94 research outputs found

    La concessió d'aigües a les fàbriques Monegal i La Plana

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    Introducció a l'arqueologia industrial

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    El fin del sueño urbano en Iulia Livica (Llívia, Cerdaña)

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    Altres Ajuts: LabexMedLes sciences humaines et sociales au coeur de l'interdisciplinarité pour la Méditerranée, referencia 10-LABX-0090. Asímismo, este trabajo se ha bene-ficiado de una ayuda del estado francés gestionada por la Agence Nationalede la Recherche, dentro del proyecto Investissements d'Avenir A*MIDEX ,referencia nº ANR-11-INDEX-0001-02.La Iulia Livica urbana tuvo una vida breve, y sus ciudadanos pronto despertaron del sueño urbano, pero ello no implicó el fín de la presenciaromana ni de las formas de vida romanas en aquel territorio. Al contrario, lacontinuidad de los yacimientos rurales y los indicios de riqueza que presentan,muestran como Roma también supo adaptarse a aquellas áreas donde la vidaurbana tuvo problemas para subsistir

    Enterrament d'època tardoromana d'un macaco amb 'aixovar' al jaciment de Les Colomines (Llívia, La Cerdanya)

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    [spa] El yacimiento de Les Colomines se ubica en una franja de terreno situada al pie del puig del Castell, al norte de la villa de Llivia (La Cerdanya). La intervención arqueológica se efectuó entre 1997 y 2001 como consecuencia de un proyecto de urbanización. En esta última se descubrió la tumba de un macaco (Macaca sylvanus), junto a un 'ajuar' asociado al primate, de piezas metálicas pertenecientes a otros tantos cinturones de tradición militar romana bajoimperial. La relación estratigráfica de la tumba y el material apuntan una cronoiogia, para el enterramiento, de siglo V-VI La tumba se relaciona con la fase 3 y última de la ocupación del asentamiento, caracterizada por la compartimentación de una planta inicial regular perteneciente a un gran edificio público levantado durante los siglos I y II. En relación al individuo en cuestión, se llevó a cabo un estudio osteológico y biométrico, lo que permitió caracterizarlo a nivel de especie, edad y sexo, asi como un análisis del patrón de microestriación dentaria, y paralelamente un profundo estudio del contexto histórico.[eng] In 2001 was discovered, in the site of Les Colomines (Llívia, Cerdanya), the remains of an african monkey's burial, a macaque (Macaca sylvanus), containing the skeleton of the animal, with some objects. This group consisted basically in decorated metalic pieces; we can speak, among them, about some bronze military belt fittings, used in the Late Roman Empire. After the excavation, we agree to think al1 this objects were disposed in the moment of the burial. Chronologically: this whole belongs to the V-VI centuries A.O. (Studying this material and the stratigraphic relations of this structure, we can associate this tomb with the third phase of occupation of Les Colomines. This settlement caracterized by important structures, including habitations, and materiais (specially ceramics, but also an epigraphic lnscription), was a public building (maybe a forum), during the romanization period and after (1-11 centuries A.O.). in their third phase, along with the tomb, we discovered an important reestructuration of the buildings, anda group of 204 coins from the period. The interpretation of the tomb and its caracteristics can be associated with diferents military struggles to controi the strategic Pyrennes in the last stages of Roman control of Hispania, between different emperors, and between the Roman Imperial Army and the Barbarians also. Possibly this macacus belonged to an official or a general. Once recuperated, osteological and biometric studies have been made with the bones, and complementary studies about the age, sex, and teeth also. No other exemple has been discovered in the classical world with this caracteristics

    Occurrence and bioaccumulation of chemical contaminants in lettuce grown in peri-urban horticulture

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    Peri-urban horticulture performs environmental and socio-economic functions and provides ecological services to nearby urban areas. Nevertheless, industrialization and water pollution have led to an increase in the exposure of peri-urban vegetables to contaminants such as trace elements (TEs) and organic microcontaminants (OMCs). In this study, the occurrence of chemical contaminants (i.e., 16 TEs, 33 OMCs) in soil and lettuce leaves from 4 farm fields in the peri-urban area of the city of Barcelona was assessed. A rural site, outside the peri-urban area of influence, was selected for comparison. The concentration of TEs and OMCs ranged from non-detectable to 803¿mg/kg¿dw and from non-detectable to 397¿µg/kg¿dw respectively in the peri-urban soil, and from 6¿·¿10-5 to 4.91¿mg/kg¿fw and from non-detectable to 193¿µg/kg¿fw respectively in lettuce leaves. Although the concentration of Mo, Ni, Pb, and As in the soil of the peri-urban area exceeded the environmental quality guidelines, their occurrence in lettuce complied with human food standards (except for Pb). The many fungicides (carbendazim, dimetomorph, and methylparaben) and chemicals released by plastic pipelines (tris(1-chloro-2-propyl)phosphate, bisphenol F, and 2-mercaptobenzothiazole) used in agriculture were prevalent in the soil and the edible parts of the lettuce. The occurrence of these chemical pollutants in the peri-urban area did not affect the chlorophyll, lipid, or carbohydrate content of the lettuce leaves. PCA (Principal Component Analysis) showed that soil pollution, fungicide application, and irrigation water quality are the most relevant factors determining the presence of contaminants in crops.Postprint (updated version

    Los ceretanos y la iberización del Pirineo oriental (s. IV-III a. n. e.) : una nueva aproximación histórica y arqueológica

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    Los trabajos arqueológicos desarrollados en la Cerdanya (Pirineo Oriental) en los últimos 15 años han permitido por primera vez definir la entidad del pueblo de los Cerretani, comunidad brevemente mencionada por los autores greco-romanos. Características como su origen, su filiación cultural, y sus peculiares pautas territoriales y económicas, han sido identificadas a partir del estudio de algunos de sus principales yacimientos. Se trata de una etnia con un claro componente montañés y ganadero, pero que llegó a desarrollar un interesante sistema de oppida y un sorprendente corpus epigráfico rupestre.The archaeological works developed in the Cerdanya region (Eastern Pyrenees) in the last 15 years have made possible the identification of the Cerretani, a community briefly mentioned by Greco-Roman authors. Characteristics such as its origin, its cultural affiliation, and its peculiar territorial and economic patterns, have been identified for the first time from the study of some of its main sites. It is an ethnic group with a clear mountain and livestock component, who developed an interesting oppida system and an amazing rock epigraphic corpus