3,260 research outputs found

    Exact phase space functional for two-body systems

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    The determination of the two-body density functional from its one-body density is achieved for Moshinsky's harmonium model, using a phase-space formulation, thereby resolving its phase dilemma. The corresponding sign rules can equivalently be obtained by minimizing the ground-state energy.Comment: Latex, 12 page


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    In this paper, we explore two of the most relevant theories that explain financial policy in small and medium enterprises (SMEs): pecking order theory and trade-off theory. Panel data methodology is used to test the empirical hypotheses over a sample of 6482 Spanish SMEs during the five-year period 1994?1998. The results suggest that both theoretical approaches contribute to explain capital structure in SMEs. However, while we find evidence that SMEs attempt to achieve a target or optimum leverage (trade-off model), there is less support for the view that SMEs adjust their leverage level to their financing requirements (pecking order model). En este trabajo, exploramos dos de las teorías más relevantes que explican lapolítica de financiación de la pequeña y mediana empresa: la selección jerárquica y elequilibrio estático. El contraste de hipótesis se lleva a cabo con metodología de datos depanel, a partir de una muestra de 6482 pymes españolas, que presentan informaciónfinanciera a lo largo del periodo 1994-1998. Los resultados indican que ambos enfoquescontribuyen a explicar la estructura de capital de las pymes, si bien mientras que seconfirma la existencia de un endeudamiento objetivo u óptimo que estas empresas tratande alcanzar (modelo de equilibrio estático), no parece quedar claro que ajusten su nivelde deuda a sus necesidades de financiación (modelo de selección jerárquica).selección jerárquica, equilibrio estático, estructura de capital, pymes, datos de panel. Pecking Order, Trade-off, Capital Structure, Small and Medium Enterprises, Panel Data.

    Estudio de la rotura de un muro de micropilotes mediante técnicas de análisis numérico, y propuesta de alternativas para su reconstrucción

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    The retaining wall was executed within the construction works to build in front of the hotel a new building in the subsoil. This new building included a new access and a parking area under the actual ground level, with a total depth of excavation between 15 m and 17m from the original esplanade. The building was going to be placed at a topographic level of 492.5 m and it was going to have an area in plain of about 1,400 m2. The project included various sections of diaphragm walls executed in the perimeters SW and NE. Due to construction determinants it was decided to modify the initial project of pile walls by the minipiles ones. In March 2001 the justification of the project was presented and the projected started to be executed. On the afternoon of the 7th of March of 2001 the minipiles wall collapsed in the SW limit of the excavation, affecting an important stretch of itself. The subsequent debris removal modified the collapsed state in which the wall had remained, so no information is available about the previous state since the area was inspected after these modifications. Because of that, the subsequent visual inspections were not representatives of the state of the wall following it

    Quasi-pinning and entanglement in the lithium isoelectronic series

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    The Pauli exclusion principle gives an upper bound of 1 on the natural occupation numbers. Recently there has been an intriguing amount of theoretical evidence that there is a plethora of additional generalized Pauli restrictions or (in)equalities, of kinematic nature, satisfied by these numbers. Here for the first time a numerical analysis of the nature of such constraints is effected in real atoms. The inequalities are nearly saturated, or quasi-pinned. For rank-six and rank-seven approximations for lithium, the deviation from saturation is smaller than the lowest occupancy number. For a rank-eight approximation we find well-defined families of saturation conditions.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, minor changes, references adde

    Notas lingüísticas en José Peguero: la cuestión normativa hacia la época de las independencias

