34 research outputs found

    The Clinical Use of Vernier Acuity: Resolution of the Visual Cortex Is More Than Meets the Eye

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    Vernier acuity measures the ability to detect a misalignment or positional offset between visual stimuli, for example between two vertical lines when reading a vernier scale. It is considered a form of visual hyperacuity due to its detectable thresholds being considerably smaller than the diameter of a foveal cone receptor, which limits the spatial resolution of classical visual acuity. Vernier acuity relies heavily on cortical processing and is minimally affected by optical media factors, making it a useful indicator of cortical visual function. Vernier acuity can be measured, usually in seconds of arc, by freely available automated online tools as well as via analysis of steady state visual-evoked potentials, which allows measurement in non- or pre-verbal subjects such as infants. Although not routinely measured in clinical practice, vernier acuity is known to be reduced in amblyopia, glaucoma and retinitis pigmentosa, and has been explored as a measure of retinal or neural visual function in the presence of optical media opacities. Current clinical utility includes a home-based vernier acuity tool, preferential hyperacuity perimetry, which is used for screening for choroidal neovascularisation in age-related macular degeneration. This review will discuss the measurement of vernier acuity, provide a current understanding of its neuro-ophthalmic mechanisms, and finally explore its utility through a clinical lens, along with our recommendations for best practice

    Paramedic practice in low light conditions: a scoping review

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    Paramedics undertake visually demanding tasks, which may be adversely affected by low lighting conditions. The study aimed to: identify difficulties paramedics experience carrying out tasks in low light; and establish occupational health standards and adjustments that may improve working practices. Abstract published with permission

    Structural and Functional Characteristics of Color Vision Changes in Choroideremia

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    Color vision is considered a marker of cone function and its assessment in patients with retinal pathology is complementary to the assessments of spatial vision [best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA)] and contrast detection (perimetry). Rod-cone and chorioretinal dystrophies—such as choroideremia—typically cause alterations to color vision, making its assessment a potential outcome measure in clinical trials. However, clinical evaluation of color vision may be compromised by pathological changes to spatial vision and the visual field. The low vision Cambridge Color Test (lvCCT) was developed specifically to address these latter issues. We used the trivector version of the lvCCT to quantify color discrimination in a cohort of 53 patients with choroideremia. This test enables rapid and precise characterization of color discrimination along protan, deutan, and tritan axes more reliably than the historically preferred test for clinical trials, namely the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue test. The lvCCT demonstrates that color vision defects—particularly along the tritan axis—are seen early in choroideremia, and that this occurs independent of changes in visual acuity, pattern electroretinography and ellipsoid zone area on optical coherence tomography (OCT). We argue that the selective loss of tritan color discrimination can be explained by our current understanding of the machinery of color vision and the pathophysiology of choroideremia

    Harnessing the potential of practice‐based clinical optometry research in the United Kingdom

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    Research is the core of evidence-based practice across all healthcare, in order to ensure optimum patient care. The College of Optometrists is a national standard setting institution for optometric practice in the United Kingdom. However, the standards are only as good as the available evidence, and currently there is little evidence relating directly to optometric practice. The National Institute of Health and Care Research, the General Medical Council and The College of Optometrists, amongst others, have published research strategies describing ambitious plans to expand the scope of healthcare research. The aim of this article is to raise awareness of these government initiatives and consider how they may relate to optometric practice. To improve optometrist research engagement, we need to address the barriers to research and implement strategies to overcome them. There are many opportunities to support research, with different degrees of involvement, from signposting patients to research studies, supporting recruitment or collecting data for a multicentre clinical trial, as well as undertaking an individual research project. Healthcare research is changing and there is scope for more practicebased research activities in optometry. Research should not be a solo endeavour but a multi-disciplinary effort. Greater collaborations across all stakeholders, including primary care, secondary care, academia, regulators and industry is needed to make this possible

    Harnessing the potential of practice‐based clinical optometry research in the United Kingdom

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    Research is the core of evidence-based practice across all healthcare, in order to ensure optimum patient care. The College of Optometrists is a national standard setting institution for optometric practice in the United Kingdom. However, the standards are only as good as the available evidence, and currently there is little evidence relating directly to optometric practice. The National Institute of Health and Care Research, the General Medical Council and The College of Optometrists, amongst others, have published research strategies describing ambitious plans to expand the scope of healthcare research. The aim of this article is to raise awareness of these government initiatives and consider how they may relate to optometric practice. To improve optometrist research engagement, we need to address the barriers to research and implement strategies to overcome them. There are many opportunities to support research, with different degrees of involvement, from signposting patients to research studies, supporting recruitment or collecting data for a multicentre clinical trial, as well as undertaking an individual research project. Healthcare research is changing and there is scope for more practice-based research activities in optometry. Research should not be a solo endeavour but a multi-disciplinary effort. Greater collaborations across all stakeholders, including primary care, secondary care, academia, regulators and industry is needed to make this possible

    Assessment of Scotopic Function in Rod–Cone Inherited Retinal Degeneration With the Scotopic Macular Integrity Assessment

