213 research outputs found

    Soccer kick kinematic differences between experienced and non-experienced soccer players

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    Purpose: to examine kinematic differences of instep soccer kick between experienced and non-experienced soccer players. Subjects: 17 men between 17 and 21 years old. Methodology: a 3D film system with 4 cameras was used. Maximum power instep kicks were executed. It was analyzed feet velocity in the impact, maximum hip extension, maximum knee flexion and kick phases duration. Results: were found significant differences in feet velocity with non-dominant leg in the impact moment (m/s) (Experienced: 14.5±.52, Non-experienced: 12.5±.5; p<.001) and maximum hip extension (degrees) (Experienced: 39.2 ± 1.3, Non-experienced: 34.28±3.2; p<.001). Also were significant differences in the second phase duration in both legs (p<.05). Conclusions: Maximum instep soccer kick show significant differences between groups of different level only in non-dominant leg

    Effects of cardiorespiratory exercise on cognition in older women exposed to air pollution

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    The aim was to analyze the effects of cardiorespiratory exercise and air pollution on cognition and cardiovascular markers in four groups of older women: the active/clean air group (AC), the active/polluted air group (AP), the sedentary/clean air group (SC), and the sedentary/polluted air group (SP). Active groups performed a training task based on progressive walking. Prior to and after the experiment, the following parameters were assessed: cognition, by Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE); maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), estimated by the Six-Minute Walk Test (6mWT); heart rate (HR); and oxygen saturation (SpO2). There were significant differences (p < 0.05) between the AC and the SP in all the MMSE dimensions except “Registration”, and in all the physiological variables (VO2max, SpO2, HR). Aerobic exercise may be a protective factor against the effects that pollution have on cognition and on the mechanisms of oxygen transport

    Changes in Lipoinflammation Markers in People with Obesity after a Concurrent Training Program: A Comparison between Men and Women

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    Obesity is related to low-grade systemic inflammation. This state of inflammation is characterized by the alteration in adipokine regulation, which may lead to a situation of cardiometabolic risk. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a concurrent training program on markers of lipoinflammation in adult people with obesity, comparing the response to the training between men and women. A quasi-experimental, quantitative, and longitudinal study with a pre-post intervention was conducted. An 8-week concurrent training program was carried out, in which 26 individuals with obesity participated (mean ± SD; age = 46.38 ± 4.66) (BMI = 36.05 ± 4.99) (12 men and 14 women). Before and after the intervention period, blood samples were taken by percutaneous puncture. The blood levels of adiponectin and leptin were evaluated. Significant differences were obtained in the adiponectin-leptin ratio (A/L ratio) of the entire sample (p = 0.009, ES = 0.53), which indicates a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular diseases and lipoinflammation. There were no significant differences in the improvements observed after the training in A/L ratio between women (A/L change = +63.5%) and men (A/L change= +59.2%). It can be concluded that the combination of aerobic exercise and resistance training induced an improvement in markers of lipoinflammation and cardiometabolic risk in the individuals with obesity evaluated in this study

