425 research outputs found

    In the Child's Best Interest: The Consequences of Losing a Lawful Immigrant Parent to Deportation

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    Congress is considering a comprehensive overhaul of the nation's immigration laws more than a decade after the enactment of strict immigration measures. Lawmakers should take this opportunity to reaffirm the nation's historic commitment to family unity by addressing the discrete provisions that currently undermine it. Current U.S. immigration laws mandate deportation of lawful permanent resident (LPR) parents of thousands of U.S. citizen children, without providing these parents an opportunity to challenge their forced separations. Through a multi-disciplinary analysis, this policy brief examines the experiences of U.S. citizen children impacted by the forced deportation of their LPR parents and proposes ways to reform U.S. law consistent with domestic and international standards aimed to improve the lives of children.This report includes new, independent analysis of U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data. We estimate that more than 100,000 children have been affected by LPR parental deportation between 1997 and 2007, and that at least 88,000 of impacted children were U.S. citizens. Moreover, our analysis estimates that approximately 44,000 children were under the age of 5 when their parent was deported. In addition to these children, this analysis estimates that more than 217,000 others experienced the deportation of an immediate family member who was an LPR

    What did \u3ci\u3e Brown \u3c/i\u3e Do? A Legal and Personal Journey

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    Bayesian Analysis of the Impact of Rainfall Data Product on Simulated Slope Failure for North Carolina Locations

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    In the past decades, many different approaches have been developed in the literature to quantify the load-carrying capacity and geotechnical stability (or the factor of safety, Fs) of variably saturated hillslopes. Much of this work has focused on a deterministic characterization of hillslope stability. Yet, simulated Fs values are subject to considerable uncertainty due to our inability to characterize accurately the soil mantles properties (hydraulic, geotechnical, and geomorphologic) and spatiotemporal variability of the moisture content of the hillslope interior. This is particularly true at larger spatial scales. Thus, uncertainty-incorporating analyses of physically based models of rain-induced landslides are rare in the literature. Such landslide modeling is typically conducted at the hillslope scale using gauge-based rainfall forcing data with rather poor spatiotemporal coverage. For regional landslide modeling, the specific advantages and/or disadvantages of gauge-only, radar-merged and satellite-based rainfall products are not clearly established. Here, we compare and evaluate the performance of the Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-based Regional Slope-stability analysis (TRIGRS) model for three different rainfall products using 112 observed landslides in the period between 2004 and 2011 from the North Carolina Geological Survey database. Our study includes the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis Version 7 (TMPA V7), the North American Land Data Assimilation System Phase 2 (NLDAS-2) analysis, and the reference truth Stage IV precipitation. TRIGRS model performance was rather inferior with the use of literature values of the geotechnical parameters and soil hydraulic properties from ROSETTA using soil textural and bulk density data from SSURGO (Soil Survey Geographic database). The performance of TRIGRS improved considerably after Bayesian estimation of the parameters with the DiffeRential Evolution Adaptive Metropolis (DREAM) algorithm using Stage IV precipitation data. Hereto, we use a likelihood function that combines binary slope failure information from landslide event and null periods using multivariate frequency distribution-based metrics such as the false discovery and false omission rates. Our results demonstrate that the Stage IV-inferred TRIGRS parameter distributions generalize well to TMPA and NLDAS-2 precipitation data, particularly at sites with considerably larger TMPA and NLDAS-2 rainfall amounts during landslide events than null periods. TRIGRS model performance is then rather similar for all three rainfall products. At higher elevations, however, the TMPA and NLDAS-2 precipitation volumes are insufficient and their performance with the Stage IV-derived parameter distributions indicates their inability to accurately characterize hillslope stability

    Identification of candidate effector genes of <i>Pratylenchus penetrans</i>

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    Pratylenchus penetrans is one of the most important species of root lesion nematodes (RLNs) because of its detrimental and economic impact in a wide range of crops. Similar to other plant‐parasitic nematodes (PPNs), P. penetrans harbours a significant number of secreted proteins that play key roles during parasitism. Here, we combined spatially and temporally resolved next‐generation sequencing datasets of P. penetrans to select a list of candidate genes aimed at the identification of a panel of effector genes for this species. We determined the spatial expression of transcripts of 22 candidate effectors within the oesophageal glands of P. penetrans by in situ hybridization. These comprised homologues of known effectors of other PPNs with diverse putative functions, as well as novel pioneer effectors specific to RLNs. It is noteworthy that five of the pioneer effectors encode extremely proline‐rich proteins. We then combined in situ localization of effectors with available genomic data to identify a non‐coding motif enriched in promoter regions of a subset of P. penetrans effectors, and thus a putative hallmark of spatial expression. Expression profiling analyses of a subset of candidate effectors confirmed their expression during plant infection. Our current results provide the most comprehensive panel of effectors found for RLNs. Considering the damage caused by P. penetrans, this information provides valuable data to elucidate the mode of parasitism of this nematode and offers useful suggestions regarding the potential use of P. penetrans‐specific target effector genes to control this important pathogen

