147 research outputs found


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    The root rots (RR), caused by the Fusarium spp., causes loss of seedling in the nursery that show, initially, discoloration of the needles to a yellowish-green tone followed by apical curvature, wilt and the consequent death of the seedling. The objectives of this work were to: a) define the most appropriate and efficient method to detect Fusarium spp. in Pinus taeda seeds; b) verify if there is transmission of Fusarium spp. from seeds to Pinus taeda seedlings; c) develop a descriptive scale to evaluate the severity of the RR in Pinus taeda seedlings; d) evaluate the pathogenicity, aggressiveness and area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) of isolated Fusarium subglutinans. For detection three treatments were applied to six lots of Pinus taeda seeds, being four repetitions of 25 seeds: blotter test, paper card and selective medium. The transmission was evaluated in seeds from six lots of Pinus taeda during 60 days counting the percentage of emerged plantlet (EP), non-germinated seeds (NGS) and from NGS seeds with Fusarium spp. A descriptive scale of grades was developed to evaluate the severity of RR in Pinus taeda seedlings. The severity and the incidence of the illness were evaluated at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after the inoculation from Pinus taeda seedlings of six months of age. The pathogenicity, severity and incidence of twelve isolated Fusarium subglutinans obtained in the detection test. To test for pathogenicity and aggressiveness 13 treatments with 15 replications were applied. The most sensitive detection method to detect Fusarium spp. on Pinus taeda seeds was the selective medium; transmission was not observed of Fusarium spp. from seeds to the seedlings; the descriptive scale allowed evaluating the progression of RR symptoms; nine isolated of Fusarium spp. were found to be pathogenic to Pinus taeda seedlings, reproducing typical symptoms of RR, being isolated L3R2, the most aggressive and that exhibited higher AUDPC.A podridão-de-raiz (PR), causada por Fusarium spp., ocasiona perdas de plântulas no viveiro que apresentam, inicialmente, descoloração das acículas para tom verde-amarelado seguida de curvatura apical, murcha e consequente morte da muda. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: a) determinar o método adequado e eficiente para detecção de Fusarium spp. nas sementes de Pinus taeda; b) verificar se há transmissão de Fusarium spp. das sementes para as plântulas de Pinus taeda; c) desenvolver uma escala descritiva para avaliar a severidade da PR em mudas de Pinus taeda; d) avaliar a patogenicidade, agressividade e área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD) de isolados de Fusarium spp. Para detecção foram aplicados três tratamentos em seis lotes de sementes de Pinus taeda, sendo quatro repetições de 25 sementes: blotter test, papel-cartão e meio seletivo. A transmissão foi avaliada em sementes de seis lotes de Pinus taeda durante 60 dias contabilizando-se a percentagem de plântulas emergidas (PE), sementes não germinadas (SNG) e de SNG com Fusarium spp. Uma escala descritiva de notas foi desenvolvida para avaliar a severidade de PR em mudas de Pinus taeda. A severidade e a incidência da doença foram avaliadas aos 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias após a inoculação das mudas de Pinus taeda de seis meses de idade. Foi avaliada a patogenicidade, a severidade e a incidência de doze isolados de Fusarium spp. obtidos no teste de detecção Para o teste de patogenicidade e agressividade foram 13 tratamentos com 15 repetições. O método de detecção mais sensível ao detectar Fusarium spp. em sementes de Pinus taeda foi o meio seletivo. Não foi observada transmissão de Fusarium spp. das sementes para as plântulas, no entanto, Fusarium spp. causou apodrecimento de sementes na fase de germinação; a escala descritiva permitiu a avaliação da progressão dos sintomas da doença PR; nove isolados de Fusarium spp.  mostraram-se patogênicos a mudas de Pinus taeda, reproduzindo sintomas típicos da PR, sendo o isolado L3R2 o mais agressivo e o que exibiu maior AACPD

    Peri-Implant Surgical Treatment Downregulates the Expression of sTREM-1 and MMP-8 in Patients with Peri-Implantitis: A Prospective Study

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    sTREM-1 and its ligand PGLYRP1 play an essential role in the inflammatory process around teeth and implants. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the impact of peri-implant treatment on the salivary levels of the sTREM-1/PGLYRP-1/MMP-8 axis after 3 months. A total of 42 participants (with a mean age of 61 years old ± 7.3) were enrolled in this longitudinal study, 24 having peri-implant mucositis (MU) and 18 having peri-implantitis (PI). Clinical peri-implant parameters, such as probing pocket depth (PPD), % of plaque, and bleeding on probing (BOP), and the whole unstimulated saliva samples were evaluated at baseline and 3 months after treatment. The MU group received nonsurgical peri-implant treatment, while the PI group received open-flap procedures. The levels of sTREM-1, PGLYRP-1, MMP-8, and TIMP-1 were analyzed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. BOP, plaque levels, and PPD significantly reduced after treatment in both groups. A significant decrease in the salivary levels of sTREM-1, MMP-8, and TIMP-1 in the PI group and PGLYRP1 and TIMP-1 in the MU group were observed. Salivary levels of sTREM-1 were significantly reduced in patients with PI but not with MU. Additionally, peri-implant treatment had a significantly higher impact on MMP-8 reduction in patients with PI than in those with MU