    Análisis de los indicadores de rendimiento que definen el tenis de mesa moderno

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    El tenis de mesa ha experimentado en la última década importantes modificaciones reglamentarias así como la incorporación de nuevos materiales que han afectado la dinámica de juego de este deporte. El objetivo de este estudio consiste en describir y analizar los indicadores de rendimiento que intervienen en la modalidad individual del tenis de mesa moderno. Un total de 18 jugadores de elite participaron en la investigación. Los indicadores de carga interna se obtuvieron mediante la realización de una ergometría máxima en laboratorio y una competición simulada (CS). Los indicadores de carga externa se hallaron a partir de la observación de la competición mediante análisis notacional. Los resultados de la ergometría fueron de 194 ± 6,7 l.min-1 de frecuencia cardiaca máxima (FCmáx), 52,2 ± 6,8 ml.kg.min-1 de consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2máx) y 13 ± 2,2 mmol·l-1 de lactato (LA). El somatotipo obtenido fue de tipo mesomorfo balanceado (2,5-4,6-2,6). En la CS se registraron valores promedio de lactato de 1,7-1,97 mmol·l-1. La FCmáx se situó en un 76-82,7% respecto a la máxima FC. El esfuerzo realizado en la CS alcanzó el 60-70% del VO2máx. La duración de los partidos fue de 37,7 ± 15,6 min, distribuidos en 6,76 ± 2,3 min de juego y 30,9 ± 14,3 min de pausa. El número de golpeos por jugada fue de 4,51 ± 2,61. Se realizaron 458,8 ± 201,4 desplazamientos recorriéndose una distancia de 514,5 ± 213,1 m. La respuesta fisiológica ha obtenido unos valores muy similares a los registrados antes de la incorporación de las modificaciones en el reglamento de juego. El análisis de los indicadores temporales muestra que la duración total de los partidos es similar. Sin embargo, los tiempos de juego y las técnicas efectuadas han aumentado, ejecutándose un mayor número de golpeos por jugada. La duración y la intensidad del esfuerzo de las jugadas realizadas en el tenis de mesa moderno son ligeramente superiores

    Analysis of performance indicators that define the modern table tennis

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    El tenis de mesa ha experimentado en la última década importantes modificaciones reglamentarias así como la incorporación de nuevos materiales que han afectado la dinámica de juego de este deporte. El objetivo de este estudio consiste en describir y analizar los indicadores de rendimiento que intervienen en la modalidad individual del tenis de mesa moderno. Un total de 18 jugadores de elite participaron en la investigación. Los indicadores de carga interna se obtuvieron mediante la realización de una ergometría máxima en laboratorio y una competición simulada (CS). Los indicadores de carga externa se hallaron a partir de la observación de la competición mediante análisis notacional. Los resultados de la ergometría fueron de 194 ± 6,7 l.min-1 de frecuencia cardiaca máxima (FCmáx), 52,2 ± 6,8 ml.kg.min-1 de consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2máx) y 13 ± 2,2 mmol·l-1 de lactato (LA). El somatotipo obtenido fue de tipo mesomorfo balanceado (2,5-4,6-2,6). En la CS se registraron valores promedio de lactato de 1,7-1,97 mmol·l-1. La FCmáx se situó en un 76-82,7% respecto a la máxima FC. El esfuerzo realizado en la CS alcanzó el 60-70% del VO2máx. La duración de los partidos fue de 37,7 ± 15,6 min, distribuidos en 6,76 ± 2,3 min de juego y 30,9 ± 14,3 min de pausa. El número de golpeos por jugada fue de 4,51 ± 2,61. Se realizaron 458,8 ± 201,4 desplazamientos recorriéndose una distancia de 514,5 ± 213,1 m. La respuesta fisiológica ha obtenido unos valores muy similares a los registrados antes de la incorporación de las modificaciones en el reglamento de juego. El análisis de los indicadores temporales muestra que la duración total de los partidos es similar. Sin embargo, los tiempos de juego y las técnicas efectuadas han aumentado, ejecutándose un mayor número de golpeos por jugada. La duración y la intensidad del esfuerzo de las jugadas realizadas en el tenis de mesa moderno son ligeramente superiores.Table tennis has experienced regulation changes and game materials improvements in the last decade that had affected several aspects. The objective of this study is to describe and analyze performance indicators involved in the individual category of modern table tennis. A total of 18 table tennis elite players participated in this study. Internal performance variables were obtained performing a maximum ergometer test and simulated competition (SC). External performance variables were obtained by observation and notational analysis. Elite table tennis players shown the following results in the ergometer test: 194 ± 6.7 l.min-1 maximum heart rate (HRmax), 52.2 ± 6.8 ml.kg.min-1, maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) and 13 ± 2.2 mmol·l-1 lactate (LA). Mesomorph balanced (2,5-4,6-2,6) somatotype was obtained. Average LA values were 1.7 to 1.97 mmol·l-1. Maximum HR stood at 76 to 82.7% compared to HRmax. SC reached 60-70% VO2max while duration was 37.7 ± 15.6 min (i.e. 2.3 ± 6.76 min playing time and 30.9 ± 14.3 min pause). Numbers of shots recorded were 4.51 ± 2.61, and 458.8 ± 201.4 displacements were performed across a distance of 514.5 ± 213.1 m. Physiological response and match durations obtained were very similar to those before the incorporation of regulation modifications. However, playing time and beatings were higher in our study. Based on data obtained we can suggest a higher duration and intensity of the effort during competition and an increase in number of beatings and displacements in modern table tenni

