25 research outputs found

    Accumulation and distribution of metals in the tissues of two catfish species from Cananéia and Santos-São Vicente estuaries

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    Concentrações de Pb, Cd, Zn e Cu e sua distribuição no fígado, brânquias e músculo dos bagres Cathorops spixii e Genidens genidens foram determinadas visando fornecer informações sobre os processos de bioacumulação desses metais nas espécies. Os peixes foram coletados no estuário de Cananéia e em duas regiões do estuário de Santos-São Vicente, ambos em São Paulo, Brasil. Esses estuários apresentam distintas influências antropogênicas, sendo o primeiro deles submetido a impacto industrial e o segundo a impacto doméstico. Em geral, as maiores concentrações de Cu, Zn, Cd e Pb foram obtidas no tecido hepático. No músculo foram encontrados os menores valores de acumulação para todos os elementos investigados. Quanto à distribuição dos metais e ao seu índice de poluição (Índice de Poluição por Metais-IPM), os níveis diminuíram na seguinte ordem: fígado>;brânquias>;músculo. Resultados do IPM sugerem que as brânquias e o fígado são importantes órgãos para indicar processos de bioacumulação, sendo também os melhores para refletir exposições crônica e recente a metais.Pb, Cd, Zn, and Cu concentrations and their distribution in liver, gill, and muscle tissues of the catfish Cathorops spixii and Genidens genidens were investigated in order to provide information concerning the bioaccumulation processes in these species. Fish were collected in one estuary subject to slight human influence (Cananéia) and in two regions within the Santos-São Vicente estuary, São Paulo, Brazil, subject to distinct anthropogenic influences: 1) industrial and 2) domestic. In general, the highest concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb were found in the liver tissue. Muscle showed the lowest values of metal accumulation for all the elements investigated. Regarding the distribution and the metal pollution index (MPI), the levels of the metals analyzed decreased in the following order: liver>;gill>;muscle. MPI results suggest that gill and liver are important organs to exemplify the bioaccumulation process and are also better able to reflect both recent and chronic exposure to metals

    Gestão da informação e crise: reflexões sobre comunicação no caso dos “terroristas brasileiros” – Olimpíadas Rio 2016: Information management and crisis: reflections on communication in the case of “brazilian terrorists” – Rio 2016 Olympics

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    O objetivo desse artigo é realizar uma análise crítica sobre o processo de gestão da informação a partir do caso dos “terroristas brasileiros”, ocorrido em paralelo aos preparativos para os jogos Olímpicos Rio 2016. Com base no conceito de poder proveniente da comunicação e da gestão da informação diante de situações críticas, o artigo visa analisar a conduta das autoridades brasileiras para proteger seus interesses sem afetar a relação de confiança com a sociedade, principalmente através do planejamento para tratamento e divulgação das informações

    Assessing legacy contaminants in sediments from marine protected areas of the central coast of São Paulo (Brazil)

