11 research outputs found

    Emotional intelligence, psychological well-being and burnout of active and in-training teachers

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    Producción CientíficaThe main activating variables of psychological well-being and Emotional Intelligence that influence teachers include the process of evaluating well-being, their motivation, and their ability to perceive and regulate sources of stress and burnout. The relationship and influence of psychological well-being and emotional intelligence was analyzed with the adequate regulation of burnout. Those who participated included 386 active teachers (55%), and teachers in training (45%), studying for degrees in Pre-School and Primary Education, and Master’s degrees in Secondary Education Teacher Training of which 71.5% were women. The following were used: Psychological Well-Being Scales, Trait Meta-Mood Scale and the Spanish Burnout Inventory. Pearson’s correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed. The results showed that enthusiasm for the teaching job is related to psychological well-being, especially domain of the environment and personal growth. Multiple regression analysis made it possible to establish a predictive model of well-being, showing that psychological well-being is the main adjustment predictor and/or the mismatch in the work of the teaching staff in both samples, through an adequate regulation of positive relationships, mastery of their environment and having a purpose in life

    Work Psychosocial Scale: Development and Validation

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    Desde la promulgación en España de la Ley 31/95 de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales (LPR) se han realizado diversos estudios para evaluar los factores psicosociales en el trabajo. La evaluación objetiva de los factores psicosociales en el trabajo (FPS) permite planificar y establecer estrategias para el manejo del estrés en el trabajo y de las patologías derivadas de él; tales como la falta de motivación laboral y la insatisfacción por el trabajo. Para la evaluación de los FPS se emplean encuestas que suelen ser administradas colectivamente en las organizaciones para obtener información sobre indicadores de mala calidad de vida laboral, que son siempre los que solicita la legislación estatal. En el presente estudio se desarrolló un nuevo cuestionario que denominamos Escala de Clima Psicosocial en el Trabajo (ECPT). Para desarrollar el instrumento se empleó una muestra de 615 trabajadores de cuatro empresas de los sectores industriales y de servicios. Los resultados del análisis factorial determinaron una estructura de tres factores que etiquetamos como: contenido del trabajo (CT), relaciones personales (RP) y definición de rol (DR). La Escala de Clima Psicosocial en el Trabajo (ECPT) es una test de 16 ítems que con sus tres subescalas proporciona un diagnóstico rápido y efectivo de la percepción que tienen los trabajadores del impacto de factores psicosociales positivos y negativos en sus empleos y en sus organizaciones.Since the promulgation in Spain of the Law 31/95 on the prevention of risks at work (PRW) various surveys have been carried out to evaluate psychosocial factors at work. The evaluation of these factors makes it possible to plan how to manage stress-derived pathologies, and lack of motivation and satisfaction at work. Surveys are usually group-administrated in organizations but it is often not possible to carry out an effective psychosocial intervention in the ambits requested by legislation. The present study reports on the development of a new questionnaire called Work Psychosocial Climate Scale (WPCS-16). It was applied by professional psychologists in a sample of 615 workers from four companies in the industrial and service sectors. The results of the factorial analysis of the test determined three factors that we labelled as Work Content (WC), Personal relations (PR) and Role Definition (RD). Our findings suggest that the WPCS-16 is a 16-item test consisting of three subscales that provides a quick and efficient diagnosis of the perception of workers about positive and negative psychosocial factors in their organizations