    Mediterranean Diet, Physical Fitness and Body Composition in Sevillian Adolescents: A Healthy Lifestyle

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    Childhoodandadolescentobesityhasbecomeoneofthemostvitalchallengestoovercome in the present age. Physical fitness, physical activity and the Mediterranean diet (MD) are valuable tools for its prevention and treatment. The main objective of this study is to analyze the associations between health-related physical fitness components, body composition and adherence to the MD in 917adolescentsagedfrom13-to16-years-old. TheALPHA-FitnessTestwasusedtomeasurephysical fitnessandbodycomposition,andtheAdherencetotheMediterraneanDiet(KIDMED)questionnaire was employed to assess the adherence to the MD. The associations between variables were tested according to gender and age a generalized linear model (GLM) univariate analysis (two factors) and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA, with Bonferroni posthoc). As to the body composition and physical fitness variables, significant differences were obtained in both genders but not in relation to the adherence to the MD. The boys performed better in the physical fitness tests. Age was a determinant factor in adherence to the MD in the total sample, lowering as the age of the sample increases. Both the boys and girls who had a significantly higher performance in the endurance test were those who showed high/medium adherence to the MD. It is concluded that higher levels of cardiovascular endurance in boys and girls are associated with a medium and high adherence to the MD

    Characterization of sub-channel based Málaga atmospheric optical links with real β  parameter

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    A generalization of the Málaga atmospheric optical communications links treated as a finite number of generalized-K distributed sub-channels is analyzed in terms of outage probability and outage rate when its β parameter belongs to the set of real numbers. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first time that β ∈ ℜ is considered. The new analytical expressions derived in this paper lead to a new physical and more realistic interpretation of atmospheric optical links, especially in terms of performance


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    Objetivo: el objetivo del estudio fue conocer los efectos de dos programas de entrenamiento sobre la fuerza&amp;nbsp; muscular, la glicemia y la presión arterial en adultos mayores. Material y método: se estudiaron dos grupos, Grupo Experimental Uno (G1) (n=11) con entrenamiento de fuerza muscular contra resistencia y Grupo&amp;nbsp; Experimental Dos (G2) (n=20) con entrenamiento aeróbico basado en caminatas. Se evaluó la presión arterial (PA), la glucemia y la Fuerza Máxima estimada indirectamente con en un test de máximas repeticiones en los&amp;nbsp; siguientes ejercicios: Prensa Sentado (PS), Press de Banca (PB) y Extensiones de Rodilla (ER). Se midieron&amp;nbsp; todas las variables al inicio y al final del programa de entrenamiento. Resultados: los resultados obtenidos&amp;nbsp; evidenciaron un mayor aumento de la fuerza en el G1; en PB (p&amp;lt;0,001), ER (p&amp;lt;0,001) y PS (p&amp;lt;0,05), mientras&amp;nbsp; que el G2 no se registraron diferencias. En el G1, la PA sistólica pos-programa, disminuyó significativamente&amp;nbsp; (p&amp;lt;0,001), mientras que en el G2 no se produjeron cambios. La glicemia intrasesión disminuyó&amp;nbsp; significativamente en ambos grupos. El programa de fuerza muscular indujo mayores aumentos en la fuerza&amp;nbsp; muscular y disminuyó más la Presión Arterial Sistólica que el entrenamiento aeróbico.Objective: the aim of the study was to know the effects of two training programs on muscular strength,&amp;nbsp; glycemia and blood pressure in the elderly. Material and Method: two groups were studied, Experimental&amp;nbsp; Group 1, (G1) (n 11) with training in muscle strength against resistance, and Experimental Group Two (G2)&amp;nbsp; (n=20) with aerobic training based on walking. Blood pressure (BP) was evaluated, and glycemia and&amp;nbsp; estimated Maximum Strength were indirectly estimated with a maximum repetitions test in the following&amp;nbsp; exercises: Leg Press (LP), Bench Press (BP), and Knee Extension (KE). Al variables at the beginning and the&amp;nbsp; end of the training program were measured.Results: the results obtained showed a higher increase in the&amp;nbsp; strength in G1; in BP (p&amp;lt;0,001), KE (p&amp;lt;0,001) y PL (p&amp;lt;0,05): while in G2 there were no changes. In G1 the post- program systolic BP decreased significantly (p&amp;lt;0,001) while in G2 there were no changes. Intra-session&amp;nbsp; glycemia diminished considerably in both groups. The muscle strength program induced a greater increase&amp;nbsp; in muscle strength and decreased the Systolic Blood Pressure more than the aerobic training.&amp;nbsp

