238 research outputs found

    Role taxonomy of green and sustainable science and technology journals: exportation, importation, specialization and interdisciplinarity

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    Sustainability science is, per se, a topic that is inherently interdisciplinarity and oriented towards the resolution of societal problems. In this paper, we propose a classification of scientific journals that composes the journal category Green and Sustainable Science and Technology in the period 2014-2018 through the entropy-based disciplinarity indicator (EBDI). This indicator allows the classification of scientific journals in four types based on the citing and cited dimensions: knowledge importer, knowledge exporter, disciplinary and interdisciplinarity. Moreover, the relationship between this taxonomy and the JCR bibliometric indicators and its predictive capacity of the taxonomy is explored through a CHAID tree. As well, relations between the Web of Science categories, journals and taxonomy are explored by the co-occurrence of categories and correspondence analysis. Results suggest that the great majority of journals in this field are specialized or interdisciplinary. However, over the 5-year period proposed in this study, interdisciplinary journals tend to be far more stable than specialized ones. The decision tree has shown that the number of citations is the variable with the greatest discriminating capacity.Open access funding provided by University of Gävle

    Girl power: risky sexual behaviour and gender identity amongst young Spanish recreational drug users

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    Against a background of significant social change experienced by Spanish women from the 1960s onwards, new gender identities and conflicts have emerged. These factors have barely been taken into account in the research work done in Spain. This article looks into the conversations of young people concerning their relationship with risky sexual behaviour, recreational drug use and sexual identity. Drawing from a qualitative study of discussion groups and emi structured interviews with young recreational drug users, the article suggests that there are at least two models of femininity among the recreational drug consumers that have taken part in this study. First there is a traditional romantic model whereby young women associated risky sexual behaviour with being in love or trusting in the partner. Here the young woman does not link her sexual behaviour to the effects of using recreational drugs but, rather, to the characteristics of her emotional relationship. Second, there is a model of new values and gender roles that are closer to those traditionally associated to males, where the young women use recreational drugs as a form of empowerment to take on new situations concerning their sexuality. The article analyses the perceptions of risk among the different identity groups, along with the negotiations to begin sexual relations and the use of the condom in these groups of recreational drug users. Issues for policy and practice are also briefly considered

    Allenylidene and diazoalkane complexes of a half-sandwich mixed phosphine – phosphinite ruthenium fragment

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    Half-sandwich mixed phosphine-phosphinite ruthenium complexes [RuCp’Cl(PPh3)L] [Cp’ = Cp (1), Cp* (2)], and [RuCp*ClL2] (3) were prepared by substitution of the triphenylphosphine by the phosphinite ligand PPh2OCH2Ph, L, on the parent complexes [RuCp’Cl(PPh3)2]. Allenylidene compounds [Ru(η5- C5H5){=C=C=CPh2}(PPh3)L][PF6] (4) and [Ru(η5- C5Me5){=C=C=CPhR}(L)(L’)][BPh4] [L’ = PPh3 (5), L (6); R = Ph (a), R = Me (b)] were obtained by reaction of compounds 1-3 with the appropriate propargylic alcohols 1,1- diphenyl-2-propyn-1-ol, and 2-phenyl-3-butyn-2-ol. Diazoalkane complexes [RuCp(N2CAr1Ar2)(PPh3)L][PF6] [Ar1 = Ar2 = Ph (7a), Ar1Ar2 = C12H8 (7b)] and [RuCp*{N2C(C12H8)}L2][PF6] (8) were obtained by reaction of 1 or 3 with the corresponding diazoalkanes in the presence of NaPF6. Complexes were characterized by IR and NMR spectroscopy and, in the case of compounds 1 and 7a, by X-ray diffraction analysis.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431D 2017/

    Biospeciation of tungsten in the serum of diabetic and healthy rats treated with the antidiabetic agent sodium tungstate

