168 research outputs found

    Aspectos políticos de la dependencia financiera en los municipios mexicanos = Political aspects of financial dependence in mexican municipalities Political Aspects of Financial Dependence in Mexican Municipalities.

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    Resumen: La literatura especializada ha estudiado el impacto de las modificaciones en las instituciones fiscales el Sistema Nacional de Coordinación Fiscal (1980) y las reformas constitucionales al artículo 115 (1983 y 1999) sobre el grado de dependencia financiera de los gobiernos municipales y el desempeño gubernamental. Aunado a ello, el entorno político ha probado ser un determinante importante en dicho desempeño. En efecto, desde el enfoque de la economía política, diferentes estudios documentan los efectos del entorno político y las instituciones fiscales en variables fiscales -tales como el gasto y la deuda- en gobiernos nacionales y subnacionales. Con base en cuatro variables -la afiliación política del alcalde, la afiliación política del gobernador, la composición de los congresos locales y la celebración de elecciones locales-, los autores construyen indicadores de “confluencia política” a escala municipal y estudian la influencia sobre la dependencia financiera del grado de unificación del gobierno municipal, tanto con respecto al gobierno estatal como con respecto al congreso local, además de considerar la afiliación política del alcalde y el ciclo electoral local. A través de su enfoque analítico y sus hallazgos empíricos, este artículo amplía el alcance de los estudios empíricos sobre dependencia municipal fiscal. Así mismo, aporta al campo de la economía política y sus estudios sobre las finanzas públicas subnacionales. Abstract: Specialized literature has analyzed the impact of changes to fiscal institutions such as The National System of Fiscal Coordination (1980) and the constitutional reforms of article 115 (1983 and 1999) on the degree of financial dependence of local (municipal) governments and the governmental functioning. Political environment as well, affects to an important extent such functioning. Indeed, previous studies in the field of political economy point to the effects of political environment and fiscal institutions -such as public spending and debt- on national and sub-national governments. Based on four variables -political affiliation of the mayor, political affiliation of the governor, composition of local congresses and celebration of local elections-, the authors build indicators of “political confluence” at the municipal level. They study the effect that the degree of political unification at the municipal level has on the financial dependence with respect to the State government, and also to the local Congress. In their analysis, the authors also consider the political affiliation of the mayor and the local electoral cycle. Through its analytical focus and main empirical findings, this article contributes to broadening the scope of empirical studies of municipal financial dependence. Simultaneously, it adds to existing literature in the field of political economy that accounts for public finances at the sub-national level

    Utility of Modified Ultrafiltration in Congenital Heart Disease Patients Operated with Cardiopulmonary Bypass

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    Modified ultrafiltration is used in cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass in order to diminish systemic inflammatory response syndrome. We aimed to show its utility for removing pro-inflammatory agents in operated pediatric patients with congenital heart disease and its impact at operative care. A clinical case-control trial was designed, including patients with simple congenital heart disease operated on with cardiopulmonary bypass in a 1-year period. We randomized them to a problem group (with modified ultrafiltration, n = 15) and a control group (without it, n = 16), and blood samples to measure interleukins (6 and 10); 3d and 4d complement fraction concentrations were taken at the following times: baseline, before cardiopulmonary bypass, after it, after modified ultrafiltration, and from the ultrafiltration concentrate. Operative clinical end points of success were defined as hemodynamic stability, absence of morbidity, and lack of mortality. We observed a higher significant interleukin 6 concentration in the problem group patients at baseline, as well as a higher removal of this pro-inflammatory agent at the ultrafiltration concentrate. Modified ultrafiltration has a positive impact over simple congenital heart disease surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass because of removing interleukin 6. We recommend its routine use when hemodynamic conditions are favorable

    Efectos de la inclusión de copra sobre la digestibilidad aparente de la materia seca en la dieta de borregos pelibuey en crecimiento