    B819: The Spruce Budworm Outbreak in Maine in the 1970\u27s–Assessment and Directions for the Future

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    This report was initiated by the Maine Forest Service (MFS) in response to concerns that a serious effort was needed to capture the experiences and lessons learned during the 1970-85 spruce budworm outbreak in Maine. The report synthesizes the observations and experiences of land managers, as well as the principal results of recent scientific research on spruce budworm in Maine. This report briefly reviews budworm population dynamics and interactions with the forest, then describes the budworm\u27s impacts in detail. It then reviews the three principal responses: survey and detection; spraying; and silviculture and salvage. It then offers an overview of the outbreak\u27s effects and provides a summary of conclusions and recommendations for the future.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_bulletin/1044/thumbnail.jp

    Analyse der StudiengĂ€nge Informationswissenschaft / Information Science (BA & MA) an der Hochschule Darmstadt zu den Auswirkungen der Covid19-Pandemie – Studierendenumfrage

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    Das Sommersemester 2020 musste binnen kĂŒrzester Zeit umgeplant werden. Wurde bis Anfang MĂ€rz 2020 noch davon ausgegangen, dass die Lehrveranstaltungen traditionell als PrĂ€senzveranstaltungen durchgefĂŒhrt werden könnten, so mussten an allen UniversitĂ€ten und Hochschulen in Deutschland binnen weniger Wochen der Gesamtbetrieb von PrĂ€senz auf digitale Lehr- und Lernformen umgestellt werden. Diese pandemiebedingte Notwendigkeit hat retrospektiv betrachtet einen revolutionĂ€ren Charakter. RevolutionĂ€r vor allem deshalb, weil binnen weniger Tage und Wochen traditionelle Lehr- und Vermittlungskonzepte ĂŒber Bord geworfen und zugleich neue Lehrmethoden und technologische Systeme unmittelbar implementiert, kaum getestet und von heute auf morgen zugleich auch eingesetzt werden mussten. Faktisch verwandelte sich dadurch die gesamte deutsche Hochschullandschaft ĂŒber Nacht in ein riesiges Laboratorium und Lehrende und Studierende gleichermaßen Insassen, die sich in der Regel in diesem digitalen Raum in diesen Kontexten weder auskannten noch ansatzweise darin sozialisiert waren. PrĂ€senz und das gemeinsame Lehren und Lernen vor Ort in einem universitĂ€ren Raum war fĂŒr die meisten Veranstaltungen aufgrund der Pandemie zu einer Unmöglichkeit geworden, der Austausch und die Interaktion zwischen Lehrenden und Studierenden fortan auf unterschiedlichste digitale Systeme beschrĂ€nkt und zugleich große Teile der Bevölkerung ihrer sozialen Netze und Interaktionen entbunden. Die folgende Studie fasst eine Umfrage unter Studierenden der Bachelor- und MasterstudiengĂ€nge Informationswissenschaft / Information Science zusammen und analysiert die studentische Perspektive auf das digitale Sommersemester 2020. Ziel der Umfrage war darĂŒber hinaus zu eruieren, ob Best-Practices zu identifizieren sind, die auf zukĂŒnftige digitale Lehr- und Lernformate ĂŒbertragen werden könnten

    Clinical Presentation and Conservative Management of Tympanic Membrane Perforation during Intrapartum Valsalva Maneuver

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    Background. Tympanic membrane perforation may occur when ear pressures are excessive, including valsalva maneuver associated with active labor and vaginal delivery. A pressure differential across the eardrum of about 5 psi can cause rupture; the increased intraabdominal pressure spikes repeatedly manifested by “pushing” during second-stage labor easily approach (and may exceed) this level. Material and Method. We describe a healthy 21-year old nulliparous patient admitted in active labor at 39-weeks' gestational age. Results. Blood appeared asymptomatically in the left ear canal at delivery during active, closed-glottis pushing. Otoscopic examination confirmed perforation of the left tympanic membrane. Complete resolution of the eardrum rupture was noted at postpartum check-up six weeks later. Conclusion. While the precise incidence of intrapartum tympanic membrane rupture is not known, it may be unrecognized without gross blood in the ear canal or subjective hearing loss following delivery. Only one prior published report on tympanic membrane perforation during delivery currently appears in the medical literature; this is the first English language description of the event. Since a vigorous and repetitive valsalva effort is common in normal vaginal delivery, clinicians should be aware of the potential for otic complications associated with the increased intraabdominal pressure characteristic of this technique

