14 research outputs found

    Safety, activity, and molecular heterogeneity following neoadjuvant non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, paclitaxel, trastuzumab, and pertuzumab in HER2-positive breast cancer (Opti-HER HEART): an open-label, single-group, multicenter, phase 2 trial

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    Breast cancer; HER2; NeoadjuvantCáncer de mama; HER2; NeoadyuvanteCàncer de mama; HER2; NeoadjuvantBackground The Opti-HER HEART trial aimed to optimize activity while minimizing cardiac risk by combining trastuzumab, pertuzumab, and paclitaxel with non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in the treatment of HER2-positive early breast cancer. Methods Patients with stage II–IIIB HER2-positive breast cancer received neoadjuvant trastuzumab, pertuzumab, paclitaxel, and a non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin every three weeks for six cycles. The primary endpoint was cardiac safety during neoadjuvant therapy. Type A (symptomatic congestive heart failure) and B (asymptomatic reduction of left ventricular ejection fraction) cardiac events were evaluated. Secondary endpoints included the evaluation of the pathological complete response (pCR) rate and overall response rate, among others. As an ad-hoc exploratory analysis, the expression of 55 breast cancer-related genes, including the PAM50 genes, was measured in 58 baseline tumor samples and 60 surgical specimens. Results Eighty-three patients were recruited. The incidence of cardiac events during neoadjuvant treatment was 2.4%. No type A cardiac event was observed. The overall pCR rate was 56.6% (95% confidence interval (CI) 45.3–67.5%). The HER2-enriched subtype, which represented 52.0% of all baseline samples, was associated with a higher pCR rate compared to non-HER2-enriched tumors (83.3% vs. 46.3%; odds ratio 5.76, 95% CI 1.71–19.42). The association of subtype with pCR was independent of known clinicopathological variables, including hormone receptor status. Compared to baseline samples, surgical specimens showed a significant downregulation of proliferation-related genes (MKI67 and CCNB1) and ERBB2 levels, and a significant upregulation of luminal-related (ESR1 and PGR) and immune (CD8A) genes. Conclusions The combination of dual HER2 blockade with trastuzumab and pertuzumab with paclitaxel and non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin is associated with a low rate of cardiac events. The HER2-enriched subtype is associated with a high rate of pCR

    Dynamics and dispensability of variant-specific histone H1 Lys-26/Ser-27 and Thr-165 post-translational modifications

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    Jean-Michel Terme et al.In mammals, the linker histone H1, involved in DNA packaging into chromatin, is represented by a family of variants. H1 tails undergo post-translational modifications (PTMs) that can be detected by mass spectrometry. We developed antibodies to analyze several of these as yet unexplored PTMs including the combination of H1.4 K26 acetylation or trimethylation and S27 phosphorylation. H1.2-T165 phosphorylation was detected at S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle and was dispensable for chromatin binding and cell proliferation; while the H1.4-K26 residue was essential for proper cell cycle progression. We conclude that histone H1 PTMs are dynamic over the cell cycle and that the recognition of modified lysines may be affected by phosphorylation of adjacent residues. © 2014 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) and European Regional Development Fund (Grant BFU2011-23057 to A.J., and Grant BFU2008-00460 to P.S.), and by the Regional Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya; Grant 2009-SGR-1222 to A.J.). J.-M.T. received a JAE-Doc contract from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)-MICINN; R.M. a TA contract from CSIC-MICINN; and L.M.-A. an FPU predoctoral fellowship from MICINNPeer Reviewe

    Dynamics and dispensability of variant-specific histone H1 Lys-26/Ser-27 and Thr-165 post-translational modifications