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    It is known that oral administration of sodium tungstate preserves the pancreatic beta cell function in diabetic rats. Healthy and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats were treated with sodium tungstate for one, three or six weeks, after which the species of W in serum, were analysed. An increase in serum W with treatment time was observed. After six weeks, the serum W concentration in diabetic rats (70 mg L−1) was about 4.6 times higher than in healthy specimens. This different behaviour was also observed for Cu accumulation, while the Zn pattern follows the contrary. The patterns observed in the retention of Cu and Zn may be attributable to a normalization of glycaemia. The speciation analysis of W was performed using 2D separations, including an immunoaffinity packing and a SEC (Size Exclusion Chromatography) column coupled to an ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) for elemental detection. Ultrafiltration data together with SEC-ICP-MS results proved that around 80% of serum W was bound to proteins, the diabetic rats registering a higher W content than their healthy counterparts. Most of the proteinbound W was due to a complex with albumin. An unknown protein with a molecular weight higher tan 100 kDa was also found to bind a small amount of W (about 2%). MALDI-TOF (Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight) analysis of the desalted and concentrated chromatographic fractions confirmed albumin as the main protein bound to tungstate in rat serum, while no binding to transferrin (Tf) was detected. The interaction between glutathione and W was also evaluated using standard solutions; however, the formation of complexes was not observed. The stability of the complexes between W and proteins when subjected to more stringent procedures, like those used in proteomic methodologies (denaturing with urea or SDS, boiling, sonication, acid media, reduction with -mercaptoethanol (BME) or DTT (dithiotreitol) and alkylation with iodoacetamide (IAA), was also evaluated. Our results indicate that the stability of the complexes between W and proteins is not too high enough to remain unaltered during protein separation by SDS–PAGE in denaturing and reducing conditions. However, the procedures for in-solution tryptic digestion and for ESI-MS analysis in MeOH/H2O/with 0.1% formic acid could be used for protein identification without large loss of binding between W and proteins

    Talleres de Educación Científica sobre la alimentación presentados en las I Jornadas de Educación Científica

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    En este trabajo queremos presentar un resumen del proyecto de Innovación Educativa realizado en el curso 2014-15 en el que colaboraron dos departamentos de la Universidad de Sevilla: Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales y Biología Celular. El objetivo fue lograr imbricar la alfabetización científica dentro de la formación de los alumnos de 2º curso del grado de Primaria. Para ello se diseñaron una serie de talleres educativos de temática científica relacionadas con la alimentación que se aunaron y llevaron a la práctica en las I Jornadas de Educación Científica en nuestra facultad. En esta comunicación se presenta una descripción de los problemas científicos abordados por el alumnado, la tipología de los talleres llevados a cabo, las dificultades encontradas para el diseño y desarrollo de los talleres, así como las estrategias seguidas para superar dichas dificultades.In this paper we present a summary of the Teaching Innovation Project developed during the 2014-15 academic year, with the collaboration of two departments of the University of Seville: Teaching Experimental and Social Sciences and Cell Biology. The aim of this Project was to achieve the scientific literacy of the 2º course students of primary education degree. For that purpose, Educational workshops of scientific topics related to food were designed, put together and carried out in the I Conference on Science Education in our faculty. We present the data regarding scientific problems addressed by the students, the different workshops carried out, the difficulties faced in the design and development of them, as well as the strategies followed to overcome these difficulties

    Comparación de indicadores morfológicos y de tiempo de entrenamiento semanal en equipos de waterpolo de diferentes niveles competitivos

