23 research outputs found
Lasalocid Poisoning in Buffalo Calves in the State of Pará, Brazil
Background: Ionophore antibiotics are food additives with coccidiostatic or antimicrobial action; they are also used as growth promoters, ruminal pH regulators, volatile fatty acid molar modifiers, and methanogenesis reducers. However, these compounds have the potential to cause microbial resistance, in addition to the risk of intoxication. Ionophore poisoning may be caused by excessive intake, sensitivity of certain animal species, and concomitant use with other drugs. In Brazil, cases of ionophore poisoning in buffalos are rare. This study aims to describe the epidemiological, clinical, and pathological findings of lasalocid poisoning in buffalo calves.Case: A visit was made to a farm in the municipality of Mojú, Pará state to care for Murrah buffalo calves. After weaning, the buffalos were grazed in paddocks with Panicum spp., and received a supplement of mineral, protein, and vitamin. This supplement contained, per kg, 250 g PB, 50 g Ca, 20 g P, 8 g S, 39 g Na, 20 mg Co, 557 mg Cu, 200 mg Fe, 12.4 mg Se, 2040 mg Zn, 0.19 mg biotin, 26750 IU of vitamin A, 4175 IU of vitamin D, 155 IU of vitamin E and 300 mg/kg of lasalocid. The product was made available to all calves, at 1-2 g/kg body weight (BW), according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Older calves were raised together with those less than 30 days old; as a result, the older calves tended to eat more, which could lead to a supplementation consumption of more than 1 kg body weight per animal per day. It was reported that between 40 and 60 days after the introduction of this supplement, 16 calves fell ill and died due to apathy, motor instability, tremors, and distended neck. The herd had a mortality rate of 33.3%. Two calves underwent a necroscopic examination at the Pathology Section of the Veterinary Institute of the Federal University of Pará. Macroscopic examination revealed extensive pale areas in the skeletal muscles, myocardium, and tongue. Fragments of these muscles and various organs were collected, fixed in 10% buffered formalin, processed according to the routine histological technique, and stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Masson's trichrome stain. Microscopic examination of the histologic samples revealed foci of muscle atrophy and necrosis characterized by an increase in cytoplasmic eosinophilia associated with the loss of stretch marks, and hyperchromatic nuclei that were displaced to the periphery. The necrosis of the muscle fibers was highlighted by Masson's trichrome staining.Discussion: The diagnosis of lasalocid poisoning in buffalo calves was based on epidemiological data, clinical findings, results of macroscopic and histopathological examination, and based on the estimated ionophore intake, obtained directly from the supplement label and by the calf's handler. Based on the absence of stratification of the calves by similarity of age and because the buffalo calves older than 30 days could eat more than 1 kg of the supplement (containing 300 mg/kg of lasalocid), it was possible to estimate the intake of lasalocid per kg CP (body weight). Therefore, the intake of lasalocid by a 70-kg buffalo calf in approximately 90 days and daily supplement consumption between 1 and 1.5 kg would be between 4.2 and 6.4 mg/kg of body weight. This report reinforces that notion that buffalo calves should never ingest ionophores; however, if necessary, strict protocols must be followed to avoid poisoning in these animals. This study highlighted the fact that stratification of buffaloes by different age groups during feeding became a risk factor that allowed greater consumption by older animals; this led to the estimated consumption of 4.2-6.4 mg/kg of lasalocid.Keywords: ionophores, ruminants, buffalo calves, muscle necrosis.Descritores: ionóforos, ruminantes, bezerros búfalos, necrose muscular.Título: Intoxicação por lasalocida em bezerros búfalos no Estado do Pará, Brasil
Estenose aórtica baixo fluxo, baixo gradiente paradoxal: relato de caso e revisão de literatura / Paradoxical low flow, low gradient aortic stenosis: case report and literature review
