7 research outputs found

    Development of a cost effective three-dimensional posture analysis tool: validity and reliability

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    BACKGROUND: The lack of clear understanding of the association between sitting posture and adolescent musculoskeletal pain, might reflect invalid and/or unreliable posture measurement instruments. The psychometric properties of any new measurement instrument should be demonstrated prior to use for research or clinical purposes. This paper describes psychometric testing of a new three-dimensional (3D), portable, non-invasive posture analysis tool (3D-PAT), from sequential studies using a mannequin and high school students. METHODS: The first study compared the 3D-(X-, Y- and Z-) coordinates of reflective markers placed on a mannequin using the 3D-PAT, and the Vicon motion analysis system. This study also tested the reliability of taking repeated measures of the 3D-coordinates of the reflective markers. The second study determined the concurrent validity and test-retest reliability of the 3D-PAT measurements of nine sitting postural angles of high school students undertaking a standard computing task. In both studies, concordance correlation coefficients and Intraclass correlation coefficients described test-retest reliability, whilst Pearson product moment correlation coefficients and Bland-Altman plots demonstrated concurrent validity. RESULTS: The 3D-PAT provides reliable and valid 3D measurements of five of the nine postural angles i.e. head flexion, neck flexion, cranio-cervical angle, trunk flexion and head lateral bending in adolescents undertaking a standard task. CONCLUSIONS: The 3D-PAT is appropriate for research and clinical settings to measure five upper quadrant postural angles in three dimensions. As a measurement instrument it can provide further understanding of the relationship between sitting posture, changes to sitting posture and adolescent musculoskeletal pain.Web of Scienc

    Shark discards in selective and mixed-species pelagic longline fisheries

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    The conservation status of several pelagic shark species is considered vulnerable with declining populations, yet data on shark fishing mortality remain limited for large ocean regions. Pelagic sharks are increasingly retained by mixed-species fisheries, or are discarded and not reported by selective fisheries for tunas (Thunnus spp.) or swordfish (Xiphias gladius). We estimated the fishing mortality of sharks (landings plus discard mortalities) in a South African-flagged pelagic longline fishery with diverse targeting and discard behaviour. A hierarchical cluster analysis was used to stratify the fleet according to the relative proportions of tunas, swordfish, blue sharks (Prionace glauca) and shortfin mako sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus) landed by individual vessels between 2013 and 2015. A spatial analysis of logbook data indicated that subfleets operated in distinct fishing areas, with overlap. Approximately 5% of all commercial longlines set during 2015 were sampled by a fisheries-independent observer, and the species, discard ratios and physical condition at discard of 6 019 captured sharks were recorded. Blue sharks and shortfin makos dominated observed shark catches, which were comprised of nine species and two species groups. Some 47% of observed sharks were retained and 20% were discarded in good physical condition. Only 4% of shortfin makos were discarded, compared to 68% of blue sharks. Blue shark discard mortality rates were twice as high as published at-vessel mortality rates, suggesting that onboard handling, among other factors, contributed to discard mortalities. Extrapolation to total fishing effort indicated a near 10-fold increase in blue shark and shortfin mako fishing mortality compared to an earlier study (1998–2005). Escalating shortfin mako fishing mortality was attributed to increased targeting to supply higher market demand. Discarding of blue sharks by selective fishing for tunas and swordfish had a greater impact on their fishing mortality than retention by shark-directed fleets. Higher levels of observer sampling are required to increase confidence in discard ratio estimates

    Effects of inconsistent reporting, regulation changes and market demand on abundance indices of sharks caught by pelagic longliners off southern Africa

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    The assumption of a proportional relationship between catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) and the abundance of sharks caught by pelagic longliners is tenuous when based on fisher logbooks that report only retained specimens. Nevertheless, commercial logbooks and landings statistics are often the only data available for stock status assessments. Logbook data collected from local and foreign pelagic longline vessels operating in four areas off southern Africa between 2000 and 2015 were used to construct standardized CPUE indices for blue sharks Prionace glauca and shortfin makos Isurus oxyrinchus. Generalized linear mixed models were used to explore the effects of year, month, vessel, fleet and presence of an observer on blue shark and shortfin mako variability. Landing statistics and auxiliary information on the history of the fishery, regulation changes, and market factors were superimposed on the CPUE indices, to test hypotheses that they would influence CPUE trends. Indices in the West and Southwest (Atlantic) areas were elevated for both species, compared to the South and East (Indian Ocean). The scale of year-on-year CPUE increments, up to an order of magnitude for blue sharks, reflected occasional targeting and retention, interspersed with periods where blue sharks were not caught, or discarded and not reported. Increments were smaller for higher value shortfin makos, suggesting that indices were less affected by unreported discarding. CPUE indices and landings of both shark species have increased in recent years, suggesting increased importance as target species. Analysis of logbook data resulted in unreliable indicators of shark abundance, but when trends were interpreted in conjunction with landings data, disaggregated by area and month, and with hindsight of market demand and regulation changes, anomalies could be explained

    Movement patterns and growth rate of cavebass Dinoperca petersi (Pisces: Dinopercidae) in the iSimangaliso Marine Protected Area, South Africa

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    Dinoperca petersi is a relatively common fish species caught in the line-fishery in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa. Yet, little is known about the biology and ecology of this species. Movement patterns and growth rate of this species were studied based on data obtained from a long-term tag-recapture study conducted in the iSimangaliso Marine Protected Area in northern KZN between 2001-2019. Results showed that D. petersi is a highly resident species with a linear home-range size of 290-405 m. While most fish showed high site fidelity, 8.8 % of the tagged fish showed wider ranging movements of 2.4-90 km. However, only 5 fish showed movements out of no-take zones into adjacent exploited areas, suggesting limited adult spillover. Growth rate of tagged fish was found to be reasonably slow compared to other sympatric predatory reef fish with an average growth rate of 61.76 mm y–1 for smaller fish (gα = 300) and 9.58 mm y–1 for larger fish (gβ = 550). Based on these life history characteristics, options for the future conservation and management of this species are discussed