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    Jean-Michel Terme et al.In mammals, the linker histone H1, involved in DNA packaging into chromatin, is represented by a family of variants. H1 tails undergo post-translational modifications (PTMs) that can be detected by mass spectrometry. We developed antibodies to analyze several of these as yet unexplored PTMs including the combination of H1.4 K26 acetylation or trimethylation and S27 phosphorylation. H1.2-T165 phosphorylation was detected at S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle and was dispensable for chromatin binding and cell proliferation; while the H1.4-K26 residue was essential for proper cell cycle progression. We conclude that histone H1 PTMs are dynamic over the cell cycle and that the recognition of modified lysines may be affected by phosphorylation of adjacent residues. © 2014 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) and European Regional Development Fund (Grant BFU2011-23057 to A.J., and Grant BFU2008-00460 to P.S.), and by the Regional Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya; Grant 2009-SGR-1222 to A.J.). J.-M.T. received a JAE-Doc contract from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)-MICINN; R.M. a TA contract from CSIC-MICINN; and L.M.-A. an FPU predoctoral fellowship from MICINNPeer Reviewe

    Safety, activity, and molecular heterogeneity following neoadjuvant non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, paclitaxel, trastuzumab, and pertuzumab in HER2-positive breast cancer (Opti-HER HEART): an open-label, single-group, multicenter, phase 2 trial

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    Antecedents: L'assaig Opti-HER HEART tenia com a objectiu optimitzar l'activitat i minimitzar el risc cardíac combinant trastuzumab, pertuzumab i paclitaxel amb doxorubicina liposomal no pegilada en el tractament del càncer de mama precoç HER2-positiu. Mètodes: Els pacients amb càncer de mama HER2 positiu en fase II-IIIB van rebre trastuzumab neoadjuvant, pertuzumab, paclitaxel i una doxorubicina liposomal no pegilada cada tres setmanes durant sis cicles. El principal criteri final va ser la seguretat cardíaca durant la teràpia neoadjuvant. Es van avaluar els esdeveniments cardíacs tipus A (insuficiència cardíaca congestiva simptomàtica) i B (reducció asimptomàtica de la fracció d'ejecció del ventricle esquerre). Els criteris finals secundaris van incloure l'avaluació de la taxa de resposta patològica completa (pCR) i la taxa de resposta global, entre d'altres. Com a anàlisi exploratòria ad-hoc , es va mesurar l'expressió de 55 gens relacionats amb el càncer de mama, inclosos els gens PAM50 , en 58 mostres de tumors basals i 60 mostres quirúrgiques. Resultats: Es van reclutar vuitanta-tres pacients. La incidència d'esdeveniments cardíacs durant el tractament neoadjuvant va ser del 2,4%. No es va observar cap esdeveniment cardíac de tipus A. La taxa global de pCR va ser del 56,6% (interval de confiança (IC) del 95%: 45,3-67,5%). El subtipus enriquit amb HER2, que representava el 52,0% de totes les mostres basals, es va associar amb una taxa de pCR més alta en comparació amb els tumors no enriquits amb HER2 (83,3% vs. 46,3%; odds ratio 5,76; 95% CI 1,71-19,42). L'associació de subtipus amb pCR va ser independent de les variables clínicopatològiques conegudes, inclòs l'estat del receptor hormonal. En comparació amb les mostres basals, els exemplars quirúrgics van mostrar una significativa regulació descendent dels nivells relacionats amb la proliferació ( MKI67 i CCNB1 ) i ERBB2 , i una regulació ascendent significativa dels relacionats amb la llum (ESR1 i PGR ) i gens immunes ( CD8A ). Conclusions: La combinació de doble bloqueig HER2 amb trastuzumab i pertuzumab amb paclitaxel i doxorubicina liposomal no pegilada s'associa amb una baixa taxa d'esdeveniments cardíacs. El subtipus enriquit amb HER2 s'associa a una alta taxa de pCR

    Oral metronomic vinorelbine combined with endocrine therapy in hormone receptor-positive HER2-negative breast cancer: SOLTI-1501 VENTANA window of opportunity trial

