8,856 research outputs found

    Luminance cues constrain chromatic blur discrimination in natural scene stimuli

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    Introducing blur into the color components of a natural scene has very little effect on its percept, whereas blur introduced into the luminance component is very noticeable. Here we quantify the dominance of luminance information in blur detection and examine a number of potential causes. We show that the interaction between chromatic and luminance information is not explained by reduced acuity or spatial resolution limitations for chromatic cues, the effective contrast of the luminance cue, or chromatic and achromatic statistical regularities in the images. Regardless of the quality of chromatic information, the visual system gives primacy to luminance signals when determining edge location. In natural viewing, luminance information appears to be specialized for detecting object boundaries while chromatic information may be used to determine surface properties

    Methods and Model Systems Used to Study Pregnant Human Uterine Smooth Muscle

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    Successful pregnancy necessitates that the human uterus is maintained in a relaxed, quiescent state for the majority pregnancy, before ultimately transforming to a contractile phenotype capable of powerful, coordinated contractions to facilitate parturition. The exact mechanisms that regulate this transition are yet to be fully understood, and as such, we still do not understand the molecular mechanisms that trigger the onset of human labor. This is in large part due to the ethical considerations associated with human pregnancy, which, outside of clinical trials, primarily limits human studies to in vitro investigations on cell lines and biopsied tissues. Researchers have therefore devised numerous model systems for investigating pregnant human uterine smooth muscle, which have played vital roles in elucidating the fundamental biology and key regulatory pathways that underpin the transition from quiescence to contractility. This chapter describes in detail, those methods and model systems used to study pregnant human uterine smooth muscle, and explores the challenges associated with these model systems

    Production of doubly charged vector bilepton pairs at γγ\gamma \gamma colliders

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    The production of pairs of doubly charged vector bileptons is studied at future γγ\gamma \gamma colliders. The unpolarized cross--section for the γγ→Y−−Y++\gamma \gamma \to Y^{--}Y^{++} subprocess is analytically calculated and convoluted to predict the number of events in the complete e+e−→γγ→Y−−Y++e^+e^-\to \gamma \gamma \to Y^{--}Y^{++} process. The gauge or non--gauge character of the vector bilepton Y±±Y^{\pm \pm} is discussed. It is found that as a consequence of its spectacular signature, as it decays dominantly into two identical charged leptons, and also due to its charge contents, which significantly enhance the cross--section, the detection of this class of particles with mass in the sub--TeV region can be at the reach of these colliders. The model--independent nature of our results is stressed.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, submitted to physical review

    The evolution of barriers to exploitation: Sometimes the Red Queen can take a break.

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    We propose a general barrier theory as an evolutionary framework for understanding coevolutionary effects of conflicts of interest in natural and human systems. It is generalized from the barrier theory of cancer, which describes how cancer develops through the evasion of mechanisms, that block unregulated cellular reproduction and survival. Barriers are naturally evolved or artificially implemented mechanisms for blocking exploitation; restraints are mechanisms that impede but do not block exploitation. When conflicts of interest arise, selection will favor exploiters that are capable of overcoming barriers and restraints. When barriers are in place, they halt, at least temporarily, coevolutionary arms races (the Red Queen can stop running). Barriers occur in a broad spectrum of interactions characterized by conflicts of interest: barriers to cellular survival (apoptosis) and reproduction (cell cycle arrest) may block a virus from replicating its genome through reproduction of its host cell. Vaccines may completely protect against targeted pathogens. A plant may escape herbivory by evolving defensive chemicals that block herbivory. Obligate mutualisms may evolve when barriers to horizontal transmission favor symbionts that increasingly lose mechanisms that contribute to horizontal transmission. Here, we show how the barrier theory applies across a spectrum of natural and social systems

    Electromagnetism, Axions, and Topology:a first-order operator approach to constitutive responses provides greater freedom

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    We show how the standard constitutive assumptions for the macroscopic Maxwell equations can be relaxed. This is done by arguing that the Maxwellian excitation fields (D, H) should be dispensed with, on the grounds that they (a) cannot be measured, and (b) act solely as gauge potentials for the charge and current. In the resulting theory, it is only the links between the fields (E, B) and the charge and current (ρ, J ) that matter; and so we introduce appropriate linear operator equations that combine the Gauss and Maxwell-AmpĂšre equations with the constitutive relations, eliminating (D, H). The result is that we can admit more types of electromagnetic media – notably, the new relations can allow coupling in the bulk to a homogeneous axionic material; in contrast to standard EM where any homogeneous axion-like field is completely decoupled in the bulk, and only accessible at boundaries. We also consider a wider context, including the role of topology, extended non-axionic constitutive parameters, and treatment of Ohmic currents. A range of examples including an axionic response material is presented, including static electromagnetic scenarios, a possible metamaterial implementation, and how the transformation optics paradigm would be modified. Notably, these examples include one where topological considerations make it impossible to model using (D, H)

    Containing big soda: Countering inducements to buy large-size sugary drinks

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    Health concerns about overconsumption of large portions apply to a wide range of highly calorific foods and drinks. Yet, amongst all products, sugar-sweetened soft drinks and especially sugared soda are the ones which seem to raise the most ire because they contain little or no nutritional value beyond their sugar content and because of the way that vendors encourage excessive consumption by pricing jumbo-size portions to look like bargains while making smaller portions appear overpriced. This paper considers the logic of such extreme value size pricing and reveals why this marketing practice can harm economic welfare beyond public health concerns. The paper shows why policy interventions, including portion cap rules and soda taxes, seeking to reduce portion sizes and curb the consumption of large-size sugary drinks might fail when they do not fully take into account or appreciate the strategic responses that vendors might adopt to retain value size pricing

    Applications of the ER-2 meteorological measurement system

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    The NASA ER-2 aircraft is used as a platform for high altitude atmospheric missions. The Meteorological Measurement System (MMS) was developed specifically for atmospheric research to provide accurate high resolution measurements of pressure, temperature, and the 3-D wind vector with a sampling rate of 5/s. The MMS consist of three subsystems: (1) an air motion sensing system to measure the velocity of the air with respect to the aircraft; (2) a high resolution inertial navigation system (INS) to measure the velocity of the aircraft with respect to the earth; and (3) a data acquisition system to sample, process, and record the measurement quantities. MMS data have been used extensively by ER-2 investigators in elucidating the polar ozone chemistry. Herein, applications on atmospheric dynamics are emphasized. Large scale (polar vortex, potential vorticity, model atmosphere), mesoscale (gravity waves, mountain waves) and microscale (heat fluxes) atmospheric phenomena are investigated and discussed
