23 research outputs found

    Spondylarthropathies (including psoriatic arthritis): 244. Validity of Colour Doppler and Spectral Doppler Ultrasound of Sacroilicac Joints Againts Physical Examination as Gold Standard

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    Background: Sacroiliac joints (SJ) involvement is a distinctive and charasteristic feature of Spondyloarthritis (SpA) and x-ray is the test routinely used to make a diagnosis. However, x-ray reveals late structural damage but cannot detect active inflammation. The objective of this study was to assess the validity of Doppler ultrasound in SJ. Methods: Prospective blinded and controlled study of SJ, in which three populations were compared. We studied 106 consecutive cases, who were divided into three groups: a) 53 patients diagnosed with SpA who had inflammatory lumbar and gluteal pain assessed by a rheumatologist; b) 26 patients diagnosed with SpA who didn't have SJ tenderness and had normal physical examination; c) control group of 27 subjects (healthy subjetcs or with mechanical lumbar pain). All patients included that were diagnosed with SpA met almost the European Spondyloarthropathy Study Group (ESSG) classification criteria. Physical examination of the SJ included: sacral sulcus tenderness, iliac gapping, iliac compression, midline sacral thrust test, Gaenslen's test, and Patrick s test were used as gold standard. Both SJ were examined with Doppler ultrasound (General Electric Logiq 9, Wauwatosa WI, USA) fitted with a 9-14 Mhz lineal probe. The ultrasonographer was blinded to clinical data. Doppler in SJ was assessed as positive when both Doppler colour and resistance index (RI) < 0.75 within the SJ area were present. Statistical analysis was performed estimating sensitivity and specificity against gold standard. The Kappa correlation coefficient was used for reliability study. Results: 106 cases (53 female, 55 male; mean age 36 10 years) were studied. There were no statistical differences between groups related to age or sex. Physical examination of SJ was positive in 38 patients (59 sacroiliac joints). US detected Doppler signal within SJ in 37 patients (58 SJ): 33 of them were symptomatic SpA (52 SJ), one of them were asymptomatic SpA (1 SJ) and one was a healthy control (1 SJ). The accuracy of US when compared to clinical data as gold standard at subject level in the overall group was: sensitivity of 68.6% and specificity of 85.7%, positive predictive value of 70.5% and negative predictive value of 84.5%. A positive likelihood ratio of 4.8, a negative likelihood ratio of 0.36 and a kappa coefficient of 0.55 were achieved. Conclusions: Doppler US of SJ seems to be a valid method to detect active SJ inflammation. Disclosure statement: The authors have declared no conflicts of interes

    Daño cardiaco frente a hepático por consumo de bebidas energizantes en ratas cepa Holtzman

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    RESUMENObjetivo: El consumo de bebidas energéticas (BE) está aumentando principalmente en jóvenes, debido a que promete mejorar el estado de alerta, el rendimiento físico y cognitivo y evita la fatiga. En nuestro país, una BE tiene alta concentración de cafeína y azúcar por botella, y es altamente comercializada y barata. Sin embargo, las BE tienen efectos adversos como complicaciones cardiovasculares, neurales y gastrointestinales. Los estudios indican un mayor daño en hígado y corazón, señalados por altos niveles séricos de GOT y daño tisular. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es determinar si el corazón o hígado, presenta más daño por consumo de BE en ratas Holtzman. Métodos: Se clasificaron 32 ratas Holtzman macho aleatoriamente en dos grupos con tratamientos diferentes por administración oral. El Grupo 1 (Control) recibió agua potable y el Grupo 2 (Experimental) recibió una bebida energética de 5,49 ml / 260 g; ambos grupos durante 30 días. Se proporcionó aclimatación previa y alimento. Durante el período experimental, hubo cuatro extracciones de sangre para análisis de GOT sérico. Se sacrificaron por exanguinación bajo anestesia obteniendo muestras de corazón e hígado. Resultados: Se encontró aumento de la concentración sérica de GOT en el grupo experimental comparado con el control. El análisis histológico que evaluó congestión vascular, necrosis y edema en ambos tejidos, reveló que el corazón tenía mayor daño que el hígado. Conclusión: El tejido cardiaco presenta mayor daño que el tejido hepático por consumo de BE en ratas Holtzman macho, manifestados por incremento de GOT y alteraciones histopatológicas.Palabras clave: Bebidas energéticas, transaminasas glutámicas oxaloacéticas (GOT), daño cardiaco, daño hepático. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17268/rmt.2019.v14i03.0

