531 research outputs found

    The Effects of Training Novice Users in Developing Strategies for Cognitively Evaluating Appropriate Responses to Errors When Learning to Use the Internet

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    As novice users learn to use a new application of computer technology, they frequently make errors (Greif & Keller, 1990; Lazonder & Meij, 1995; Norman, 1983). Systems and interfaces should be designed to minimize the chance of making an error. When errors are made, the system should maximize the user’s understanding of the error, and make it easy for users to recover from the error (Bagnara & Rizzo, 1989; Booth, 1991; Lewis & Norman, 1986; Norman, 1991; Senders & Moray, 1991; Shneiderman, 1998). Even if a system is designed to follow these principles, it is virtually impossible for users, especially novice users, to avoid making errors, because novice users are especially prone to committing errors (Arnold & Roe, 1987; Carroll, 1990; Greif & Keller, 1990; Lazonder & Meij, 1995). Arnold and Roe provide a good operational definition of an error, which is “when a user’s intention or goal is not attained” (Arnold & Roe, 1987, p. 204)


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    The federal circuit courts of appeals are in conflict over whether Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act requires public accommodations’ websites to be accessible to people with disabilities. Some courts consider websites themselves to be a covered “place of public accommodation.” Others conclude that websites are not covered at all. The predominant view is that a website must be accessible if it has a “nexus” to a physical public location. However, the “nexus” requirement has been problematic from the start and its weaknesses have been particularly exposed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic exposes a deep mismatch between the “nexus” requirement and how businesses approach their work. In this article, we present a novel reconceptualization of the website accessibility question which resolves the inter-circuit conflict and allows abandonment of the already unworkable nexus requirement

    Notes on shape orientation where the standard method does not work

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    Copyright © 2006 Elsevier. NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Pattern Recognition . Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Pattern Recognition, Vol. 39 Issue 5 (2006), DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2005.11.010Notes: This paper introduces a new method for shape orientation. This method, which uses Nth-order centralised moments (N>2), can be applied to cases, such as many-fold symmetric shapes, for which the standard method does not work. The paper proves several desirable properties of shape orientation defined in this way, and also corrects the previous approach where the central moments were treated equally independently of N. It shows that the situation is essentially different depending on whether N is an even or odd number. This corrects the previous work of Tsai and Chou (Pattern Recognition, vol. 24, pp.95-104, 1991), which up to then represented the state of the art in the field.In this paper we consider some questions related to the orientation of shapes with particular attention to the situation where the standard method does not work. There are irregular and non-symmetric shapes whose orientation cannot be computed in a standard way, but in the literature the most studied situations are those where the shape under consideration has more than two axes of symmetry or where it is an n-fold rotationally symmetric shape with n>2.n>2. The basic reference for our work is [W.H. Tsai, S.L. Chou, Detection of generalized principal in rotationally symmetric shapes, Pattern Recognition 24 (1991) 95–104]. We give a very simple proof of the main result from [W.H. Tsai, S.L. Chou, Detection of generalized principal in rotationally symmetric shapes, Pattern Recognition 24 (1991) 95–104] and suggest a modification of the proposal on how the principal axes of rotationally symmetric shapes should be computed. We show some desirable property in defining the orientation of such shapes if the modified approach is applied. Also, we give some comments on the problems that arise when computing shape elongation

    Business-IT Alignment in the Era of Digital Transformation: Quo Vadis?

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    For the last four decades, the alignment of business and IT strategies also referred to as business-IT alignment (BITA), has been recognised as one of the top concerns for leaders. The current digital transformation journey undertaken by most organisations, however, triggered a new approach to planning and executing business and IT strategies as well as pursuing BITA. A systematic literature review is conducted to capture the paradigmatic shift in research and practice. A total of 94 articles published between 2014 and 2018 were identified searching through databases known to index reputable IS journals and conference proceedings. The analysis of the review revealed the continued conceptual debate on BITA construct as well as new research topics. The significance of digital strategy, enterprise architecture models, as well as intelligent IT systems to enable elicitation, implementation and assessment of activities enabling BITA are garnering the attention of researchers. Potential research directions are presented

    Digital Transformation in Public Organisations: IT Alignment-Related Success Factors

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    IT alignment is recognised as one of the prerequisites for digital transformation in the extant literature. To further our understanding of this relationship, a case study was conducted in a public organisation (city administration). Data was collected through interviews and internal-organisational documents in four sub-cities within the city administration. The findings suggest that an organisation’s attempt to reach IT- aligned position improves the likelihood of successful digital transformation. The analysis also revealed various factors influencing IT alignment in a public organisation undertaking digital transformation. These factors are presented in eight categories---organisational structure, organisational culture, organisational agility, leadership skills, human resource management, digital metrics, external domain alignment, and stakeholder relationships. The contributions of the study for research and practice are also discussed

    IT Alignment and its Influence on Digital Transformation Success

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    Managing digital transformation is a complex enterprise dependent on various organisational, managerial, and technological factors. Among others, the influence of factors related to IT alignment on digital transformation is recognised. This study attempts to establish the significance of eight organisational and managerial factors (organisational agility, organisational structure, organisational culture, leadership skills, digital metrics, HR management, stakeholder relationships, and external domain alignment). Our aim is to investigate whether these factors’ influence on IT alignment affects the success of digital transformation in public organisations. The proposed conceptual research model, founded on related prior studies, was tested with quantitative data collected through a survey from 402 leaders. Our results indicate that IT alignment is positively related to digital transformation success in public organisations. However, the PLS-SEM analysis reveals a varying degree of influence among the factors on IT alignment as organisations undertake digital transformation

    Organisational Structure’s Influence on IT Alignment in a Public Organisation: A Confirmatory Case Study Analysis

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    IT alignment in public organisations is considered to be one of the missing pieces in the otherwise rich research area in the IS domain. Researchers also criticise the lack of studies addressing practical issues related to IT alignment, particularly in public organisations. One such area of concern is the contradictory findings of prior studies on the role of formal and informal organisations on IT alignment. A case study was conducted in one public organisation to establish the influence of different forms of organisational structure on IT alignment. A theoretical model was proposed based on a previous study and literature, which is then tested with data collected from a survey among 163 IT and administrative personnel in a Swedish public organisation. The results suggest that centralised organisational structure as well as the two forms of informal organisational structures—interpersonal relationships and cross-departmental relationships influence IT alignment. However, the influence of professional networks on IT alignment is not significant. The findings are important for researchers and practitioners in public organisations

    Exploring Future Personalization Opportunities in Technologies used by Older Adults with Mild to Moderate Dementia

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    Technologies for aging are a growing market. These technologies have significant potential to support individuals whose cognitive changes can make everyday activities challenging. However, the adoption and use of these technologies by people with dementia (PwD) remain poor, indicating potential accessibility and usability issues. Such barriers limit PwD’s ability to contribute to the digital economy and fully engage with society. Personalization, which aligns technology with someone’s unique needs and preferences, may address these issues. We used mixed methods with ten people with mild to moderate dementia to explore how previous ways to personalize (i.e., Windows OS built-in features and settings) and newer personalization applications (i.e., Morphic) might reveal future opportunities for personalization features in technology for aging. This study contributes fifteen design considerations, which, if implemented, may increase the involvement of PwD in the digital economy and society