    Model of psychosocial determinants of health in processes of social exclusion

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    The substantial increase in the number of families facing social exclusion in Europe and its direct relationship with health inequities is a challenge for studies approaching the social determinants of health and policies dealing with welfare and social inclusion. We start from the premise that reducing inequality (SDG10), has a value and contributes on other goals such as improving health and well-being (SDG3), ensuring quality education (SDG4), promoting gender equality (SDG5) and decent work (SDG8). In this study, we identify disruptive risk factors and psychological and social well-being factors that influence self-perceived health in trajectories of social exclusion. The research materials used a checklist of exclusion patterns, life cycles and disruptive risk factors, Goldberg’s General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), Ryff’s Psychological Well-being (PWB) Scale and Keyes’ Social Well-being Scale. The sample consists of 210 people (aged between 16 and 64  years): 107 people in a situation of social inclusion and 103 people in a situation of social exclusion. The data treatment involved statistical analysis, including correlation study and multiple regression analysis, aimed at developing a model of psychosocial factors that may act as health modulators, considering social factors as predictors in the regression model. The results showed that individuals in the sample, in a situation of social exclusion, have a greater accumulation of disruptive risk factors, and these are related to having fewer psychosocial and cognitive resources to cope with stressful situations: less self-acceptance, less mastery of the environment, less purpose in life, less level of social integration and social acceptance. Finally, analysis showed that in the absence of social integration and purpose in life, self-perceived health statuses decline. This work allows us to use the model obtained as a basis for confirming that there are dimensions of psychological and social well-being that should be considered stress-buffering factors in trajectories of social exclusion. These findings can help design psychoeducational programs for prevention and intervention with the aim of improving psychological adjustment and health states, as well as to promote proactive and reactive policies to reduce health inequalities

    JOB IN©: Desarrollo de una plataforma para la preselección 'SMART' para el sector HORECA

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    This study has as main aim to apply, spread and validate JOB IN®. This is a platform that automates recruitment, preselection and selection processes for candidates for the hostelery and food services sector, from the analysis and identification of the competences and key psycho-social processes for a high quality performance in their position. For tool validation purposes a sample of 363 candidates was considered , ages between 18 and 56 years old, being more frequent people under 20 years old (53,5%) that were looking for his first job on the industry. 53,7% of the sample were women. For results validation of the tool, other two tests were used: HORECA-5 and Overall Personality Assessment Scale (OPERAS).Our results indicate that the platform JOB IN® is a system that has the characteristics to be considered 'smart' since it enhances accessibility and quality of recruitment and preselection processes of the candidates in the hostelry sector. All aspects of the platform shown a very discreet reliability (alpha=.546). Additionally, high and significative correlations between JOB IN® scale facets and the scales of HORECA-5 and OPERAS

    Estrategias de afrontamiento del estrés académico universitario: educación infantil-primaria

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    Introduction: In this study, situations in the university environmentthat cause high stress are identified and the stress-coping strategies usedby students to deal with stressful situations in the university environmentare analyzed. Method: A correlation and multiple regression analysiswas carried out in successive steps with the variables analyzed in orderto establish a predictive model of the strategies that help students to faceacademic stress. The sample consisted of 276 students of Education (58.1%)and Primary Education (41.9%) at the University of Valladolid, with agesbetween 17 and 32 with an average age of M = 20.8 and a standard deviationof DT = 3.33. Results: The results showed that students consider that thesituation that generates the most stress is related to the load, rhythm andorganization of work. The most used strategies for coping with the stressgenerated by academic obligations are desiderative thinking, emotionalexpression, problem solving and social withdrawal. The multiple regressionanalysis allows obtaining a model that explains 30% of the variance ofacademic stress with academic obligations, records and future expectations,interpersonal difficulties and expression and communication of own ideas.Conclusion: Depending on the stressful event, students select which strategyto use according to a defined pattern. This study allows us to use the modelobtained as the basis for a training program in strategies that correlatesignificantly with students who correctly deal with situations of academicstress.En este estudio se identifican situaciones del entorno universitario que generan mayor estrés y se analizan las estrategias de afrontamiento del estrés que utiliza el alumnado para hacer frente a las situaciones estresantes del entorno universitario. Se realizó un análisis de correlación y regresión múltiple por pasos sucesivos con las variables analizadas para establecer un modelo predictivo de las estrategias que permiten afrontar el estrés académico. La muestra estaba formada por 276 estudiantes de los Grados de Educación Infantil (58.1%) y Educación Primaria (41.9%) de la Universidad de Valladolid, con edades comprendidas entre los 17 y 32 años con una edad media de M=20.8 y una desviación típica de DT= 3.33. Los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes consideran que la situación que más estrés les genera se relaciona con la carga, ritmo y organización del trabajo. Las estrategias más empleadas para afrontar el estrés generado por las obligaciones académicas son, el pensamiento desiderativo, la expresión emocional, la resolución de problemas y la retirada social. El análisis de regresión múltiple permite obtener un modelo que explica un 30% de la varianza del estrés académico con las obligaciones académicas, expediente y expectativas de futuro, dificultades interpersonales y de expresión y comunicación de ideas propias. Dependiendo del acontecimiento estresante, los estudiantes seleccionan qué estrategia utilizar de acuerdo con un patrón definido. Este trabajo permite utilizar el modelo obtenido como base para un programa de entrenamiento en las estrategias que correlacionan de manera significativa con el alumnado que afronta adecuadamente las situaciones de estrés académico

