19 research outputs found

    What is the value of security? Contextualising the negative/positive debate

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    Review of International Studies has seen a debate over the value of security. At its heart this is a debate about ethics: concerning the extent to which security is a ‘good’ and whether or not security politics produces the kind of world we want. More recent contributions focus on the extent to which security is ‘positive’ or ‘negative’. However, this article argues that the existing debate is limited and confusing: key authors use the terms ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ in different, and, at times, contradictory ways. The article clarifies the roots of the existing debate, and then draws out two different uses of the terms positive and negative: an analytic frame and a normative frame. In response, it proposes a pragmatist frame that synthesises the existing uses, drawing on pragmatism and practice-centred approaches to analyse the value of security in context. The contribution of the article is thus twofold: it both clarifies the existing debate and suggests a solution. This is key because the debate over the value of security is crucial to thinking about how we want to live

    Rethinking energy, climate and security: a critical analysis of energy security in the US

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    Understanding the complicated relationship between energy, climate and security is vital both to the study of international relations and to ensure the continued survival of a world increasingly threatened by environmental change. Climate change is largely caused by burning fossil fuels for energy, but while discussions on the climate consider the role of energy, energy security debates largely overlook climate concerns. This article traces the separation between energy and climate through an analysis of US energy security discourse and policy. It shows that energy security is continually constructed as national security, which enables very particular policy choices and prioritises it above climate concerns. Thus, in many cases, policies undertaken in the name of energy security contribute directly to climate insecurity. The article argues that the failure to consider securing the climate as inherently linked to energy security is not just problematic, but, given global warming, potentially harmful. Consequently, any approach to dealing with climate change has to begin by rethinking energy security and security more broadly, as national (energy) security politics no longer provides security in any meaningful sense

    Diffusion tensor imaging is associated with motor outcomes of very preterm born children at 11 years of age

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    Aim Very preterm children born Methods A cohort of 37 very preterm infants (mean gestational age 29 4/7, SD 2 0/7) born in 2004-2006 in Turku University Hospital underwent diffusion tensor imaging at term. A region of interest analysis of fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity was performed. Motor outcomes at 11 years of age were measured with the Movement Assessment Battery for Children - Second Edition. Results The diffusion metrics of the corpus callosum (genu P = .005, splenium P = .049), the left corona radiata (P = .035) and the right optic radiation (P = .017) were related to later motor performance. Mean diffusivity decreased and fractional anisotropy increased in proportion to the improving performance. Conclusion The diffusion metrics of the genu and splenium of the corpus callosum, the left corona radiata and the right optic radiation at term were associated with motor skills at 11 years of age. Diffusion tensor imaging should be further studied as a potential tool in recognising children at risk for motor impairment.</div

    Energy and security: discourse and practice in the United States and China

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    This thesis conducts an in-depth empirical analysis of the way in which energy was constructed as a security issue in the United States and China between 2004 and 2012. The core argument is that energy security is contested: it means different things to different people in different contexts. State energy security discourse and practice in both states constructed energy largely as a national security issue, emphasising the need to secure the state in economic and/or strategic terms by providing secure energy supplies at stable prices. This is found to be problematic and ‘negative’, as encouraging competition over finite fuels perpetuates insecurity for states, and fails to secure human beings and the environment. Thus, it does not produce security. However, there are a number of competing marginalised energy security constructions, which forward a more ‘positive’ notion of energy security – emphasising sustainability and human welfare. By illustrating the contested nature of energy security, this thesis contributes the first in-depth critical empirical analysis of energy security constructions. It thus brings together insights from critical approaches to security with the empirical area of energy security to understand how energy security is constructed, while raising important theoretical questions about the importance of context for understanding the value of security and the potential for moving towards more ‘positive’ energy security discourse and practice

    Diabetesta sairastavien varhaisnuorten ja heidÀn vanhempiensa mielipiteitÀ Kuopion yliopistollisen sairaalan lastentautien poliklinikan diabeteksen hoidonohjauksesta