    Structural alterations of the brainstem in migraine

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    Atypical brainstem modulation of pain might contribute to changes in sensory processing typical of migraine. The study objective was to investigate whether migraine is associated with brainstem structural alterations that correlate with this altered pain processing. MRI T1-weighted images of 55 migraine patients and 58 healthy controls were used to: (1) create deformable mesh models of the brainstem that allow for shape analyses; (2) calculate volumes of the midbrain, pons, medulla and the superior cerebellar peduncles; (3) interrogate correlations between regional brainstem volumes, cutaneous heat pain thresholds, and allodynia symptoms. Migraineurs had smaller midbrain volumes (healthy controls = 61.28 mm3, SD = 5.89; migraineurs = 58.80 mm3, SD = 6.64; p = 0.038), and significant (p < 0.05) inward deformations in the ventral midbrain and pons, and outward deformations in the lateral medulla and dorsolateral pons relative to healthy controls. Migraineurs had a negative correlation between ASC-12 allodynia symptom severity with midbrain volume (r = −0.32; p = 0.019) and a positive correlation between cutaneous heat pain thresholds with medulla (r = 0.337; p = 0.012) and cerebellar peduncle volumes (r = 0.435; p = 0.001). Migraineurs with greater symptoms of allodynia have smaller midbrain volumes and migraineurs with lower heat pain thresholds have smaller medulla and cerebellar peduncles. The brainstem likely plays a role in altered sensory processing in migraine and brainstem structure might reflect severity of allodynia and hypersensitivity to pain in migraine

    3D printing for congenital heart disease: a single site’s initial three-yearexperience

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    Abstract Background 3D printing is an ideal manufacturing process for creating patient-matched models (anatomical models) for surgical and interventional planning. Cardiac anatomical models have been described in numerous case studies and journal publications. However, few studies attempt to describe wider impact of the novel planning augmentation tool. The work here presents the evolution of an institution’s first 3 full years of 3D prints following consistent integration of the technology into clinical workflow (2012–2014) - a center which produced 79 models for surgical planning (within that time frame). Patient outcomes and technology acceptance following implementation of 3D printing were reviewed. Methods A retrospective analysis was designed to investigate the anatomical model’s impact on time-based surgical metrics. A contemporaneous cohort of standard-of-care pre-procedural planning (no anatomical models) was identified for comparative analysis. A post-surgery technology acceptance assessment was also employed in a smaller subset to measure perceived efficacy of the anatomical models. The data was examined. Results Within the timeframe of the study, 928 primary-case cardiothoracic surgeries (encompassing both CHD and non-CHD surgeries) took place at the practicing pediatric hospital. One hundred sixty four anatomical models had been generated for various purposes. An inclusion criterion based on lesion type limited those with anatomic models to 33; there were 113 cases matching the same criterion that received no anatomical model. Time-based metrics such as case length-of-time showed a mean reduction in overall time for anatomical models. These reductions were not statistically significant. The technology acceptance survey did demonstrate strong perceived efficacy. Anecdotal vignettes further support the technology acceptance. Discussion & conclusion The anatomical models demonstrate trends for reduced operating room and case length of time when compared with similar surgeries in the same time-period; in turn, these reductions could have significant impact on patient outcomes and operating room economics. While analysis did not yield robust statistical powering, strong Cohen’s d values suggest poor powering may be more related to sample size than non-ideal outcomes. The utility of planning with an anatomical model is further supported by the technology acceptance study which demonstrated that surgeons perceive the anatomical models to be an effective tool in surgical planning for a complex CHD repair. A prospective multi-center trial is currently in progress to further validate or reject these findings

    Spatiotemporal Quantification of Local Drug Delivery Using MRI

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    Controlled release formulations for local, in vivo drug delivery are of growing interest to device manufacturers, research scientists, and clinicians; however, most research characterizing controlled release formulations occurs in vitro because the spatial and temporal distribution of drug delivery is difficult to measure in vivo. In this work, in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of local drug delivery was performed to visualize and quantify the time resolved distribution of MRI contrast agents. Three-dimensional maps (generated from -weighted images with varied ) were processed using noise-reducing filtering. A segmented region of contrast, from a thresholded image, was converted to concentration maps using the equation , where and are the precontrast and postcontrast map values, respectively. In this technique, a uniform estimated value for was used. Error estimations were performed for each step. The practical usefulness of this method was assessed using comparisons between devices located in different locations both with and without contrast. The method using a uniform , requiring no registration of pre- and postcontrast image volumes, was compared to a method using either affine or deformation registrations