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    Purpose: The scotopic macular integrity assessment (S-MAIA) can perform scotopic assessment to detect localized changes to scotopic rod and cone function. This study is an exploratory investigation of the feasibility of using the S-MAIA in a rod–cone dystrophy population to identify the pattern of loss in scotopic photoreceptor function. Methods: Twenty patients diagnosed with a rod–cone dystrophy underwent visual acuity testing, full-field stimulus threshold assessment, and multiple S-MAIA tests after dark adaptation periods of 20 minutes and 45 minutes performed separately. Only right eyes were tested. Three tests were performed following a learning test. A Bland–Altman analysis was used to assess repeatability and agreement between tests after the two time periods. Spatial interpolation maps were created from the group plots to display the pattern of rod and cone loss. Results: Learning effects took place between testing sessions 1 and 2 but not 2 and 3. Limits of agreement were larger in the patient eyes than control eyes, but within previously reported values. Using longer adaptation time of 45 minutes did not offer a significant advantage over 20 minutes. Patterns for the cyan and red sensitivities were different, indicating different patterns of loss for rods and cones. Conclusions: A dark adaptation time of 20 minutes before testing is sufficient for thresholding. The S-MAIA is suitable for use in patients with a logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution vision of at least 0.7 and provides a viable outcome measure for patients with rod–cone dystrophies and preserved central vision. The spatial information about scotopic function from the S-MAIA provides information about disease processes and progression. Translational Relevance: There is a need for scotopic measures for use in clinical trials. Scotopic microperimetry works well in patients with early disease, allowing the extension of recruitment criteria for novel therapies of rod–cone dystrophies

    The Effect of Cataract on Color Vision Measurement with the Low-Vision Cambridge Colour Test

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    Purpose: To quantify the effect of cataract on colour vision as measured by the low vision Cambridge Colour Test (lvCCT). A secondary aim of our study was to understand whether different types and severities of cataract have different effects on colour vision. Design: Cohort study Subjects: Patients aged 18 - 95 years attending for routine cataract surgery at the Oxford Eye Hospital. Methods: The lvCCT was performed to measure colour sensitivity in both eyes in a cohort of patients undergoing routine cataract surgery both pre-operatively and post-operatively. The crystalline lens was examined and graded according to the Lens Opacities Classification System III (LOCS III) to determine the type and severity of cataract. Measures of repeatability were performed for the data to explore test-retest bias using Bland-Altman analysis. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was performed to assess the effect of cataract on colour vision by comparing control and surgical test measurements. Three multiple linear regressions were performed to relate cataract grading or severity to colour vision measurements. Main outcome measures: Colour discrimination along each of the protan, deutan, and tritan confusion lines. Results: The Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed a statistically significant difference in both the protan (P=0.024) and tritan (P=0.020) axes upon comparison of control and surgical test measurements. As severity of cataract increased colour vision sensitivity was more greatly affected, and nuclear sclerotic cataract had the most profound effect upon colour vision sensitivity in the lvCCT. The linear regression models though showed these observations did not reach statistical significance. Conclusions: Cataract surgery has a statistically significant effect upon colour vision in both the protan and tritan axes. The effects of specific subtypes of cataract and different severities could not be elucidated due to the high prevalence of patients presenting with mixed cataract. LvCCT colour sensitivity measurements are regularly used as outcome measures in clinical gene therapy trials involving vitreoretinal surgery, and vitrectomy accelerates cataract formation. Therefore, it is important to quantify the effect of cataract upon colour vision measurements so it may be taken into account when used as an outcome measure in clinical trials. We were unable to derive a precise correction factor for cataract on color vision measurements

    Phenotypic and genetic characteristics in a cohort of patients with Usher genes.

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    Background: This study aimed to compare phenotype–genotype correlation in patients with Usher syndrome (USH) to those with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (NS-ARRP) caused by genes associated with Usher syndrome. Methods: Case notes of patients with USH or NS-ARRP and a molecularly confirmed diagnosis in genes associated with Usher syndrome were reviewed. Phenotypic information, including the age of ocular symptoms, hearing impairment, visual acuity, Goldmann visual fields, fundus autofluorescence (FAF) imaging and spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging, was reviewed. The patients were divided into three genotype groups based on variant severity for genotype-phenotype correlations. Results: 39 patients with Usher syndrome and 33 patients with NS-ARRP and a molecular diagnosis in an Usher syndrome-related gene were identified. In the 39 patients diagnosed with Usher syndrome, a molecular diagnosis was confirmed as follows: USH2A (28), MYO7A (4), CDH23 (2), USH1C (2), GPR98/VLGR1 (2) and PCDH15 (1). All 33 patients with NS-ARRP had variants in USH2A. Further analysis was performed on the patients with USH2A variants. USH2A patients with syndromic features had an earlier mean age of symptom onset (17.9 vs. 31.7 years, p < 0.001), had more advanced changes on FAF imaging (p = 0.040) and were more likely to have cystoid macular oedema (p = 0.021) when compared to USH2A patients presenting with non-syndromic NS-ARRP. Self-reported late-onset hearing loss was identified in 33.3% of patients with NS-ARRP. Having a syndromic phenotype was associated with more severe USH2A variants (p < 0.001). Eighteen novel variants in genes associated with Usher syndrome were identified in this cohort. Conclusions: Patients with Usher syndrome, whatever the associated gene in this cohort, tended to have an earlier onset of retinal disease (other than GPR98/VLGR1) when compared to patients presenting with NS-ARRP. Analysis of genetic variants in USH2A, the commonest gene in our cohort, showed that patients with a more severe genotype were more likely to be diagnosed with USH compared to NS-ARRP. USH2A patients with syndromic features have an earlier onset of symptoms and more severe features on FAF and OCT imaging. However, a third of patients diagnosed with NS-ARRP developed later onset hearing loss. Eighteen novel variants in genes associated with Usher syndrome were identified in this cohort, thus expanding the genetic spectrum of known pathogenic variants. An accurate molecular diagnosis is important for diagnosis and prognosis and has become particularly relevant with the advent of potential therapies for Usher-related gene