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    The presence of legacy contaminants in sediments from three Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) of the coast of São Paulo State was evaluated. Four sampling surveys were conducted between 2013 and 2015 in 10 sites, distributed along the Laje de Santos Marine and Xixova-Japui State Parks (PEMLS and XJSP, respectively) and Central Coast Marine Protection Area (APAMLC). Samples were analyzed for sediment texture, total organic carbon, CaCO3, metals (Al, Fe, Hg, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn), aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (AH and PAH). Sediments were generally sandy (excepting muddy samples from APAMLC), with variable amounts of TOC, OM and CaCO3. Most of the sediments exhibited low to moderate concentrations of metals, except APAMLC. Low contamination of sediments by hydrocarbons was found but samples from XLSP and APAMLC exhibited the highest concentrations of biogenic AH and PAH from pyrogenic sources. In APAMLC and PEMLS, the levels of metals can be considered as background levels according to geochemical indices (Igeo and EF). In XJSP and especially in APAMLC data indicated poor sediment quality, probably due to the effect of anthropic activities.A contaminação dos sedimentos superficiais foi avaliada neste estudo em amostras de áreas marinhas protegidas (AMP) da costa central de São Paulo. Quatro campanhas de amostragem foram feitas entre 2013 e 2015 em 10 sítios localizados nos Parques Estaduais Marinho da Laje de Santos e Xixová-Japuí (PEMLS e PEXJ, respectivamente), e Área de Proteção Ambiental Litoral Centro (APAMLC). As amostras foram analisadas quanto granulometria, carbono orgânico total, CaCO3, metais (Al, Fe, Hg, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb e Zn) e hidrocarbonetos alifáticos(AHs) e policíclicos aromáticos (PAHs). Em geral os sedimentos foram arenosos (exceto aqueles de APAMLC, que foram lamosos) e com quantidades variáveis de COT, MO e CaCO3. A maioria das amostras apresentaram baixas concentrações de metais de acordo com índices geoquímicos (Igeo e fatores de enriquecimento - FE). Baixa contaminação por hidrocarbonetos foi encontrada e em APAMLC os sedimentos apresentaram as maiores concentrações de AHs de origem biogênica e PAHs de pirogênicos. Nos sedimentos de APAMLC e PEMLS, os níveis de metais podem ser considerados como valores de referência. Já em PEXJ, os dados indicaram baixa qualidade de sedimentos, possivelmente devido às fontes antrópicas

    Assessing the sediment quality of the Laje de Santos marine state park and other marine protected areas of the central coast of São Paulo (Brazil)

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    Este estudo analisou a qualidade dos sedimentos de três Áreas Marinhas Protegidas (AMP) situadas na porção central do litoral paulista (Parque Estadual Marinho da Laje de Santos - PEMLS; Parque Estadual Xixová-Japuí- PEXJ; Área de Proteção Ambiental Marinha do Litoral Centro - APAMLC). Quatro campanhas de coleta foram organizadas (Setembro/Outobro-2013; Janeiro-2014; Julho-2014; Janeiro-2015). Amostras de sedimento foram coletadas em 10 pontos ao longo das 3 AMP. As amostras foram analisadas para granulometria, carbono orgânico total, CaCO3, metais, hidrocarbonetos alifáticos e policíclico aromáticos, e toxicidade de sedimento integral e interface sedimento-água. Análise de Componentes Principais foi utilizada na integração dos dados. A maioria das amostras exibiu baixa contaminação, exceto a amostra de P2 (APAMLC) onde níveis moderados de contaminantes foram detectados. Sedimentos de P7 e P9 (PEMLS) eventualmente apresentaram sinais de hidrocarbonetos de petróleo. As demais amostras não apresentaram contaminação relevante, mas tiveram toxicidades variáveis, especialmente os sedimentos predominantemente bioclásticos. A PCA indicou forte contribuição das propriedades do sedimento, principalmente CaCO3 e amônia, na geração da toxicidade, indicando que fatores naturais e/ou antrópicos podem estar induzindo a toxicidade nas AMP estudadas.In this study, the quality of sediments from three Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) located on the coast of São Paulo (Laje de Santos Marine State Park - PEMLS; Xixova-Japui State Park - XJSP; and Central Coast Marine Protection Area - APAMLC) was assessed. Four sampling surveys were conducted (September/October 2013; January 2014; July 2014; January 2015). Sediment samples were collected at10 sites, distributed along the 3 MPAs. Samples were analyzed for sediment texture, total organic carbon, CaCO3, metals, aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and for whole-sediment and sediment-water interface toxicities. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to integrate data. Most of the sediments exhibited low concentrations of chemicals, with the exception of those from P2 (APAMLC) where moderate levels of contaminants were detected. Sediments from P7 and P9 (PEMLS) occasionally showed signs of petroleum hydrocarbons. The other sediments showed no relevant contamination but presented variable toxicity, especially those of bioclastic composition. The PCA indicated a contribution of the sediment properties to the toxicities, especially the CaCO3. In bioclastic sediments, toxicity might be due to physical causes by or any indirect factor such as the presence of ammonia. It was concluded that both natural and anthropic factors are causing toxicity in sediments from the MPAs studied