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    SAVONIA- AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Terveysala, Kuopio OPINNÄYTETYÖ TiivistelmĂ€ Koulutusohjelma: Hoitotyön koulutusohjelma Suuntautumisvaihtoehto: Hoitotyön suuntautumisvaihtoehto Työn tekijĂ€t: Jaana Eronen, Jonna Karppanen, Rosa Nyman Työn nimi: Diabetesta sairastavien varhaisnuorten ja heidĂ€n vanhempiensa mielipiteitĂ€ Kuopion yliopistollisen sairaalan Lastentautien poliklinikan diabeteksen hoidonohjauksesta PĂ€ivĂ€ys: 14.12.2009 SivumÀÀrĂ€ / liitteet: 45/4 Ohjaajat: Lehtori Helena Pennanen Työyksikkö / projekti: Kuopion yliopistollinen sairaala, Lastentautien poliklinikka TiivistelmĂ€: TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata Kuopion yliopistollisen sairaalan lastentautien poliklinikalla toteutettavaa diabetesta sairastavien varhaisnuorten diabeteksen hoidonohjausta varhaisnuorten ja heidĂ€n vanhempiensa nĂ€kökulmasta. Tavoitteena oli saada tietoa, jota voidaan kĂ€yttÀÀ diabeteksen jatkohoidon ohjauksen kehittĂ€misessĂ€. Tutkimus oli kvantitatiivinen tutkimus. Tutkimusaineisto kerĂ€ttiin kyselylomakkeilla touko-kesĂ€kuun 2009 aikana Kuopion yliopistollisen sairaalan lastentautien poliklinikalla. Kyselyyn osallistuivat 12–14-vuotiaat tyypin 1 diabetesta sairastavat varhaisnuoret ja heidĂ€n vanhempansa, jotka asioivat aineiston kerÀÀmisen aikana kyseisellĂ€ poliklinikalla. Tutkimukseen osallistui 46 diabetesta sairastavaa varhaisnuorta ja 48 diabetesta sairastavan varhaisnuoren vanhempaa. Tutkimuksen tuloksista kĂ€y ilmi, ettĂ€ varhaisnuorten diabeteksen hoidon ohjaus on omahoitoa tukevaa, mutta varhaisnuoret tarvitsevat nykyistĂ€ enemmĂ€n vertaistukea ja yksilöllistĂ€ hoidonohjausta. Diabetesta sairastavien varhaisnuorten vanhemmat toivoivat ettĂ€ poliklinikkakĂ€ynneillĂ€ lÀÀkĂ€rien vaihtuvuus vĂ€henisi, jolloin luottamuksellisen hoitosuhteen syntyminen olisi helpompaa. Jatkotutkimusaiheeksi todettiin yksilöllisen hoidonohjauksen toteuttaminen ryhmĂ€ohjauksen keinoin sekĂ€ siitĂ€ saatavan vertaistuen merkitys hoitoon sitoutumisessa. Olisi myös hyödyllistĂ€ selvittÀÀ, miten omalÀÀkĂ€rijĂ€rjestelmĂ€ edistĂ€isi luottamuksellisen hoitosuhteen syntymistĂ€. Avainsanat: Diabetes, varhaisnuori, hoidonohjaus, omahoitoSAVONIA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES Health Professions Kuopio THESIS Abstract Degree Programme: Degree Programme in Nursing Option: Registered Nurse Authors: Jaana Eronen, Jonna Karppanen, Rosa Nyman Title of Thesis: Counselling of diabetes at Kuopio University Hospital`s Paediatric Clinic views of diabetic juveniles and their parents Date: 14.12.2009 Pages / appendices: 45/4 Supervisor: Senior lecture Helena Pennanen Contact persons: Kuopio University Hospital, Paediatric Clinic Summary: The purpose of this study was to describe the counselling of juvenile diabetes patients at Kuopio University HospitalÂŽs Paediatric Clinic from the perspective of the juveniles and their parents. The study aimed to collect data for further development of the diabetes counselling. The study was a quantitative study. The data for the study was collected with a questionnaire in May and July 2009 at Kuopio University HospitalÂŽs Paediatric Clinic. The questionnaire was addressed to juveniles aged 12 to 14 years treated for the type 1 diabetes at the clinic and to their parents. The study was based on the data received from 46 juveniles and 48 parents. As a result of the study it was found that the counselling of diabetes supported the home treatment, but the juveniles needed more peer support and individualised counselling. The parents of the juveniles wished that the attending physicians could work on a more permanent bases so that it would be easier to build the mutual trust. As the subject for further study the need for individualised group counselling and the significance of the peer support for the commitment to the treatment was identified. It could also be useful to evaluate how the system with family physicians could support the mutual trust during the treatment. Keywords: (1-5) Diabetes, juvenile, treatment counselling, home treatmen