    Factors associated with stress, anxiety, and depression during social distancing in Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of clinical signs and symptoms of severe/extreme stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as their associated factors, among Brazilians during social distancing. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in April/May 2020 with 3,200 Brazilians over 18 years old. Respondents’ sociodemographic and clinical data were collected using an online questionnaire, which also included the 21-item Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) to assess emotional symptoms. Unadjusted and adjusted prevalence ratios and their respective 95% confidence intervals were estimated using Poisson regression models with robust variance. RESULTS: Our results show the prevalence of severe/extreme stress was 21.5%, anxiety 19.4%, and depression 21.5%. In the final model, sociodemographic, clinical, and Covid-19-related factors were associated with severe/extreme stress, anxiety, and depression in Brazilians during social distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We found the main factors associated with severe/extreme depression to be young women, brown, single, not religious, sedentary, presenting reduced leisure activities, history of anxiety and depression, increased medication use, and Covid-19 symptoms. CONCLUSION: This study may help develop and systematically plan measures aimed to prevent, early identify, and properly manage clinical signs and symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression during the Covid-19 pandemic. DESCRIPTORS: Mental Disorders, epidemiology. Stress, Psychological. Social Isolation. Coronavirus Infections. Health Surveys

    Contenido de polifenoles totales en callos de Theobroma cacao L. clon ‘UF-650’

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    Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is of great interest as a source of compounds of natural origin, and polyphenols are those with the highest bioactivity. The objective of this work was to determine the total polyphenol content in callus of Theobroma cacao, ‘UF-650’ clone.  Calluses developed from three types of explants were obtained: petals, staminoids, and young leaves. To these, the qualitative identification and quantification of total polyphenols was performed by UV-visible spectrophotometry according to the Folin-Ciocalteu assay. The results showed the presence of total polyphenols in the calluses obtained from the three types of explants. The highest content of total polyphenols (11.208 µg g-1) expressed as µg of pyrocatechol per gram of sample was found in callus extract obtained from staminoids. The results are promising for the production of phenolic compounds by in vitro culture of T. cacao 'UF-650' clone.El cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) es de gran interés como fuente de compuestos de origen natural, y son los polifenoles los de mayor bioactividad. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar el contenido de polifenoles totales en callos de Theobroma cacao clon ‘UF-650’. Se obtuvieron callos desarrollados a partir de tres tipos de explantes: pétalos, estaminoides y hojas jóvenes. A estos, se les realizó la identificación cualitativa y cuantificación de polifenoles totales por espectrofotometría UV-visible según el ensayo de Folin-Ciocalteu. Los resultados mostraron la presencia de polifenoles totales en los callos obtenidos de los tres tipos de explantes. El mayor contenido de polifenoles totales (11.208 µg g-1) expresado como µg de pirocatecol por gramo de muestra fue encontrado en extracto de callos obtenidos a partir de estaminoides. Los resultados son promisorios para la producción de compuestos fenólicos por cultivo in vitro de T. cacao clon ‘UF-650’.

    Productive diversity in Extractive Reserves in the Amazon: between invisibility and multifunctionality

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    Esse trabalho analisa a produção agrícola e extrativa em 28 Reservas Extrativistas (Resex) federais na Amazônia brasileira. As Resex representam uma modalidade de acesso ao território pelas populações extrativistas, como garantia do seu modo de vida e trabalho e de conservação ambiental. Foram utilizados dados primários obtidos por meio de questionários aplicados pelo Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio), em parceria com a Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), às famílias que vivem e utilizam os recursos desses territórios. As informações apresentadas se referem aos dados amostrais levantados, correspondendo a 3.236 questionários, de um total de 14.960. Foram analisados os elementos referentes à diversidade da pauta produtiva nessas Reservas Extrativistas e ao volume produzido pelo extrativismo de açaí e castanha-do-Brasil e da produção de farinha de mandioca. O trabalho ressalta que a diversidade produtiva, a multifuncionalidade e as especificidades das atividades e dos arranjos socioprodutivos de base familiar e comunitária são elementos fundantes da organização social, econômica e ambiental das populações beneficiárias das Reservas Extrativistas, principalmente nesse Bioma.This paper analyses the agricultural and extractive production in 28 Federal Extractive Reserves (Resex) in the Brazilian Amazon. The Resex represents a modality of access to the territory by the extractive populations that guarantees their livelihood and environmental conservation. Primary data was obtained through questionnaires applied by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) in partnership with the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), to the families that live and use the resources of these territories. The information presented refers to the sample data collected, corresponding to 3,236 questionnaires, in a universe of 14,960. The analysis focused on the elements related to the diversity of the productive agenda in these Extractive Reserves and to the amount produced by the extractivism of açaí and Brazil nuts and the production of cassava flour. The work emphasizes that the productive diversity, the multifunctionality and the specificities of socio-productive activities and family-based and community-based arrangements are fundamental elements of the social, economic and environmental organization of the beneficiary populations of Extractive Reserves, especially in this Biome

