1,038 research outputs found

    Capital cultural y competencias profesionales en actores sociales del contexto empresarial.

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    El contexto empresarial actual toma importancia sobre el capital cultural y las competencias profesionales de sus actores sociales. Con ello se reconoce que su desarrollo es una forma de lograr ventaja competitiva desde el innegable aporte cultural de los gestores. Por ello se determinó realizar la presente investigación en el Centro de Información y Gestión Tecnológica (CIGET) Granma. A partir de la necesidad de comprender la incidencia de los conceptos del capital cultural y las competencias profesionales que caracterizan el accionar de los actores sociales en una organización y su contribución al agregar valor a productos y servicios. El objetivo es sistematizar teórica y críticamente la bibliografía acerca del capital cultural y las competencias profesionales y su aplicación en las organizaciones. El análisis dio cumplimiento a la primera tarea científica de un estudio que pretende la elaboración de un procedimiento metodológico para la evaluación y desarrollo de estos importantes conceptos en el CIGET Granma como estudio de caso. Esta revisión bibliográfica ratifica la importancia de la gestión del conocimiento en la formación de los recursos humanos y el carácter social del conocimiento para el avance de la organización, acordes a las necesidades del desarrollo cultural comunitario desde la nueva empresa

    Linfoma de Burkitt abdominal

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    Burkitt's lymphoma is a type of uncommon non-Hodgkin lymphoma, affecting mainly children and adolescents. A white male teen, 12 years of age, presents with previous health record, epigastric pain, cramping of some days of length, which was increasing, unchanged coughing, sneezing or changes in position, irradiated to the right iliac fossa, without vomiting, fever or other symptoms. Imaging, endoscopic and histological studies were performed. He was diagnosed with a colon tumor, removed later on. Burkitt lymphoma is a rare entity that requires clinical observation and combining several imaging methods to come close to the suspected diagnosis, and represents a big challenge, so we alert pediatricians to suspect of abdominal pain and abdominal tumors.El linfoma de Burkitt es un tipo de linfoma no Hodgkin, infrecuente, que afecta principalmente a niños y adolescentes. Se presenta un adolescente masculino, blanco, de 12 años de edad y antecedentes de salud anterior, con un dolor en epigastrio, tipo cólico de pocos días de evolución, que fue incrementándose, sin modificaciones con la tos, estornudos o cambios de posición ni preferencia de horario, irradiado a fosa ilíaca derecha, sin vómitos, fiebre u otra sintomatología. Se realizan estudios imagenológicos, endoscópicos e histológicos, diagnosticándole un tumor de colon, es intervenido quirúrgicamente. El linfoma de Burkitt es una rara entidad que necesita de la clínica y la combinación de varios métodos de imagen para aproximarse a la sospecha diagnóstica y representa un gran desafío, por lo que alertamos a los pediatras a sospecharlo ante los dolores abdominales y tumoraciones de abdomen

    Análisis de los desembarques de la pesca comercial en Yarinacocha (Ucayali, Perú) entre 2015-2019