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    Here, a Peguero's short self-written corpus has been analyzed. Peguero was a poet and cultivated hacendado who described La Española's society aspects about agriculture and animal breeding of the herds and engenhos around 1770. His writings show local problems such as slavery and escaped slaves and confrontation between Spanish and French people across the Haiti's border. This text takes into account his cultural and literary implications, the Dominican's spoken language introduction that appears in its geographical and traditional framework. Peguero's idiomatic most important features can be found not only at high and low levels but also with other American own manifestations which configure the ultramarine Spanish normative variation during the independences period.Se analiza aquí un corto corpus autógrafo de Peguero, poeta y culto hacendado que en el entorno de 1770 describe aspectos de la sociedad de La Española en el medio agroganadero de los hatos y de los ingenios, con el problema de la esclavitud y del cimarronaje de por medio, y del enfrentamiento entre españoles y franceses en la raya de Haití. La consideración lingüística del texto en cuestión tiene en cuenta sus implicaciones literarias y culturales, la inserción del habla dominicana que el manuscrito representa en su marco geográfico, y en la tradición que lo condiciona. Y se atiende a la comparación de sus principales rasgos idiomáticos en los niveles culto y vulgar con otras manifestaciones modélicas americanas, que determinan la variación normativa del español ultramarino en la crucial época de las independencias

    Accesibilidad urbana: el espacio público y su capacidad para conectar territorios. El caso de la Barceloneta.

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    Màster Oficial en Disseny Urbà: Art, Ciutat, Societat. Facultat de Belles Arts de la UB, curs: 2017-2018, Tutor: Remesar, Antoni[spa] La presente investigación consiste en el estudio de la relación entre el espacio urbano y el transporte público, a partir del caso general de Barcelona y luego concentrándose en la formación de un territorio específico que se vio afectado directamente por la evolución de la ciudad y sus sistemas: la Barceloneta. El trabajo se articula en cuatro apartados fundamentales. El primero, explora un poco las transformaciones urbanas que experimentó Barcelona en la década de 1980 para acercarse a un modelo de espacio público deseado. En conjunto, se explica el concepto de la movilidad y cómo debe entenderse este en la ciudad actual, relacionándolo con las actuaciones en el espacio urbano. Luego, siguiendo la línea de trabajo de la movilidad, se identifican los principales sistemas de transporte en Barcelona empezando con los ferrocarriles en la mitad del siglo XIX hasta la actualidad. Se va dejando en evidencia, poco a poco, los efectos que los transportes han tenido en la formación de los territorios de la ciudad y cómo sus elementos de interfaz (estaciones, paradas, etc.) se han situado de forma positiva o negativa en el espacio urbano. Una vez asimilado el tema del transporte, se realiza una aproximación al territorio de la Barceloneta por medio de una línea de tiempo que pretende explicar la importancia y el efecto de este barrio en la extensión de la ciudad y su red de espacio públicos. Finalmente, una vez identificados y entendidos los temas anteriores, se baja a una escala más local para desarrollar un análisis de uno de los espacios de interfaz más importantes de la Barceloneta. Aquí, se detectan las características que permiten a un territorio estar conectado, dejando en claro la importancia del espacio de interfaz como medio articulador entre los territorios de una ciudad, su red espacios públicos y sistemas diversos.[eng] This research consists in the study of the relationship between urban space and public transport, starting from the general case of Barcelona and then focusing on the formation of a specific territory that was directly affected by the evolution of the city and its systems: Barceloneta. The investigation is articulated in four fundamental sections. The first explores a bit the urban transformations that Barcelona experienced in the 1980s to approach a certain model of desired public space. Also, the concept of mobility is explained and how it should be understood in the cities of today, relating it to interventions in the urban space. Then, following this line of work, the main transport systems in Barcelona are identified, starting with the railways in the middle of the 19th century until the present. This starts to show, slowly, the effects that transport has had on the formation of the city’s territories and how its interface elements (stations, stops, etc.) have been placed in a positive or negative way in the urban space. Once the subject of public transport is assimilated, an approximation to the territory of Barceloneta is made by exploring a timeline that aims to explain the importance and effect of this neighborhood in the extension of the city and its public space network. Finally, once the above topics have been identified and understood, we go down to a more local scale to develop an analysis of one of Barceloneta’s most important interface spaces. Here, the characteristics that allow a territory to be connected are detected, making clear the importance of the interface space as an articulating medium between the territories of a city, its network of public spaces and diverse systems