    Neolignans from Licaria chrysophylla and Licaria aurea with DNA topoisomerase II-α inhibitory activity

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    Seven natural neolignans isolated from Licaria chrysophylla and Licaria aurea along with five semisynthetic derivatives were tested for their inhibitory action on DNA-topoisomerase by relaxation assays on pBR322 plasmid DNA. All compounds tested showed strong inhibition at a concentration of 100 µM, while none showed activity between 5 and 70 µM. These results indicate that no obvious correlation can be derived between the structure of these compounds and their inhibitory effect on the DNA relaxation activity of topoisomerase II. This is the first report on DNA topoisomerase II inhibitors from Licaria chrysophylla and Licaria aurea leading to the identification of lignoids as topoisomerase II-α inhibitors

    Nontuberculous mycobacteria in patients of a specialty hospital

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    The incidence and clinical characteristics of NTM diseases in Brazil remain relatively unknown. The present study describes the diagnosis of NTM isolates, the clinical presentation and treatment outcomes. We analyzed NTM isolates in patients of a tertiary hospital in the Southeast region of Brazil, from January 2008 to July 2019. The ATS/IDSA criteria for diagnosis and treatment of these patients was applied. Mycobacterium kansasii were identified in 13/113 (11.5%) patients. In 59/113 (52.2%) patients who met the ATS criteria for disease, 29/59 (49.1%) received treatment, and 22/29 (75.8%) were cured. The major species identified was M. kansasii. The most frequent symptoms among the treated patients were dyspnea and cough, and the proportion of cured patients was high

    Antifungal Activity of Essential Oils against Candida albicans

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    Objective. The objective of this study was to analyze the antifungal activity of citral, selected by screening natural products, against Candida albicans isolates from subjects who use dental prostheses. Methodology. Screening of essential oils, including those from Mentha piperita L. (Briq), Origanum vulgare, and Zingiber officinale L., and the phytoconstituents citral and limonene, to select an appropriate natural product. Citral, which mediated the best antifungal response, was selected for biological assays. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and minimum fungicidal concentrations (MFCs) for citral and nystatin were determined by the microdilution method. Micromorphological analyses, time-kill curve, and modulation tests were performed. Results. The MIC and MFC of citral were established as 32 μg/mL, consistent with fungicidal activity. The clinical strains were resistant to nystatin. Citral caused micromorphological alteration in the strains. In the time-kill curve, the growth of the clinical strain was reduction in growth equal to 3 log10 colony-forming units per milliliter after exposure to the MIC and MIC×2 of citral for 2 h. Citral did not modulate the resistance of the studied strains to nystatin. Conclusion. This study revealed the potential of citral as a fungicidal agent and highlighted the resistance of clinical strains of C. albicans to nystatin

    Práticas de ensino e aprendizagem híbridas: O uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação em classes de educação infantil: desafios e possibilidades: Hybrid teaching and learning practices: The use of information and communication technologies in children's education classes: challenges and possibilities

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    Este estudo tem por objetivo geral analisar a relevância e a necessidade da inserção de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação em classes de Educação Infantil, destacando a Formação Docente como recurso catalisador deste processo perpassando pela contextualização histórica da inserção das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação no âmbito escolar, assim como os tipos que mais são utilizados em sala de aula pelos docentes; pela descrição em linhas gerais da formação docente frente às novas tecnologias e suas aplicabilidades em sala de aula por fim pela apresentação dos desafios e as possibilidades do uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação para a efetividade do processo de ensino e aprendizagem de estudantes da Educação Infantil. Adotou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica como método para coleta de dados e informações para construção do artigo, chegando-se à conclusão que é fundamental que os profissionais da educação compreendam como deve se dar a aplicação de forma assertiva das tecnologias em suas práticas pedagógicas, de modo que seus alunos desenvolvam a aprendizagem significativa construindo conceitos e consequentemente os empregando em seus cotidianos