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    The statistics of landing of fresh and chilled fish in Yarinacocha lake during the period 2015 to 2019 were analysed, considering: total landings and landings by species (in metric tons - t), fishing gear, fishing locations and number of trips. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) was expressed in t * fishing trip-1. The results indicate that landings were relatively higher in 2016 (815 t), although without significant differences between years. The monthly landings showed significant differences mainly between the months of “high waters” (January-April) with months of “low waters” (July-August), which confirms the influence of river levels, where landings increase in low waters (July-September) and decrease in high waters (January-March). In landings by trophic category, detritivores dominated in “high waters” and omnivores in “low waters”. Species of the orders Siluriformes and Characiformes were dominant, especially Pterygoplichthys spp "carachama" and Prochilodus nigricans "boquichico". The most important fishing gears for their contribution to landing were gillnets and purse seines, while hooks also stood out due to the frequency of use.Se analizaron las estadísticas de desembarque de pescado fresco y refrigerado en Yarinacocha durante el periodo 2015 a 2019, considerando desembarques totales y desembarques por especie (en toneladas métricas - t), artes de pesca, lugares de pesca y número de viajes. La Captura por Unidad de Esfuerzo (CPUE) se expresó en t*viaje con pesca-1. Los resultados indican que los desembarques fueron relativamente mayores en 2016 (815 t), aunque sin diferencias significativas entre años. Los desembarques mensuales presentaron diferencias significativas principalmente entre meses de creciente (enero-abril) con meses de vaciante (julio-agosto), lo que confirma la influencia de los niveles del río, donde los desembarques aumentan en aguas bajas (julio-setiembre) y disminuyen en aguas altas (enero-marzo). En desembarques por categoría trófica, los detritívoros dominaron en “creciente” y los omnívoros en “vaciante”. Especies de las órdenes Siluriformes y Characiformes son dominantes, especialmente Pterygoplichthys spp "carachama" y Prochilodus nigricans "boquichico". Las artes de pesca más importantes por su contribución al desembarque fueron las redes de enmalle y las redes de cerco, en tanto que por la frecuencia de uso resaltaron, además, los anzuelos o espineles

    Determinación del comportamiento espacial de antracnosis en el cultivo de aguacate utilizando estadística espacial

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    La antracnosis es una enfermedad fúngica presente en el cultivo de aguacate de manera recurrente, generando pérdidas económicas importantes para el sector productivo del Estado de México. Para focalizar las medidas de control, resulta importante conocer la distribución espacial y la dinámica que siguen las enfermedades como la antracnosis a través de métodos geoestadísticos. Por tal motivo, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el comportamiento espacial de la antracnosis en el cultivo de aguacate Hass en Coatepec Harinas y Tenancingo, dos municipios productores del Estado de México. Se muestrearon cuatro hectáreas, estableciendo 40 cuadrantes en cada una, y en cada una de ellos, 10 árboles de aguacate cultivar Hass de 10 años fueron georreferenciados con un DGPS y utilizados para medir la incidencia de síntomas de antracnosis en 12 frutos. Los datos fueron analizados con el software Variowin 2.2 y los mapas generados con el programa Surfer 16. Los mapas elaborados muestran centros de agregación, y los semivariogramas sugieren una distribución ajustada en su mayoría a modelos de tipo gaussiano y exponencial; con rangos que fluctúan entre los 12 y los 56 metros, indicando asociación entre los datos; el mayor porcentaje de superficie infectada fue de 99% para el primer muestreo de abril, mientras para el primer muestreo de noviembre, el mayor porcentaje fue de 98% en ambos municipios. El índice de distancia para la regularidad Ia corroboró la existencia de focos de agregación en todos los muestreos, al igual que los valores obtenidos del índice de agrupamiento Ja

    Placental-site trophoblastic tumor with bone metastasis: A diagnostic and therapeutic challenge

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    Placental-site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT) is a rare pathological entity included in the spectrum of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN). It is a neoplasia with metastatic potential that, once metastasized, has poor prognosis because the tumor tends to be less sensitive to chemotherapy. We present a rare case of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, in which hysterectomy for persistent gestational trophoblastic disease after hydatidiform mole, revealed a primary PSTT in the uterus. Subsequently, a slight persistent elevation of the beta fraction of human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (B-hCG) during follow-up revealed the presence of bone metastases. This location is not usual from this tumor, being even more rare the case of PSTT with isolated bone metastases. Metastasic foci were only identified with PET-CT since the usual diagnostic resources were not able to do it. Finally, it is also remarkable in our case that the treatment required the confluence of chemotherapy together with immunotherapy to achieve a favorable response