    Work Psychosocial Scale: Development and Validation

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    Desde la promulgación en España de la Ley 31/95 de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales (LPR) se han realizado diversos estudios para evaluar los factores psicosociales en el trabajo. La evaluación objetiva de los factores psicosociales en el trabajo (FPS) permite planificar y establecer estrategias para el manejo del estrés en el trabajo y de las patologías derivadas de él; tales como la falta de motivación laboral y la insatisfacción por el trabajo. Para la evaluación de los FPS se emplean encuestas que suelen ser administradas colectivamente en las organizaciones para obtener información sobre indicadores de mala calidad de vida laboral, que son siempre los que solicita la legislación estatal. En el presente estudio se desarrolló un nuevo cuestionario que denominamos Escala de Clima Psicosocial en el Trabajo (ECPT). Para desarrollar el instrumento se empleó una muestra de 615 trabajadores de cuatro empresas de los sectores industriales y de servicios. Los resultados del análisis factorial determinaron una estructura de tres factores que etiquetamos como: contenido del trabajo (CT), relaciones personales (RP) y definición de rol (DR). La Escala de Clima Psicosocial en el Trabajo (ECPT) es una test de 16 ítems que con sus tres subescalas proporciona un diagnóstico rápido y efectivo de la percepción que tienen los trabajadores del impacto de factores psicosociales positivos y negativos en sus empleos y en sus organizaciones.Since the promulgation in Spain of the Law 31/95 on the prevention of risks at work (PRW) various surveys have been carried out to evaluate psychosocial factors at work. The evaluation of these factors makes it possible to plan how to manage stress-derived pathologies, and lack of motivation and satisfaction at work. Surveys are usually group-administrated in organizations but it is often not possible to carry out an effective psychosocial intervention in the ambits requested by legislation. The present study reports on the development of a new questionnaire called Work Psychosocial Climate Scale (WPCS-16). It was applied by professional psychologists in a sample of 615 workers from four companies in the industrial and service sectors. The results of the factorial analysis of the test determined three factors that we labelled as Work Content (WC), Personal relations (PR) and Role Definition (RD). Our findings suggest that the WPCS-16 is a 16-item test consisting of three subscales that provides a quick and efficient diagnosis of the perception of workers about positive and negative psychosocial factors in their organizations

    CSI-SF: Propiedades psicométricas de la versión española del inventario breve de estrategias de afrontamiento

