245 research outputs found

    Folding of the nascent polypeptide chain of a histidine phosphocarrier protein in vitro

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    The phosphotransferase system (PTS), a metabolic pathway formed by five proteins, modulates the use of sugars in bacteria. The second protein in the chain is the histidine phosphocarrier, HPr, with the binding site at His15. The HPr kinase/phosphorylase (HPrK/P), involved in the bacterial use of carbon sources, phosphorylates HPr at Ser46, and it binds at its binding site. The regulator of sigma D protein (Rsd) also binds to HPr at His15. We have designed fragments of HPr, growing from its N-terminus and containing the His15. In this work, we obtained three fragments, HPr38, HPr58 and HPr70, comprising the first thirty-eight, fifty-eight and seventy residues of HPr, respectively. All fragments were mainly disordered, with evidence of a weak native-like, helical population around the binding site, as shown by fluorescence, far-ultraviolet circular dichroism, size exclusion chromatography and nuclear magnetic resonance. Although HPr38, HPr58 and HPr70 were disordered, they could bind to: (i) the N-terminal domain of first protein of the PTS, EIN; (ii) Rsd; and, (iii) HPrK/P, as shown by fluorescence and biolayer interferometry (BLI). The association constants for each protein to any of the fragments were in the low micromolar range, within the same range than those measured in the binding of HPr to each protein. Then, although acquisition of stable, native-like secondary and tertiary structures occurred at the last residues of the polypeptide, the ability to bind protein partners happened much earlier in the growing chain. Binding was related to the presence of the native-like structure around His15

    Phosphorylation of Thr9 Affects the Folding Landscape of the N-Terminal Segment of Human AGT Enhancing Protein Aggregation of Disease-Causing Mutants

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    The mutations G170R and I244T are the most common disease cause in primary hyperoxaluria type I (PH1). These mutations cause the misfolding of the AGT protein in the minor allele AGT-LM that contains the P11L polymorphism, which may affect the folding of the N-terminal segment (NTT-AGT). The NTT-AGT is phosphorylated at T9, although the role of this event in PH1 is unknown. In this work, phosphorylation of T9 was mimicked by introducing the T9E mutation in the NTT-AGT peptide and the full-length protein. The NTT-AGT conformational landscape was studied by circular dichroism, NMR, and statistical mechanical methods. Functional and stability effects on the full-length AGT protein were characterized by spectroscopic methods. The T9E and P11L mutations together reshaped the conformational landscape of the isolated NTT-AGT peptide by stabilizing ordered conformations. In the context of the full-length AGT protein, the T9E mutation had no effect on the overall AGT function or conformation, but enhanced aggregation of the minor allele (LM) protein and synergized with the mutations G170R and I244T. Our findings indicate that phosphorylation of T9 may affect the conformation of the NTT-AGT and synergize with PH1-causing mutations to promote aggregation in a genotype-specific manner. Phosphorylation should be considered a novel regulatory mechanism in PH1 pathogenesis.Comunidad Valenciana CIAICO/2021/135 AULA FUNCANIS-UGRERDF/Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities-State Research Agency RTI2018-096246-B-I00Junta de Andalucia P18-RT-2413 ERDF/ Counseling of Economic transformation, Industry, Knowledge, and Universities B-BIO-84-UGR2

    The cyanobacterial ribosomal-associated protein LrtA from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is an oligomeric protein in solution with chameleonic sequence properties

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    The LrtA protein of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 intervenes in cyanobacterial post-stress survival and in stabilizing 70S ribosomal particles. It belongs to the hibernating promoting factor (HPF) family of proteins, involved in protein synthesis. In this work, we studied the conformational preferences and stability of isolated LrtA in solution. At physiological conditions, as shown by hydrodynamic techniques, LrtA was involved in a self-association equilibrium. As indicated by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence, the protein acquired a folded, native-like conformation between pH 6.0 and 9.0. However, that conformation was not very stable, as suggested by thermal and chemical denaturations followed by CD and fluorescence. Theoretical studies of its highly-charged sequence suggest that LrtA had a Janus sequence, with a context-dependent fold. Our modelling and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations indicate that the protein adopted the same fold observed in other members of the HPF family ( - - - - - ) at its N-terminal region (residues 1–100), whereas the C terminus (residues 100–197) appeared disordered and collapsed, supporting the overall percentage of overall secondary structure obtained by CD deconvolution. Then, LrtA has a chameleonic sequence and it is the first member of the HPF family involved in a self-association equilibrium, when isolated in solution.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2015-64445-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2016-78020-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad FIS2014-52212-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2016-75634-PFundación Séneca 19353/PI/1