    Destete precoz en ganado criollo mexicano de rodeo

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    El ganado criollo de rodeo se caracteriza por presentar un bajo comportamiento productivo, como consecuencia, su explotación tiene una baja rentabilidad financiera y debe darse mayor énfasis en mejorar estas características. En este estudio, se utilizaron 22 vacas con sus crías de una edad promedio de 66 días, que fueron asignadas en forma aleatoria a dos tratamientos; destete normal (DN) (n1=11) y destete precoz (DP) (n2=11) con el objetivo de medir el efecto de la separación temprana de las crías de sus madres en el comportamiento productivo de ellas. Durante el estudio, se evaluó el peso vivo (PV) y la condición corporal (CC) de las vacas y el porcentaje de gestación (PG), así como el PV de las crías. No se encontraron diferencias significativas para PV (266.7 y 289.79 kg para DN y DP respectivamente), CC (4.5 y 4.9 para DN y DP respectivamente), PV de las crías (127.0 y 134.6 kg para DN y DP respectivamente), ni para PG (55 y 82 % para DN y DP respectivamente). A pesar de la falta de significancia estadística, hubo mejoras sustanciales numéricas en los parámetros medidos. Estos resultados sugieren que el uso de programas de destete precoz puede ser de utilidad limitada para mejorar los parámetros productivos de vacas de rodeo en condiciones extensivas. Abstract Mexican criollo cattle are characterized by a poor productive performance and consequently its production shows low financial return and it is necessary to improve these characteristics. In this particular study, twenty two Mexican criollo rodeo cows with calves were assigned at random to two treatments: traditional weaning (TW) (n1=11) and early weaning (EW) (n2=11) to determine the effect of early separation of the calves from their dams on the productive performance of rodeo cows. Body weight (BW), body condition (BC) and pregnancy rate (PR) of the cows, and BW of the calves were determined. No significant differences were found for BW (266.7 and 289.8 Kg for TW and EW respectively), BC (4.5 and 4.9 for TW and EW respectively) BW of the calves (64.6 and 65.1 Kg for TW and EW respectively), neither for PR (55 and 82 % for TW and EW respectively). Although there was no statistical significance, important numerical improvements were found in the parameters measured. These data suggest that utilization of early weaning programs can be a limited tool to increase production parameters of rodeo cows under extensive conditions. Keywords: anestrous, suckling, pregnanc

