31 research outputs found

    Congenital anophthalmia and microphthalmia: Epidemiology and orbitofacial rehabilitation

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    Objective: To describe the prevalence of congenital anophthalmia and microphthalmia in Hospital Universitario La Paz, and to identify associated risk factors and evaluate cosmetic results in treated and nontreated patients. Methods: A retrospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study of patients treated with orbital expanding techniques (cases) and nontreated patients (controls) was carried out as a comparative case series study. A total of 36 patients with unilateral or bilateral anophthalmia or microphthalmia as main diagnosis were included; 52 epidemiological and management variables for each patient were analyzed. The study evaluated orbital growth and facial symmetry. Results: The overall cosmetic result in the study’s group of patients was satisfactory: 66.7% showed good or very good orbital growth, and 75% showed good or very good facial symmetry. Controls had better cosmetic outcome but showed more cataracts (P = 0.05), inferior colobomas (P = 0.026), and family history (P = 0.056) than the cases. Controls also showed significantly better orbital growth (P = 0.042) and facial symmetry (P = 0.014) than the cases. Conclusion: This study suggests that the mere presence of a globe (controls) still provides better orbitofacial development than the artificial stimulation (cases) currently available for patients with congenital anophthalmia and microphthalmia, who receive internal and external orbital rehabilitatio

    Analysis of the use of the old gymnastic and athletics material of the General Law on Education in present physical education classes

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    La Educación Física (EF) en la Ley General de Educación (LGE) de 1970 se alimentaba de los principios generales de este sistema educativo: un modelo cerrado, con una evaluación basada en el producto final, observable y con el planteamiento de objetivos terminales. Dentro de los objetivos generales de la materia de EF estaba “el desarrollo de la capacidad físico-deportiva”, diseñando sesiones, actividades y empleando materiales que ayudaran a conseguir ese propósito. El objetivo de esta investigación fue describir el tipo de material gimnástico y de atletismo característico de la LGE que disponían los centros educativos en los que se imparte Educación Primaria en Galicia y analizar su uso en las clases de EF en la actualidad. Participaron un total de 226 centros (34,61% del total de la población objeto de estudio) a través del docente especialista en EF, quien respondió a un cuestionario sobre el material gimnástico y de atletismo de su centro. Los resultados nos muestran una alta disponibilidad de uso de material gimnástico y de atletismo por su presencia en las instalaciones del centro, sin embargo, los docentes hacen un escaso uso de este material en sus sesiones, por tratarse de material anticuado, difícil de manejar y que, en casos, puede resultar peligroso su uso y manipulación por el alumnado. Además de potenciar su uso específico, los docentes deberían buscar un uso alternativo a este tipo de material, ampliando y diversificando el uso de diferentes materiales didácticos para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el ámbito de la EF.In the 1970 General Law on Education (LGE), Physical Education was supplied with the general principles of this educational system: a closed model, which had an observable evaluation based on the final product and focused on terminal objectives. Within the general objectives of the Physical Education subject, it was found “the development of the physical-sporting capacity”, designing lessons, activities and using materials that help to achieve that purpose. The objective of this research was to describe the type of gymnastic and athletic materials, characteristic of this law, available in the Galician educational centers where Primary Education was offered, and to analyze their use in Physical Education classes today. A total of 226 educational centers participated (34.61% of the total population under study) through the specialist teacher in Physical Education, who have answered a questionnaire about the aforementioned materials from their centers. The results show us a high availability of its use due to its presence in the facilities of the center. However, teachers make little use of these materials in their lessons, as it is outdated, difficult to handle, and which, in some cases, can be dangerous and manipulated by students. In addition to enhancing their specific use, teachers should search for an alternative use to this type of material, increasing ad diversifying the use of different didactic materials to improve the teaching-learning process in the field of Physical EducationS

    Calculating an Equation to Estimate the Maximum Oxygen Uptake in Lifeguards

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    The aim of this study was to derive an equation that validly and reliably estimates the VO2 reached in the IPTL, a maximum stress test for lifeguards. From the results obtained in the first part of the research, a multiple linear regression model was identified. A stepwise procedure was established as a variable selection method, where the VO2IPTL was selected as the dependent variable and the maximum time reached in the IPTL (s), the percentage of muscle mass (%) and weight of the participant (kg), as independent variables. This procedure generated a regression model where a high correlation was observed between the 3 independent variables and the dependent variable (R2 = 0.84; p2 simply which would allow, in the long term, analysis of changes in lifeguards physical conditioning