A estenose aórtica (EAo) é a doença valvar aórtica adquirida mais frequente e terá importância crescente nas próximas décadas, conforme ocorre uma tendência mais pronunciada ao envelhecimento da população. Alguns pacientes com estenose valvar aórtica (EAo) apresentam baixos gradientes (gradiente transvalvar médio < 40mmHg), apesar de área valvar compatível com EAo importante (AVA < 1,0 cm2 ) e da fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo preservada (FE > 50%). Dentre estes pacientes, é possível a identificação de dois grupos: um com fluxo normal (volume sistólico indexado, VSI > 35 mL/m2), que apresenta boa evolução e prognóstico, comparáveis aos pacientes com EAo moderada (AVA 1,0 a 1,5 cm2 ), e outro, com baixo fluxo (VSI ≤ 35mL/m2) que está associada à pior prognóstico, sendo definidos como portadores de “EAo paradoxal” (ou EAo baixo-fluxo, baixo-gradiente com fração de ejeção preservada). Estes pacientes devem ser cuidadosamente avaliados para que não tenham seus sintomas subestimados, pois o atraso no diagnóstico da EAo paradoxal provoca retardo na intervenção, acarretando um aumento na mortalidade
Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil
The limited temporal completeness and taxonomic accuracy of species lists, made available in a traditional manner in scientific publications, has always represented a problem. These lists are invariably limited to a few taxonomic groups and do not represent up-to-date knowledge of all species and classifications. In this context, the Brazilian megadiverse fauna is no exception, and the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil (CTFB) (http://fauna.jbrj.gov.br/), made public in 2015, represents a database on biodiversity anchored on a list of valid and expertly recognized scientific names of animals in Brazil. The CTFB is updated in near real time by a team of more than 800 specialists. By January 1, 2024, the CTFB compiled 133,691 nominal species, with 125,138 that were considered valid. Most of the valid species were arthropods (82.3%, with more than 102,000 species) and chordates (7.69%, with over 11,000 species). These taxa were followed by a cluster composed of Mollusca (3,567 species), Platyhelminthes (2,292 species), Annelida (1,833 species), and Nematoda (1,447 species). All remaining groups had less than 1,000 species reported in Brazil, with Cnidaria (831 species), Porifera (628 species), Rotifera (606 species), and Bryozoa (520 species) representing those with more than 500 species. Analysis of the CTFB database can facilitate and direct efforts towards the discovery of new species in Brazil, but it is also fundamental in providing the best available list of valid nominal species to users, including those in science, health, conservation efforts, and any initiative involving animals. The importance of the CTFB is evidenced by the elevated number of citations in the scientific literature in diverse areas of biology, law, anthropology, education, forensic science, and veterinary science, among others
Hemiatrofia facial progressiva (doença de Parry-Romberg): relato de dois casos associados a trigeminalgia e câimbras Progressive facial hemiatrophy (Parry-Romberg disease): report of two cases associated with trigeminal neuralgia and cramps
Os autores relatam dois casos de hemiatrofia facial progressiva (HFP), ambos do sexo feminino, associados à hiperexcitabilidade neuromuscular, representada por dores neurálgicas e espasmos musculares (câimbras) numa hemiface. Uma das pacientes (Caso 1), com 41 anos de idade, começou a notar a presença de atrofia no lado esquerdo da face, ao término da primeira década de vida. Nos últimos 3 meses, achando-se a doença estacionaria, a paciente passou a sofrer crises álgicas típicas de neuralgia do trigêmeo, cujo alívio só foi possível através de tratamento neurocirúrgico. A outra paciente (Caso 2), com 33 anos de idade, tem uma história de doença de 8 anos de duração, quando notou o desenvolvimento de atrofia ao nível da bochecha direita. Há cerca de 2 meses observou redução do diâmetro da coxa direita, o que sugere achar-se a doença em plena atividade. Freqüentemente, é acometida de espasmos dolorosos (câimbras) na região submandibular direita, provocados, algumas vezes, pela abertura da boca. Uma possível relação entre os fenômenos de irritação neuromuscular e a HFP é discutida.The authors report two cases of progressive facial hemiatrophy (PFH) associated with cranial nerves hyperexcitability. One of them (Case 1), a 41-year-old-woman noticed a slight atrophy on the left side of her face at age of ten. For the last three months, she has been suffering from fits of neuralgic pains on the left side of her face which have not ceased by drug treatment. In view of this, a surgery procedure was planned for the patient. The other patient (Case 2), a 33-year-old-woman has a 8 year history which started with cutaneous abnormalities (white and dark spots). Two years later she observed that her right cheek and right thigh had got a mild atrophy. Frequently, she has been complaining of cramps in the mandibular region which are precipitated, sometimes, by opening the mouth. A probable relation between neural excitability and PHF is discussed