    O conceito de incerteza aplicado aos processos de medição associados à preparação de uma solução de referência para calibração

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    The implementation of a quality assurance program in chemical analytical laboratories, that can aid in demonstrate the quality of their results, is an issue of great concern. As a consequence, it is mandatory to give an estimate of the confidence that can be placed on the obtained results. An useful measure of this confidence is the measurement uncertainty and, nowadays, a result without the corresponding uncertainty statement cannot be considered reliable. This paper presents a summary of the most important mechanisms for the evaluation and reporting of the measurement uncertainty. In implementing these principles, it is described the measurement uncertainty estimation associated with the preparation of a uranium elemental reference solution at 2.4 mg.kg-1 from the corresponding certified reference material (in this example at 1003 mg.kg-1)

    Accumulation and distribution of metals in the tissues of two catfish species from Cananéia and Santos-São Vicente estuaries

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    Pb, Cd, Zn, and Cu concentrations and their distribution in liver, gill, and muscle tissues of the catfish Cathorops spixii and Genidens genidens were investigated in order to provide information concerning the bioaccumulation processes in these species. Fish were collected in one estuary subject to slight human influence (Cananéia) and in two regions within the Santos-São Vicente estuary, São Paulo, Brazil, subject to distinct anthropogenic influences: 1) industrial and 2) domestic. In general, the highest concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb were found in the liver tissue. Muscle showed the lowest values of metal accumulation for all the elements investigated. Regarding the distribution and the metal pollution index (MPI), the levels of the metals analyzed decreased in the following order: liver>gill>muscle. MPI results suggest that gill and liver are important organs to exemplify the bioaccumulation process and are also better able to reflect both recent and chronic exposure to metals

    Correlation between mercury and selenium concentrations in Indian hair from Rondônia State, Amazon region, Brazil

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    Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares. Laboratório de Caracterização Química. São Paulo, SP, Brasil.Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares. Laboratório de Caracterização Química. São Paulo, SP, Brasil.Universidade Federal do Pará. Departamento de Química. Belém, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Fundação Nacional de Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Belém, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Fundação Nacional de Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Belém, PA, Brasil.Total mercury and selenium concentrations were determined in hair samples collected from Wari (Pacaás Novos). Indians living in Doutor Tanajura village, Gujará-Mirim city, Rondônia State. The mercury concentrations in some are samples are much higher than the values determined in samples from individuals not exposed to mercury contamination, occupationally or environmentally. The selenium concentrations are in the normal range. A correlation was observed between the mercury and selenium concentration and the values of the molar ratio approach 1 at low Hg concentrations. This fact is related to the equimolar complex formed by . {(Hg Se)n}m - Seleprotein P, which can decrease the bioavailable mercury in the organism

    Uso da técnica HRICP-MS na avaliação dos isótopos de boro em eucalipto

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    The 10B isotope tracer technique is essential to study the B mobility in plants. Factors that can influence the quality of measured B isotope ratios were optimized experimentally using High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (HRICP-MS). An isotopically certified standard (NIST SRM-951) was used. The best combination was obtained using a resolution of 400, a RF power of 1250 W, followed by 15 measurements over a 10-s integration period each (15*10). Utilizing this approach it was possible to obtain a precision of 0.3 % in standard material and 2z % in the experimental samples. The results show the importance of establishing optimized work conditions before carrying out the analytical series

    Identificação de resíduos de disparos de armas de fogo por meio da técnica de espectrometria de massas de alta resolução com fonte de plasma indutivo Identification of gunshot residues by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

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    <abstract language="eng">The violence derived from crimes involving firearms represents one of the main concerns of society. For this reason modern techniques have emerged in forensic science to identify suspects at crime scenes. This work describes a methodology to identify residues present in the hands of suspect by using a high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and collection procedure based on ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution as a complexing agent in moistened swabs. In order to distinguish real gunshot residues from others types of residues present in the hand of suspect, ternary ratio per cent diagrams were developed for antimony (Sb), barium (Ba) and lead (Pb) detected on the hands of volunteers, before and immediately after shooting tests, revealing a remarkable difference in both situations