    Causas y consecuencias de la infertilidad en las mujeres

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    Infertility is a universal barrier that affects people around the world and its cause and importance can vary depending on geographic location and socioeconomic status. When a woman has frequent and unprotected sexual intercourse for about a year and cannot get pregnant, it is because she has a disability or suffers from infertility. Awareness of infertility is the first step in maintaining the power of pregnancy in lifestyle modification. Currently, reproductive system disorders, symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases, and hormonal disorders are among the causes of infertility in both men and women. Additionally, lifestyle such as obesity, nutrition, smoking and alcohol consumption, the use of mobile phones, sexual violence and anxiety are considered as factors causing infertility. In this sense, having a healthy lifestyle, having regular tests and check-ups under medical supervision, and maintaining a normal body weight can prevent fertility problems. Infertility in women will be treated with medications, minor surgery, laparoscopic procedures, and hormone therapy and will prevent early pregnancy failure.La infertilidad es una barrera universal que afecta a personas de todo el mundo y su causa e importancia pueden variar según la ubicación geográfica y la condición socioeconómica. Cuando una mujer tiene relaciones sexuales frecuentemente y sin protección medida por un año aproximadamente y no logra quedar embaraza es porque posee incapacidad o padece de infertilidad. La conciencia de la infertilidad es el primer paso para mantener el poder del embarazo en la modificación del estilo de vida. Actualmente, los trastornos del sistema reproductivo, los síntomas de enfermedades de transmisión sexual y los trastornos hormonales se encuentran entre las causas de infertilidad tanto en hombres como en mujeres. Adicionalmente, el estilo de vida como la obesidad, la nutrición, el tabaquismo y el consumo de alcohol, el uso de teléfonos móviles, la violencia sexual y la ansiedad son considerados como factores causantes de infertilidad. En tal sentido, tener un estilo de vida saludable, realizar pruebas y chequeos regulares bajo supervisión médica y mantener un peso corporal normal puede prevenir problemas de fertilidad. La infertilidad en las mujeres se tratará con medicamentos, cirugía menor, procedimientos laparoscópicos y terapia hormonal y evitará el fracaso temprano del embarazo

    Three-Dimensional Genome Organization in Breast and Gynecological Cancers: How Chromatin Folding Influences Tumorigenic Transcriptional Programs

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    A growing body of research on the transcriptome and cancer genome has demonstrated that many gynecological tumor-specific gene mutations are located in cis-regulatory elements. Through chromosomal looping, cis-regulatory elements interact which each other to control gene expression by bringing distant regulatory elements, such as enhancers and insulators, into close proximity with promoters. It is well known that chromatin connections may be disrupted in cancer cells, promoting transcriptional dysregulation and the expression of abnormal tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes. In this review, we examine the roles of alterations in 3D chromatin interactions. This includes changes in CTCF protein function, cancer-risk single nucleotide polymorphisms, viral integration, and hormonal response as part of the mechanisms that lead to the acquisition of enhancers or super-enhancers. The translocation of existing enhancers, as well as enhancer loss or acquisition of insulator elements that interact with gene promoters, is also revised. Remarkably, similar processes that modify 3D chromatin contacts in gene promoters may also influence the expression of non-coding RNAs, such as long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs), which have emerged as key regulators of gene expression in a variety of cancers, including gynecological malignancies

    Breast Cancer Cells Reprogram the Oncogenic lncRNAs/mRNAs Coexpression Networks in Three-Dimensional Microenvironment

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    Organotypic three-dimensional (3D) cell cultures more accurately mimic the characteristics of solid tumors in vivo in comparison with traditional two-dimensional (2D) monolayer cell models. Currently, studies on the regulation of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have not been explored in breast cancer cells cultured in 3D microenvironments. In the present research, we studied the expression and potential roles of lncRNAs in estrogen receptor-positive luminal B subtype BT-474 breast cancer cells grown over extracellular matrix proteins-enriched 3D cultures. Global expression profiling using DNA microarrays identifies 290 upregulated and 183 downregulated lncRNAs in 3D cultures relative to 2D condition. Using a co-expression analysis approach of lncRNAs and mRNAs pairs expressed in the same experimental conditions, we identify hundreds of regulatory axes modulating genes involved in cancer hallmarks, such as responses to estrogens, cell proliferation, hypoxia, apical junctions, and resistance to endocrine therapy. In addition, we identified 102 lncRNAs/mRNA correlations in 3D cultures, which were similar to those reported in TCGA datasets obtained from luminal B breast cancer patients. Interestingly, we also found a set of mRNAs transcripts co-expressed with LINC00847 and CTD-2566J3.1 lncRNAs, which were predictors of pathologic complete response and overall survival. Finally, both LINC00847 and CTD -2566J3.1 were co-expressed with essential genes for cancer genetic dependencies, such as FOXA1 y GINS2. Our experimental and predictive findings show that co-expressed lncRNAs/mRNAs pairs exhibit a high degree of similarity with those found in luminal B breast cancer patients, suggesting that they could be adequate pre-clinical tools to identify not only biomarkers related to endocrine therapy response and PCR, but to understand the biological behavior of cancer cells in 3D microenvironments