2,035 research outputs found


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    The United States is conspicuously lacking in a large-scale government subsidy program for the arts and has never established a National Theatre. This makes us unique among most developed nations in the world as well as among many developing countries that established national theatres early in their burgeoning histories, and it begs the question: why has government support of the cultural life of the nation never been a priority in the U.S.? One notable exception to this can be found in considering the work accomplished by the Federal Arts Projects created under the auspices of the Work Progress Administration (WPA) during the 1930s. The policies enacted by the Roosevelt administration to address the crippling social and economic issues of the day signaled a profound shift in the ways in which the government responded to the needs of the people and resulted in the development of a new and sweeping form of federally funded welfare relief that extended to white collar workers and artists. Contested on political and economic grounds, the social welfare programs of the New Deal were the source of much debate, but none more so than the Federal Theatre Project (FTP). Using a cultural studies approach and the theory of articulation I consider the complexity of the FTP from a perspective that appreciates its transitory nature while also considering the multi-dimensionality of the project, thus providing a much richer way to analyze what articulations between social practices can teach us about larger questions of power and resistance. My intention is to challenge the perception of the FTP as either a failed attempt at a government supported theatre project or a model to be replicated but rather to consider how engagement in the process of struggle led to FTP innovations that can inform the future development of a National Theatre in the United State

    El laberinto del dolor y la necesidad de impulsar la investigación básica

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    Percepción de la calidad de servicios de salud por los usuarios externos en el “Centro De Salud Jorge Chávez” – Chiclayo

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar la Percepción de la calidad de servicios de atención por los usuarios externos en el Centro de Salud Jorge Chávez de Chiclayo durante el periodo de junio 2015 a marzo 2016. El estudio es descriptivo porque a través de análisis e interpretación de los resultados se procederá a describir la situación en función a las variables de estudio. Asimismo, determinamos un enfoque cuantitativo puesto que buscaremos determinar la calidad percibida de los usuarios externos.Tesi

    La romanización del bajo Guadalquivir: ciudad, territorio y economía (siglos II-I A.C.)

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    En este trabajo se realiza un recorrido geográfico de Este a Oeste en torno a la paleocosta del antiguo estuario bético, en el entorno del que se señalan las ciudades más importantes, los recursos del territorio y las actividades económicas relevantes durante los siglos II y I a. C. Para realizar este análisis hemos dividido el área de la desembocadura del Guadalquivir en tres áreas geográficas bien diferenciadas: 1) el área noroccidental, incluyendo la vega del Guadiamar, la comarca del Campo y el Aljarafe; 2) la vega del Guadalquivir entre Caura (Coria del Río) e Ilipa (Alcalá del Río); y 3) la ribera oriental del Lacus Ligustinus entre Orippo (Torre de los Herberos, Dos Hermanas) y Hasta Regia (Mesas de Asta, Jerez de la Frontera). En cada una de ellas se incorporan a la discusión los datos ofrecidos por la más reciente investigación arqueológica, tanto urbana como rural, así como los avances de la investigación numismática relacionada con las numerosas cecas, latinas o no, de la zona. Se procura en todo momento la contextualización histórica del registro arqueológico para dar cuenta de la transformación de un espacio geográfico ligado en gran parte al despegue de la minería de la plata y el cobre en la Franja Pirítica del Suroeste.This work goes from East to West along the ancient coast of the Baetican estuary, around which the main towns, natural resources and the main economic activities between the 2nd and 1st centuries b. C. will be highlighted. In order to carry out this analysis, the mouth of the Guadalquivir river has been divided in three clearly distinct areas: 1) the northwest, including the plain around the River Guadiamar, and the areas known as «el Campo» and «el Aljarafe»; 2) the plain around the River Guadalquivir, between Caura (Coria del Río) and Ilipa (Alcalá del Río); and 3) the Eastern bank of the Lacus Ligustinus between Orippo (Torre de los Herberos, Dos Hermanas) and Hasta Regia (Mesas de Asta, Jerez de la Frontera). For each of them, the discussion will incorporate the data obtained in the latest archaeological research, both in cities and in the countryside, as well as the developments on numismatics related with the many mints, Latin or not, known in the area. At all times, the aim is to contextualise the archaeological record, in order to account for the development of a landscape to a great extent linked with the development of silver and copper mining in the Southwest

    Inter Aestuaria Baetis. Espacios naturales y territorios ciudadanos prerromanos en el Bajo Guadalquivir