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    Background / Objective: The study establishes the psychometric properties of the Spanish adaptation of the abbreviated version of the Coping Strategies Inventory (CSI-SF) published by Addison et al. (2007). The test uses a two-axis model to classify coping strategies (commitment and avoidance) and objective categories of coping (problem-focused and emotion-focused). Method: 940 people participated (62.87% women; 37.12% men) aged between 18 and 66 years (x̄ = 33.2; dt = 12.01). An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were carried out, as well as Pearson's correlation and Cronbach's Alpha to examine the reliability and validity of the Spanish adaptation of the CSI-SF. Results: Internal consistency analysis revealed high reliability for all scales, and all adjustment indexes used to examine the CSI-SF Spanish version provided support for its use as an adequate measure of stress coping strategies. Discussion/Conclusions: The CSI-SF scale Spanish version is a test that provides a quick and efficient diagnosis of the coping strategies used in the face of stress in different settings.Antecedentes/Objetivo: El estudio establece las propiedades psicométricas de la adaptación española de la versión abreviada del Inventario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento (CSI-SF) publicado por Addison et al. (2007). La prueba utiliza un modelo de dos ejes para clasificar las estrategias de afrontamiento (de compromiso y de evitación) y las categorías objetivas del afrontamiento (centrada en el problema y centrada en la emoción). Método: Participaron 940 personas (62.87% mujeres; 37.12% hombres) divididas en dos submuestras. Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC), así mismo la correlación de Pearson y el Alfa de Cronbach para examinar la fiabilidad y validez de la adaptación al español del CSI-SF. Resultados: El análisis de consistencia interna reveló una alta fiabilidad para todas las escalas (EFE = .890, PFE = .836. PFD = .767, EFD = .934), y todos los índices de ajuste utilizados para examinar el CSI-SF versión española proporcionaron soporte para su uso como una medida adecuada de las estrategias de afrontamiento del estrés. Discusión/Conclusión: La escala CSI-SF versión española es una prueba que proporciona un diagnóstico rápido y eficiente cuyos factores explican el 62.79% de la varianza común total de las estrategias de afrontamiento que se emplean frente a la situación de estrés en distintos ámbitos

    Adaptación de la Escala Clima Psicosocial en el Trabajo (ECPT) en población mexicana

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    Introduction: the present work presents the validation of the factorial structure of the scale of psychosocial climate at work (ECPT) in the Mexican population, this collects individual evaluations that people make about the content of work, interpersonal relationships and the well-managed environment and organized. Method: N=788 actively workers participated, 68% women and 32% men, minimum age 18, maximum 73, mean 32, and standard deviation dt=10.29 years. Results: The exploratory and confirmatory analyzes show that the Mexican version of the ECPT fits perfectly with 15 items, the three subscales showed global internal consistency and superior reliability in relation to the original scale, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test suggested that the distribution of the scores of the global scale does not differ significantly from a normal distribution. Conclusion: the Mexican version of the ECPT presents good reliability and validity to assess work content, personal relationships and role management (disorganization) within work environments where psychological and/or emotional demands that could exhaust mental resources and physical conditions of workers, contribute to exhaustion and chronic health.Introducción: el presente trabajo presenta la validación de la estructura factorial de la escala de clima psicosocial en el trabajo (ECPT) en población mexicana, ésta recoge valoraciones individuales que hacen las personas sobre el contenido del trabajo, relaciones interpersonales y del entorno bien dirigido y organizado. Método: participaron N=788 personas laboralmente activas, 68% mujeres y 32% hombres, edad mínima 18, máxima 73, media de 32, y desviación típica dt=10.29 años. Resultados: Los análisis exploratorio y confirmatorio demuestran que la ECPT versión mexicana se ajusta perfectamente con 15 ítems, las tres subescalas mostraron consistencia interna global y fiabilidad superior en relación con la escala original, la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov sugirió que la distribución de las puntuaciones de la escala global no difiere de forma significativa de una distribución normal. Conclusión: la versión mexicana de la ECPT presenta buena fiabilidad y validez para evaluar el contenido del trabajo, las relaciones personales y la dirección de rol (desorganización) dentro de los entornos laborales donde las demandas psicológicas y/o emocionales que pudieran agotar los recursos mentales y físicos de los trabajadores, contribuyen al agotamiento y la salud crónica

    JOB IN ©: Development of a platform for “SMART” pre selection for the HORECA sector