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    Background: The biological effect of oral metronomic vinorelbine (mVNB) alone or in combination with endocrine therapy in patients with hormone receptor-positive (HR+)/HER2-negative breast cancer has been scarcely addressed. Methods: Postmenopausal women with untreated stage I-III HR+/HER2-negative breast cancer were randomized (1:1:1) to receive 3 weeks of letrozole (LTZ) 2.5 mg/day, oral mVNB 50 mg 3 days/week, or the combination. The primary objective was to evaluate, within PAM50 Luminal A/B disease, if the anti-proliferative effect of LTZ+mVNB was superior to monotherapy. An anti-proliferative effect was defined as the mean relative decrease of the PAM50 11-gene proliferation score in combination arm vs. both monotherapy arms. Secondary objectives included the evaluation of a comprehensive panel of breast cancer-related genes and safety. An unplanned analysis of stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (sTILs) was also performed. PAM50 analyses were performed using the nCounter®-based Breast Cancer 360 gene panel, which includes 752 genes and 32 signatures. Results: Sixty-one patients were randomized, and 54 paired samples (89%) were analyzed. The main patient characteristics were mean age of 67, mean tumor size of 1.7 cm, mean Ki67 of 14.3%, stage I (55.7%), and grades 1-2 (90%). Most baseline samples were PAM50 Luminal A (74.1%) or B (22.2%). The anti-proliferative effect of 3 weeks of LTZ+mVNB (- 73.2%) was superior to both monotherapy arms combined (- 49.9%; p = 0.001) and mVNB (- 19.1%; p < 0.001). The anti-proliferative effect of LTZ+mVNB (- 73.2%) was numerically higher compared to LTZ (- 65.7%) but did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.328). LTZ+mVNB induced high expression of immune-related genes and gene signatures, including CD8 T cell signature and PDL1 gene and low expression of ER-regulated genes (e.g., progesterone receptor) and cell cycle-related and DNA repair genes. In tumors with ≤ 10% sTILs at baseline, a statistically significant increase in sTILs was observed following LTZ (paired analysis p = 0.049) and LTZ+mVNB (p = 0.012). Grade 3 adverse events occurred in 3.4% of the cases. Conclusions: Short-term mVNB is well-tolerated and presents anti-proliferative activity alone and in combination with LTZ. The high expression of immune-related biological processes and sTILs observed with the combination opens the possibility of studying this combination with immunotherapy. Further investigation comparing these biological results with other metronomic schedules or drug combinations is warranted

    HOPE (SOLTI-1903) breast cancer study: real-world, patient-centric, clinical practice study to assess the impact of genomic data on next treatment decision-choice in patients with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer

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    Background Metastatic breast cancer (mBC) causes nearly all BC-related deaths. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies allow for the application of personalized medicine using targeted therapies that could improve patients' outcomes. However, NGS is not routinely used in the clinical practice and its cost induces access-inequity among patients. We hypothesized that promoting active patient participation in the management of their disease offering access to NGS testing and to the subsequent medical interpretation and recommendations provided by a multidisciplinary molecular advisory board (MAB) could contribute to progressively overcome this challenge. We designed HOPE (SOLTI-1903) breast cancer trial, a study where patients voluntarily lead their inclusion through a digital tool (DT). The main objectives of HOPE study are to empower mBC patients, gather real-world data on the use of molecular information in the management of mBC and to generate evidence to assess the clinical utility for healthcare systems.Trial design After self-registration through the DT, the study team validates eligibility criteria and assists patients with mBC in the subsequent steps. Patients get access to the information sheet and sign the informed consent form through an advanced digital signature. Afterwards, they provide the most recent (preferably) metastatic archival tumor sample for DNA-sequencing and a blood sample obtained at the time of disease progression for ctDNA analysis. Paired results are reviewed by the MAB, considering patient's medical history. The MAB provides a further interpretation of molecular results and potential treatment recommendations, including ongoing clinical trials and further (germline) genetic testing. Participants self-document their treatment and disease evolution for the next 2 years. Patients are encouraged to involve their physicians in the study. HOPE also includes a patient empowerment program with educational workshops and videos about mBC and precision medicine in oncology. The primary endpoint of the study was to describe the feasibility of a patient-centric precision oncology program in mBC patients when a comprehensive genomic profile is available to decide on a subsequent line of treatment

    Safety, activity, and molecular heterogeneity following neoadjuvant non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, paclitaxel, trastuzumab, and pertuzumab in HER2-positive breast cancer (Opti-HER HEART): an open-label, single-group, multicenter, phase 2 trial

