1,912 research outputs found

    Farmer beliefs and concerns about climate change and attitudes toward adaptation and mitigation: Evidence from Iowa

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    Agriculture is both vulnerable to climate change impacts and a significant source of greenhouse gases. Increasing agriculture’s resilience and reducing its contribution to climate change are societal priorities. Survey data collected from Iowa farmers are analyzed to answer the related research questions: (1) do farmers support adaptation and mitigation actions, and (2) do beliefs and concerns about climate change influence those attitudes. Results indicate that farmers who were concerned about the impacts of climate change on agriculture and attributed it to human activities had more positive attitudes toward both adaptive and mitigative management strategies. Farmers who believed that climate change is not a problem because human ingenuity will enable adaptations and who did not believe climate change is occurring or believed it is a natural phenomenon—a substantial percentage of farmers—tended not to support mitigation

    Understanding Farmer Perspectives on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: The Roles of Trust in Sources of Climate Information, Climate Change Beliefs, and Perceived Risk

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    Agriculture is vulnerable to climate change and a source of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Farmers face pressures to adjust agricultural systems to make them more resilient in the face of increasingly variable weather (adaptation) and reduce GHG production (mitigation). This research examines relationships between Iowa farmers’ trust in environmental or agricultural interest groups as sources of climate information, climate change beliefs, perceived climate risks to agriculture, and support for adaptation and mitigation responses. Results indicate that beliefs varied with trust, and beliefs in turn had a significant direct effect on perceived risks from climate change. Support for adaptation varied with perceived risks, while attitudes toward GHG reduction (mitigation) were associated predominantly with variation in beliefs. Most farmers were supportive of adaptation responses, but few endorsed GHG reduction, suggesting that outreach should focus on interventions that have adaptive and mitigative properties (e.g., reduced tillage, improved fertilizer management)

    A few strong connections: optimizing information retention in neuronal avalanches

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>How living neural networks retain information is still incompletely understood. Two prominent ideas on this topic have developed in parallel, but have remained somewhat unconnected. The first of these, the "synaptic hypothesis," holds that information can be retained in synaptic connection strengths, or weights, between neurons. Recent work inspired by statistical mechanics has suggested that networks will retain the most information when their weights are distributed in a skewed manner, with many weak weights and only a few strong ones. The second of these ideas is that information can be represented by stable activity patterns. Multineuron recordings have shown that sequences of neural activity distributed over many neurons are repeated above chance levels when animals perform well-learned tasks. Although these two ideas are compelling, no one to our knowledge has yet linked the predicted optimum distribution of weights to stable activity patterns actually observed in living neural networks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we explore this link by comparing stable activity patterns from cortical slice networks recorded with multielectrode arrays to stable patterns produced by a model with a tunable weight distribution. This model was previously shown to capture central features of the dynamics in these slice networks, including neuronal avalanche cascades. We find that when the model weight distribution is appropriately skewed, it correctly matches the distribution of repeating patterns observed in the data. In addition, this same distribution of weights maximizes the capacity of the network model to retain stable activity patterns. Thus, the distribution that best fits the data is also the distribution that maximizes the number of stable patterns.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that local cortical networks are very likely to use a highly skewed weight distribution to optimize information retention, as predicted by theory. Fixed distributions impose constraints on learning, however. The network must have mechanisms for preserving the overall weight distribution while allowing individual connection strengths to change with learning.</p

    Farmer beliefs and concerns about climate change and attitudes toward adaptation and mitigation: Evidence from Iowa

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    Agriculture is both vulnerable to climate change impacts and a significant source of greenhouse gases. Increasing agriculture’s resilience and reducing its contribution to climate change are societal priorities. Survey data collected from Iowa farmers are analyzed to answer the related research questions: (1) do farmers support adaptation and mitigation actions, and (2) do beliefs and concerns about climate change influence those attitudes. Results indicate that farmers who were concerned about the impacts of climate change on agriculture and attributed it to human activities had more positive attitudes toward both adaptive and mitigative management strategies. Farmers who believed that climate change is not a problem because human ingenuity will enable adaptations and who did not believe climate change is occurring or believed it is a natural phenomenon—a substantial percentage of farmers—tended not to support mitigation.This article is from Climatic Change 118 (2013): 551, doi:10.1007/s10584-013-0700-0. Posted with permission.</p

