253 research outputs found

    Cheminformatics Applied to Analytical Pyrolysis of Lignocellulosic Materials

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    Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry has been used to characterize a wide variety of polymers. The main objective is to infer the attributes of materials in relation to their chemical composition. Applications of this technique include the development of new improved materials in the industry. Furthermore, due to the growing interest in biorefinery, it has been used to study plant biomass (lignocellulose) as a renewable energy source. This chapter describes a procedure for characterization and classification of polymeric materials using analytical pyrolysis and cheminformatics. Application of omics tools for spectral deconvolution/alignment and compound identification/annotation on the Py-GC/MS chromatograms is also described. Statistical noise is generated by production of numerous small uninformative compounds during pyrolysis. Such noise is reduced by cheminformatics here detailed and this facilitate the interpretation of results. Furthermore, some inferences made by comparison of the identified compounds to those annotated with a biological role in specialized databases are exemplified. This cheminformatic procedure has allowed to characterize in detail, and classify congruently, different lignocellulosic samples, even using different Py-GC/MS equipment. This method can also be applied to characterize other polymers, as well as to make inferences about their structure, function, resistance and health risk based on their chemical composition

    Fractometría y propagación autoafín de grietas en materiales heterogéneos

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    Se reporta el análisis fractométrico autoafín de tres diferentes materiales heterogéneos: una aleación de aluminio vaciada dendrítica, un vidrio opalino de borosilicato y polipropileno isotáctico parcialmente cristalino. El objetivo principal en este análisis fue explorar las posibles relaciones entre los parámetros microestructurales y los parámetros autoafines que caracterizan las superficies de fractura y el fenómeno de propagación de grietas. Los datos topométricos se obtuvieron empleando microscopía de fuerza atómica, microscopía electrónica de barrido y perfilometría, estas técnicas permitieron realizar el análisis autoafín sobre siete décadas de longitud de escala en el caso de la muestra metálica. Los resultados indican que en todos los casos analizados la longitud de correlación queda determinada por las mayores heterogeneidades relevantes presentes en la microestructura

    Gestión competitiva y su contribución a la imagen corporativa del Mercado Modelo de Piura en el año 2020

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    La presente investigación titulada “Gestión competitiva y su contribución a la imagen corporativa del Mercado Modelo en la ciudad de Piura en el año 2020”, tuvo como objetivo principal identificar de qué manera la gestión competitiva contribuye a la imagen corporativa del mercado modelo de Piura en el año 2020. El inicio de la investigación fue el desarrollo de la problemática de estudio, con la cual se llegó a la siguiente interrogante: ¿De qué manera la Gestión Competitiva contribuye a la Imagen Corporativa del Mercado Modelo en la ciudad de Piura en el año 2020?, para lo cual se planteó la siguiente hipótesis: La gestión competitiva contribuye de manera positiva sobre la Imagen Corporativa del mercado Modelo en la ciudad de Piura en el año 2020. Se plantearon los siguientes objetivos específicos: Conocer la Gestión Competitiva que está realizando el mercado modelo en la ciudad de Piura en el año 2020, Identificar la imagen Corporativa del mercado modelo de la ciudad de Piura año 2020, Conocer el nivel de relación entre la Gestión competitiva y la Imagen Corporativa del mercado modelo de la ciudad de Piura año 2020. Esta investigación es de tipo básica correlacional, para la recolección de datos se utilizó la encuesta, a través de su instrumento el cuestionario. La muestra objeto de estudio fue de 138 socios del Mercado Modelo. Y principalmente se concluye que la gestión competitiva contribuye significativamente sobre la imagen corporativa del Mercado Modelo de Piura, el valor de la prueba de Chi cuadrado es X: 20,298 con nivel de significancia menor al 5% (p < 0.05), la encuesta realizada manifiesta que mientras se manifieste un producto, servicio y precio de calidad la imagen de dicho mercado se reflejara positivamente ante la sociedad.Model market of the city of Piura in the yethe main objective of this research, entitled "Competitive management and its contribution to the corporate image of the model market in the city of Piura in 2020", was to identify how competitive management contributes to the corporate image of the model market in Piura in 2020. The beginning of the research was the development of the study problem, with which the following question was arrived at: In what way does Competitive Management contribute to the Model Market's Corporate Image in the city of Piura in the year 2020?, for which the following hypothesis was raised: Competitive Management contributes positively to the Model Market's Corporate Image in the city of Piura in the year 2020. The following specific objectives were proposed: To know the Competitive Management that is carrying out the model market in the city of Piura in the year 2020, to identify the Corporate Image of the ar 2020, to know the level of relationship between Competitive Management and the Corporate Image of the model market of the city of Piura in the year 2020. This research is of basic correlational type, for the collection of data was used the survey, through its instrument the questionnaire. The sample under study was 138 members of the Model Market. And mainly it is concluded that the competitive management contributes significantly on the corporative image of the Model Market of Piura, the value of the test of Chi square is X: 20,298 with level of meaning smaller than 5% (p < 0.05), the realized survey manifests that while a product, service and price of quality is manifested the image of this market was reflected positively before the society.Tesi

