99 research outputs found

    Proposal of an augmented reality tag uav positioning system for power line tower inspection

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    Autonomous inspection Unmanned Aerial Vehicle systems are an essential research area, including power line distribution inspection. Considerable efforts to solve the demanding presented in the autonomous U AV inspection process are present in technical and scientific research. One of these challenges is the precise positioning and fly control of the U AV around the energy structures, which is vital to assure the security of the operation. The most common techniques to achieve precise positioning in UAV fly are Global Positioning Systems with RealTime Kinematic. This technique demands a proper satellite signal receiving to work appropriately, sometimes hard to achieve. The present work proposes a complementary position data system based on augmented reality tags (AR Tags) to increase the reliability of the UAV fly positioning system. The system application is proposed for energy power tower inspections as an example of use. The adaptation to other inspection tasks is possible whit some small changes. Experimental results have shown that an increase in the position accuracy is accomplished with the use of this schema.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cooperative UAV–UGV autonomous power pylon inspection: an investigation of cooperative outdoor vehicle positioning architecture

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    Realizing autonomous inspection, such as that of power distribution lines, through unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems is a key research domain in robotics. In particular, the use of autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles to execute the tasks of an inspection process can enhance the efficacy and safety of the operation; however, many technical problems, such as those pertaining to the precise positioning and path following of the vehicles, robust obstacle detection, and intelligent control, must be addressed. In this study, an innovative architecture involving an unmanned aircraft vehicle (UAV) and an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) was examined for detailed inspections of power lines. In the proposed strategy, each vehicle provides its position information to the other, which ensures a safe inspection process. The results of real-world experiments indicate a satisfactory performance, thereby demonstrating the feasibility of the proposed approach.This research was funded by National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development of Brazil (CNPq). The authors thank the National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development of Brazil (CNPq); Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level People (CAPES); and the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation, and Communication (MCTIC). The authors would also like express their deepest gratitude to Control Robotics for sharing the Pioneer P3 robot for the experiments. Thanks to Leticia Cantieri for editing the experiment video.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Research Trends on Preventive and Therapeutic Use of TIF4 for Dental Caries and Erosion

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    Objective: To evaluate TIF4 preventive and therapeutic use in caries and erosive lesions. Material and Methods: Searches were performed in six databases. Studies evaluating TiF4 use in vitro, in situ, and in vivo in caries and erosive lesions were included and imported into VantagePoint™ (VP). Data about publication year, authors, country, journal, study design, outcomes, TIF4 vehicles, application and intervention time, cariogenic challenge, erosive cycles, effects (positive/ negative /null) and approach (preventive/therapeutic) were analyzed through VP and Excel. Results: 93 published studies were included and an increase in publications was observed between 2010 and 2021. Forty-three authors published three or more articles, of which 67.4% were developed in Brazil and published in Caries Research (22.6%). 69.9% were in vitro studies with erosion assays (59.1%) and with preventive approaches (67.4%). The principal vehicle was a solution (69.9%) with a 1-min single application (58.0%) and with an intervention time of 5-7 days (22.6%). The principal cariogenic challenge in vitro was pH cycling (11.8%); in situ was sucrose + biofilm (6.2%); and in vivo, biofilm (6.2%). The most used erosive cycle was 4× per day in in vitro studies (20.4%) and 1× in vivo (2.1%). A positive effect was observed in prevention (41.9%) and treatment (24.7%) studies. Conclusion: TIF4 has shown a positive effect in prevention and therapeutic treatments for dental caries and erosion

    Artificial intelligence architecture based on planar LIDAR scan data to detect energy pylon structures in a UAV autonomous detailed inspection process

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    The technological advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) related to energy power structure inspection are gaining visibility in the past decade, due to the advantages of this technique compared with traditional inspection methods. In the particular case of power pylon structure and components, autonomous UAV inspection architectures are able to increase the efficacy and security of these tasks. This kind of application presents technical challenges that must be faced to build real-world solutions, especially the precise positioning and path following for the UAV during a mission. This paper aims to evaluate a novel architecture applied to a power line pylon inspection process, based on the machine learning techniques to process and identify the signal obtained from a UAV-embedded planar Light Detection and Ranging - LiDAR sensor. A simulated environment built on the GAZEBO software presents a first evaluation of the architecture. The results show an positive detection accuracy level superior to 97% using the vertical scan data and 70% using the horizontal scan data. This accuracy level indicates that the proposed architecture is proper for the development of positioning algorithms based on the LiDAR scan data of a power pylon.This work has been supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/05757/2020. This work has also been supported by Fundação Araucária (grant 34/2019), and by CAPES and UTFPR through stundent scholarships.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Research Trends on Preventive and Therapeutic Use of TIF4 for Dental Caries and Erosion

