11,827 research outputs found

    El testimonio de la búsqueda de los orígenes en la adopción y los restos de la memória

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    Investigamos la relación entre la adopción, testimonio y memoria basada en investigación documental y bibliográfica. Para tal fin, presentamos la legislación brasilera sobre adopción, en particular en lo que se refiere a la búsqueda de los orígenes, analizamos las nociones de comunidad y testimonio, de acuerdo con la definición de Giorgio Agamben y Nancy Jean-Luc; y describimos la polarización entre el olvido y el recuerdo que manifiesta en la adopción. Concluimos que la memoria revelada en la búsqueda de los orígenes no se disocia del resto que la operación simbólica de constitución de la familia sustituta establece. Ese resto responde por el nombre de familia natural, denominación proveniente del proceso judicial que permitió la adopciónInvestigamos a relaçao entre adoçao, testemunho e memória com base em pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. Apresentamos as legislaçoes brasileiras sobre adoçao, em particular no que se referem à busca das origens; analisamos as noçoes de testemunho e comunidade, tais como utilizadas por Giorgio Agamben e Jean-Luc Nancy; e descrevemos a polarizaçao entre esquecimento e lembrança que se manifesta na adoçao. Concluímos que a memória expressa na busca das origens nao se dissocia de um resto que a operaçao simbólica de constituiçao da família substituta institui. Esse resto responde pelo nome de família natural, denominaçao advinda do processo judicial que permitiu a adoça

    A first attempt at constructing genetic programming expressions for EEG classification

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    Proceeding of: 15th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks ICANN 2005, Poland, 11-15 September, 2005In BCI (Brain Computer Interface) research, the classification of EEG signals is a domain where raw data has to undergo some preprocessing, so that the right attributes for classification are obtained. Several transformational techniques have been used for this purpose: Principal Component Analysis, the Adaptive Autoregressive Model, FFT or Wavelet Transforms, etc. However, it would be useful to automatically build significant attributes appropriate for each particular problem. In this paper, we use Genetic Programming to evolve projections that translate EEG data into a new vectorial space (coordinates of this space being the new attributes), where projected data can be more easily classified. Although our method is applied here in a straightforward way to check for feasibility, it has achieved reasonable classification results that are comparable to those obtained by other state of the art algorithms. In the future, we expect that by choosing carefully primitive functions, Genetic Programming will be able to give original results that cannot be matched by other machine learning classification algorithms.Publicad

    La Revolución Cubana

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    La Revolución Cubana es un proceso político y social que surge como resultado de toda una serie de acontecimientos iniciados en la isla a finales del siglo XIX, se caracteriza por la lucha armada contra la dictadura de Fulgencio Batista que triunfa en 1959 y permanece hasta la actualidad de forma institucionalizada. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los factores que incidieron en el origen, desarrollo y consolidación del movimiento, estudiando la presencia de los Estados Unidos y el protagonismo de Fidel Castro a lo largo de todo el proceso, así como su influencia en otros movimientos revolucionarios del siglo XXThe Cuban Revolution is a political and social process that arises as a result of a whole series of events initiated on the island at the end of the 19th century, is characterized by the armed struggle against the dictatorship that triumphs in 1959 and remains in an institutionalized form at present. The aim of this work is to analyze the factors that enabled the origin, development and consolidation of the movement, studying the American presence and the prominence of Fidel Castro throughout the entire process, as well as its influence on other revolutionary movements of the last centuryGrado en Histori

    Influence of loudspeaker directivity on the measurement uncertainty

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    One of the most significant aspects of a building’s acoustic behavior is the airborne sound insulation of the room façades, since this determines the protection of its inhabitants against environmental noise. For this reason, authorities in most countries have established in their acoustic regulations for buildings the minimum value of sound insulation that must be respected for façades. In order to verify compliance with legal requirements it is usual to perform acoustic measurements in the finished buildings and then compare the measurement results with the established limits. Since there is always a certain measurement uncertainty, this uncertainty must be calculated and taken into account in order to ensure compliance with specifications. The most commonly used method for measuring sound insulation on façades is the so-called Global Loudspeaker Method, specified in ISO 140-5:1998. This method uses a loudspeaker placed outside the building as a sound source. The loudspeaker directivity has a significant influence on the measurement results, and these results may change noticeably by choosing different loudspeakers, even though they all fulfill the directivity requirements of ISO 140-5. This work analyzes the influence of the loudspeaker directivity on the results of façade sound insulation measurement, and determines its contribution to measurement uncertainty. The theoretical analysis is experimentally validated by means of an intermediate precision test according to ISO 5725-3:1994, which compares the values of sound insulation obtained for a façade using various loudspeakers with different directivitie