381 research outputs found

    Do We Know How Much Poverty There Is?

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    This paper tests the sensitivity of poverty indexes to the choice of adult equivalence scales, assumptions about the existence of economies of scale in consumption, methods for treating missing and zero incomes, and different adjustments to handle income misreporting. We also perform sensitivity analysis to the use of different poverty lines and poverty indexes, which are issues that have been much more explored in the literature. The sensitivity analysis is applied to household survey data from 17 Latin American countries, which include 92% of the population in the region. By varying these parameters within reasonable boundaries, we find that the proportion of poor could be said to be either 12. 7 percent or 65. 8 percent of the total population. Additionally, the ranking of countries with respect to poverty is also highly sensitive. This points to the need of justifying and being explicit about the underlying choices and definitions behind poverty statistics, and to the need of performing sensitivity analysis illustrating the menu of options that can answer the question of how much poverty there is.

    Effects of Vacation RentalWebsites on the Concentration of Tourists—Potential Environmental Impacts. An Application to the Balearic Islands in Spain

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    The concentration of tourists at certain times of the year can damage sensitive environments. The use of peer-to-peer vacation rental websites has increased greatly during the last decade. This system could either reduce seasonality in touristic destinations where the tourist activity takes place throughout the year at a lower price or on the contrary, it could increase the number of visitors at certain times of the year even more. This paper intends to analyze the effect that these platforms have on tourism seasonality in order to calculate if they help reduce or increase the pressure on the destinations. To do so, the Gini Index has been applied to one of the main touristic spots in Europe, the Balearic Islands in Spain. The conclusion is that this type of accommodation has aggravated the problem, generating a greater concentration of tourists and a higher pressure on the resources of the islands.The authors would like to thank the financial support provided by the Government of Spain (ECO2013-44879-R) and the Regional Government of Andalucía (SEJ-393)

    Transportation infrastructure impacts on firm location: the effect of a new metro line in the suburbs of Madrid

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    Firm location patterns emerge as a consequence of multiple factors, including firm considerations, labor force availability, market opportunities, and transportation costs. Many of these factors are influenced by changes in accessibility wrought by new transportation infrastructure. In this paper we use spatial statistical techniques and a micro-level data base to evaluate the effects of Madrid?s metro line 12 (known as Metrosur) expansion on business location patterns. The case study is the municipality of Alcorcon, which is served by the new metro line since 2003. Specifically, we explore the location patterns by different industry sectors, to evaluate if the new metro line has encouraged the emergence of a ?Metrosur spatial economy?. Our results indicate that the pattern of economic activity location is related to urban accessibility and that agglomeration, through economies of scale, also plays an important role. The results presented in this paper provide evidence useful to inform efficient transportation, urban, and regional economic planning

    Analysis of house prices to assess economic impacts of new public transport infrastructure: Madrid metro line 12.

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    Transportation infrastructure is known to affect the value of real estate property by virtue of changes in accessibility. The impact of transportation facilities is highly localized as well, and it is possible that spillover effects result from the capitalization of accessibility. The objective of this study was to review the theoretical background related to spatial hedonic models and the opportunities that they provided to evaluate the effect of new transportation infrastructure. An empirical case study is presented: the Madrid Metro Line 12, known as Metrosur, in the region of Madrid, Spain. The effect of proximity to metro stations on housing prices was evaluated. The analysis took into account a host of variables, including structure, location, and neighborhood and made use of three modeling approaches: linear regression estimation with ordinary least squares, spatial error, and spatial lag. The results indicated that better accessibility to Metrosur stations had a positive impact on real estate values and that the effect was marked in cases in which a house was for sale. The results also showed the presence of submarkets, which were well defined by geographic boundaries, and transport fares, which implied that the economic benefits differed across municipalities

    El marketing relacional y la colocación de créditos en la Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito Cusco, Agencia Paruro - 2019

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    El fin de la siguiente investigación, buscó precisar la relación que existe entre el Marketing relacional y la colocación de créditos en la Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito cusco en la Agencia de Paruro – 2019. Para lo cual, la metodología que se empleó para la ejecución de la presente indagación, presenta un enfoque cuantitativo, del mismo modo, el tipo de investigación es el básico, el nivel correlacional, el método empleado es inferencial deductivo, el diseño no experimental correlacional, cabe inferir que, el cuestionario se aplicó a 25 trabajadores de la institución, así mismo, se ha utilizado como instrumento el cuestionario, los mismos que han sido procesados con el estadístico SPSS. Se concluye que entre la variable marketing relacional y la colocación de créditos en la Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito Cusco en la Agencia de Paruro existe una relación directa (de Tau_b de Kendall igual a 0.777), al 95% de confianza. Lo cual significa que, una adecuada aplicación del marketing relacional decanta en un mayor número de colocación de créditos

    El conocimiento del patrimonio cultural inmaterial de Áncash y su influencia en el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural regional en relación a la interculturalidad - 2013