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    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo general aplicar, difundir y validar JOB IN ©. Se trata de una plataforma que automatiza los procesos de reclutamiento, preselección y selección de candidatos para el sector de la hostelería, restauración y catering (HORECA) a partir del análisis e identificación de competencias y procesos psicosociales claves para el desempeño de calidad en el puesto.Para validar la plataforma se empleó una muestra de 363 candidatos con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 56 años, siendo más frecuentes los menores de 20 años (53.5%) que buscaban su primer empleo en el sector. Un 53.7% de la muestra eran mujeres. Para validar los resultados de JOB IN © se utilizaron los test HORECA-5 y Overall Personality Assesment Scale (OPERAS).Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que la plataforma JOB IN © presenta características “smart” porque mejora la accesibilidad y la calidad de los procesos de reclutamiento y preselección de candidatos en el sector hotelero. Las facetas de la plataforma muestran una fiabilidad muy discreta al igual que la fiabilidad global (a=.546). Adicionalmente, se hallaron correlaciones altas y significativas entre facetas de la escala y las escalas HORECA-5 y OPERAS.This study has as main aim to apply, spread and validate JOB IN ®. This is a platform that automates recruitment, pre selection and selection processes for candidates for the hostelery and food services sector, from the analysis and identification of the competences and key psycho-social processes for a high quality performance in their position. For tool validation purposes a sample of 363 candidates was considered , ages between 18 and 56 years old, being more frequent people under 20 years old (53,5%) that were looking for his first job on the industry. 53,7% of the sample were women and 47,5% were men. For results validation of the tool, other two tests were used: HORECA-5 and Overall Personality Assessment Scale (OPERAS).Our results indicate that the platform JOB IN ® is a system that has the characteristics to be considered “smart” since it enhances accessibility and quality of recruitment and pre-selection processes of the candidates in the hostelry sector. All aspects of the platform shown a very discreet reliability (α=.56). Additionally, high and significative correlations between JOB IN ® scale facets and the scales of HORECA-5 and OPERAS

    CSI-SF: Psychometric properties of Spanish version of the coping strategies inventory - short form.

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    El estudio establece las propiedades psi-cométricas de la adaptación española de la versión abreviada del Inventario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento (CSI-SF) publicado por Addison et al. (2007). La prueba utiliza un modelo de dos ejes para clasificar las estrate-gias de afrontamiento (de compromiso y de evitación) y las categorías obje-tivas del afrontamiento (centrada en el problema y centrada en la emoción). Método: Participaron 940 personas (62.87% mujeres; 37.12% hombres) di-vididas en dos submuestras. Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC), así mismo la correlación de Pearson y el Alfa de Cronbach para examinar la fiabilidad y validez de la adaptación al español del CSI-SF. Resultados: El análisis de consistencia in-terna reveló una alta fiabilidad para todas las escalas (EFE = .890, PFE = .836. PFD = .767, EFD = .934), y todos los índices de ajuste utilizados pa-ra examinar el CSI-SF versión española proporcionaron soporte para su uso como una medida adecuada de las estrategias de afrontamiento del es-trés. Discusión/Conclusión: La escala CSI-SF versión española es una prueba que proporciona un diagnóstico rápido y eficiente cuyos factores explican el 62.79% de la varianza común total de las estrategias de afrontamiento que se emplean frente a la situación de estrés en distintos ámbitos.The study establishes the psychometric properties of the Spanish adaptation of the abbreviated version of the Coping Strategies Inventory (CSI-SF) published by Addison et al. (2007). The test uses a two-axis model to classify coping strategies (commitment and avoidance) and objective categories of coping (problem-focused and emotion-focused). Method: 940 people participated (62.87% women; 37.12% men) aged between 18 and 66 years (x̄ = 33.2; dt = 12.01). An ex-ploratory factor analysis (EFA) and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were carried out, as well as Pearson's correlation and Cronbach's Alpha to examine the reliability and validity of the Spanish adaptation of the CSI-SF. Results: Internal consistency analysis revealed high reliability for all scales, and all adjustment indexes used to examine the CSI-SF Spanish version provided support for its use as an adequate measure of stress coping strat-egies. Discussion/Conclusions: The CSI-SF scale Spanish version is a test that provides a quick and efficient diagnosis of the coping strategies used in the face of stress in different settings