notion is also addressed. The final section of the article presents several existing initiatives for the de‑ velopment of new forms of literacies related to today's digital information society, reinforcing the relevance of these issues in the current context

    Museu da Misericórdia, Museu da Cidade?

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    SIAM. Series Iberoamericanas de Museología. Año 3, Vol.
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