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    Presentamos una síntesis del estudio de la explotación de los recursos y del poblamiento prerromano de las orillas del lacus Ligustinus. Hemos distinguido cinco ámbitos geográficos utilizando como criterios las características geomorfológicas del suelo y los patrones de asentamiento: el litoral occidental, el curso del río Menuba, la desembocadura del Baetis, la orilla nororiental y los esteros. Las diferentes estrategias documentadas permiten alejar la idea de la homogeneidad en los comportamientos poblacionales y percibir la individualización como el fenómeno más característico. Por último, valoramos la incidencia de la colonización fenicia en cada área y los procesos de urbanización consecutivos.We present a synthesis of the study of Pre-Roman resource exploitation and settlement on the shores of the Lacus Ligustinus. We have distinguished between five geographical units on the basis of the geomorphological characteristics of the terrain and the settlement patterns: the western shore, the banks of the river Menuba, the mouth of the Baetis, the north-eastern shore and the wetlands. The different strategies documented allow us to reject the idea of the homogeneity of the settlement behaviours and to identify individualisation as the most characteristic phenomenon. Finally, we assess the repercussion of the Phoenician colonisation in each area and the consecutive processes of urbanisation

    La aplicación supletoria del Código Procesal Civil y Mercantil en el proceso de familia contencioso de divorcio, en el uso de la Prueba Testimonial de propia parte y parte contraria en el Juzgado Segundo de Damilia de la ciudad de San Miguel, El Salvador, Centroamérica

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    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar las disposiciones legales que regulan la prueba testimonial de propia parte y parte contraria en el Proceso Contencioso de Divorcio de Familia. La presente investigación será realizada de forma documental, pues será constituida en base al examen de unas investigaciones que se han llevado a cabo y que tienen relación con este objeto de estudio, de manera que se está recopilando la información necesaria en el Juzgado Segundo de Familia de la Ciudad de San Miguel y en otras instancias Judiciales. Conclusiones generales: al finalizar la presente investigación se está consciente que existe una propuesta viable para la aplicación supletoria en el Proceso de Familia Contencioso de Divorcio de los medios de prueba: Declaración de Parte y parte contraria, regulados en el Código Procesal Civil y Mercantil, no obstante ello creemos firmemente que dicha aplicación supletoria es absolutamente factible en El Salvador, y no solo ello, sino que además una urgencia, en vista de la cantidad de beneficios que aquella conlleva. La parte no es un testigo, los testigos necesitan ciertos requisitos diferentes a los de la parte para poder declarar, por lo tanto en relación a la controversia doctrinaria sobre si la parte es parte o es testigo, hay que decir que la parte no es un testig

    Mediterranean diet adherence on self-concept and anxiety as a function of weekly physical activity: an explanatory model in higher education

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    IntroductionScientific literature has now demonstrated the benefits of an active lifestyle for people's psychological health. Based on the above statement, the aim was to (a) evaluate and adjust a structural equation model containing the variables anxiety, self-concept, and Mediterranean diet adherence and (b) contrast the proposed theoretical model by studying the differences between the variables according to the level of weekly physical activity in a sample of 558 university students. MethodsA non-experimental, exploratory, cross-sectional investigation has been proposed. Instruments such as the PREDIMED Questionnaire, the Beck Anxiety Inventory, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, and the Form 5 Self-Concept Questionnaire were used to collect data. Results and discussionThe results illustrate that students showing low adherence to the Mediterranean diet had higher levels of anxiety (M = 0.95) than those showing a high degree of adherence (M = 0.75). It is also observed that young people with a high degree of adherence to the Mediterranean diet report higher scores in the different dimensions of self-concept compared to young people with a low degree of adherence. In conclusion, it is affirmed that young people who show a high degree of adherence to this dietary pattern show lower levels of anxiety and greater recognition of the different areas of their self-concept

    Emotional Intelligence, Physical Activity Practice and Mediterranean Diet Adherence-An Explanatory Model in Elementary Education School Students

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    Currently, there is a global concern with regard to the lifestyles of young people. This study aims to study the association between Mediterranean diet adherence, emotional intelligence and physical activity practice in teenagers in the last cycle of elementary education. In turn, this objective is divided into (a) developing an explanatory model of the practice of physical activity, Mediterranean diet adherence and emotional intelligence; and (b) developing a multi-group model according to the gender of the participants. A descriptive, cross-sectional, comparative study was conducted in a sample of 293 elementary school students (M = 11.45; S.D = 0.31). The instruments used were an ad hoc socio-demographic questionnaire, the Trait Meta Mood Scale-24, the KIDMED questionnaire and the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children. The results show that males show a positive relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and emotional intelligence and between emotional intelligence and physical activity. In contrast, in the case of females, a negative relationship was observed between emotional intelligence and physical activity. In conclusion, it can be seen that gender plays a fundamental role in adolescence, being a key factor influencing an active and healthy lifestyle