    The CBS domain protein MJ0729 of Methanocaldococcus jannaschii binds DNA

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    AbstractThe cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) domains function as regulatory motifs in several proteins. Elucidating how CBS domains exactly work is relevant because several genetic human diseases have been associated with mutations in those motifs. Here, we show, for the first time, that a CBS domain binds calf-thymus DNA and E-boxes recognized by transcription factors. We have carried out the DNA-binding characterization of the CBS domain protein MJ0729 from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii by biochemical and spectroscopic techniques. Binding induces conformational changes in the protein, and involves the sole tryptophan residue. The apparent dissociation constant for the E-boxes is ∼10μM. These results suggest that CBS domains might interact with DNA

    Biocalcarenites as construction materials in Santa Marina de Aguas Santas Church at Cordoba, Spain

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    Para la caracterización litológica y determinación del grado de alteración de los materiales pétreos se han empleado las siguientes técnicas: difracción de rayos X (método del polvo), microscopía petrográfica (sobre lámina delgada) y microscopía de barrido con EDS (energía dispersiva de rayos X), para determinar la composición química. El estado de degradación del material pétreo se ha cuantificado a partir del índice químico de alteración (CIW). Se han realizado cartografías sobre la fachada oeste: a) de las litologías presentes y b) de los diferentes tipos de alteración observados. La comparación de muestras del edificio con las de antiguas canteras ha permitido identificar la del Naranjo como la posible cantera de origen.This study consisted in characterizing the materials used to build Santa Marina de Aguas Santas Church at Cordoba and locating the original quarries. The techniques used in the lithological and chemical characterization included XRD, petrographic microscopy and electron dispersive scanning microscopy. The chemical index of weathering (CIW) was used to quantify the state of stone decay. The lithology and different types of alterations observed were mapped. A comparison of the material on the building to ancient quarries identified “Naranjo” as the possible site where the stone was originally quarried

    Structure and dynamics of the cyanobacterial regulator SipA

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    The small, 78-residue long, regulator SipA interacts with the non-bleaching sensor histidine kinase (NblS). We have solved the solution structure of SipA on the basis of 990 nuclear Overhauser effect- (NOE-) derived distance constraints. The average pairwise root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) for the twenty best structures for the backbone residues, obtained by CYANA, was 1.35 ± 0.21 Å, and 1.90 ± 0.16 Å when all heavy atoms were considered (the target function of CYANA was 0.540 ± 0.08). The structure is that of a β-II class protein, basically formed by a five-stranded β-sheet composed of antiparallel strands following the arrangement: Gly6-Leu11 (β-strand 1), which packs against Leu66-Val69 (β-strand 5) on one side, and against Gly36-Thr42 (β-strand 2) on the other side; Trp50-Phe54 (β-strand 3); and Gly57-Leu60 (β-strand 4). The protein is highly mobile, as shown by measurements of R1, R2, NOE and ηxy relaxation parameters, with an average order parameter () of 0.70; this mobility encompasses movements in different time scales. We hypothesize that this high flexibility allows the interaction with other proteins (among them NblS), and it explains the large conformational stability of SipA.This research was funded by Consellería de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital (Generalitat Valenciana) [CIAICO 2021/0135 to ACA and JLN and PROMETEO/2020/012 to AM], Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2020-118816GB-I00 to AC and PID2022-137201NB-I00 to AM) and by the European Commission NextGenerationEU fund (EU 2020/2094), through CSIC's Global Health Platform (PTI Salud Global) to AM

    A group II intron-encoded protein interacts with the cellular replicative machinery through the ß-sliding clamp

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    Group II introns are self-splicing mobile genetic retroelements. The spliced intron RNA and the intron-encoded protein (IEP) form ribonucleoprotein particles (RNPs) that recognize and invade specific DNA target sites. The IEP is a reverse transcriptase/maturase that may bear a C-terminal endonuclease domain enabling the RNP to cleave the target DNA strand to prime reverse transcription. However, some mobile introns, such as RmInt1, lack the En domain but nevertheless retrohome efficiently to transient single-stranded DNA target sites at a DNA replication fork. Their mobility is associated with host DNA replication, and they use the nascent lagging strand as a primer for reverse transcription. We searched for proteins that interact with RmInt1 RNPs and direct these RNPs to the DNA replication fork. Co-immunoprecipitation assays suggested that DnaN (the ß-sliding clamp), a component of DNA polymerase III, interacts with the protein component of the RmInt1 RNP. Pulldown assays, far-western blots and biolayer interferometry supported this interaction. Peptide binding assays also identified a putative DnaN-interacting motif in the RmInt1 IEP structurally conserved in group II intron IEPs. Our results suggest that intron RNP interacts with the ß-sliding clamp of the DNA replication machinery, favouring reverse splicing into the transient ssDNA at DNA replication forks

    Dynamics of the Intrinsically Disordered Inhibitor IF7 of Glutamine Synthetase in Isolation and in Complex with its Partner