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    El presente trabajo se realizó en las instalaciones del Campo Experimental de Iguala, Gro. del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP), con el objeto de determinar si la inclusión de copra (C) a niveles de 7.5% de la materia seca (MS) de la ración, tendría efectos en la digestibilidad aparente de sus componentes. Se utilizaron diez borregos pelibuey en crecimiento con un peso inicial promedio de (28 ± 2.7 Kg), que fueron asignados al azar a uno de dos tratamientos que consistieron en dietas integrales que contenían: T1 = 0% (C) y T2 = 7.5% (C). Antes de instalar los animales en jaulas metabólicas individuales, fueron desparasitados internamente y se les aplicó por vía parenteral vitaminas ADE. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con dos periodos de 27 días de duración cada uno, de los cuales 20 días fueron para la adaptación a las jaulas y alimento, el cual se ofreció dos veces al día (08:00 hr. y 16:00 hr.), en cantidades que cubrían el 80% de sus requerimientos nutritivos, registrando diariamente la cantidad de alimento ofrecido y rechazado. En los últimos 7 días de cada periodo, se llevó a cabo la recolección total de heces, tomando una alícuota de alimento y heces (10% del peso húmedo) por cada borrego. Los animales fueron pesados al inicio y al final de cada periodo. Se detectaron diferencias significativas (p .05) atribuible a los tratamientos en la digestibilidad de MS (73.17 vs. 76.34%); materia orgánica (MO) (75.28 vs. 78.66%) y fibra cruda (FC) (74.97 vs. 75.79%) para T1 y T2, respectivamente. Estos resultados, muestran que la grasa aportada por la inclusión de (C) en la dieta no tuvo efectos detrimentales en la digestibilidad de la fibra, seguramente debido a su alto contenido de ácidos grasos saturados. La digestibilidad de la grasa cruda (GC) fue mayor (p <.05) con la inclusión de 7.5% de copra en la dieta (93.5 vs. 89.4%). Los resultados sugieren que la inclusión de copra en dietas para ovinos en crecimiento en niveles de 7.5% de la MS no tiene efectos detrimentales en la digestibilidad de MS, MO y FC y que la GC de la copra es altamente digestible; sin embargo, debido a su pobre palatabilidad u otros efectos desconocidos, disminuye el consumo voluntario de ovinos en crecimiento

    Inflammation and Immune Evasion Coexist in Treponema Pallidum-infected Skin

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    Syphilis is a systemic, multistage, sexually transmitted infection caused by the highly invasive spirochetal bacterium, Treponema pallidum, subspecies pallidum. In the United States, the annual rate of primary and secondary syphilis (SS) between 2002 and 2016 has increased from 2.1 to 8.7 cases per 100,000.1 Gestational and congenital syphilis cases have also increased in the last few years. There is no evidence of a change in T pallidum susceptibility to penicillin as an explanation for the significant increase in the number of syphilis cases in the United States. It is more likely that changes in risk-taking behavior in the general population are responsible for this change. Although syphilis is easily treatable with penicillin, if left untreated up to one-third of syphilitic patients will go on to have the typical complications associated with tertiary syphilis. It is therefore critically important for clinicians to be well versed in the classic and not so classic dermatologic manifestations of the disease

    Impact of Modified Ultrafiltration in Congenital Heart Disease Patients Treated with Cardiopulmonary Bypass

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    Modified ultrafiltration is used in cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass in order to diminish systemic inflammatory response syndrome. We aimed to show its utility for removing pro-inflammatory agents in operated pediatric patients with congenital heart disease and its impact at operative care. A clinical case control trial was designed, including patients with simple congenital heart disease operated on with cardiopulmonary bypass in a 1-year period. We randomized them to a problematic group (with modified ultrafiltration, n = 15) and a control group (without it, n = 16), and blood samples to measure interleukins (6 and 10), 3d and 4d complement fraction concentrations were taken at the following times: baseline, before cardiopulmonary bypass, after it, after modified ultrafiltration, and from the ultrafiltration concentrate. Operative clinical end points of success were defined as hemodynamic stability, absence of morbidity, and lack of mortality. We observed a higher significant interleukin six concentration in the problematic group patients at baseline, as well as a higher removal of this pro-inflammatory agent at the ultrafiltration concentrate. Modified ultrafiltration has a positive impact over simple congenital heart disease surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass because of removing interleukin 6. We recommend its routinely use when hemodynamic conditions are favorable

    Macrophage mediated recognition and clearance of Borrelia burgdorferi elicits MyD88-dependent and -independent phagosomal signals that contribute to phagocytosis and inflammation.

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    BACKGROUND: Macrophages play prominent roles in bacteria recognition and clearance, including Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), the Lyme disease spirochete. To elucidate mechanisms by which MyD88/TLR signaling enhances clearance of Bb by macrophages, we studied wildtype (WT) and MyD88 RESULTS: MyD88 CONCLUSION: Our findings show that MyD88 signaling enhances, but is not required, for bacterial uptake or phagosomal maturation and provide mechanistic insights into how MyD88-mediated phagosomal signaling enhances Bb uptake and clearance

    Anuario de administración y tecnología para el diseño 2002

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    Con el objeto de difundir entre la comunidad académica y profesional, dedicada a la construcción de obras de arquitectura e ingeniería y a la producción de objetos diseñados se reúnen en este anuario trabajos donde se proponen eficientes sistemas para la administración de los recursos, y dentro de estos se busca aplicarlos a la planeación, organización, coordinación, control, supervisión y dirección de nuevos productos del Diseño, dentro del ámbito de las tecnologías constructivas.Coordinador: Rubén Vilchis Salazar; comité editorial: Aurora Poo Rubio, Dante A. Alcántara García, Joaquín Jiménez Trejo, Antonio Pruneda Padilla, Rubén Vilchis Salazar, César Jorge Carpio Utrilla; evaludadores académicos Miguel Ángel Cisneros, Gaspar De la Garza Navarro y Everardo Carballo Cruz.Prólogo. -- La Innovación en la vivienda. -- Caso SIDEK – SITUR. -- El Proceso de licitación y adjudicación de proyectos de construcción. -- Contrato de obra pública. -- Administración del proceso de diseño. -- Todos debemos hablar el mismo lenguaje del cliente. -- Sistemas de administración integral para la excelencia y productividad. -- La Capacitación y el adiestramiento en empresas constructoras. -- Marco teórico para desarrollar modelos de auditoría administrativa

    Pulmonary arterial hypertension in children with congenital heart disease: a deeper look into the role of endothelial progenitor cells and circulating endothelial cells to assess disease severity

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    Endothelial progenitor cells and circulating endothelial cells have been proposed as useful markers of severity and disease progression in certain vascular diseases, including pulmonary arterial hypertension. Our study focused on evaluating the levels of circulating endothelial progenitor cells and circulating endothelial cells in patients with congenital left-to-right shunts and pulmonary hypertension undergoing definitive repair. Endothelial progenitor cells (identified by simultaneous co-expression of CD45dim, CD34 + and KDR2 + surface antibodies) and circulating endothelial cells (identified by simultaneous co-expression of inherent antibodies CD45-, CD31+, CD146 + and CD105+) were prospectively measured in seventy-four children (including children with Down syndrome), median age six years (2.75–10), with clinically significant left-to-right shunts undergoing transcatheter or surgical repair and compared to thirty healthy controls. Endothelial progenitor cells and, particularly, circulating endothelial cells were significantly higher in children with heart disease and pulmonary arterial hypertension when compared to controls. Endothelial progenitor cells showed significant correlation with pulmonary vascular resistance index when measured both systemically (r = 0.259; p = 0.026) and in the superior vena cava (r = 0.302; p = 0.009). Children with Down syndrome showed a stronger correlation between systemic cellularity and pulmonary vascular resistance index (r = 0.829; p = 0.002). Endothelial progenitor cells were reduced along their transit through the lung, whereas circulating endothelial cells did not suffer any modification across the pulmonary circulation. In children with yet to be repaired left-to-right shunts, endothelial progenitor cells and circulating endothelial cell counts are increased compared to healthy subjects