616 research outputs found

    En equilibrio no hay crisis: crítica a los supuestos neoclásicos

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    This paper constitutes a critic to the neoclassical theory heart, ideological support of the neoliberal arguments whose connection with the current state of art around the economy teaching world, under supposed to the capitalism harmonic operation risen to the science category: balance, invisible hands, efficiency in the production, natural forces as laws of the market, inertial tendencies to the full and fair occupation in the productive resources, maximum effectiveness in all the orders, etc. Leaves from the rejection to the economy conception like "shortage science", centering in the Political Economy discussion: the study of the social relationships of production, distribution, accumulation and consumption, among social classes with conflictive interests, apparent in all the human life aspects.El trabajo constituye una crítica al corazón de la teoría neoclásica, soporte ideológico de las argumentaciones neoliberales, cuya conexión, con el actual estado del arte de la enseñanza mundial de la economía, es evidente, bajo supuestos del funcionamiento armónico del capitalismo elevados a la categoría de ciencia: equilibrio, manos invisibles, eficiencia en la producción, fuerzas naturales, como leyes del mercado, tendencias inerciales a la ocupación plena y justa de todos los recursos productivos, eficacia maximizadora en todos los órdenes, etc. Se parte del rechazo a la concepción de economía como "ciencia de la escasez", lo que centra en el debate de la economía política el estudio de las relaciones sociales de producción, distribución, acumulación y consumo, entre clases sociales con intereses en conflicto manifiestos en todos los aspectos de la vida humana

    Conexiones alienadas entre economía, marketing y globalización

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    The orientation of enterprises towards the market or consumer (Garcés, 2010), as a work focus of a non-neoclassical/neoliberal marketing theory, and one that is not centered on operational activities that seek, on the short term, to maximize the sales and profits of individual producers, is a task that is overdue in this discipline. Restructuring it tied to the theories of Marx and Keynes seems to be the only safe refuge, where all demand generates its own supply, contrary to the old “law” of Say (Say, 1803). This article constitutes a theoretical-conceptual and descriptive effort to understand the connections between marketing theory with a real customer focus (the role of demand) and the socio-cultural, ideological, political and economic aspects of the authors of macro marketing, who are assumed to be divergent from micromarketing, the neoclassical origin of which has impeded its conceptualization from the point of view of science and its method; especially in this stage of capitalism, where the effects of globalization are manifested on the inhabitants of planet Earth, all consumers and human beings with the right to develop themselves integrally, in coexistence with other species.Este artículo constituye un esfuerzo teórico-conceptual y descriptivo por entender las conexiones entre una teoría del marketing con real foco en el consumidor (el papel de la demanda) y los aspectos socioculturales, ideológicos, políticos y económicos de los autores del macromarketing, que se asumen divergentes de un micromarketing cuyo origen neoclásico ha impedido su conceptualización desde la ciencia y su método, máxime en esta etapa del capitalismo, en que los efectos de la globalización se manifiestan sobre los habitantes del planeta Tierra, todos consumidores y seres humanos con derecho a desarrollarse integralmente, en convivencia con las demás especies

    Bilinear maps on C^*-algebras that have product property at a compact element

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    We study bounded bilinear maps on a C^*-algebra AA having product property at cAc\in A. This leads us to the question of when a C^*-algebra is determined by products at c.c. In the first part of our paper, we investigate this question for compact C^*-algebras, and in the second part, we deal with von Neumann algebras having non-trivial atomic part. Our results are applicable to descriptions of homomorphism-like and derivation-like maps at a fixed point on such algebras.Comment: The manuscript has been revised according to the referee's suggestions and comment

    Chronology of the late Turolian deposits of the Fortuna basin (SE Spain): implications for the Messinian evolution of the eastern Betics