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    Glutamine synthetase (GS) catalyzes the ATP-dependent formation of glutamine from glutamate and ammonia. The activity of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 GS is regulated, among other mechanisms, by protein-protein interactions with a 65-residue-long, intrinsically disordered protein (IDP), named IF7. IDPs explore diverse conformations in their free states and, in some cases, in their molecular complexes. We used both nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) at 11.7 T and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to study the size and the dynamics in the picoseconds-to-nanosecond (ps-ns) timescale of: (i) isolated IF7; and (ii) the IF7/GS complex. Our SAXS findings, together with MD results, show: (i) some of the possible IF7 structures in solution; and, (ii) that the presence of IF7 affected the structure of GS in solution. The joint use of SAXS and NMR shows that movements of each amino acid of IF7 were uncorrelated with those of its neighbors. Residues of IF7 with the largest values of the relaxation rates (R1, R2 and ηxy), in the free and bound species, were mainly clustered around: (i) the C terminus of the protein; and (ii) Ala30. These residues, together with Arg8 (which is a hot-spot residue in the interaction with GS), had a restricted mobility in the presence of GS. The C-terminal region, which appeared more compact in our MD simulations of isolated IF7, seemed to be involved in non-native contacts with GS that help in the binding between the two macromolecules.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad RTI 2018-097991- BI0

    The Conformational Stability and Biophysical Properties of the Eukaryotic Thioredoxins of Pisum Sativum Are Not Family-Conserved

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    Thioredoxins (TRXs) are ubiquitous proteins involved in redox processes. About forty genes encode TRX or TRX-related proteins in plants, grouped in different families according to their subcellular localization. For instance, the h-type TRXs are located in cytoplasm or mitochondria, whereas f-type TRXs have a plastidial origin, although both types of proteins have an eukaryotic origin as opposed to other TRXs. Herein, we study the conformational and the biophysical features of TRXh1, TRXh2 and TRXf from Pisum sativum. The modelled structures of the three proteins show the well-known TRX fold. While sharing similar pH-denaturations features, the chemical and thermal stabilities are different, being PsTRXh1 (Pisum sativum thioredoxin h1) the most stable isoform; moreover, the three proteins follow a three-state denaturation model, during the chemical-denaturations. These differences in the thermal- and chemical-denaturations result from changes, in a broad sense, of the several ASAs (accessible surface areas) of the proteins. Thus, although a strong relationship can be found between the primary amino acid sequence and the structure among TRXs, that between the residue sequence and the conformational stability and biophysical properties is not. We discuss how these differences in the biophysical properties of TRXs determine their unique functions in pea, and we show how residues involved in the biophysical features described (pH-titrations, dimerizations and chemical-denaturations) belong to regions involved in interaction with other proteins. Our results suggest that the sequence demands of protein-protein function are relatively rigid, with different protein-binding pockets (some in common) for each of the three proteins, but the demands of structure and conformational stability per se (as long as there is a maintained core), are less so

    The muscle-relaxing C-terminal peptide from troponin I populates a nascent helix, facilitating binding to tropomyosin with a potent therapeutic effect

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    The conserved C-terminal end segment of troponin I (TnI) plays a critical role in regulating muscle relaxation. This function is retained in the isolated C-terminal 27 amino acid peptide (residues 184-210) of human cardiac TnI (HcTnI-C27): When added to skinned muscle fibers, HcTnI-C27 reduces the Ca2+-sensitivity of activated myofibrils and facilitates relaxation without decreasing the maximum force production. However, the underlying mechanism of HcTnI-C27 function is unknown. We studied the conformational preferences of HcTnI-C27 and a myopathic mutant, Arg192His, (HcTnI-C27-H). Both peptides were mainly disordered in aqueous solution with a nascent helix involving residues from Trp191 to Ile195, as shown by NMR analysis and molecular dynamics simulations. The population of nascent helix was smaller in HcTnIC27-H than in HcTnI-C27, as shown by circular dichroism (CD) titrations. Fluorescence and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) showed that both peptides bound tropomyosin (aTm), with a detectably higher affinity (~10 µM) of HcTnIC27 than that of HcTnI-C27-H (~15 µM), consistent with an impaired Ca2+-desensitization effect of the mutant peptide on skinned muscle strips. Upon binding to aTm, HcTnI-C27 acquired a weakly stable helix-like conformation involving residues near Trp191, as shown by transferred nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy and hydrogen/deuterium exchange experiments. With the potent Ca2+-desensitization effect of HcTnI-C27 on skinned cardiac muscle from a mouse model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the data support that the C-terminal end domain of TnI can function as an isolated peptide with the intrinsic capacity of binding tropomyosin, providing a promising therapeutic approach to selectively improve diastolic function of the heart