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    We aimed to describe and compare the general morphological, somatotype and training background characteristics of Iberian waterpolo players (22 Portuguese and 22 Spanish National Teams players) considering their playing positions. The International Working Group of Kinanthropometry guidelines was herein followed, and a somatochart was obtained through specific software (Somatotype, Calculation and Analysis. (c)2001 SWEAT technologies). Spanish players train more hours per week (22.8 ±9.5 vs.12.2 ±5.6), are taller (187.4 cm ±6.6 vs.180.3 cm ±5.1), heavier (89.2 kg ±11.6 vs.79.1 kg ±10.0), show higher arm span (195.7 cm ±8.5 vs.185.2 cm ±7.4) and muscle mass percentage (49.0% ± 1.8 vs.46.0% ±6.0), and tend to be more mesomorphic (5.19 ±1.27 vs.4.26 ±1.32) than the Portuguese players. Concerning field positions, Spanish center forward players train more hours per week than the Portuguese (20.2 ±9.1 vs.12.2 ±3.8) and show higher arm span (204.4 cm ±7.3 vs.184.0 cm ±6.5). Spanish goal keepers and outside players show higher muscle mass percentage (49.8% ±1.5 vs.42.2% ±5.2 and 49.4% ±1.5 vs.45.5% ±4.6, respectively) than the Portuguese players. These evidences should be taken into account for the improvement of waterpolo sport.O presente estudo objetivou descrever e comparar a morfologia geral, o somatótipo e horas de treino de jogadores Ibéricos de selecções nacionais de polo aquático (22 portugueses e 22 espanhóis) e compará-los quanto às posições de jogo. Utilizou-se um software específico para o desenho da somatocarta (Somatotype, Calculation and Analysis,(c)2001 SWEAT technologies). Os jogadores espanhóis, quando comparados com os portugueses, treinam mais horas por semana (22,8 ±9,5 vs.12,2 ±5,6), são mais altos (187,4 cm ±6,6 vs.180,3 cm ±5,1), mais pesados (89,2 kg ±11,6 vs.79,1 kg ±10,0), apresentam maior envergadura (195,7 cm ±8,5 vs. 185,2 cm ±7,4), percentagem de massa muscular (49,0% ±1,8 vs. 46,0% ±6,0) e tendem a ser mais mesomorfos (5,19 ±1,27 vs. 4,26 ±1,32) do que os jogadores portugueses. Quanto às posições de jogo, os pivôs espanhóis treinam mais horas por semana (20,2 ±9,1 vs.12,2 ±3,8) e apresentam maior envergadura (204,4 cm ±7,3 vs.184,0 cm ±6,5) que os portugueses. Ainda, respectivamente, os goleiros e os jogadores laterais espanhóis apresentam percentagens mais elevadas de massa muscular (49,8% ±1,5 vs.42,2% ±5,2 e 49,4% ±1,5 vs.45,5% ±4,6) do que os portugueses. Estas evidências devem ser consideradas para a melhoria do polo aquáticoEl objetivo del estudio fue describir y comparar la morfología general, somatotipo y horas de entrenamiento de jugadores Ibéricos de selecciones nacionales de waterpolo (22 portugueses y 22 españoles) y comparar sus diferencias entre posiciones de juego. Los parámetros evaluados fueron seleccionados en la literatura. La somatocarta fue construida con un software específico (Somatotype, Calculation and Analysis, (c)2001 SWEAT technologies). Los jugadores españoles entrenan más horas por semana (22,8 ±9,5 vs.12,2 ±5,6), tienen más altura (187,4cm ± 6,6 vs.180,3 cm ±5.1), más peso (89,2 kg ±11,6 vs.79,1 kg ±10,0), más envergadura (195,7 cm ±8,5 vs. 185,2 cm ±7,4), porcentaje de masa muscular (49,0% ±1,8 vs. 46,0% ±6,0) y tienden a presentar valores más altos de mesomorfia (5,19 ±1,27 vs. 4,26 ±1,32) que los jugadores portugueses. Con respecto a las posiciones de juego, los boyas Españoles superan los portugueses en las horas de entrenamiento semanal (20,2 ±9,1 vs.12,2 ±3,8) y presentan más envergadura (204,4 cm ±7,3 vs.184,0 cm ±6,5). Los porteros y jugadores periféricos españoles tienen más masa muscular que los jugadores portugueses (49,8% ±1,5 vs. 42,2% ±5,2 e 49,4% ±1,5 vs.45,5% ±4,6), respectivamente. Estas evidencias deberán ser consideradas para la mejora del waterpol

    Comparing surgically induced astigmatism calculated by means of simulated keratometry versus total corneal refractive power

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    Purpose: To evaluate surgically induced astigmatism as computed by means of either simulated keratometry (KSIM) or total corneal refractive power (TCRP) after temporal incisions. Methods: Prospective observational study including 36 right eyes undergoing cataract surgery. Astigmatism was measured preoperatively during the 3-month follow-up period using Pentacam. Surgically induced astigmatism was computed considering anterior corneal surface astigmatism at 3mm with KSIM and considering both corneal surfaces with TCRP from 1 to 8mm (TCRP3 for 3mm). The eyes under study were divided into two balanced groups: LOW with KSIM astigmatism <0.90D and HIGH with KSIM astigmatism ≥0.90D. Resulting surgically induced astigmatism values were compared across groups and measuring techniques by means of flattening, steepening, and torque analysis. Results: Mean surgically induced astigmatism was higher in the HIGH group (0.31D @ 102°) than in the LOW group (0.04 D @ 16°). The temporal incision resulted in a steepening in the HIGH group of 0.15 D @ 90°, as estimated with KSIM, versus 0.28 D @ 90° with TCRP3, but no significant differences were found for the steepening in the LOW group or for the torque in either group. Differences between KSIM- and TCRP3-based surgically induced astigmatism values were negligible in LOW group. Conclusion: Surgically induced astigmatism was considerably higher in the high-astigmatism group and its value was underestimated with the KSIM approach. Eyes having low astigmatism should not be included for computing the surgically induced astigmatism because steepening would be underestimated

    Reaching Deeper: Absolute In Vivo Thermal Reading of Liver by Combining Superbright Ag S Nanothermometers and In Silico Simulations