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    Objective: To evaluate TIF4 preventive and therapeutic use in caries and erosive lesions. Material and Methods: Searches were performed in six databases. Studies evaluating TiF4 use in vitro, in situ, and in vivo in caries and erosive lesions were included and imported into VantagePoint™ (VP). Data about publication year, authors, country, journal, study design, outcomes, TIF4 vehicles, application and intervention time, cariogenic challenge, erosive cycles, effects (positive/ negative /null) and approach (preventive/therapeutic) were analyzed through VP and Excel. Results: 93 published studies were included and an increase in publications was observed between 2010 and 2021. Forty-three authors published three or more articles, of which 67.4% were developed in Brazil and published in Caries Research (22.6%). 69.9% were in vitro studies with erosion assays (59.1%) and with preventive approaches (67.4%). The principal vehicle was a solution (69.9%) with a 1-min single application (58.0%) and with an intervention time of 5-7 days (22.6%). The principal cariogenic challenge in vitro was pH cycling (11.8%); in situ was sucrose + biofilm (6.2%); and in vivo, biofilm (6.2%). The most used erosive cycle was 4× per day in in vitro studies (20.4%) and 1× in vivo (2.1%). A positive effect was observed in prevention (41.9%) and treatment (24.7%) studies. Conclusion: TIF4 has shown a positive effect in prevention and therapeutic treatments for dental caries and erosion

    Anticorpos neutralizantes contra poliovírus em soros de recém-nascidos antes e após imunização em massa da população brasileira de zero a cinco anos de idade. São Paulo, Brasil (1980)

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    Foram colhidas amostras de sangue de 178 recém-nascidos (RN) em berçários de hospital localizado no Município de São Paulo. Noventa crianças foram puncionadas antes do primeiro "Dia Nacional de Vacinação Contra a Poliomielite" e as outras 88, após o segundo "Dia Nacional de Vacinação Contra a Poliomielite", realizados em 1980. Nessas campanhas foram imunizadas as crianças com idade de zero a cinco anos, em todo o Brasil. No presente trabalho pesquisou-se os títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes contra poliovírus nos dois grupos de recém-nascidos. Após a imunização em massa verificou-se que a taxa de recém-nascidos triplo suscetíveis decresceu de 8,9% para 4,5%, enquanto que o aumento observado do triplo imunes foi de 38,9% para 52,3%; essas diferenças mostraram-se estatisticamente significantes ao nível de 5,0%. A proporção de recém-nascidos, com títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes contra poliovírus iguais ou maiores do que 8, aumentou após as campanhas de imunização, quando passaram de 68,9% para 81,8%, de 73,3% para 83,0% e de 57,8% para 70,5%, respectivamente, para os sorotipos 1, 2 e 3. Essas diferenças mostraram se estatisticamente significantes, ao nível de 5,0%, em relação aos poliovírus 1 e 3

    Anticorpos neutralizantes contra poliovírus em soros de recém-nascidos antes e após imunização em massa da população brasileira de zero a cinco anos de idade. São Paulo, Brasil (1980) Neutralizing antibodies for poliovirus in newborn children sera before and after mass immunization of Brazilian population from one to five years old, São Paulo — Brazil, 1980

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    Foram colhidas amostras de sangue de 178 recém-nascidos (RN) em berçários de hospital localizado no Município de São Paulo. Noventa crianças foram puncionadas antes do primeiro "Dia Nacional de Vacinação Contra a Poliomielite" e as outras 88, após o segundo "Dia Nacional de Vacinação Contra a Poliomielite", realizados em 1980. Nessas campanhas foram imunizadas as crianças com idade de zero a cinco anos, em todo o Brasil. No presente trabalho pesquisou-se os títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes contra poliovírus nos dois grupos de recém-nascidos. Após a imunização em massa verificou-se que a taxa de recém-nascidos triplo suscetíveis decresceu de 8,9% para 4,5%, enquanto que o aumento observado do triplo imunes foi de 38,9% para 52,3%; essas diferenças mostraram-se estatisticamente significantes ao nível de 5,0%. A proporção de recém-nascidos, com títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes contra poliovírus iguais ou maiores do que 8, aumentou após as campanhas de imunização, quando passaram de 68,9% para 81,8%, de 73,3% para 83,0% e de 57,8% para 70,5%, respectivamente, para os sorotipos 1, 2 e 3. Essas diferenças mostraram se estatisticamente significantes, ao nível de 5,0%, em relação aos poliovírus 1 e 3.<br>Blood samples from 178 new-born children in the nurseries of hospital located in São Paulo Municipality were examined. The samples from 90 children were obtained before "The First National Day For Poliomyelitis Vaccination" and 88 were analysed after "The Second National Day For Poliomyelitis Vaccination", both of them achieved in 1980. During these vaccination campaigns, it was observed that the number of children susceptible for three poliovirus serotypes decreased from 8.9% to 4.5%; on the other hand, there was an increase in immunized children for the three serotypes from 38.9% to 52.3%. These differences were statis- tically significative at level of 5.0%. After mass immunization, an increase in relation to the neutralizing antibodies titres against polioviruses was observed in newborns, who presented titres equal or higher than 8. The proportion of children turned from 68.9% to 81.8%, from 73.3% to 83.0% and from 57.8% to 70.5%, respectively for serotypes 1, 2 e 3. These differences were statistically significative, at level of 5.0%, concerning to polioviruses 1 and 3

