202 research outputs found

    Andrómeda en el conjunto de las tragedias de Eurípides

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    [email protected] [email protected]ómeda de Eurípides, de la que se conservan algunos fragmentos significativos y en la que se han visto elementos dramatúrgicos innovadores, pertenece a un conjunto de tragedias con rasgos comunes, que a su vez ayudan a la comprensión de esta tragedia fragmentaria. La estudiamos en comparación con Helena, que se representó junto con ella, y Antígona, también conservada en estado muy fragmentario.Euripides‚ Andromeda –of which only few relevant fragments survive, and which shows innovative theatrical elements– belongs to a group of tragedies which share common features, and help to the understanding of the this fragmentary tragedy. Here, we seek to study Andromeda in comparison with Helena, which was performed with it, and Antigone, which only survives in a highly fragmentary state

    How profitable is to study in Spain? An empirical insight using a new source of information

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    This paper presents empirical evidence on the returns to education in Spain using the Survey on the Quality of Life in the Workplace. Five waves (1999-2003) of the survey have been pooled to build a dataset for which Mincer-type earning functions are estimated. Unlike other analyses experience is computed as actual and not potential experience, and a variable capturing periods of unemployment is also included. We calculate the returns to education for male workers following the simplest Mincer’s specification estimated by (a) OLS and (b) instrumental variables (IV) techniques as a means to deal with endogeneity concerns regarding schooling and find that returns to education for male salaried workers are 5.68 (OLS) and 7.37 (IV with a family background instrument) giving evidence of a slightly declining trend in the rate of return to education in Spain. Evidence against Mincer’s underlying hypothesis of linearity of the returns to education in schooling is found when schooling attainment is taken as qualifications. Concerning the parallelism of log-earnings experience profiles across schooling levels, the inclusion of interaction terms between variables experience and education casts some doubts on the plausibility of this assumption in the private sector, although public sector’s earning-experience profiles are more coherent with it. Moreover unlike previous international and Spanish studies the results provide evidence of larger returns among public employees. The empirical analysis is finally extended by focusing on regional differences, which are found to be large

    CP, T and CPT versus temporal asymmetries for entangled states of the B-d-system

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    The observables used in the K-system to characterize T and CPT violation are no longer useful for the Bd-system, since the width difference between the physical states is vanishingly small. We show that only Im(epsilon) and Re(delta) can survive if Delta Gamma=0, and build alternative CP-odd, CPT-odd, T-odd and temporal asymmetries for the (B_CP -> B0, B0bar) transitions. These quantities enable us to test T and CPT invariances of the effective Hamiltonian for the B-system. The method needs the CP eigenstates B_CP, which can be tagged unambiguously to order lambda^3 from the entangled states of a B-factory

    Exploring the relationship between educational mismatch, earnings and job satisfaction in the tourism industry

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    This article analyses the interrelationship between educational mismatch, wages and job satisfaction in the Spanish tourism sector in the first years of the global economic crisis. It is shown that there is a much higher incidence of over-education among workers in the Spanish tourism sector than in the rest of the economy despite this sector recording lower educational levels. This study estimates two models to analyse the influence of the educational mismatch on wages and job satisfaction for workers in the tourism industry and for the Spanish economy as a whole. The first model shows that in the tourism sector, the wage penalty associated with over-education is approximately 10%. The second reveals that in the tourism sector the levels of satisfaction of over-educated workers are considerably lower than those corresponding to workers well assigned. With respect to the differences between tourism and the overall economy in both aspects, the wage penalty is substantially lower in the case of tourism industries and the effect of over-education on job satisfaction is very similar to that of the economy as a whole in a context where both wages and the private returns to education are considerably lower in the tourism sector.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grant CSO2011-29943-C03-02 (National R&D&I Plan)

    Rasgos esquileos en la caracterización de algunos personajes sofocleos

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    [email protected] [email protected] a la ignorancia en sus diversas formas como fuente del error trágico que caracteriza a los héroes de Sófocles, los de Esquilo son conscientes de lo que hacen, pero su grado de consciencia se halla alterado por una fuerza negativa que surge de su propio linaje. Encontramos estos rasgos esquileos, pero positivados, en Antígona.In contrast with ignorance as the source of the tragic error which characterizes the heroes of Sophocles, the heroes of Aeschylus are fully aware of their actions. However, the degree of their awareness is altered by a negative force which emerges from their lineage. These Aeschylean features are positively presented in Sophocles‚ Antigone

    Individual returns to education in the Spanish tourism sector during the economic crisis