    Léxico estratigráfico del Perú

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    El Instituto Geológico, Minero y Metalúrgico (INGEMMET) es la institución pública descentralizada del sector Energía y Minas, encargada de desarrollar los estudios geológicos del territorio nacional y la promoción de las actividades minero – energéticas a nivel nacional. El Plan de Trabajo Institucional del INGEMMET para el periodo 2000 – 2005 contempla entre sus proyectos prioritarios la revisión y actualización de la Carta Geológica Nacional. En tal sentido y como soporte a este trabajo, se debe contar con un Léxico Estratigráfico actualizado, que sirva de guía o referencia para uniformizar el uso y denominación de las unidades estratigráficas y su extensión a nivel regional


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    Structural Characterization of Lignin in Four Cacti Wood: Implications of Lignification in the Growth Form and Succulence

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    Wood lignin composition strongly depends on anatomical features and it has been used as a marker for characterizing major plant groups. Wood heterogeneity in Cactaceae is involved in evolutionary and adaptive processes within this group; moreover, it is highly correlated to the species growth form. Here we studied the lignin structure from different types of woods in four Cactaceae species with different stem morphologies (Pereskia lychnidiflora, tree/fibrous wood; Opuntia streptacantha and Pilosocereus chrysacanthus, tree/succulent fibrous wood; Ferocactus hamatacanthus, cylindrical stem/dimorphic wood) in order to determine their relationship with the wood anatomy in an evolutionary-adaptive context. Dioxane lignin was isolated and analyzed by pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS), two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (2D-NMR) and attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). The main linkages are the β-O−4′ ether (67–85%), the β-β′ resinol (10–26%) and the β-5′ and α-O−4′ linkages of the phenylcoumaran structures (≤7%). Spirodienone structures have a considerable abundance (5%) in the dimorphic wood of F. hamatacanthus. In addition, low contents (≤3%) of α,β-diaryl ether, α-oxidized β-O−4′ ether and dibenzodioxocin structures were found. The sinapyl- and coniferyl acetates are not part of the wood lignin in any of the studied species. The low (≤5%) γ-acetylation in the F. hamatacanthus and P. chrysacanthus wood lignin is here interpreted as an evidence of a high specialization of the wood elements in the conduction/storage of water. The lignin of the studied Cactaceae is composed predominantly of guaiacyl and syringyl units (S/G: 0.9–16.4). High abundance of syringyl units (62–94%) in three of the four species is considered as a defense mechanism against oxidative agents, it is a very conspicuous trait in the most succulent species with dimorphic wood. Furthermore, it is also associated with ferulates and the herein called γ-acetylated guaiacyl-syringaresinol complexes acting as nucleation sites for lignification and as cross-links between lignin and carbohydrates at the wide-band tracheid-fiber junctions