2,801 research outputs found

    Os motores de busca e a inteligência colectiva : um estudo exploratório com alunos do 3.º ciclo do Ensino Básico

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    A Inteligência Colectiva tem acompanhado o desenvolvimento cultural da humanidade desde as suas primeiras manifestações nas sociedades tribais, em contextos de coordenação colectiva em situações de caça, até às complexas sociedades contemporâneas, na criação de conhecimento, construção de grandes aeronaves e prolificação de redes de acesso a uma nova fronteira, o ciberespaço, mapeada pelos motores de busca. A inteligência artificial destas ferramentas foi testada pelos cibernautas e de longe o motor de busca Google destacou-se da concorrência, sendo o seu segredo simples: a Inteligência Colectiva. Neste estudo exploratório pretendemos identificar padrões de utilização desta ferramenta, em adolescentes, bem como os processos de colaboração empregues na resolução de problemas. Os resultados apontam para um padrão muito elementar de utilização do motor e para uma necessidade de ensino e aprendizagem de técnicas de pesquisa e gestão da informação.Collective intelligence has been following the cultural development of humanity since its first demonstrations in tribal societies, in context of collective coordination in hunting situations, to the contemporary complex societies, in the creation of knowledge, in the construction of huge aircrafts and proliferation of access networks to a new frontier – the cyberspace. To access the vast and versatile library stored in the servers‟ global network, search engines have emerged. The artificial intelligence of these tools was tested according to the obtained answers by surfers on the relevance and personalization. By far, Google stands out among the competition. Its secret, is quite simple: collective intelligence. In this exploratory study we would like to identify the processes of collective cooperation that are used in problems resolution, with Google‟s search engine as the tool to access the information. The results point to a very basic pattern of use of the engine and a need for teaching and learning research techniques and information managemant

    Effect of crown-to-implant ratio and crown height space on marginal bone stress: a finite element analysis

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    Crown-to-implant ratio and crown height space, associated with the use of short implants, have been related with marginal bone loss. However, it is unclear which of the two entities would play the most important role on the bone remodelling process. Using a finite element analysis, the present work aims to help clarifying how those two factors contribute for the stress generation at the marginal bone level. A numerical model (reference model), with a crown-to-implant ratio of 4, was double validated and submitted to a numerical calculation. Then, it was modified in two different ways: (a) by decreasing the prosthetic height obtaining crown-to-implant ratios of 3, 2.5 and 2 and (b) by increasing the implants length obtaining a crown-to-implant ratio of 2.08. The new models were also submitted to numerical calculations.Partial financial support provided by FCT, through INEGI, under LAETA, Project UIDB/50022/2020

    The transrectal ultrasound/MRI fusion biopsy for prostate cancer diagnosis after previous negative biopsy: a case report

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    Introdução: A adoção da biópsia de próstata guiada por fusão de imagens de ressonância magnética (RM) multiparamétrica está se tornando um método importante no diagnóstico do câncer de próstata, especialmente para aqueles com suspeita de lesão localizada na região anterior, que normalmente não é amostrada na biópsia randomizada. Métodos: Aqui relatamos um caso de homem com PSA persistentemente elevado e com uma biópsia randomizada anterior negativa. O PSA atual era de 8,1 ng / dL e a ressonância magnética multiparamétrica mostrou uma lesão suspeita PIRADS-4 de 2 cm localizada na região anterior da zona de transição direita na altura da base e terço médio da glândula. Foi realizada uma biópsia transretal guiada por fusão de imagens de ressonância multiparamétrica (TRUS / mpMRI) e o exame anatomopatológico mostrou a presença de adenocarcinoma escore de Gleason 3 + 4 (ISUP II) apenas nos fragmentos amostrados na área suspeita da mpMRI. Revisamos o papel da mpMRI no diagnóstico do câncer de próstata na rebiópsia.Introduction: The adoption of multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) guided fusion biopsy is becoming an important tool to improve the diagnostic yield in those suspected of having prostate cancer, especially for patients with suspicious lesion located at the anterior region that is uncommonly sampled at randomized biopsy. Methods: Herein we report a case of a man with persistent elevated PSA and a previous negative randomized prostate biopsy. His PSA was 8.1 ng/dL and a multiparametric MRI showed a 2cm suspicious PIRADS-4 lesion located at the anterior region of the right transition zone at base and mid gland. A transrectal ultrasound/MRI (TRUS/mpMRI) fusion biopsy was performed and its pathologic report showed a Gleason 3+4 (ISUP II) that was present only in the fragments that sampled the suspected area at MRI. We review the role of mpMRI in the diagnosis of prostate cancer at rebiopsy