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    Breast cancer; HER2; NeoadjuvantCáncer de mama; HER2; NeoadyuvanteCàncer de mama; HER2; NeoadjuvantBackground The Opti-HER HEART trial aimed to optimize activity while minimizing cardiac risk by combining trastuzumab, pertuzumab, and paclitaxel with non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in the treatment of HER2-positive early breast cancer. Methods Patients with stage II–IIIB HER2-positive breast cancer received neoadjuvant trastuzumab, pertuzumab, paclitaxel, and a non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin every three weeks for six cycles. The primary endpoint was cardiac safety during neoadjuvant therapy. Type A (symptomatic congestive heart failure) and B (asymptomatic reduction of left ventricular ejection fraction) cardiac events were evaluated. Secondary endpoints included the evaluation of the pathological complete response (pCR) rate and overall response rate, among others. As an ad-hoc exploratory analysis, the expression of 55 breast cancer-related genes, including the PAM50 genes, was measured in 58 baseline tumor samples and 60 surgical specimens. Results Eighty-three patients were recruited. The incidence of cardiac events during neoadjuvant treatment was 2.4%. No type A cardiac event was observed. The overall pCR rate was 56.6% (95% confidence interval (CI) 45.3–67.5%). The HER2-enriched subtype, which represented 52.0% of all baseline samples, was associated with a higher pCR rate compared to non-HER2-enriched tumors (83.3% vs. 46.3%; odds ratio 5.76, 95% CI 1.71–19.42). The association of subtype with pCR was independent of known clinicopathological variables, including hormone receptor status. Compared to baseline samples, surgical specimens showed a significant downregulation of proliferation-related genes (MKI67 and CCNB1) and ERBB2 levels, and a significant upregulation of luminal-related (ESR1 and PGR) and immune (CD8A) genes. Conclusions The combination of dual HER2 blockade with trastuzumab and pertuzumab with paclitaxel and non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin is associated with a low rate of cardiac events. The HER2-enriched subtype is associated with a high rate of pCR

    Safety, activity, and molecular heterogeneity following neoadjuvant non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, paclitaxel, trastuzumab, and pertuzumab in HER2-positive breast cancer (Opti-HER HEART): an open-label, single-group, multicenter, phase 2 trial

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    Abstract Background The Opti-HER HEART trial aimed to optimize activity while minimizing cardiac risk by combining trastuzumab, pertuzumab, and paclitaxel with non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in the treatment of HER2-positive early breast cancer. Methods Patients with stage II–IIIB HER2-positive breast cancer received neoadjuvant trastuzumab, pertuzumab, paclitaxel, and a non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin every three weeks for six cycles. The primary endpoint was cardiac safety during neoadjuvant therapy. Type A (symptomatic congestive heart failure) and B (asymptomatic reduction of left ventricular ejection fraction) cardiac events were evaluated. Secondary endpoints included the evaluation of the pathological complete response (pCR) rate and overall response rate, among others. As an ad-hoc exploratory analysis, the expression of 55 breast cancer-related genes, including the PAM50 genes, was measured in 58 baseline tumor samples and 60 surgical specimens. Results Eighty-three patients were recruited. The incidence of cardiac events during neoadjuvant treatment was 2.4%. No type A cardiac event was observed. The overall pCR rate was 56.6% (95% confidence interval (CI) 45.3–67.5%). The HER2-enriched subtype, which represented 52.0% of all baseline samples, was associated with a higher pCR rate compared to non-HER2-enriched tumors (83.3% vs. 46.3%; odds ratio 5.76, 95% CI 1.71–19.42). The association of subtype with pCR was independent of known clinicopathological variables, including hormone receptor status. Compared to baseline samples, surgical specimens showed a significant downregulation of proliferation-related genes (MKI67 and CCNB1) and ERBB2 levels, and a significant upregulation of luminal-related (ESR1 and PGR) and immune (CD8A) genes. Conclusions The combination of dual HER2 blockade with trastuzumab and pertuzumab with paclitaxel and non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin is associated with a low rate of cardiac events. The HER2-enriched subtype is associated with a high rate of pCR. Trial registration clinicaltrials.gov, NCT01669239, Registered 20 August 2012