    What does security look like? Exploring interpretive photography as method

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    IR’s visual turn has emphasised visual analysis over visual method, centring images of war and crisis. Meanwhile security studies centres great power politics and moments of rupture. Together, they reinforce a dominant image of security as spectacular. This article unites two ethnographic projects focused on everyday security: one examining everyday security landscapes in China, and one examining health security at the UK border. Both found a gap between the dominant image of security and what we saw, and explored this gap through photography. Building on the everyday and visual turns, the article introduces interpretive photography as method to make two contributions. The first is methodological: it introduces interpretive photography as a distinct critical qualitative method that operates on five modes: enabling the seeing-capturing-making-sharing of visual artefacts, it also disrupts dominant visions and contributes to the construction of international relations.The second contribution is empirical: a deeper, richer account of what security looks like. While the discipline associates security with emergency politics or a state of exception, Nyman’s photographs show the exception-made-everyday, while Ferhani’s photos reject the exception by showing banal routines. In this way, photography engages the visuality of security, and can change how we see security

    HÄllbara investeringar under coronapandemin : En analys om sambandet mellan hÄllbarhet och prestation

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    I takt med att miljömedvetenheten har ökat i samhÀllet har Àven intresset för hÄllbara investeringar ökat. Den hÀr studien undersöker prestationen hos svenska hÄllbara fonder mot svenska konventionella fonder under coronapandemin. Trots att det finns mÄnga studier som undersöker hÄllbara investeringars prestation under finansiella kriser, Àr Àmnet inte sÄ utstuderat under coronakrisen, framförallt inte i Sverige som jÀmfört med mÄnga andra lÀnder haft en annorlunda coronastrategi. Vidare undersöks Àven om investerares ökade risktagande i att investera i andra fonder Àn indexfonder lönar sig. Studien utförs genom att analysera faktisk avkastning, Sharpe-kvot och Treynor-kvot för svenska fonder under och innan coronapandemin. Resultatet visar att det finns en signifikant skillnad i prestation mellan hÄllbara och konventionella fonder under coronapandemin, samt en skillnad mellan dessa fondgrupper och marknaden under coronapandemin. Det gÄr huruvida inte att faststÀlla att skillnaden beror pÄ vilket hÄllbarhetsbetyg fonderna innehar. I den utförda regressionsanalysen visade endast en variabel ett signifikant samband med prestation och det var beta-vÀrdet.  Resultatet frÄn studien har lett till slutsatsen att Den moderna portföljteorin Àr en rimlig förklaring till hur investerare konstruerar sina portföljer för att maximera den förvÀntade avkastningen. Teorin innebÀr att exkluderandet av icke-hÄllbara fonder, eller inkluderandet av endast hÄllbara fonder, leder till fÀrre diversifieringsmöjligheter vilket i sin tur medför en lÀgre avkastning. Att det finns en skillnad i prestation mellan hÄllbara och konventionella fonder talar dock för att Den effektiva marknadshypotesen inte hÄller. Detta för att man enligt teorin inte kan göra extra avkastningar men resultatet som visar att en skillnad finns bevisar motsatsen. Vidare diskuteras Àven resultatet utifrÄn Beteendeekonomi dÀr mÄnga olika aspekter finns med. Det som talat emot teorin Àr att marknaden ÄterhÀmtade sig snabbt efter nedgÄngen i början av coronapandemin vilket dock kan bero pÄ grÀnsen till arbitrage dÀr investerare kan ha upptÀckt undervÀrderade tillgÄngar. Den hÀr studien har inte analyserat Beteendeekonomi vidare eftersom fokus har legat pÄ fondernas prestation och inte individernas investeringsbeteenden. Vad som dÀremot har konstaterats Àr att mÄnga investerar i hÄllbara fonder oavsett prestation vilket kan förklaras av Prospektteorin. Teorin menar att individer vinner en annan nytta Àn just den som de fÄr i avkastningen

    What does security look like? Exploring interpretive photography as method

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    IR’s visual turn has emphasised visual analysis over visual method, centring images of war and crisis. Meanwhile security studies centres great power politics and moments of rupture. Together, they reinforce a dominant image of security as spectacular. This article unites two ethnographic projects focused on everyday security: one examining everyday security landscapes in China, and one examining health security at the UK border. Both found a gap between the dominant image of security and what we saw, and explored this gap through photography. Building on the everyday and visual turns, the article introduces interpretive photography as method to make two contributions. The first is methodological: it introduces interpretive photography as a distinct critical qualitative method that operates on five modes: enabling the seeing-capturing-making-sharing of visual artefacts, it also disrupts dominant visions and contributes to the construction of international relations.The second contribution is empirical: a deeper, richer account of what security looks like. While the discipline associates security with emergency politics or a state of exception, Nyman’s photographs show the exception-made-everyday, while Ferhani’s photos reject the exception by showing banal routines. In this way, photography engages the visuality of security, and can change how we see security.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Rethinking energy, climate and security: a critical analysis of energy security in the US

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    Rethinking energy, climate and security: a critical analysis of energy security in the U