    Hábitat del venado cola blanca, en la Sierra de Huautla, Morelos, México

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    The study was conducted in three certified units for environmental management (UMA), these were Ajuchitlan-Santiopa, El Limon de Cuauchichinola and Pitzotlan, Morelos, Mexico, it lasted from March to August, 2007, and consisted in the evaluation of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus mexicanus Gmelin, 1788) habitat. To define the habitat tree and shrub composition was determined by central point quadrants, measures were diameter of tree canopy, plant density in 100 m2, accessibility of potential plants that are ingested by deer, altitude, slope, species importance and botanical familiesand richness indexes (Margalef and Menhinick), equity (Shannon, Inverse Shannon, Evenness) and dominance indexes (Simpson, Inverse Simpson, Berger-Parker and Inverse Berger-Parker). A total of 72 species were found, 29 botanical families, tree and shrub dominances were 68 and 32% respectively. Euphorbia schlechtendalii, Lysiloma divaricata and Acacia cochliacantha species showed the highest values in importance, abundance and even in anthropogenic use. The botanical family Fabaceae was the most wide spread and with the highest importance value among botanical families. From statistical analysis mean basal wasn’t different between UMA’s and transects (p > 0.05) as well as plant densityin 100 m2 (x _ = 23.44), the accessibility with a mean value of 0.48 m which was highly accessible to deer, areal tree cover of 8.89 m2 and the altitude; the slopes was different between UMA’s and transects (p < 0.05). The white-tailed deer habitat of the Sierra de Huautla with the best attributes is the one that shows high richness, abundance and no dominance of plant species and high slopes on the field; focus mainly on food availability and coverage.El estudio se realizó en las UMA’s de Ajuchitlan-Santiopa, El Limón de Cuauchichinola y Pitzotlan, Morelos, México; de marzo a agosto de 2007, donde se evaluó el hábitat del venado cola blanca (Odocoileus virginianus mexicanus Gmelin, 1788). Para caracterizarlo se estimó el estrato arbóreo y arbustivo aplicando el método de puntos centrados en cuadrantes, del cual se estimó el diámetro de la copa, individuos vegetales en 100 m2, la accesibilidad de las plantas potencialmente consumidas por el venado, la altitud, la pendiente, valor de importancia de especies y familias vegetales e índices de riqueza (Margalef y Menhinick), equidad (Shannon y su inverso, Equidad o Uniformidad) y dominancia (Simpson y su inverso, Berger-Parker y su inverso). Se encontraron 72 especies vegetales, distribuidas en 29 familias, con dominancia de árboles de 68 y 32% de arbustos. Las especies Euphorbia schlechtendalii, Lysiloma divaricata y Acacia cochliacantha, sobresalieron por su valor de importancia de especies, abundancia e importancia antropogénica. La familia Fabaceae fue la más representativa por el valor de importancia de familias. El análisis estadístico reveló que el área basal promedio fue similarentre UMA’s y entre transectos (p > 0.05), así como la densidad de individuos vegetales en 100 m2 (x _ = 23.44), la accesibilidad, pero las especies vegetales fueron altamente accesibles para el venado(u = 0.48 m), la cobertura de la copa, con u = 8.89 m2 y la altitud; la pendiente fue diferente entre UMA’s y entre transectos (p < 0.05). El hábitat del venado cola blanca en la Sierra de Huautla con mejores atributos, es aquel que presenta alta diversidad, abundancia y sin dominancia de especies vegetales y con mayor pendiente del terreno; enfocados principalmente en la disponibilidad de alimento y cobertura.

    Association between use of enhanced recovery after surgery protocol and postoperative complications in colorectal surgery: the postoperative outcomes within enhanced recovery after surgery protocol (power) study

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    Importance: enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) care has been reported to be associated with improvements in outcomes after colorectal surgery compared with traditional care. Objective: to determine the association between ERAS protocols and outcomes in patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery. Design, setting, and participants: the Postoperative Outcomes Within Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Protocol (POWER) Study is a multicenter, prospective cohort study of 2084 consecutive adults scheduled for elective colorectal surgery who received or did not receive care in a self-declared ERAS center. Patients were recruited from 80 Spanish centers between September 15 and December 15, 2017. All patients included in this analysis had 1 month of follow-up. Exposures: colorectal surgery and perioperative management were the exposures. Twenty-two individual ERAS items were assessed in all patients, regardless of whether they were included in an established ERAS protocol. Main outcomes and measures: the primary study outcome was moderate to severe postoperative complications within 30 days after surgery. Secondary outcomes included ERAS adherence, mortality, readmissions, reoperation rates, and hospital length of stay. Results: between September 15 and December 15, 2017, 2084 patients were included in the study. Of these, 1286 individuals (61.7%) were men; mean age was 68 years (interquartile range [IQR], 59-77). A total of 879 patients (42.2%) presented with postoperative complications and 566 patients (27.2%) developed moderate to severe complications. The number of patients with moderate or severe complications was lower in the ERAS group (25.2% vs 30.3%; odds ratio [OR], 0.77; 95% CI, 0.63-0.94; P¿=¿.01). The overall rate of adherence to the ERAS protocol was 63.6% (IQR, 54.5%-77.3%), and the rate for patients from hospitals self-declared as ERAS was 72.7% (IQR, 59.1%-81.8%) vs non-ERAS institutions, which was 59.1% (IQR, 50.0%-63.6%; P¿<¿.001). Adherence quartiles among patients receiving the highest and lowest ERAS components showed that the patients with the highest adherence rates had fewer moderate to severe complications (OR, 0.34; 95% CI, 0.25-0.46; P¿<¿.001), overall complications (OR, 0.33; 95% CI, 0.26-0.43; P¿<¿.001), and mortality (OR, 0.27; 95% CI, 0.07-0.97; P¿=¿.06) compared with those who had the lowest adherence rates. Conclusions and relevance: an increase in ERAS adherence appears to be associated with a decrease in postoperative complications