    Lower Limb Graduated Compression Garments Modulate Autonomic Nervous System and Improve Post-Training Recovery Measured via Heart Rate Variability

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 13(7): 1794-1806, 2020. Prior studies have examined the benefits of graduated compression garments (GCG) with regards to diverse exercise regimens; however, the relationship between GCG and the autonomic nervous system (ANS) has not been fully explored. The aim of this study was to examine Heart Rate Variability (HRV) trends—a proxy for ANS modulation—in response to donning GCG during a progressive overload training regimen designed to induce overtraining. Ten college-aged male novice runners were recruited for the 8-week crossover study. After three weeks of monitored free living, participants were randomized and blinded to an intervention group that donned a lower-body GCG during a two-week exercise regimen or a control group that donned a visually identical but non-compressive sham during identical training. No significant difference in HRV was calculated by the natural logarithm of the root mean square of successive RR-interval differences (lnRMSSD) between the 3-week free-living baseline and GCG intervention periods (P = 0.3040). The mean lnRMSSD was greater during the free-living phase and GCG intervention compared to the sham placebo (P \u3c 0.001 and \u3c0.001 respectively). With regard to the daily fluctuation of lnRMSSD, no significant differences were found between free-living and intervention (P = 1.000). Conversely, the intervention period demonstrated reduced daily fluctuation of lnRMSSD relative to the Sham placebo group (P = 0.010). These novel findings posit that post training use of a commercially available graduated compression garment in novice runners may be effective in counteracting some deleterious effects from overtraining while attenuating its effects on vagally-mediated HRV

    Energy Expenditure and Muscular Recruitment Patterns of Riding a Novel Electrically Powered Skateboard

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 13(4): 1783-1793, 2020. Analysis of metabolic gas exchange and muscular output measures have enabled researchers to index activity intensity and energy expenditure for a myriad of exercises. However, there is no current research that investigates the physiological demands of riding electrically powered skateboards. The aim of this study was to measure the energetic cost and muscular trends of riding a novel electrically powered skateboard engineered to emulate snowboarding on dry-land. While riding the skateboard, eight participants (aged 21-37 years, 1 female) donned a portable breath-by-breath gas analyzer to measure energy expenditure (mean = 12.5, SD = 2 kcal/min), maximum heart rate (mean = 158, SD = 27 bpm), and metabolic equivalent (mean = 10.5, SD = 2 kcal/kg/h). By comparison, snowboarding has a metabolic equivalent (MET) of 8.0. Per the Compendium of Physical Activities guidelines, the predicted MET values for riding an electrically powered skateboard qualifies as vigorous-intensity activity. Four participants additionally wore a surface EMG embedded garment to record the percentage of maximum voluntary contraction (%MVC) of lower limb muscle groups. The inner quadriceps had the most pronounced mean peak muscle activation of 145%MVC during frontside and 164%MVC during frontside turns. EMG recordings showed 11.7%MVC higher utilization during backside turns compared to frontside turns while riding the electrically powered skateboard, which is similar to trends observed in alpine snowboarders. Therefore, electrically powered skateboards may be a promising technology for snowboarders and non-snowboarders alike to burn calories and increase physical activity year-round

    A Malvaceae mystery: A mallow maelstrom of genome multiplications and maybe misleading methods?

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    Previous research suggests that Gossypium has undergone a 5- to 6-fold multiplication following its divergence from Theobroma. However, the number of events, or where they occurred in the Malvaceae phylogeny remains unknown. We analyzed transcriptomic and genomic data from representatives of eight of the nine Malvaceae subfamilies. Phylogenetic analysis of nuclear data placed Dombeya (Dombeyoideae) as sister to the rest of Malvadendrina clade, but the plastid DNA tree strongly supported Durio (Helicteroideae) in this position. Intraspecific Ks plots indicated that all sampled taxa, except Theobroma (Byttnerioideae), Corchorus (Grewioideae), and Dombeya (Dombeyoideae), have experienced whole genome multiplications (WGMs). Quartet analysis suggested WGMs were shared by Malvoideae-Bombacoideae and Sterculioideae-Tilioideae, but did not resolve whether these are shared with each other or Helicteroideae (Durio). Gene tree reconciliation and Bayesian concordance analysis suggested a complex history. Alternative hypotheses are suggested, each involving two independent autotetraploid and one allopolyploid event. They differ in that one entails an allopolyploid origin for the Durio lineage, whereas the other invokes an allopolyploid origin for Malvoideae-Bombacoideae. We highlight the need for more genomic information in the Malvaceae and improved methods to resolve complex evolutionary histories that may include allopolyploidy, incomplete lineage sorting, and variable rates of gene and genome evolution