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    El documento digital no refiere un asesorPublicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorRelaciona desde un punto de vista intercultural la influencia del conocimiento acumulado a lo largo de los siglos por el pueblo ancashino, conocido técnicamente como patrimonio cultural inmaterial, con el fortalecimiento de su identidad cultural, pues Ancash es una región muy especial, con un gran pasado histórico y cultural y que tiene tres zonas marcadamente diferentes, la costa, el Callejón de Huaylas y la zona de Conchucos, cada una con sus particularidades y subdivisiones, verdadero mosaico cultural que pese a haber sufrido profundos cambios en los últimos 40 años, luego del terrible sismo de 1970, sigue conservando su idiosincrasia de pueblo pujante y batallador. Tras un largo trabajo de investigación bibliográfica se ha podido encontrar información de primerísima mano sobre el ubérrimo patrimonio cultural inmaterial, pues Ancash no solo es poseedor de bellísimos paisajes sino también de una rica historia, mitología andina, costumbres ancestrales, música y danzas únicas, una sabrosa culinaria y un particular modo de vestir en cada distrito. La investigación es relevante pues desde la interculturalidad ancashina expresada en sus tres regiones claramente definidas, costa, Callejón de Huaylas y Conchucos, redefine la identidad regional entendida ésta en el saberse hijos de un pueblo grande, lo que llena de orgullo y autoestima a los ancashinos. Pese a las diferencias, en Ancash se mantiene una relación cordial entre sus habitantes, lo que constituye una verdadera demostración de interculturalidad, elemento que caracteriza la idiosincrasia e influye en el fortalecimiento de la identidad ancashina. Todo esto, plantea sea dirigida al tema educacional pues en ese campo donde se consolidan los saberes y se profundizan los conocimientos. Cree sinceramente, de este modo, aportar significativamente a mejorar la educación en esta parte del Perú profundo. De la investigación realizada se concluye que el 75% de docentes ancashinos conoce el patrimonio cultural inmaterial de su región, lo que influye en el fortalecimiento de su identidad regional desde la interculturalidad.Tesi

    Assessment of the influence due to a new metro line on the promotion of business activities around the stations: A case study of MetroSur in Madrid

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    The construction of a new public transportation infrastructure in a metropolitan area has a great impact, in many different ways, on the neighborhoods surrounding the stations. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the influence that the construction of a new metro line has on the promotion of businesses (shops, offices and so on) near the stations. To that end, we have analyzed, as a case study, the construction of the new metro line, “Metrosur”, in Alcorcon, a municipality at the south east of Madrid. The analysis was carried out through two different approaches: on one hand, we used a “point pattern analysis” to estimate kernel surfaces to analyze the variation in the density of business activities during a period of ten years, from the conception of the line to four years after the line entered into operation. In the second approach, we calibrated a binary logit model to assess the probability that each location has to hold any economic activity taking into account its distance to Metrosur and other location characteristics. We found that the distance to the stations positively impacts the location of a business. Moreover, the paper demonstrates that agglomeration plays an important role in the collocation of economic activities


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    Determinar el efecto de la aplicación de una innovación teórica y heurística basada en el método matricial en el aprendizaje cognitivo, procedimental y actitudinal de los estudiantes de las ciencias contables. Método. Es una investigación explicativa, de diseño cuasi experimental intrasujeto, “significa que todas las unidades de observación han pasado por todos los niveles del factor, la población fue de 450 universitarios matriculados en el 2016 de la carrera de Contabilidad de una universidad privada y una muestra de 33 estudiantes, seleccionados por conveniencia que cursan el IV ciclo de estudiosregulares. Instrumentos, se aplicaron 10 test de conocimientos tipo ensayo. Se analizó los resultados mediante prueba de t de student y de Wilcoxon, para los datos que no cumplieron con el requisito de normalidad. Resultados y conclusiones. La aplicación de una innovación teórica y heurística basada el método matricial determinó una mejora del aprendizaje cognitivo, procedimental, actitudinal y en general de la ciencia contable en los estudiantes participantes, dado el resultado de las pruebas (t: 8,539; p: 0,001), (Z: -4,902; p: 0,001), (t: 8,303; p: 0,001) y (Z: -5,015; p: 0,001) respectivamente

    Influence of Nb microaddition on microstructure and texture evolution in a Fe-21Mn-1.3Al-1.5Si-0.5C TWIP steel under uniaxial hot-tensile conditions

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    Advanced high-strength steels as Twinning Induced Plasticity (TWIP) steels have been developed using microalloying elements and subsequent thermo-mechanical processing techniques. Moreover, under hot-working conditions, these steels undergo significant microstructural changes as a result of preferred crystallographic orientation (texture) of grains. In order to evaluate this behavior, one non-microalloyed and other single Nb-microalloyed TWIP steels were melted in an induction furnace and cast into metal and sand molds. Samples with austenitic grain sizes between 400 and 2000 µm were deformed at 800 °C and strained at a constant strain rate of 10-3 s-1, and deformation state was examined by means of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique near to the fracture tip. It was found that non-microalloyed TWIP steel solidified in both metal and sand mold exhibits dynamically recrystallized grains. On the other hand, Nb microaddition has a strong influence in TWIP steel retarding the onset of recrystallization kinetics, showing low angle sub-structured grains. Furthermore, it was possible identifying the crystallographic orientation of grains using the inverse pole figures (IPF) and the orientation distribution function (ODF). Weak cube {001} recrystallization and E{111} ¿-fiber deformation textures components were detected.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft