679 research outputs found

    Dos poemas políticos de Rubén Darío

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    The false axiom advocated by critics of the 70’ on which qualified to modernism and modernist writers as current and disconnected from the historical and political reality, is being banished in recent years. This article is to demonstrate the concern of Darío by the political situation in his time, reflected both in some of his essays in several of its com poems.El falso axioma preconizado por la crítica de los años 70 en el cual se calificaba al Modernismo y a los modernistas como corriente y escritores desligados de la realidad histórica y política, está siendo en estos últimos años desterrado. Este artículo viene a demostrar la preocupación de Darío por la situación política de su tiempo, reflejada tanto en algunos de sus ensayos como en varias de sus poesías

    “A Margarita Debayle”: en los 100 años de un apólogo memorable

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    One of the nine poems that Rubén Darío wrote in Nicaragua during his tropical intermezzo –between November 27, 1907 and April 3, 1908– was “A Margarita Debayle”, dated in “The Bay of Corinth (Nicaragua). Island of Cardón, March 20”, according to the footnote to its publication in the Diario de Granada with the title of “Cielo y mar. Poema (A Margarita Debayle)”. A hundred years have passed. However, this anniversary passed unnoticed, thus justifying this study.Uno de los nueve poemas que Rubén Darío escribió en Nicaragua –durante su intermezzo tropical entre el 27 noviembre, 1907 y el 3 de abril, 1908– fue “A Margarita Debayle”, fechado en “Bahía de Corinto (Nicaragua). Isla del Cardón, marzo 20 de 1908-2008”; así consta al pie de su publicación en el Diario de Granada (año II, num.526, p.1) con el título de “Cielo y mar. Poema. (A Margarita Debayle)”. Cumplió, pues, cien años. Sin embargo, esa efeméride pasó inadvertida. De ahí que haya motivado este análisis

    Darío y sus Cantos de vida y esperanza

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    In 1910, Darío’s Obras escogidas (Chosen Works) show that he considered Cantos de vida y esperanza as the central book in his poetry. In a survey organised 87 years later among a group of Spanish poets who were asked to name Darío’s most important and influential book of poetry and poem, the Nicaraguan’s criteria in that early anthology was upheld. However, everything that he had written beforehand can be considered an announcement, and all that he wrote afterwards a consolidation, of his masterful Cantos de vida y esperanza.En 1910 las Obras escogidas de Darío muestran que el centro de su obra poética se halla en Cantos de vida y esperanza. Una encuesta realizada 87 años después a un grupo de poetas españoles a los que se les pide que nombren el poemario y el poema más importante e influyente de Darío, estos ratifican el juicio que el nicaragüense había hecho con su obra en aquella antología. Pero todo lo anterior escrito a este libro maestro no hacen más que anunciar al mismo, así como los siguientes lo asientan

    Darío: The novelist who tried to be

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    Este artículo analiza las cuatro novelas que Darío escribió y el devenir de cada una de ellas, así como su vocación de novelista.This article analyzes four novels that Darío wrote and to develop of each of them, as well as his novelist's vocation

    Calibán y Martí en «Los Raros».

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    Subjective survival probabilities and their role in labour supply decisions

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    According to the Life Cycle Model (LCM) an economic agent would take a retirement decision so that she maximizes lifetime utility. However, because there is uncertainty about when someone will die, longevity expectations should play a significant role on deciding when to stop working. This Thesis analyses these issues in three different Chapters using data drawn from the ¿Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe¿ (SHARE). It seeks two concrete objectives. Firstly, we explore individuals¿ longevity expectations ¿ more commonly known in economic literature as Subjective Survival Probabilities (SSPs) ¿ in order to determine if we could confidently use them as main input in a retirement model. Secondly, once SSPs are validated, in the third Chapter we to test if they play a role in labour supply decisions in the same fashion the LCM suggests. Overall, we have found that SSPs do satisfy the three specific properties that expectations should satisfy according to Hurd and McGarry (1997) and therefore they can be used confidently to estimate models of decision-making under uncertainty. Specifically, we found that SSPs in SHARE covary with other variables in the same way actual outcomes vary with the variables. Furthermore, their evolution is coherent with epidemiological evidence and with previous studies, and they predict mortality. We have also found that expectations of longevity do play a significant role when taking retirement decisions only in the case of females. In particular, it is found that females who expect to live longer have a lower probability of retiring. This finding is consistent with the LC

    Obituaries Andean Past 12

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