1,130 research outputs found

    Las nuevas insurgencias. Análisis de un fenómeno estratégico emergente

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    The ACS Fornax Cluster Survey VII. Half-Light Radii of Globular Clusters in Early-Type Galaxies

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    We measure the half-light radii of globular clusters (GCs) in 43 galaxies from the ACS Fornax Cluster Survey (ACSFCS). We use these data to extend previous work in which the environmental dependencies of the half-light radii of GCs in early type galaxies in the ACS Virgo Cluster Survey (ACSVCS) were studied, and a corrected mean half-light radius (corrected for the observed environmental trends) was suggested as a reliable distance indicator. This work both increases the sample size for the study of the environmental dependencies, and adds leverage to the study of the corrected half-light radius as a possible distance indicator (since Fornax lies at a larger distance than the Virgo cluster). We study the environmental dependencies of the size of GCs using both a Principal Component Analysis as well as 2D scaling relations. We largely confirm the environmental dependencies shown in Jordan et al. (2005), but find evidence that there is a residual correlation in the mean half-light radius of GC systems with galaxy magnitude, and subtle differences in the other correlations - so there may not be a universal correction for the half-light radii of lower luminosity galaxy GC systems. The main factor determining the size of a GC in an early type galaxy is the GC color. Red GCs have = 2.8+/-0.3 pc, while blue GCs have = 3.4+/-0.3 pc. We show that for bright early-type galaxies (M_B < -19 mag), the uncorrected mean half-light radius of the GC system is by itself an excellent distance indicator (with error ~11%), having the potential to reach cosmologically interesting distances in the era of high angular resolution adaptive optics on large optical telescopes.Comment: ApJ in press, 19 pages, 16 figures

    The ACS Fornax Cluster Survey. IX. The Color-Magnitude Relation of Globular Cluster Systems

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    We investigate the color-magnitude relation for globular clusters (GCs) -- the so-called "blue tilt" -- detected in the ACS Fornax Cluster Survey and using the combined sample of GCs from the ACS Fornax and Virgo Cluster Surveys. We find a tilt of gamma_z=d(g-z)/dz=-0.0257 +- 0.0050 for the full GC sample of the Fornax Cluster Survey (~5800 GCs). This is slightly shallower than the value gamma_z=-0.0459 +- 0.0048 found for the Virgo Cluster Survey GC sample (~11100 GCs). The slope for the merged Fornax and Virgo datasets (~16900 GCs) is gamma_z=-0.0293 +- 0.0085, corresponding to a mass-metallicity relation of Z ~ M^0.43. We find that the blue tilt sets in at GC masses in excess of M ~ 2*10^5 M_sun. The tilt is stronger for GCs belonging to high-mass galaxies (M_* > 5 * 10^10 M_sun) than for those in low-mass galaxies (M_* < 5 * 10^10 M_sun). It is also more pronounced for GCs with smaller galactocentric distances. Our findings suggest a range of mass-metallicity relations Z_GC ~ M_GC^(0.3-0.7) which vary as a function of host galaxy mass/luminosity. We compare our observations to a recent model of star cluster self-enrichment with generally favorable results. We suggest that, within the context of this model, the proto-cluster clouds out of which the GCs formed may have had density profiles slightly steeper than isothermal and/or star formation efficiencies somewhat below 0.3. We caution, however, that the significantly different appearance of the CMDs defined by the GC systems associated with galaxies of similar mass and morphological type pose a challenge to any single mechanism that seeks to explain the blue tilt. We therefore suggest that the merger/accretion histories of individual galaxies have played a non-negligible role determining the distribution of GCs in the CMDs of individual GC systems

    The community of community ecologists met in Budapest

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    Discovery of a New Member of the Inner Oort Cloud from The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey

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    We report the discovery of 2010 GB174_{174}, a likely new member of the Inner Oort Cloud (IOC). 2010 GB174_{174} is one of 91 Trans Neptunian Objects (TNOs) and Centaurs discovered in a 76 deg2^2 contiguous region imaged as part of the Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS) --- a moderate ecliptic latitude survey reaching a mean limiting magnitude of g25.5g^\prime \simeq 25.5 --- using MegaPrime on the 3.6m Canada France Hawaii Telescope. 2010 GB174_{174} is found to have an orbit with semi-major axis a350.8a\simeq350.8 AU, inclination i21.6i \simeq 21.6^\circ and pericentre q48.5q\sim48.5 AU. This is the second largest perihelion distance among known solar system objects. Based on the sky coverage and depth of the NGVS, we estimate the number of IOC members with sizes larger than 300 km (HV6.2H_V \le 6.2 mag) to be 11000\simeq 11\,000. A comparison of the detection rate from the NGVS and the PDSSS (a characterized survey that `re-discovered' the IOC object Sedna) gives, for an assumed a power-law LF for IOC objects, a slope of α0.7±0.2\alpha \simeq 0.7 \pm 0.2, with only two detections in this region this slope estimate is highly uncertain.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Globular cluster systems in fossil groups: NGC6482, NGC1132 and ESO306-017

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    We study the globular cluster (GC) systems in three representative fossil group galaxies: the nearest (NGC6482), the prototype (NGC1132) and the most massive known to date (ESO306-017). This is the first systematic study of GC systems in fossil groups. Using data obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys in the F475W and F850LP filters, we determine the GC color and magnitude distributions, surface number density profiles, and specific frequencies. In all three systems, the GC color distribution is bimodal, the GCs are spatially more extended than the starlight, and the red population is more concentrated than the blue. The specific frequencies seem to scale with the optical luminosities of the central galaxy and span a range similar to that of the normal bright elliptical galaxies in rich environments. We also analyze the galaxy surface brightness distributions to look for deviations from the best-fit S\'ersic profiles; we find evidence of recent dynamical interaction in all three fossil group galaxies. Using X-ray data from the literature, we find that luminosity and metallicity appear to correlate with the number of GCs and their mean color, respectively. Interestingly, although NGC6482 has the lowest mass and luminosity in our sample, its GC system has the reddest mean color, and the surrounding X-ray gas has the highest metallicity.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in A&