    Analysis of Sport Supplement Consumption and Body Composition in Spanish Elite Rowers.

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the anthropometric characteristics and sport supplement (SS) consumption patterns of heavyweight and lightweight international rowers. Methods: The 13 heavyweights (11 males) and seven lightweights (five males) of the Spanish National Rowing Team were recruited for the study. Body composition was measured by bio-impedance analysis, and the questionnaire used in this investigation was previously validated to assess SS consumption. According to anthropometrics parameters, it was reported that male heavyweight rowers were heavier (p < 0.001) and taller (p < 0.001), but no statistical di erences were reported for % body fat (p = 0.104) or % lean body mass (p = 0.161). All rowers reported consumption of at least one SS. Based on the Australian Institute of Sport’s classification, higher medical supplement consumption was observed when comparing heavyweight rowers to lightweight rowers (2.5 1.1 vs. 1.7 0.5, p = 0.040). There were no di erences in the totals of group A (strong scientific evidence for sports scenarios, p = 0.069), group B (emerging scientific support, deserving of further research, p = 0.776), or group C (scientific evidence not supportive of benefit and/or security amongst athletes, p = 0.484). The six most consumed SSs were iron (85%), ca eine (85%), -alanine (85%), energy bars (85%), vitamin supplements (80%), and isotonic drinks (80%), with no statistical di erences between heavyweight and lightweight rowers (p > 0.05). These results suggest that the absence of di erences in body composition (expressed as a percentage) do not represent anthropometric disadvantages for heavyweight rowers. In addition, SS consumption was similar between rowers, reporting only higher medical supplement consumption in heavyweight rowers.post-print931 K

    Nutrition-Related Adverse Outcomes in Endurance Sports Competitions: A Review of Incidence and Practical Recommendations

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    During the last few years, the numbers of competitors in endurance and ultra-endurance sports modalities have increased significantly. This type of competition is an extreme challenge for athletes. Therefore, they have an increased the risk of developing medical and nutritional problems. The aim of the work is to estimate the incidence of nutrition-related adverse outcomes in endurance and ultra-endurance sports, considering the variables that influence them. A critical review was carried out based on the PubMed database, by means of a search strategy based on keywords separated by Boolean connectors. For all the results obtained in a period from 2008 to 2019, a series of inclusion/exclusion criteria was applied to select only the studies that fitted the objective of the present study. Results and discussion: Of the 871 publications identified, 33 met the inclusion criteria. The adverse outcomes found included exercise-associated hyponatremia (EAH), heat stroke by exertion (EHS), gastrointestinal (GI) problems, dehydration, and hypothermia; the provision of misinformation to athletes about nutrient intake and hydration during competition was identified as the main cause. Conclusions: The main adverse outcomes in endurance and ultra-endurance sports modalities are EAH, GI inconveniences, and EHS. These problems can affect the performance and health status of the athlete during and post-competition. Several nutritional guidelines have been suggested that can prevent these adverse outcomes, and it is essential to individualize and adjust the nutritional intake and hydration status according to the characteristics of each competition