2,655 research outputs found

    Object links in the repository

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    Some of the architectural ramifications of extending the Eichmann/Atkins lattice-based classification scheme to encompass the assets of the full life-cycle of software development are explored. In particular, we wish to consider a model which provides explicit links between objects in addition to the edges connecting classification vertices in the standard lattice. The model we consider uses object-oriented terminology. Thus, the lattice is viewed as a data structure which contains class objects which exhibit inheritance. A description of the types of objects in the repository is presented, followed by a discussion of how they interrelate. We discuss features of the object-oriented model which support these objects and their links, and consider behavior which an implementation of the model should exhibit. Finally, we indicate some thoughts on implementing a prototype of this repository architecture

    Balancing generality and specificity in component-based reuse

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    For a component industry to be successful, we must move beyond the current techniques of black box reuse and genericity to a more flexible framework supporting customization of components as well as instantiation and composition of components. Customization of components strikes a balanced between creating dozens of variations of a base component and requiring the overhead of unnecessary features of an 'everything but the kitchen sink' component. We argue that design and instantiation of reusable components have competing criteria - design-for-use strives for generality, design-with-reuse strives for specificity - and that providing mechanisms for each can be complementary rather than antagonistic. In particular, we demonstrate how program slicing techniques can be applied to customization of reusable components

    Integrating interface slicing into software engineering processes

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    Interface slicing is a tool which was developed to facilitate software engineering. As previously presented, it was described in terms of its techniques and mechanisms. The integration of interface slicing into specific software engineering activities is considered by discussing a number of potential applications of interface slicing. The applications discussed specifically address the problems, issues, or concerns raised in a previous project. Because a complete interface slicer is still under development, these applications must be phrased in future tenses. Nonetheless, the interface slicing techniques which were presented can be implemented using current compiler and static analysis technology. Whether implemented as a standalone tool or as a module in an integrated development or reverse engineering environment, they require analysis no more complex than that required for current system development environments. By contrast, conventional slicing is a methodology which, while showing much promise and intuitive appeal, has yet to be fully implemented in a production language environment despite 12 years of development

    A survey of program slicing for software engineering

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    This research concerns program slicing which is used as a tool for program maintainence of software systems. Program slicing decreases the level of effort required to understand and maintain complex software systems. It was first designed as a debugging aid, but it has since been generalized into various tools and extended to include program comprehension, module cohesion estimation, requirements verification, dead code elimination, and maintainence of several software systems, including reverse engineering, parallelization, portability, and reuse component generation. This paper seeks to address and define terminology, theoretical concepts, program representation, different program graphs, developments in static slicing, dynamic slicing, and semantics and mathematical models. Applications for conventional slicing are presented, along with a prognosis of future work in this field

    The theory of interface slicing

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    Interface slicing is a new tool which was developed to facilitate reuse-based software engineering, by addressing the following problems, needs, and issues: (1) size of systems incorporating reused modules; (2) knowledge requirements for program modification; (3) program understanding for reverse engineering; (4) module granularity and domain management; and (5) time and space complexity of conventional slicing. The definition of a form of static program analysis called interface slicing is addressed

    Object linking in repositories

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    This topic is covered in three sections. The first section explores some of the architectural ramifications of extending the Eichmann/Atkins lattice-based classification scheme to encompass the assets of the full life cycle of software development. A model is considered that provides explicit links between objects in addition to the edges connecting classification vertices in the standard lattice. The second section gives a description of the efforts to implement the repository architecture using a commercially available object-oriented database management system. Some of the features of this implementation are described, and some of the next steps to be taken to produce a working prototype of the repository are pointed out. In the final section, it is argued that design and instantiation of reusable components have competing criteria (design-for-reuse strives for generality, design-with-reuse strives for specificity) and that providing mechanisms for each can be complementary rather than antagonistic. In particular, it is demonstrated how program slicing techniques can be applied to customization of reusable components

    Evidence for Sodium-Coupled Acid-Base Transport Across the Basolateral Membrane of the Reabsorptive Duct of the Human Eccrine Sweat Gland