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    The magnetostratigraphy of the mammal-bearing alluvial fan-fan delta sequences of the Fortuna basin (SE Spain) has yielded an accurate chronology for the late Turolian (Messinian) basin infill. From early to late Messinian (at least between 6.8 and 5.7 Ma), the Fortuna basin records the sedimentation of alluvial-palustrine deposits over a confined shallow basin. Changing environmental conditions in the latest Messinian are illustrated by the retreat of palustrine facies. A rapid progradation of the marginal clastic wedges and the initiation of an efficient basin drainage at 5.8 Ma (lower part of chron C3r) most likely represents the onshore response to the drastic drop of base level taking place during the Messinian salinity crisis. This study further provides improved age estimates for the late Turolian land mammal events in southern Spain. The oldest MN 13 locality in the studied sections is correlated to chron C3Ar at an age of 6.8 Ma. The entry of camels and the murid Paraethomys in southern Spain occurs in chron C3An.1n at 6.1 Ma, and gives further support for land mammal exchange between Africa and the Iberian peninsula prior to the salinity crisis, in good agreement with results from northern Africa [M. Benammi, M. Calvo, M. Pre´vot, J.J. Jaeger, Magnetostratigraphy and paleontology of Ai¨t Kandoula basin (High Atlas, Morocco) and the African-European late Miocene terrestrial fauna exchanges, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 145 (1996) 15-29]. The age of the studied sequences provides important constraints on the understanding of the sedimentary evolution of the eastern Betic margin, and shows that previous interpretations of the evaporitic-diatomitic sequences of the Fortuna basin, as being coeval to the late Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean, are not correct. The confinement leading to the emergence of the Fortuna basin occurred in the late Tortonian to earliest Messinian, similar to other intramontane basins in the Betics. Therefore, the inclusion of the Fortuna basin in a hypothetical marine Betic Corridor during the late Messinian is no longer tenable. Ó 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Improving the management of potentially predictable hospital readmissions of the elderly and their quality of life through new icts

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    3rd International Conference on the Elderly and New Technologies. III Jornadas Internacionales de Mayores y Nuevas Tecnologías.The ageing population is currently beginning to create economic repercussions, as ageing often implies an increase of health expenditure related to, specially, hospital admissions and/or unplanned readmissions and long term care services. The present paper deals with two strategies that could be implemented through the establishment and use of new technologies to avoid these increasing costs: 1) screening tools of health information systems aimed at identifying patients at risk of hospital readmissions or repeated use of health resources; and 2) new icts at elderly homes to improve and monitor their quality of life. On the one hand, the screening tool The Community Assessment Risk Screen (cars) has been tested in several health areas in the Valencian Community, Spain. On the other hand, the results obtained in this research topic are connected with the proposal of installing technologies at elderly homes through the project Smart technologies for self-service to seniors in social housing – host. This user-friendly technology is aimed at improving the quality of life of the elderly, to reinforce their social inclusion and to make possible they live for a longer period of time with independence in their houses. Thus, through new technologies the efficiency of social and health resources could improve, and it will contribute to optimize their use, their management, efficiency and the sustainability of current social protection systems.Actualmente el envejecimiento de la población está dando lugar a repercusiones de tipo económico, pues implica un incremento del gasto sanitario asociado, especialmente, a ingresos hospitalarios u hospitalizaciones no planificadas, así como a cuidados de larga duración. En el presente artículo se tratan dos estrategias que podrían llevarse a cabo a través de la implementación y el uso de nuevas tecnologías con el objetivo de evitar el incremento en dicho tipo de gastos: 1) aplicación dentro de los sistemas de información sanitaria de herramientas de detección de pacientes con riesgo de sufrir reingresos hospitalarios o de hacer un uso repetido de recursos de tipo sanitario; y 2) nuevas tics instaladas en las casas de personas mayores para mejorar y monitorizar su calidad de vida. Por una parte, se ha aplicado la herramienta The Community Assessment Risk Screen –cars– en distintos departamentos de salud de la Comunidad Valenciana (España). Por otro lado, los resultados obtenidos en dicha investigación están estrechamente conectados con la propuesta de instalación de tecnologías en las casas de personas mayores que ofrece el proyecto Smart technologies for self-service to seniors in social housing – host. Esta tecnología fácil de usar está destinada a mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas mayores, a reforzar su inclusión social y a facilitar que puedan vivir durante más tiempo con independencia en sus hogares. De este modo, a través de las nuevas tecnologías, se podría mejorar la eficiencia de los recursos sociosanitarios, así como su coordinación y, finalmente, la sostenibilidad del sistema de protección social actual