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    This paper analyses individual returns to education in the Spanish tourism sector. The results, which are robust to different specifications of Mincer earnings regressions, show that the earnings returns to schooling for tourism workers are only half those for all other sectors, and that the difference in returns between these two groups has increased significantly during the economic crisis. This has happened at a time when the earnings range between those with lower and higher qualifications has narrowed in tourism while it has remained stable in other sectors, and when tourism has been capable of retaining most of its workforce while the rest of the economy has experienced a sharp decrease in employment

    Exploring the effects of commuting on workers’ satisfaction: evidence for Spain

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    This paper examines the relationship between commuting time and satisfaction with different life domains. Based on data for Spain, the results show that commuting time exerts a negative impact on all areas of satisfaction for male and female workers, and that longer commutes affect women’s satisfaction disproportionally. Using public transport and walking/cycling worsen this effect, as do higher degrees of urbanization and population density. According to the evidence, whose robustness is tested in several ways, the negative effect of commuting time on satisfaction is greater for lower income workers, although for them the Great Recession moderated this effect.This work was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) [grant numbers CSO2017-86474-R and CSO2014-55780-C3-2-P (National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation, Spain) (MINECO/AEI/ERDF, EU)]

    Commuting and education-job mismatch in Spanish labour market

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    En este trabajo se analiza cómo el tiempo de trayecto y las características de los mercados laborales locales influyen en el desajuste puesto de trabajo- nivel educativo del individuo, basado en la hipótesis de que los individuos que tienen un mayor tiempo de trayecto al trabajo y mejores condiciones en mercado laboral se asocian a una menor incidencia de la sobreeducación. La sobreeducación afecta a 17 % de los trabajadores en España, y se eleva al 22,4 % para los trabajadores menores de 35 años. El análisis se basa en los datos individuales de los trabajadores españoles que se refiere al período inicial de la crisis económica mundial (2007-2010). La variable dependiente, desajuste educativo-puesto se mide mediante el método subjetivo, basado en las respuestas del individuo a la pregunta de cómo ajusta su nivel de educación a las necesidades del trabajo que actualmente ocupan. La variable de interés son: (a) el tiempo de trayecto, es decir, el tiempo que tarda el individuo en llegar a su trabajo, y (b) dos variables que tienen en cuenta de las condiciones del mercado local: la tasa regional de desempleo (esta variable se refieren a la división territorial de España a nivel NUTS 2 y desglose por sexo y nivel de educación de cada Comunidad Autónoma sobre la base de las cifras medias anuales de la Encuesta de Población Activa española (EPA) para el período 2007-2010) y el tamaño del municipio. Se incluyen las variables de control habituales relativas al puesto de trabajo y variables dummy de los años de la muestra. Los resultados sugieren que las difíciles condiciones de trabajo regionales en términos de altas tasas de desempleo pueden actuar contra el efecto hipotético de la movilidad en la reducción del desajuste educativo, por lo tanto, se obtiene a una conclusión opuesta a la planteada en algunos trabajos anteriores.This paper analyses how commuting time and local labour markets’ characteristics influence individual’s job-education mismatch, based on the hypothesis that both higher commuting times and better labour market conditions are associated with a lower incidence of over-education. Over-education affects 17% of employed workers in Spain, and it rises to 22,4% for workers under 35. The analysis is based on Spanish workers’ individual data referred to the initial period of the global economic crisis (2007-2010). The dependent variable, education-job mismatch is measured through the subjective method, based on the individual’s responses to the question of how well does his/her education level fit the needs of the job they currently occupied. The variable of interest are (a) commuting time, i.e., the time spend by the individual on his/her typical one-way travel-to-work, and (b) two variables that account for local market conditions: the regional unemployment level (this variables is referred to the NUTS 2 division of Spain and disaggregated by sex and level of education for each autonomous community based on the average yearly figures from the Spanish Labour Force Survey (EPA) for period 2007-2010) and the size of town. The usual set of individual and job-related variables, and controls for sample years are also considered. The results suggest that difficult regional working conditions in terms of both high unemployment rates and job densities might act against the hypothesized effect of mobility on the reduction of educational mismatch, therefore leading to a conclusion that opposes some precedent works.We thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (R&D&I National Program project CSO2011-29943-C03-02) for financial support

    Wiki and blog as teaching tools in tourism higher education

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    The application of information and communications technologies (ICTs) to higher education is an essential element in the improvement of open and flexible teaching–learning. This is particularly important for students of tourism, a sector in which the relationship with technological processes and their everyday use is increasing. This article describes the experience of students of an “Introduction to Economics” in a tourism degree that was involved in this initiative. It is based on the information provided by a quantitative and qualitative survey to obtain the start profile of students, gender differences and mainly the attitude of students towards the use of the wiki and blog as educational tools. As a result, it is highlighted that the implementation of these technological teaching tools increases the interest and engagement of students with the subject