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    Luminescent nano-thermometry is a fast-developing technique with great potential for in vivo sensing, diagnosis, and therapy. Unfortunately, it presents serious limitations. The luminescence generated by nanothermometers, from which thermal readout is obtained, is strongly distorted by the attenuation induced by tissues. Such distortions lead to low signal levels and entangle absolute and reliable thermal monitoring of internal organs. Overcoming both limitations requires the use of high-brightness luminescent nanothermometers and adopting more complex approaches for temperature estimation. In this work, it is demonstrated how superbright Ag2S nanothermometers can provide in vivo, reliable, and absolute thermal reading of the liver during laser-induced hyperthermia. For that, a new procedure is designed in which thermal readout is obtained from the combination of in vivo transient thermometry measurements and in silico simulations. The synergy between in vivo and in silico measurements has made it possible to assess relevant numbers such as the efficiency of hyperthermia processes, the total heat energy deposited in the liver, and the relative contribution of Ag2S nanoparticles to liver heating. This work provides a new way for absolute thermal sensing of internal organs with potential application not only to hyperthermia processes but also to advanced diagnosis and therapy.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under projects MAT2016-75362-C3-1-R, MAT2017-83111R, and MAT2017-85617-R, by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI16/00812), by the Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid (B2017/BMD-3867 RENIM-CM), and cofinanced by the European Structural and investment fund. Additional funding was provided by the European Union's Horizon 2020 FET Open programme (Grant Agreement No. 801305, NanoTBTech), the Fundacion para la Investigacion Biomedica del Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal project IMP18_38 (2018/0265), and also by COST action CA17140. Y.S. acknowledges a scholarship from the China Scholarship Council (No. 201806870023). I.Z.G. thanks UCM-Santander for a predoctoral contract (CT63/19-CT64/19). D.O. and I.R. acknowledge financial support from the Community of Madrid under Contract No. PEJD-2017-PRE/IND-3663, and from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Ramon y Cajal grant RYC2018-025253-I, Research Networks grant RED2018-102626-T and the PID2019-106211RB-I00 grant as well as the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the grants MAT2017-85617-R, MAT2017-88148R and the "Severo Ochoa" Program for Centers of Excellence in R&D (SEV-2016-0686). D.O. and I.R. also acknowledge support from the "NoCanTher" project, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 685795. E.X. is grateful for a Juan de la Cierva Formacion scholarship (FJC2018-036734-I)

    Nanoprobes for biomedical imaging with tunable near-infrared optical properties obtained via green synthesis

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    Ideally, any material used should be nontoxic and produced with safe, inexpensive, and energy-effective processes. In the case of optically active nanoparticles, this is often not the case, as they are frequently composed of hazardous heavy metals and/or produced with methods far from being environmentally friendly. Herein, the preparation of Ag2S-based nanoparticles via a simple green synthesis route is explored. Aqueous extracts of roasted coffee are used as sources of coordinating molecules. Optimization of the reaction conditions yields dimeric Ag Ag2S nanoparticles, whose near-infrared photoluminescence can be switched on via H2O2-mediated oxidation. This oxidation transforms suitable photoacoustic contrast agents into fluorescence imaging probes. Theoretical calculations further clarify the role of metallic silver in determining the optical properties of Ag2S. Overall, it is demonstrated that nanomaterials with tangible applicative potential can be prepared via cost- and energy-effective synthesis strategies that entail benign, renewable chemical

    Influenza A H1N1 Community-Acquired Pneumonia: Characteristics and Risk Factors—A Case-Control Study

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    Introduction. Influenza A H1N1 community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a quite frequent respiratory disease. Despite being considered more serious than other CAPs, there are very few studies comparing its characteristics with noninfluenza CAP. We aim to establish the differences between pneumonia due to H1N1 virus and pneumonia not caused by H1N1 influenza virus and to determine the probability that a pneumonia is due to an H1N1 virus infection based on the most relevant variables. Methods. We used a case-control study where cases were H1N1 CAP patients with confirmed microbiological diagnosis and controls were patients with CAP admitted to hospital. H1N1 and other influenza types were discarded among controls. We calculated the probability of being a case or control using multivariate logistic regression. Results. We included 99 cases and 270 controls. Cases were younger than controls (53 vs 71 years, respectively). Mortality was much higher for H1N1 patients (13% vs 0.3%), and admission to intensive care unit was more frequent for H1N1 cases. The variables most associated with presenting H1N1 CAP were bilateral affectation on chest X-rays (OR: 5.70; 95% CI 2.69–10.40), followed by presence of arthromyalgias, with cases presenting close to three times more arthromyalgias compared to controls. Low leukocytes count and high AST values were also significantly associated with H1N1 CAP. H1N1 CAPs are characterized by bilateral affectation, low leukocyte count, presence of arthromyalgias, and high AST. Conclusions. A few and easy to obtain clinical parameters might be extremely useful to distinguish H1N1 CAP from CAPs of other origin.S