    The role of retinal fluid location in atrophy and fibrosis evolution of patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration long-term treated in real world

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    Purpose: To assess the effect of clinical factors on the development and progression of atrophy and fibrosis in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) receiving long-term treatment in the real world. Methods: An ambispective 36-month multicentre study, involving 359 nAMD patients from 17 Spanish hospitals treated according to the Spanish Vitreoretinal Society guidelines, was designed. The influence of demographic and clinical factors, including the presence and location of retinal fluid, on best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and progression to atrophy and/or fibrosis were analysed. Results: After 36 months of follow-up and an average of 13.8 anti-VEGF intravitreal injections, the average BCVA gain was +1.5 letters, and atrophy and/or fibrosis were present in 54.8% of nAMD patients (OR = 8.54, 95% CI = 5.85-12.47, compared to baseline). Atrophy was associated with basal intraretinal fluid (IRF) (OR = 1.87, 95% CI = 1.09-3.20), whereas basal subretinal fluid (SRF) was associated with a lower rate of atrophy (OR = 0.40, 95% CI = 0.23-0.71) and its progression (OR = 0.44, 95% CI = 0.26-0.75), leading to a slow progression rate (OR = 0.34, 95% CI = 0.14-0.83). Fibrosis development and progression were related to IRF at any visit (p < 0.001). In contrast, 36-month SRF was related to a lower rate of fibrosis (OR = 0.49, 95% CI = 0.29-0.81) and its progression (OR = 0.50, 95% CI = 0.31-0.81). Conclusion: Atrophy and/or fibrosis were present in 1 of 2 nAMD patients treated for 3 years. Both, especially fibrosis, lead to vision loss. Subretinal fluid (SRF) was associated with good visual outcomes and lower rates of atrophy and fibrosis, whereas IRF yields worse visual results and a higher risk of atrophy and especially fibrosis in routine clinical practice

    A deletion at Adamts9-magi1 Locus is associated with psoriatic arthritis risk

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    Objective: Copy number variants (CNVs) have been associated with the risk to develop multiple autoimmune diseases. Our objective was to identify CNVs associated with the risk to develop psoriatic arthritis (PsA) using a genome-wide analysis approach. Methods: A total of 835 patients with PsA and 1498 healthy controls were genotyped for CNVs using the Illumina HumanHap610 BeadChip genotyping platform. Genomic CNVs were characterised using CNstream analysis software and analysed for association using the χ2 test. The most significant genomic CNV associations with PsA risk were independently tested in a validation sample of 1133 patients with PsA and 1831 healthy controls. In order to test for the specificity of the variants with PsA aetiology, we also analysed the association to a cohort of 822 patients with purely cutaneous psoriasis (PsC). Results: A total of 165 common CNVs were identified in the genome-wide analysis. We found a highly significant association of an intergenic deletion between ADAMTS9 and MAGI1 genes on chromosome 3p14.1 (p=0.00014). Using the independent patient and control cohort, we validated the association between ADAMTS9-MAGI1 deletion and PsA risk (p=0.032). Using next-generation sequencing, we characterised the 26 kb associated deletion. Finally, analysing the PsC cohort we found a lower frequency of the deletion compared with the PsA cohort (p=0.0088) and a similar frequency to that of healthy controls (p>0.3). Conclusions: The present genome-wide scan for CNVs associated with PsA risk has identified a new deletion associated with disease risk and which is also differential from PsC risk