Doença de Wilson: diagnóstico clínico e sinais das "faces do panda" à ressonância magnética. Relato de caso Wilson's disease: clinical diagnosis and "faces of panda" signs in magnetic resonance imaging. Case report
Homem de 25 anos de idade foi internado com sintomatologia polimorfa típica das afecções dos gânglios da base, associada a manifestações psiquiátricas. Fez uso de periciazina; no entanto, a suspensão do medicamento não melhorou a sintomatologia. Foi estabelecido o diagnóstico de doença de Wilson pela visualização do anel de Kayser-Fleischer através de exame com lâmpada de fenda e pelos exames laboratoriais que mostraram diminuição da ceruloplasmina plasmática e aumento de excreção de cobre urinário. A ressonância magnética, ponderada em T2, em cortes axiais do mesencéfalo e ponte, evidenciou imagens das "faces do panda".A 25 year-old man was admitted with polimorph symptomatology resembling basal ganglia disease associated with psychiatric manifestations. The patient had been treated with pericyazine. The drug was stopped but the symptomatology did not improve. The diagnosis of Wilson's disease was established through ophthalmologic examination with slit-lamp that revealed the Kayser-Fleischer ring and laboratory abnomalities showing a low serum ceruloplasmin level and increased urinary copper excretion. T2-weighted axial magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated the " face of panda signs" in the midbrain and pons
Edema pulmonar agudo neurogênico: relato de caso
Os autores apresentam um caso de edema pulmonar agudo numa paciente de 28 anos de idade acometida de hemorragia subaracnóidea secundária à rotura de aneurisma intracraniano. A sintomatologia respiratória ocorreu durante o agravamento do quadro neurológico. Alguns aspectos etiológicos e fisiopatogênicos do edema pulmonar agudo neurogênico são analisados
Mutismo cerebelar transitório: relato de dois casos Transitory cerebellar mutism: report of two cases
Relatamos dois casos de mutismo observados após ressecção de tumores do cerebelo em duas crianças do sexo feminino, tratando-se, no primeiro caso de meduloblastoma, e no segundo, de astrocitoma juvenil. Em ambas havia lesão pré-operatória de nervos bulbares. A fisiopatogenia do mutismo envolve fatores anatômicos, vasculares e emocionais. As características essenciais do mutismo cerebelar são discutidas com base em revisão da literatura.<br>We present two cases of mutism observed after resection of tumors of the cerebellum, in two children of the feminine sex, being in the first case of medulloblastoma and in the second of juvenile astrocytoma. In both patients there was pre-operative lesion of low cranial nerves. The pathophysiology of the mutism involves anatomical, vascular and emotional factors, being its essential characteristics discussed with base in revision of the literature
Mielopatia transversa em adulto portador de leucemia aguda linfoblástica: relato de caso
Relatamos um caso de mielopatia transversa aguda em paciente masculino de 31 anos de idade, branco, portador de leucemia aguda linfoblástica, subtipo L3 (LLA-L3). Esta é uma forma grave de leucemia e compromete mais crianças em relação aos adultos. Menos de 1% dos pacientes leucêmicos apresentam complicações espinais. No paciente em estudo, a sintomatologia instalou-se de modo abrupto e com as seguintes características: dores nas costas, paraplegia crural flácida e perda das funções sensitivas e vegetativas abaixo do segmento afetado. O diagnóstico etiológico foi estabelecido após a realização dos seguintes exames: hemograma, mielograma, análise do líquido cefalorraqueano e ressonância magnética de coluna dorsal. Foi instituído tratamento específico, que não interferiu com a evolução fatal da doença