    Anticorpos neutralizantes contra poliovírus em soros de recém-nascidos antes e após imunização em massa da população brasileira de zero a cinco anos de idade. São Paulo, Brasil (1980)

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    Foram colhidas amostras de sangue de 178 recém-nascidos (RN) em berçários de hospital localizado no Município de São Paulo. Noventa crianças foram puncionadas antes do primeiro "Dia Nacional de Vacinação Contra a Poliomielite" e as outras 88, após o segundo "Dia Nacional de Vacinação Contra a Poliomielite", realizados em 1980. Nessas campanhas foram imunizadas as crianças com idade de zero a cinco anos, em todo o Brasil. No presente trabalho pesquisou-se os títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes contra poliovírus nos dois grupos de recém-nascidos. Após a imunização em massa verificou-se que a taxa de recém-nascidos triplo suscetíveis decresceu de 8,9% para 4,5%, enquanto que o aumento observado do triplo imunes foi de 38,9% para 52,3%; essas diferenças mostraram-se estatisticamente significantes ao nível de 5,0%. A proporção de recém-nascidos, com títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes contra poliovírus iguais ou maiores do que 8, aumentou após as campanhas de imunização, quando passaram de 68,9% para 81,8%, de 73,3% para 83,0% e de 57,8% para 70,5%, respectivamente, para os sorotipos 1, 2 e 3. Essas diferenças mostraram se estatisticamente significantes, ao nível de 5,0%, em relação aos poliovírus 1 e 3

    Ocorrência de infecção por enterovírus em recém-nascidos internados em maternidade no município de São Paulo, Brasil (1980)

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    Pesquisou-se infecção intestinal por enterovirus em 300 crianças, aparentemente normais, nascidas de parto hospitalar, com a mediana das idades de 2 dias, estudadas antes da alta hospitalar. Essas crianças foram divididas em três grupos de igual número, sendo que o primeiro grupo foi examinado no período que precedeu o 1.º Dia Nacional de Vacinação Contra a Poliomielite, efetuado em 1980, o segundo logo após a realização dessa imunização em massa e o terceiro posteriormente ao 2º Dia Nacional de Vacinação Contra a Poliomielite levado a efeito no mesmo ano. A pesquisa de enterovirus foi feita a partir de uma única amostra de fezes, colhida de cada criança por meio de Swab retal. Obteve-se o isolamento de poliovírus em 13 (4,3%) dos 300 recém-nascidos estudados, sendo que 8 deles pertenciam ao primeiro grupo e os outros 5 ao segundo. Das crianças infectadas, 12 eliminavam poliovírus lei poliovírus 3. Não foram isolados outros enterovirus. Discute-se a possibilidade da infecção por esses poliovírus ter ocorrido por transmissão transplacentária, via canal de parto ou ainda por infecção cruzada no próprio ambiente hospitalar

    Ocorrência de infecção por enterovírus em recém-nascidos internados em maternidade no município de São Paulo, Brasil (1980)

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    The occurrence of intestinal infection with enterovirus was investigated in 300 healthy children of median age of two days old, born in hospital; the children were analysed before being discharged from hospital. For the investigation, these children were divided into three groups, and each group was composed by equal number of cases. The first group was examined during the period preceding The First National Day for Poliomyelitis Vaccination held in 1980; the second group was analysed soon after this mass immunization and the third after The Second National Day for Poliomyelitis Vaccination, which was achieved in the same year. On purpose of enterovirus investigation, it was analysed the single faeces sample obtained from every child by means of rectal swab. In 300 newborn children analysed, it was obtained poliovírus isolation in 13 (4.3%); among these eight belonged to the first group and five to the second group. From the infected children, twelve eliminated poliovírus 1 and one poliovírus 3. There were no isolation of other enteroviruses. It is considered the possibility of poliovírus infection by transplacental transmission either via delivery canal or through cross infection in hospital environment.Pesquisou-se infecção intestinal por enterovirus em 300 crianças, aparentemente normais, nascidas de parto hospitalar, com a mediana das idades de 2 dias, estudadas antes da alta hospitalar. Essas crianças foram divididas em três grupos de igual número, sendo que o primeiro grupo foi examinado no período que precedeu o 1.º Dia Nacional de Vacinação Contra a Poliomielite, efetuado em 1980, o segundo logo após a realização dessa imunização em massa e o terceiro posteriormente ao 2º Dia Nacional de Vacinação Contra a Poliomielite levado a efeito no mesmo ano. A pesquisa de enterovirus foi feita a partir de uma única amostra de fezes, colhida de cada criança por meio de Swab retal. Obteve-se o isolamento de poliovírus em 13 (4,3%) dos 300 recém-nascidos estudados, sendo que 8 deles pertenciam ao primeiro grupo e os outros 5 ao segundo. Das crianças infectadas, 12 eliminavam poliovírus lei poliovírus 3. Não foram isolados outros enterovirus. Discute-se a possibilidade da infecção por esses poliovírus ter ocorrido por transmissão transplacentária, via canal de parto ou ainda por infecção cruzada no próprio ambiente hospitalar