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    Intracellular pH was measured in isolated nonperfused ducts of human eccrine sweat glands in vitro to investigate basolateral acid-base transport mechanisms. Bath sodium removal led to a bicarbonate-independent, 4-acetamido-4′-isothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid insensitive acidification. The recovery of this acidification was ethylisopropyl amiloride sensitive, suggestive of basolateral sodium:hydrogen exchange. Whereas bath chloride removal led to a small acidification this was not 4-acetamido-4′-isothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid sensitive and its causes remain unclear. Elevation of bath potassium to depolarize the basolateral membrane led to a small alkalinization but this was not mimicked by addition of barium or chloride removal. As chloride removal and barium addition would be expected to cause larger depolarizations than potassium elevation these observations do not support a major role for electrogenic acid-base transport. In conclusion, although this study does not support a major role for electrogenic acid-base transport, it has demonstrated the basolateral presence of sodium-coupled acid-base transport in the reabsorptive duct of the human eccrine sweat gland, which most likely represents a sodium:hydrogen exchanger involved in regulation of intracellular pH

    A Panel of Protein Kinase Chemosensors Distinguishes Different Types of Fatty Liver Disease

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    The worldwide incidence of fatty liver disease continues to rise, which may account for concurrent increases in the frequencies of more aggressive liver ailments. Given the existence of histologically identical fatty liver disease subtypes, there is a critical need for the identification of methods that can classify disease and potentially predict progression. Herein, we show that a panel of protein kinase chemosensors can distinguish fatty liver disease subtypes. These direct activity measurements highlight distinct differences between histologically identical fatty liver diseases arising from diets rich in fat versus alcohol and identify a previously unreported decrease in p38α activity associated with a high-fat diet. In addition, we have profiled kinase activities in both benign (dietinduced) and progressive (STAM) disease models. These experiments provide temporal insights into kinase activity during disease development and progression. Altogether, this work provides the basis for the future development of clinical diagnostics and potential treatment strategies

    Chemoselective Alteration of Fluorophore Scaffolds as a Strategy for the Development of Ratiometric Chemodosimeters

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    Ratiometric sensors generally couple binding events or chemical reactions at a distal site to changes in the fluorescence of a core fluorophore scaffold. However, such approaches are often hindered by spectral overlap of the product and reactant species. We provide a strategy to design ratiometric sensors that display dramatic spectral shifts by leveraging the chemoselective reactivity of novel functional groups inserted within fluorophore scaffolds. As a proof-of-principle, fluorophores containing a borinate (RF620) or silanediol (SiOH2R) functionality at the bridging position of the xanthene ring system are developed as endogenous H2O2 sensors. Both these fluorophores display far-red to near-infrared excitation and emission prior to reaction. Upon oxidation by H2O2 both sensors are chemically converted to tetramethylrhodamine, producing significant (≥66 nm) blue-shifts in excitation and emission maxima. This work provides a new concept for the development of ratiometric probes

    Saving the sagebrush sea: An ecosystem conservation plan for big sagebrush plant communities

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    Vegetation change and anthropogenic development are altering ecosystems and decreasing biodiversity. Successful management of ecosystems threatened by multiple stressors requires development of ecosystem conservation plans rather than single species plans. We selected the big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.) ecosystem to demonstrate this approach. The area occupied by the sagebrush ecosystem is declining and becoming increasingly fragmented at an alarming rate because of conifer encroachment, exotic annual grass invasion, and anthropogenic development. This is causing rangewide declines and localized extirpations of sagebrush associated fauna and flora. To develop an ecosystem conservation plan, a synthesis of existing knowledge is needed to prioritize and direct management and research. Based on the synthesis, we concluded that efforts to restore higher elevation conifer-encroached, sagebrush communities were frequently successful, while restoration of exotic annual grass-invaded, lower elevation, sagebrush communities often failed. Overcoming exotic annual grass invasion is challenging and needs additional research to improve the probability of restoration and identify areas where success would be more probable. Management of fire regimes will be paramount to conserving sagebrush communities, as infrequent fires facilitate conifer encroachment and too frequent fires promote exotic annual grasses. Anthropogenic development needs to be mitigated and reduced to protect sagebrush communities and this probably includes more conservation easements and other incentives to landowners to not develop their properties. Threats to the sustainability of sagebrush ecosystem are daunting, but a coordinated ecosystem conservation plan that focuses on applying successful practices and research to overcome limitations to conservation is most likely to yield success
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