    O (In)sucesso da recolha seletiva em Portugal: relatório técnico do 1º Seminário de Resíduos

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    Este artigo apresenta uma análise geoambiental integrada da paisagem da Bacia Hidrográfica do Córrego Bagagem, considerando parâmetros físico-ambientais e climáticos associados aos múltiplos usos do solo e dos recursos hídricos. Para isso, foram levantadas e avaliadas as características pedológicas, geomorfométricas, climáticas e de uso e cobertura do solo, com aplicações de técnicas de geoprocessamento. Os resultados indicaram que há um predomínio de cobertura natural de Cerrado (57%), mas, as características pedológicas e morfométricas atribuem alta fragilidade ambiental à bacia. As características geométricas da drenagem associadas aos elementos do meio físico e ao regime de chuvas concentradas atribuem à bacia potencial à erosão, assoreamento e ocorrência de enchentes. As pastagens são a principal cobertura antrópica na bacia (39%) e evidenciam extensas áreas degradadas, resultado da falta de manejo, apresentando solos compactados. Essa situação é agravada pelo déficit hídrico no período seco, o que provoca a redução da cobertura verde e das chuvas intensas do período úmido, que, por sua vez, causa erosões. Foram identificados conflitos de usos nas APPs que estão ocupadas, principalmente, por pastagens (26,49%). A totalidade das drenagens da bacia apresenta intermitência no período de estiagem e infere-se que o represamento das drenagens à montante e o desmatamento de nascentes são as possíveis causas. O produto final desta pesquisa tem a finalidade de subsidiar planos de manejo da bacia, com enfoque nas fragilidades ambientais, principalmente nos conflitos de uso do solo e da água.&nbsp

    Thermal analysis evaluation of mechanical properties changes promoted by gamma radiation on surgical polymeric textiles

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    The large number of surgical operations with pos-operative infection problems and the appearing of new infectious diseases, contribute to the development of new materials in order to answer the needs of health care services. This development must take into account the modifications promoted by sterilisation methods in materials, namely by gamma radiation. The Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetry (TGA) techniques show that a nonwoven and a laminate textiles maintain a good molecular cohesion, do not showing high levels of degradation, for gamma radiation dose values lower than 100 kGy in nonwoven and 200 kGy in laminate materials. The tensile strength and the elongation decrease slowly for the nonwoven textile and decrease faster for the laminate textile for 25 and 80 kGy absorbed dose. This paper shows that the DSC and TGA techniques can be helpful for the prevision of mechanical changes occurred in the materials as a consequence of the gamma irradiation

    Peptide-based supramolecular hydrogels as drug delivery agents: recent advances

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    Supramolecular peptide hydrogels have many important applications in biomedicine, including drug delivery applications for the sustained release of therapeutic molecules. Targeted and selective drug administration is often preferential to systemic drug delivery, as it can allow reduced doses and can avoid the toxicity and side-effects caused by off-target binding. New discoveries are continually being reported in this rapidly developing field. In this review, we report the latest developments in supramolecular peptide-based hydrogels for drug delivery, focusing primarily on discoveries that have been reported in the last four years (2018–present). We address clinical points, such as peptide self-assembly and drug release, mechanical properties in drug delivery, peptide functionalization, bioadhesive properties and drug delivery enhancement strategies, drug release profiles, and different hydrogel matrices for anticancer drug loading and release.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Funding of CQUM (UID/QUI/00686/2019). FCT, FEDER, PORTUGAL2020 and COMPETE2020 are also acknowledged for funding under research project PTDC/QUI-QOR/29015/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029015)