    Validation of a New Incremental Swim Test as a Tool for Maximum Oxygen Uptake Analysis in Lifeguards

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    This study was designed to validate an incremental test predicting maximum oxygen uptake for lifeguards. A maximum incremental test was performed in the laboratory (i.e., treadmill run) and in the pool (i.e., swim) by 10 certified lifeguards. The values of maximum oxygen uptake (VO2Max), maximum heart rate (HRMax), and lactate (LaMax) achieved during both tests were analyzed. The VO2Max (0.87, p =.001), HRmax (0.85, p = .002) and LaMax (0.67,

    Physical sports activities for autistic spectrum disorder in special education centers from Galicia: teachers’ perception and barriers towards practice

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    Existe evidencia científica que pone énfasis en la influencia positiva de la Actividad Física (AF) sobre la salud, teniendo las personas que son físicamente activas una mayor calidad de vida que las sedentarias. Concretamente, la práctica de AF que combina intensidad moderada y vigorosa mejora la salud fisiológica y psicológica de niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA). El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la oferta de actividades físico-deportivas en Centros de Educación Especial (CEE) de Galicia que imparten la Educación Básica Obligatoria (equivalente a la Educación Primaria) y que cuentan con alumnado con TEA, así como los factores que influyen en el uso de la AF en las clases, sean de Educación Física (EF) o no. La muestra analizada estuvo conformada por 29 docentes de CEE, a los que se les envió un cuestionario elaborado ad hoc. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el 51,72% del profesorado afirma que todo el alumnado con TEA de su centro tiene clase de EF. Así mismo, el 62,1% de los docentes indican que solo un cuarto del alumnado con TEA realiza AF en el recreo. Natación, psicomotricidad y atletismo son las actividades extraescolares o complementarias que más se practicanThere is scientific evidence that emphasizes the positive influence of Physical Activity (PA) on health, with people who are physically active having a higher quality of life than those who are sedentary. Specifically, the practice of PA that combines moderate and vigorous intensity improves the physiological and psychological health of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The aim of this research was to analyse the offer of physical-sports activities in Special Education Centres (CEE) in Galicia that provide Compulsory Basic Education (equivalent to Primary Education) and that have students with ASD, as well as the factors that influence the use of PA in classes, whether they are specialists of Physical Education (PE) or not. The analyzed sample consisted of 29 CEE teachers, who were sent an ad hoc questionnaire. The results obtained show that 51.72% of the teaching staff affirms that 100% of the students with ASD in their centre have a PE class. Likewise, 62.1% of the teachers indicate that only a quarter of the students with ASD do PA at recess. Swimming, psychomotor skills and athletics are the most practiced extracurricular or complementary activitiesS

    Motor competence and health-related physical fitness in schoolchildren

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    Objetivo: analizar las posibles asociaciones entre el grado de desarrollo de las habilidades motrices básicas y la condición física relacionada con la salud en escolares de Educación Primaria. Métodos: en 21 escolares sanos (14 niñas) de 7-12 años se evaluó la competencia motriz, mediante el Test of Gross Motor Development, que aporta las puntuaciones globales, de las habilidades locomotrices y de control de objetos; y, también la condición física relacionada con la salud, con la batería ALPHA-Fitness que incluye la capacidad músculo-esquelética, composición corporal y capacidad motora. Resultados: las habilidades locomotrices se asociaron positivamente con la capacidad músculo-esquelética (r=0.662; p<0.001) e inversamente con la capacidad motora (r=-0.587, p=0.005). Además, la habilidad de la carrera se relacionó inversamente con el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y la circunferencia de cintura (r=- 0.550, p=0.010; r=-0.510, p=0.018, respectivamente). En cuanto a las habilidades de control de objetos, se asociaron también de manera inversa con la capacidad motora (r=-0.532, p=0.013) y, concretamente, la recepción con el IMC (r=-0.487, p<0.025). El lanzamiento por encima de la cabeza se asoció positivamente con la capacidad músculo-esquelética (r=0.529, p=0.014). Conclusiones: los hitos de competencia motriz de los escolares se asocian con sus parámetros antropométricos y con indicadores de la condición física (capacidades músculo-esquelética y motora). Estos hechos apoyan la puesta en marcha de estrategias para evaluar y tratar de mejorar la competencia motriz y la condición física de los/as escolares, desde las primeras etapas, de cara a incrementar sus habilidades físicas y su salud a largo plazoTo assess the possible associations between the development level of fundamental movement skills and health-related physical fitness in primary schoolchildren. Methods: in 21 healthy schoolchildren (14 girls) aged 7-12 years, motor competence was assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development, which provide motor competence score and also locomotor and object control skills scores; and health- related physical fitness was evaluated using the ALPHA-Fitness test battery, which includes the assessment of musculoskeletal fitness, body composition, and motor fitness. Results: locomotor skills were positively associated with musculoskeletal fitness (r=0.662; p<0.001) and inversely associated with motor fitness (r=-0.587, p=0.005). In addition, run was inversely related to body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (r=-0.550, p=0.010; r=-0.510, p=0.018, respectively). Regarding object control skills, they were also inversely associated with motor fitness (r=-0.532, p=0.013) and, in particular, catch with BMI (r=-0.487, p<0.025). The overhand throw was positively associated with musculoskeletal fitness (r=0.529, p=0.014).Conclusion: motor competence milestones of schoolchildren are associated with their anthropometric measurements and physical fitness indicators (musculoskeletal and motor fitness). These facts support the implementation of strategies to assess and try to improve the motor competence and physical fitness of schoolchildren, from the earliest ages, in order to increase their physical skills and long-term healthS