    Parkinson’s disease: an inquiry into the etiology and treatment

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    Parkinson’s disease affects over one million people in the United States. Although there have been remarkable advances in uncovering the pathogenesis of this disabling disorder, the etiology is speculative. Medical treatment and operative procedures provide symptomatic relief only. Compression of the cerebral peduncle of the midbrain by the posterior cerebral artery in a patient with Parkinson’s Disease (Parkinson’s Disease) was noted on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan and at operation in a patient with trigeminal neuralgia. Following the vascular decompression of the trigeminal nerve, the midbrain was decompressed by mobilizing and repositioning the posterior cerebral artery The patient's Parkinson's signs disappeared over a 48-hour period. They returned 18 months later with contralateral peduncle compression. A blinded evaluation of MRI scans of Parkinson's patients and controls was performed. MRI scans in 20 Parkinson's patients and 20 age and sex matched controls were evaluated in blinded fashion looking for the presence and degree of arterial compression of the cerebral peduncle. The MRI study showed that 73.7 percent of Parkinson's Disease patients had visible arterial compression of the cerebral peduncle. This was seen in only 10 percent of control patients (two patients, one of whom subsequently developed Parkinson’s Disease); thus 5 percent. Vascular compression of the cerebral peduncle by the posterior cerebral artery may be associated with Parkinson’s Disease in some patients. Microva-scular decompression of that artery away from the peduncle may be considered for treatment of Parkinson’s Disease in some patients

    Phenotypic detection of AmpC β-lactamases, extended-spectrum- β-lactamases and metallo-β-lactamases in Enterobacteriaceae using a resazurin microtitre assay with inhibitor-based methods.

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    Dissemination of antibiotic resistance in Enterobacteriaceae mediated by AmpC, ESBL and MBL β-lactamases is clinically significant. A simple, relatively quick method for the detection of these resistance phenotypes would greatly improve chemotherapeutic recommendation. This technology would provide valuable input in our surveillance of resistance on a global stage, particularly if the methodology could be applicable to resource poor settings. A resazurin microtitre plate (RMP) assay incorporating cloxacillin, clavulanic acid, and EDTA for the rapid phenotypic identification of AmpC, Extended-spectrum-β-lactmase (ESBL), metallo-β-lactamase (MBL) and the co-existence of β-lactamases has been developed. A total of 47 molecularly characterised Enterobacteriaceae clinical isolates producing AmpCs, ESBLs, co-producers of ESBL and AmpC, MBLs, and co-producers of ESBL and MBL were phenotypically examined using the RMP assay. The ceftazidime (CAZ)-based and cefotaxime (CTX)-based RMP assay successfully detected all 16 AmpC, 14 ESBL, 9 MBL producers, 6 ESBL-AmpC co-producers, and 2 ESBL-MBL co-producers without false positive results. The CAZ-based assay was more reliable in detecting AmpC alone, while the CTX-based assay performed better in identifying co-producers of ESBL and AmpC. There was no difference in detection of ESBL and MBL producers. The findings of the present study suggest that use of the RMP assay with particular β-lactamase inhibitors explicitly detects three different β-lactamases, as well as co-existence of β-lactamases within 6 h after initial isolation of the pathogen. This assay is applicable to carry out in any laboratory, is cost-effective and easy to interpret. It could be implemented in screening patients, controlling infection and for surveillance purposes

    Constraints on the Formation of the Galactic Bulge from Na, Al, and Heavy Element Abundances in Plaut's Field

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    We report chemical abundances of Na, Al, Zr, La, Nd, and Eu for 39 red giant branch (RGB) stars and 23 potential inner disk red clump stars located in Plaut-s low extinction window. We also measure lithium for a super Li-rich RGB star. The abundances were determined by spectrum synthesis of high resolution (R~25,000), high signal-to-noise (S/N~50-100 pixel-1) spectra obtained with the Blanco 4m telescope and Hydra multifiber spectrograph. For the bulge RGB stars, we find a general increase in the [Na/Fe] and [Na/Al] ratios with increasing metallicity, and a similar decrease in [La/Fe] and [Nd/Fe]. Additionally, the [Al/Fe] and [Eu/Fe] abundance trends almost identically follow those of the {\alpha}-elements, and the [Zr/Fe] ratios exhibit relatively little change with [Fe/H]. The consistently low [La/Eu] ratios of the RGB stars indicate that at least a majority of bulge stars formed rapidly (<1 Gyr) and before the main s-process could become a significant pollution source. In contrast, we find that the potential inner disk clump stars exhibit abundance patterns more similar to those of the thin and thick disks. Comparisons between the abundance trends at different bulge locations suggest that the inner and outer bulge formed on similar timescales. However, we find evidence of some abundance differences between the most metal-poor and metal-rich stars in various bulge fields. The data also indicate that the halo may have had a more significant impact on the outer bulge initial composition than the inner bulge composition. The [Na/Fe] and to a lesser extent [La/Fe] abundances further indicate that the metal-poor bulge, at least at ~1 kpc from the Galactic center, and thick disk may not share an identical chemistry.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 66 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables; prior to publication, data tables in electronic form will be made available upon reques
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