    Learning and Treatment of Anaphylaxis by Laypeople: A Simulation Study Using Pupilar Technology

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    An anaphylactic shock is a time-critical emergency situation. The decision-making during emergencies is an important responsibility but difficult to study. Eye-tracking technology allows us to identify visual patterns involved in the decision-making. The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate two training models for the recognition and treatment of anaphylaxis by laypeople, based on expert assessment and eye-tracking technology. A cross-sectional quasi-experimental simulation study was made to evaluate the identification and treatment of anaphylaxis. 50 subjects were randomly assigned to four groups: three groups watching different training videos with content supervised by sanitary personnel and one control group who received face-to-face training during paediatric practice. To evaluate the learning, a simulation scenario represented by an anaphylaxis’ victim was designed. A device capturing eye movement as well as expert valuation was used to evaluate the performance. The subjects that underwent paediatric face-to-face training achieved better and faster recognition of the anaphylaxis. They also used the adrenaline injector with better precision and less mistakes, and they needed a smaller number of visual fixations to recognise the anaphylaxis and to make the decision to inject epinephrine. Analysing the different video formats, mixed results were obtained. Therefore, they should be tested to evaluate their usability before implementation.S

    The use of pupillometry in aquatic lifesaving: vigilance as a key factor in drowning

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    Una de las causas de muerte significativa en el mundo actual es el ahogamiento por sumersión, la medida preventiva más eficaz es la figura del socorrista acuático, destacando tres funciones principales: prevención, vigilancia e intervención. Un aspecto importante de la vigilancia es el escaneo, siendo escasos los estudios científicos en el método de ejecutarlo. Centrándonos en la disposición psicológica de vigilar, abarca dos acciones entrelazadas: percibir y responder. La percepción es indispensable para la acción, entre ambas está la toma de decisión. Percibiendo, el ojo realiza movimientos oculares habiendo vinculación entre ellos y el proceso de toma de decisión pasando a ser objeto observable y medible con la pupilometría. De este modo, por medio de la pupilometría podrían descubrirse los aspectos que entraña la vigilancia con el objetivo de prevenir de forma más eficaz el ahogamiento. Por tanto, el objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido organizar y analizar la literatura científica en términos de vigilancia y percepción en socorrismo acuático.One of the most important causes of death nowadays is drowning by submersion. Aquatic lifeguards are considered the most effective preventive measure. Lifeguards are entrusted with three main functions: prevention, surveillance, and intervention. One of the most important aspects of surveillance is scanning. However, there are few studies that focus on how to perform it. The psychological aptitude to watch involves two interlocked actions: perceiving and responding. Perception is essential for action, but between both is decision-making. In the action of perceiving, eyes perform eye movements which have a link to the cognitive process of decision making. Eye movements became observable and measurable with the birth of pupilometry. In this way, pupilomety might help to study the links involved in surveillance in order to prevent drowning more effectively. Thus, the aim of this study was to organize and analyze scientific literature in terms of surveillance and perception in lifesaving.S